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Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons

jon357  72 | 23361
17 Sep 2021   #601

Yes. Poland freely signed up to certain standards of behaviour in public life; are you saying that their PiSuar government's promise is meaningless?

BTW, all the Commission has done about the scandal is to request information and censure the PiSuarzy for failing to provide it.

The young are more conservative than ever


r lol especially young males

Poorly educated and economically impotent young working class males; not exactly rare to see insecurity and bigotry among that demographic...
Novichok  4 | 8751
17 Sep 2021   #602
Try because they cannot be easily bribed with positions and perks the way the educated and influential wh*ores can.
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Sep 2021   #603
because they cannot be easily bribed

Nor can they usually easily articulate their position on issues or why they hold those views. So very ripe for manipulation by those cleverer snd more able. A gift to populist neo-totalitarians.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
17 Sep 2021   #604
they have no right to stop founds

Why not? It's their money.

It's one thing to be openly anti-EU and speak of "EU occupation of Poland" and another to ask to be flooded with EU money on top of that. :)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Sep 2021   #605
Poland freely signed up to certain standards of behaviour in public life

Exactly... as outlined in the Polish constitution...

Poland never agreed to implement the anal agenda when it joined the EU in 2004. This is something that the Eurocrats are forcing down Polish peoples' throats, demanding that they accept it and if they don't they're threatening to withhold funds - especially for the regions declaring themselves LGBT free. It's that simple.

The executive branch of the European Union, the European Commission, sent letters out last week to the governors of five of Poland's voivodeships, (provinces) warning that pandemic relief funds totaling over 126 million euros ($150 million) will be withheld over anti-LGBTQ measures passed in their jurisdictions.

Accept the anal agenda and child trannies or we withhold millions!!!

Thankfully, they're holding fast.


Statistics, polling and voting outcomes show otherwise.... PiS remains the most popular party in Poland and young men overwhelmingly vote for right wing parties - PiS, Konfederacja, etc.

It's representative off the society as a whole where 3/4 of Poles are against accepting turd world migrants and 2/3 against gay marraige

Eurosodoma halt!!!

Zakaz pedalowania!!!

Tu jest Polska, nie Bruksela, tu sie zboczen NIE POPIERA!!!

  • download.jpg
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Sep 2021   #606
It' be openly anti-EU and speak of "EU occupation of Poland" and another to ask to be flooded with EU money on top of that

They can't have their cake and eat it. That only happens with capital, firepower, a good reputation or all three. Poland has none of those.

And it really doesn't matter one little bit what Dirk's young working class males currently think/fear. What matters is solely what Poland promised when they signed up.

turd world migrants


'Dirk' really can't help himself can he. As the saying goes, "it's not big and it's not clever and nobody's impressed".
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Sep 2021   #607
It doesn't have to be because it doesn't change the fact that it's true.
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Sep 2021   #608
Not much of an answer. As you were told, all that matters is what was agreed on EU accession and what has been ratified by member states (including Poland) since.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Sep 2021   #609
Yes and during EU accession no one agreed to implement any sort of anal agendas nor did the EU say that new members couldn't implement an LGBT free zones at will. That is clearly something that the leftists in the EU are attacking Poland, Hungary, etc. over because they don't like the fact that the citizenry is resisting their neo-marxist agendas complete with turd world migrants and their rapey/"spontaneous cultural enrichment" escapades, child trannies, anal agenda being taught in grade schools, etc.
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Sep 2021   #610
Another weak answer.

