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Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Jan 2022   #811
Oh please they've been threatening to withhold funds since 2015, yet money keep in pouring in. In fact, they just sent Poland 65 million

And even if they stop, which they won't - at best maybe lower the payments, it'll coincide with the time that Poland becomes a net payee which would be the perfect time to then leave the EU. I can tell you most Poles aren't going to be too happy knowing their money is going towards bringing places like Albania into the EU.

Besides, we've already received the vast majority of what we were going to get and now that Poland has a large healthy economy cutting off a few billion in extra funds isn't going to make any tangible economic difference.

The Poles have told the EU to shove it repeatedly and the EU can do nothing about it except complain - whether it was with the migrant situation in 2015, refusing to incorporate LGBT themes in education, or even recently the 500k a day fine they're trying to stick Poland over a mine. They have yet to receive a single grosz from Poland yet they keep sending us money.

That's why Poland, Hungary, etc. are in the perfect situation - they keep receiving money without having to follow the EU's diktates and the EU is powerless to enforce it. We're not going to leave, we're not going to get kicked out, so the EU doesn't really know what to do with us. It's more complicated than Brexit because at least the UK wanted to leave since they didn't agree with the EU. Here we don't agree with the EU, don't abide by the diktats, but we're not leaving and we keep getting money.

It's almost like a guest you bring to your house that eats up all the food, refuses to chip in with cleaning up when asked, and refuses to leave while the gracious hospitable host won't kick them out and serves desert then to top it off tries to guilt trip the host into reminding him how they screwed him over 80 years ago.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Jan 2022   #812
Remember the airport they were going to convert/build in Gdynia? 100 mln zloty still unaccounted for to this day.

Actually, you messed that a little. 100 million was`nt wasted or embezzled as you suggest. It was public money assigned by local authorities to contribute to the airport construction. But the EU declared it was an illegal move so the airport has to give it back.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Jan 2022   #813
Yes and that money is still unaccounted for

so the airport has to give it back.

Except they havent since what, 2014 when the managing company filed bankruptcy? and there's no plan in sight to repay it. But there are plans for Poland to keep receiving more money.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Jan 2022   #814
Yes and that money is still unaccounted for

No. Unaccounted means lost or embezzled. While it wasn`t coz the airport was built. Listen to the voice of reason. :):)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Jan 2022   #815
Whatever. It still doesn't change the fact that Poland is taking the EU for a ride and the EU has no way to deal with it except complain... all bark, no bite.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Jan 2022   #816
that Poland is taking the EU for a ride

Has been taking or was taking is better grammar. :):) But now it seems to have come to an end as the EU has had enough.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Jan 2022   #817
But now it seems to have come to an end as the EU has had enough

Oh really, this time they're serious huh? But not so much all the complaints they've been making since 2015. Yeah this time they're finally serious, after just sending Poland 65 million in December alone.

And what are they going to do exactly? Cut out funds? Little Lesiek is grounded - no allowance money this week.

What the EU is doing is offsetting funds from the fine they imposed over that coal mine on the border - something like 500k euro a day, which Poland has refused to pay. That's fine they can take the couple million out of the billions they'll be sending. And as with the migrant situation in 2015, the LGBT indoctrination, the court situation and now the coal mine, Poland has once again shown it won't be bullied by the EU, will continue to march to the beat of our own drum, and in the meantime EU will keep sending us money.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Jan 2022   #818
after just sending Poland 65 million in December alone.

You are talking about funds arranged in the long term budget two years ago and this money is still being transfered. For now. I was talking about recovery fund which amounts to 57 billion euro that has been withheld and which UnR desperately needs. Next go long term budget funds and Un Rite is finished.

That's fine they can take the couple million out of the billions they'll be sending.

Exactly. And that is what Un Rite svoloche will be held responsible for. Prison sentences are certain. Read my lips... ehr.. fingers. :):)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Jan 2022   #819
Yes, they are threatening to withhold the covid recovery funds, so what? Poland will continue to receive the regular regional development/structural and cohesion framework (or whatever it's called) funds.

Actually, the EU withholding covid funds over political reasons makes them appear even worse that they don't care about EU citizens getting health care. Then again, it wouldn't be the first time as they prioritize migrants health, housing, etc. over citizens, especially in Germany. People were getting straight up kicked out of their homes so Muhammed can move in with his 3 wives, 10 kids, and a bunch of extended family to follow soon afterwards.

Prison sentences are certain.

OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Jan 2022   #820

:):) he who laughs last laughs best. :):)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Jan 2022   #821
Will there one or two people going to prison for something or other? Maybe... But for the top brass of PiS to get locked up? Extremely unlikely. Besides, I can't see any sort of crimes that they've committed and pissing off the EU is certainly not a crime, rather it's become a tradition since 2015.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Jan 2022   #822
Extremely unlikely.

