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Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons

mafketis  38 | 11137
20 Jul 2021   #571
Polsk riksdag

Are you sure that riksdag means chaotic

It's called a metaphor so that "Polish parliament" means something like 'chaotic situation' (like the old politically incorrect expression "Chinese fire drill").

There's also "polnische Wirtschaft" in German, another metaphor

" "polnische Wirtschaft" oznacza skrajną niegospodarność, brak planowania i manier oraz brud. "

"PW means extreme mismanagement, lack of planning and manners as well as dirt(iness)"
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
20 Jul 2021   #572
That is if the entire EU doesn´t decide to exclude Poland+Hungary from it. They are perfectly fine with creating any organisation, on formal matters. Then renaming it. Like Norwegians did with creating an actual liberating army in Sweden during ww2. It was formally a police force, but what type of police uses machine guns and morter. Right? The same way the EU might create some sort of police force instead, then give it what ever equipment it needs. Don´t be stupid, if there is a will. There is a way, and americans are pushing EU to want it more and more. Otherwise this wouldn´t been even brought up at all.
Alien  25 | 6353
20 Jul 2021   #573
Thank you, it is only metaphor like "czeski film" or " ruski bank".
OP pawian  224 | 27236
20 Jul 2021   #574
one week to either accept the EU law or face financial penalties.

Not one week - rightards have time till 16 August.
Novichok  4 | 8750
20 Jul 2021   #575
"PW means extreme mismanagement, lack of planning and manners as well as dirt(iness)" opposed to the German scrupulousness that was used later as evidence in Nuremberg. Thank you, Germans.
Ironside  50 | 12916
20 Jul 2021   #576
Great opportunity to leave EU or call their bluff!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
21 Jul 2021   #577
Thank you, Germans.

Well...that's history now....Germans are today even unable to warn the population of upcoming catastrophes, even if every neighbour and his grandmom knows already all about it....Hitler would rotate in his grave (if he had one) if he could see what has become of an once flawlessly functioning Germany!

Soon the Poles will mock us with "deutsche Wirtschaft"! :(
Novichok  4 | 8750
21 Jul 2021   #578
Why then did everybody here go apeshit when I asked if Hitler did anything right?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
21 Jul 2021   #579
You can stop bringing him to the table everytime....the guy is nearly a century dead by now!
Novichok  4 | 8750
21 Jul 2021   #580
You got it all wrong, BB. I bring Hitler up not to lecture or debate history but as an honesty test for the living - here and now. This simple test reveals if I am dealing with an honest debater or a scared spineless moron this forum is so full of.
Novichok  4 | 8750
21 Jul 2021   #582
I also have tests for gays, global warming, abortions, refugees,...You name it and I have it.
Spike31  3 | 1485
28 Jul 2021   #583
It's symptomatic that a discussion about the EU ends up with uncle Adolf.

Centralization, uniformity, bloated beaurocracy, the leading role of the German industrial core, workforce from mitteleuropa.
Politicians and states change but modus operandi remains.

I'm counting on the real diversity in Europe, the Europe of independent nations, that will not allow for the creation of the European federation.

PS: In Polish the word 'Niemcy' (the Germans) literary means: "those, who cannot speak" [cannot communicate]
jon357  72 | 23361
28 Jul 2021   #584
It's symptomatic that a discussion about the EU ends up with uncle Adolf.

Godwin's Law.
Novichok  4 | 8750
28 Jul 2021   #585
Centralization, uniformity, bloated bureaucracy, the leading role of the German industrial core, workforce from mitteleuropa.

All tyrannies follow the same curve. We mistakenly like some over others only because those we like are at the earlier stages of metastasizing. The endpoint is always the same.

What changes is the sophistication of the ruling mafia. The greatest trick they pulled so far was convincing the naive masses that it's for their own good.

See: Muslim refugees, global warming, hate speech, lockdowns, and masks. Did I miss anything?
Spike31  3 | 1485
29 Jul 2021   #586
This time they're smarter and took the Huxleyan approach instead of hardcore Orwelianism. The bet here is that it will be too late and things will go too far to go back to normal when people eventually wake up.

The system will eventually show its true ugly face once they run out of our own money to bribe us back with welfare state and redistribution.
Novichok  4 | 8750
29 Jul 2021   #587
true ugly face once they run out of our own money

They will print what they cannot steal. I meant tax.

The bet here is that it will be too late... politely ask but plenty of time to replay 1789 and 1917.

I am beginning to like revolutions, Antifa, and BLM. Even hoolligans. At least the concept.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
16 Sep 2021   #588
The EU has put a ban on their funds until PiS stops messing up the judiciary system in Poland. Quite right. We all know that PiS has been trying to remove independent judges and implant PiS stooges in their place so that rightist bandits can steal and bask in fraud and corruption without limits or legal consequences.

But the EU has had enough of that banditry. Thank you!!!! Keep on the good job. Decent Poles are grateful.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
16 Sep 2021   #589
PiS has been trying to remove independent judges and implant PiS stooges in their place

You act as if PO didn't do the exact the same thing when they were in power and if they were the majority would do the exact same thing...