And of course:

anal agendas

turd world migrants

really don't help your 'argument' one little bit.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Sep 2021   #611
Regardless of your comments it doesn't change the fact that Poland never agreed to any of that during accession nor does it change the fact that Polish law trumps EU law on Polish soil - which is precisely why Poland will keep fighting the EU on this to preserve our sovereignty. If others want to kowtow to the EU's diktats fine, but that's not Poland, not in the Polish spirit. We resisted the Russians and the Germans when they tried to implement their agendas through threats, punishment and force - today it's the EU.
mafketis  38 | 11137
17 Sep 2021   #612
be openly anti-EU and speak of "EU occupation of Poland" and another to ask to be flooded with EU money

Self-awareness is not really a big thing among Polish politicians....
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
17 Sep 2021   #613
No, it's not. Neither is modesty, truthfulness or common decency for that matter. How can a theoretically Christian country have political class so completely and utterly devoid of anything even resembling Christian virtues is beyond me...
mafketis  38 | 11137
17 Sep 2021   #614
Poland isn't that Christian... I don't know if it ever was. My reading is that not-very-religious Poles _used_ the Catholic church when it was convenient (doing whatever they had to do to get the church on their side) and then discarded it once it wasn't so needed (and the church still doesn't understand that's what happened and doesn't understand what's going on).

There are believing Catholics in Poland (maybe 10-20 %) but most have less and less use for the church. If the government wanted to help the church it would actively repress it.
Novichok  4 | 8751
17 Sep 2021   #615
Not much of an answer.

It is very much an answer so let me help you with it.
If everybody was like Dirk, this would be a much better world. I everybody was like you, humans would cease to exist.

If the government wanted to help the church it would actively repress it.

The underdog effect.

We resisted the Russians and the Germans when they tried to implement their agendas through threats, punishment and force - today it's the EU.

I am afraid that what the Russians and the Germans couldn't force, the scum in Brussels will buy.
Ironside  50 | 12916
18 Sep 2021   #616
It's their money.

What money are you talking about? That money they borrowed also in the name of Poland?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
18 Sep 2021   #617
@Dirk diggler
I have to agree with you that the majority are not in favor of more immigration or gay rights. This is the biggest PiS platform strength now. Their financial platform is being laughed at by everyone. Independent polls, not government shills polling, show PiS is not the most popular among voters any longer. They were for a long time, but its over.

The young are not more conservative though. Hardly. They are much more progressive while remaining in favor of nationalistic movements. Young people, the vast majority are not in favor of anything PiS. The young are much more center than right wing. Most women are left wing, while smaller numbers of men are far right. There is a lot more common ground in the middle than on the extreme sides. The left wings would happily compromise on many things if you talk to people, and most of them really dont favor flamboyant gays running the streets. The far rights would compromise on leaving the gays alone as long as the immigration issue was settled their way.

While the media on both sides like to paint a grim picture politically, there are chances for real work to be done if people communicate and compromise at a table. Fanaticism never wins.
Ironside  50 | 12916
18 Sep 2021   #618
leaving the gays alone

Are you sure you typing from Poland? The theme here is LGBT shouldn't be forced o people, by all means, nobody wants to hear about gays all the time.
Novichok  4 | 8751
18 Sep 2021   #619
The far rights would compromise on leaving the gays alone as long as the immigration issue was settled their way.

Why would even one person - left or right - be for immigration of any kind in Poland?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
18 Sep 2021   #620
You need a reading comprehension class. The "theme" is not just ideology being forced on people. The "theme" that should just go away in order to keep it from becoming a bigger political issue is the LGBT whatever free zones. Thats just Fing stupid. Loosing millions in financial support from EU to promote and idea most already support anyway? What moron came up with this idea? Leave the homos alone but no parades and you can go on with life.

I dont know why anyone would support immigration from countries that are proven to be religiously fanatic and violent toward the core ideals and values of western society either. Immigration from western countries with similar values though should be more welcome. Having been to Germany many times in multiple cities, there is no way any Pole should support any immigration policy the way Germany has. The country is a dump.
Novichok  4 | 8751
18 Sep 2021   #621
Leave the homos alone but no parades

...or "Mary Has Two Mommies" in schools.

I don't know why anyone would support immigration from countries that are proven to be religiously fanatic

You do that and you (editorial) are an Islamophobe or a NAZI.
gumishu  15 | 6227
18 Sep 2021   #622
immigration policy the way Germany has. The country is a dump.

oh yeah he is an islamophobe - must be his Polish genes :P Poles are born that way
amiga500  5 | 1505
18 Sep 2021   #623
and most of them really dont favor flamboyant gays running the streets.