Who knows?? We shall see. Stay tuned. :):)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Jan 2022   #823
Well why would they go to prison? What crimes have they committed?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
20 Jan 2022   #824
money laundering or white collar crime. Like those trump aides.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Jan 2022   #825
What crimes have they committed?

Listed in the penal code.

Who, being obliged under a provision of the Act , a decision of a competent authority or a contract to deal with property matters or business activities of a natural or legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, by abusing the powers granted to him or failing to fulfill the obligation imposed on him, causes significant material damage ,

shall be punishable by imprisonment from 3 months to 5 years.

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
21 Jan 2022   #826
Okay so what you're saying that they committed some kind of property and business fraud and/or abused their power while in office?? I can't think of anyone in PiS who this would remotely apply to and certainly no one to whom it caused significant material damage. And no, fighting the EU doesn't count.

If that were the case I guess PiS and PO have more in common than I thought.

Every week the jewish wyborcza cries about some "skandal" that no one cares about... I remember when they were flipping their lids over a 40k zloty bonus lol
Strzelec35  19 | 830
21 Jan 2022   #827
I cant think of anyone in politics whether US or foreign or Polish it woldnt apply to.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
21 Jan 2022   #828
Well that's one of the perks of being in a high political office - you're privvy to a lot of business deals that the public isn't. How else do you think you have senators and congressmen with 10, 20, even 100 million net worths like Nancy Pelosi on a $100-$200k salary.

Speaking of which, does Poland have insider trading laws like the USA? As far as I know Russia does not.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
21 Jan 2022   #829
Namely this that people already started talking about it 6 years ago.

On this forum? I said people in Poland, as real people on the street. Polexit wasn't a subject of some random conversation before and is now - that is new.

If you are come back with some more of your nonsense don't bother.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jan 2022   #830
On this forum? I said people in Poland, as real people on the street.

I see. So people who post on the forum aren`t real people who walk streets, they are aliens. Yes, I know 1 Alien on the forum. hahaha

and is now -

Very good. Poles, also rightist voters, should know what Un Rite is planning for them.

If you are come back

Are and come don`t go together. :):):)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
21 Jan 2022   #831
So people who post on the forum aren`t real people

Foreigners living in Poland or living outside Poland, Poles living in Poland or outside Poland, a very mixed bag of people, also Poles posting here are not regular people most Poles communicate mainly in Polish.

Every Pole posting here is not your avarage Pole,
Are you willing to pay for your electricity 110% more just becasue of EU policy? You might be living abroad or are rich or are stupid - most people don't want it.
mafketis  38 | 11284
21 Jan 2022   #832
willing to pay for your electricity 110% more just becasue of EU policy?

So you believe kurwizja polska?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jan 2022   #833
pay for your electricity 110% more just becasue of EU policy?

Stop lying. It is PIS` fault that the rises are so high. They receive billions from the sale of CO2 permits each year. Do you know Polish? So read this article about PIS` policy which spins the rises.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
21 Jan 2022   #834
The time for Poland has arisen:
PolAmKrakow  2 | 955
21 Jan 2022   #835
Please explain how when oil was $20 a barrel that Poland, in the government controlled refineries, and government controlled gas stations, did not lower the price of gasoline? Can you explain why when oil was so cheap, not once did PiS controlled industry lower costs to the consumer? Instead they recorded record profits and took record salaries. Gasoline in Poland until the VAT price reduction was twice as expensive as in the US even when both countries are paying the same costs for the same oil.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
21 Jan 2022   #836
would you guys consider me an expat living in Poland or a repatriate?
mafketis  38 | 11284
21 Jan 2022   #837

you are repatriated (since you didn't make the choice yourself)
gumishu  15 | 6228
21 Jan 2022   #838
So read this article about PIS` policy which spins the r

it is the European regulations that make prices of CO2 emissions so high (because they are subject to free trade aka speculation) - PiS can't do anything about it (because it is not PiS who dictates the prices) apart from revoking the european climate treaties (as far as I can understand)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jan 2022   #839
Manipulation No 1

it is the European regulations that make prices of CO2 emissions so high

My defiant reply to manipulation No 1:

regulations which rightist PIS have known about for a long time and accepted long ago. Ha!

Manipulation No 2

PiS can't do anything about it

My indomitable answer to manipulation No 2:

PiS has cashed 50 billion PLN ( about 15 billion $) for selling CO2 permits while they have been ruling for 6 years now. Where is this money? - it vanished into thin air. What did PIS do with it??? They spent it on stupid socialist benefits instead of investing in renewable energy sources.

Who`s to blame? PIS.

Thank you for your attention
I was blowing your manipulation. hahahaha

Do you speak Polish? Read another article about how PiS blew the matter even more by wasting incredible funds on a power station they are pulling down right now or by passing laws hampering wind power energy sector.,pis-i-opozycja-o-handlu-emisjami-co2-na-czym-polega-ets
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
21 Jan 2022   #840
would you guys consider me an expat living in Poland or a repatriate?

Who cares?
Nobody wants you.

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