But the whole freezing of funds wasn't mainly because of the judiciary... the EU is more upset that Poland isn't going along with the anal agenda. They're trying to get Poland go to into the same lunacy bit by bit till it ends up where child trannies are the norm and the state trumps parents' rights.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
16 Sep 2021   #590
the EU is more upset that Poland isn't going along with the anal agenda

Bollox. The EU is simply asking their member states to respect their own Constitutions. Apparently it's too much to ask of PiS (or president Duda, who swore to defend the Constitution).
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
16 Sep 2021   #591
The EU is simply asking their member states to respect their own Constitutions.

Like in Poland's constitution which states that marriage is a protected institution that involves a man and woman???

It's all about power and control. The countries that are subservient to the EU can do whatever they want - just like with Spain during the Catalonian referendum. Not a peep from the EU. But when countries like Poland and Hungary fight the EU's diktats whether it was with Merkel's "doctors and engineers" migrants back in 2015, the control of the judiciary or forcing the anal agenda down Poland and Hungary's throats, well that's when the EU starts to bark. They know they couldn't trigger article 7 so they're going after funding. They did the same thing when Polish towns declared themselves LGBT free zones and cut off funding.

PiS is stating that Polish law has primacy over EU law - the EU leaders can't stand that. They want the EU to rule over everything and to be unchallenged.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
16 Sep 2021   #592
You act as if PO didn't do the exact the same thing

If that ever took place, it was done legally, with full respect for the Constitution. While PiS has broken the law, both Polish and European, multiple times while deforming the system.

Funny you don`t see this difference.

to respect their own Constitutions.


Polish towns declared themselves LGBT free zones

Towns ruled by PiS, you should add, in some backward southern and eastern regions of Poland.
And now, threatened with cutting the funds off, PIS is retreating. The breaking news today is that the central government sent a request to local PiS governments to annul anti LGBT declarations.

How do you call such people who are ready to do everything for money??? hahaha
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
16 Sep 2021   #593
How do you call such people who are ready to do everything for money???

You mean like the way EU uses money as a carrot and stick to determine whether someone is implementing the anal agenda or not???
Ironside  50 | 12916
17 Sep 2021   #594
Decent Poles are grateful.

I would say, morons at best. Decent my foot. Dumb rabble and traitors.

the EU is simply asking their member states to respect their own Constitutions.

They can ask their grampa for what I care.
They have no right to ask for anything of that kind and on top of it, they have no right to stop founds.
Polish gov should cancel their participation in this program, stop paying into the EU and tell them to get a grip and bugger off.

By the way outside of everything else that Constitution should be disrespected and better still scraped.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Sep 2021   #595
Towns ruled by PiS, you should add,

More like towns who elected PiS and who don't want the anal agenda and child trannies in their area.

EU is only happy when people chose leaders and agendas that are in line with their own - otherwise they threaten, punish, etc.

And yet they claim to be fighting for "rule of law" and "democracy" lol!! Yeah only when it goes their way.... But when citizens democratically elect people like Obran or PiS who get put in power based on campaign promises all of a sudden democracy and rule of law is being threatened...
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Sep 2021   #596
Apparently it's too much to ask of PiS (or president Duda, who swore to defend the Constitution).

Remember that PiSuarzy and their ilk only like rules if a. they can manipulate them, b. if they made tham, and c. if they're to their direct advantage.

anal agenda and child trannies

There he goes again...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Sep 2021   #597
Hey it's not just me who doesn't want it - it's the vast majority of Polish people. But yet the EU and others keep pushing it down Polish peoples' throats issuing threats and punishments, freezing funds, etc. until we agree to allow 6 year olds to change their gender and rewrite the constitution to allow for gay marriage and adoption...

Accept child trannies and gay men adopting young boys - get $$$, don't go along with it - lose $$$. It's literally bribing regional governments to implement the anal agenda...

Another example in the news:

Yet again the EU getting involved in internal Polish affairs and challenging legal rulings...

Now they're even demanding Poland change the legal definition of rape to include any nonconsensual sexual act as opposed to a physical forceful action, meaning some slut can decide years later that when she had sex with some guy that it wasn't consensual or that she was drunk and bam guy gets labeled a rapist...
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Sep 2021   #598
majority of Polish people

Give them time; the next generation aren't the last one and of course attitudes are not changing in the direction you pretend to like,

But yet the EU and others keep pushing it down Polish peoples' throats

No they don't.

threats and punishments,

Nobody forced Poland to join; the people voted to, and support for the EU within Poland is among the highest in Europe.

some slut

Oh dear...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Sep 2021   #599
No they don't.

Really.... is that why the EU threatened to stop giving funds to the regions that declared themselves LGBT-free until they stop this declaration (and as a next step embrace the anal agenda and child trannies)???

the next generation

The young are more conservative than ever lol especially young males... they realize what's going on...

Furthermore, CBOS polls show the percent of people who oppose registered partnerships, same sex marraige, and adoption rights has gone up in the past few years, not down.

An Ipsos survey in October 2019 found that a majority of Polish men under 40 believe that "the LGBT movement and gender ideology" is the "biggest threat facing them in the 21st century".

So much for your next generation LOL
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
17 Sep 2021   #600
the regions that declared themselves LGBT-free

Because that's just a flat out lie! It's like the church declaring itself gay-priests-free....everybody knows better!

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