Is this a joke? Young lewica members would spit in your face if u suggest getting rid of pride parades, i don't have a problem with pride parades myself , as i don't with catholic parades but you really have been doing too much cocaine again.
gumishu  15 | 6227
18 Sep 2021   #624
show PiS is not the most popular among voters any longer. They were for a long time, but its over.

I don't really know what you mean: if you mean that PiS is not the party with the biggest support then you are wrong but if you mean that the opposition parties together have more support it is indeed true - but remember the last election: PiS got 43 per cent of votes that translated into the majority in the parliament
Lenka  5 | 3531
18 Sep 2021   #625
no worries then traitors should be very afraid.

Why would they have to wait for next election? Why didn't they d it already?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
18 Sep 2021   #626

Hey,Pawian at least praised PIS for donating vaccines to Taiwan and other countries,I couldnt believe he did.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
18 Sep 2021   #627
Pawian at least praised PIS

I always praise people when they deserve it. I learnt it at school. :):):) Even the most obnoxious troublemaker gets a praise and a very good mark if he/she deserves it.

The problem is that I can`t apply praise too often in case of PiS - those rightists are just too stupid to create sth worth praising.
Spike31  3 | 1485
19 Sep 2021   #628
Poland never agreed to any of that during accession

The UE beaurocracy operates by the principle of a modernized Marxist rule of "political expediency under current circumstances". Once they reach certain goals they push the boundaries even further unless they face strong opposition. In such cases, they push back slightly or offer a "compromise" solution until the future circumstances allow them to fully exercise their initial goals.

The EU has become a hostile institution that, like all other totalitarian bodies in history, wants to create a "new man". In this case, the desired "new man" is a person without roots: no cultural roots and traditions, no national roots, no religion. A pulp that can be molded into the desired shape.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
19 Sep 2021   #629
"new man

Pretty much. The Soviets did the same thing. The difference is the New Soviet Man would be healthy, enthusiastic, educated and well-read even if a peasant, austere, patriotic and assume traditional family roles but traded their nationalism for love of the Soviet Union and Christianity/Orthodoxy for the communist party. The new EU man is a weakling with low testosterone, educated in useless subjects like gender studies, lead by endless materialism and consumerism, his kids change genders at 7 years old, he has no patriotic sympathies or religion - even being proud of being a European is frowned upon as it denotes being a white Christian, and offers his spare bedroom to a "refugee" from north africa then publicly blames White supremacy when the migrant rapes and kills his wife and/or non-yet-transitioned daughter. The new EU man will never resist the vaxx/passport agenda and will gladly eat soylent and bugs because an 18 year old who still looks like she's 12 and never went through puberty featured on EU media said it'll help reduce climate change.

political expediency

That's what we're seeing with the EU and their relationship with Poland, Hungary, etc. In 2004, they were toasting our accession and politically left us alone. In fact, they didn't really interfere until 2015 when Poland, Hungary, etc. didn't want to clean up Merkel's mess with all the migrants she let in. The migrant thing didn't quite work out since so many people realized what an abysmal failure this has become, not to mention financial burden, so they went after Poland, Hungary, etc. for things that were more popular - going after "rule of law" infractions, forcing us to accept the LGBT agenda, etc. These things are more popular in the western EU so they can gather more support to attack Poland, Hungary, etc. They don't give a damn that PiS, Obran, etc. were democratically elected based on campaign promises and agendas or even what the majority of citizens want. Obran tried explaining numerous times in the European Parliament that he was elected because of campaign promises - they don't care. If he were a leftist and pro-EU they'd let him consolidate as much power as he wants and leave him alone - just like they did with Spain during the whole Catalonian referendum thing.
Novichok  4 | 8751
19 Sep 2021   #630
A pulp that can be molded into the desired shape.

That is why my credo and the lifetime mission is to oppose the ruling mob no matter who they are. Whatever they want, just say no and give them the middle finger. No exceptions and you will be wrong in one case per hundred - if ever.

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