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WOSP in Poland

gregy741  5 | 1226
14 Jan 2019   #61
Owsiak quit as WOSP director..he should be prosecuted now.
he knows that it was hes fault and braking the law that lead to this tragedy.they omitted procedure to get rid of police,which is under PIS control.

as for this killer,,..he was diagnosed with schizophrenia.i wonder if he will even stand the trial.its not some depression..its serious mental disorder.
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Jan 2019   #62
he knows that it was hes fault

you need a dictionary so you can look up the word 'wstyd' because you clearly have none... go away ghoul
Paulina  17 | 4465
14 Jan 2019   #63
maybe potential murderer would get scared by simply police being present nearby?

There was police nearby, like always during such events - surrounding the area of the concert and patrolling the city nearby. The police presence in the city was increased because of the WOŚP finale from 100 to 300 policemen on patrols. The organisers didn't ask for police presence but it was provided anyway out of the police's own will - so was said on Polish TV by some representative of the police in Gdańsk, as far as I remember.

During such events the organiser hires a private security firm which secures the event itself on site, including the stage. WOŚP hired such firm, but it looks like those security guards weren't present at the stage during the attack. The killer was apprehended by... a stage technician who was present at the stage at that time. Before that happened the attacker managed to walk around the stage gesturing triumphantly with a knife in his hand and to deliver an explanation of why he did it through a microphone:

"My name is Stefan W(...). I was sent to prison despite being innocent. I was tortured by Civic Platform. This is why Adamowicz is dead."

Only after that two security guards rushed to the stage and took him away. He was immediately passed to the police even before any call about the attack was made because the police was nearby.

The police will investigate, among others, the behaviour of the security guards during the attack.
I've seen an interview on TV with a former spokeperson of the Warsaw police, who said that he'd been warning for years about the poor quality of the security provided during such events like concerts, football matches, etc. by private security firms. People working there are often random people not trainded for such kind of situations.

I think we have to also keep in mind that such things simply don't happen in Poland, especially not during such events like charity concerts and it caught everyone off guard. That doesn't justify the failings of that security company, though (especially considering all those terrorist attacks in the West). A mayor of a major city was killed in front of cameras and thousands of people, including children, during the most famous charity event in Poland. I imagine that heads will roll.

not even a murder...

Wtf is wrong with you?


One Polish internet user made a following comment: "Jaśkowiak (mayor of Poznań) and the president of Wrocław should get it too... They are becoming the victims of their leftist and Godless attitude towards their public functions."

He's been arrested by the police today, I've heard.
gregy741  5 | 1226
14 Jan 2019   #64
you need a dictionary so you can look up the word 'wstyd'

yes,,, shame on Owsiak scammer.hes greed was to blame.
he broke the law that required him to register this even as "mass gathering event",which places responsibility on organizer to employ certain number of security people.

he didn't do it ,in order to save money,but instead employed couple of girls,from dodgy security company that didn't even have licence for providing security on mass events..

and at the end ,he was the first person to blame PIS for this scum is gone.thanks god.i think he realized what hes done.

shame that someone died because this dodgy scammer was milking people.

Wtf is wrong with you?

whats wrong with you? since when in civilized world,medically insane person can commit murder? Nazis were the one that were killing mental ill people.are you Nazi?

mentaly disorder people have no capability to asses their action.
Paulina  17 | 4465
14 Jan 2019   #65
since when in civilized world,medically insane person can commit murder?

It happens when they kill someone. This is what it's called - murder. No matter whether the killer is sane or insane person, whether it's a Muslim terrorist or some anti-PO or anty-PiS fanatic. Also, it is up to specialists to determine whether he was sane or not during the attack. The attack was clearly planned, prepared and thought through. The people who know him said that he radicalised in prison.

Nazis were the one that were killing mental ill people.are you one?

Where do I call for killing mentally ill people? Again, I ask: wtf is wrong with you?
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Jan 2019   #66
yes,,, shame on Owsiak scammer.hes greed was to blame.

He's raise how much money for sick children? What have you ever done for other people? WOSP was valuable in that it was a citizens initiative not controlled by the government or church - a rarity in Poland, a country which needs more civic virtue.
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Jan 2019   #67
shame on Owsiak scammer.hes greed was to blame.

No, Gregy, it wasn't.

as for this killer,,..he was diagnosed with schizophrenia.i wonder if he will even stand the trial.

He evidently did before, since he was blaming the Mayor's former political party for jailing him.

Get a grip on yourself, Gregy.
gregy741  5 | 1226
14 Jan 2019   #68
It happens when they kill someone. This is what it's called - murder

no it is not.
its killing not murder.
in order to be classified as a murder,required conscious decision to kill.insane person can kill but have no ability to commit murder.same with child.

learn some basics then lecture others.

He evidently did before, since he was blaming the Mayor's former political party for jailing him

well..and thats controversial.he should be in closed hospital not in prison..since he was danger to others..maybe this is what the killer meant when he said he was locked in prison and was injust
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Jan 2019   #69
.maybe this is what the killer

Now your'e defending a murderer.... I hope vova is paying you well.... you're earning it
Paulina  17 | 4465
14 Jan 2019   #70
in order to be classified as a murder,required conscious decision to kill

It looked like a conscious decision to me. And planned too. It wasn't a crime of passion or whatever. Sorry, I'm not a native English speaker, but the guy got stabbed in heart and other places by a knife 14.5 cm long, he left behind a wife and two children, he's dead, no matter whether it was a "murder" or a "killing" and whether the killer was sane or not (which is going to be determined by psychologists). He seemed sane enough to serve his previous sentence in prison, not in mental hospital.

Btw, the police for now classified it as "zabójstwo":,nId,2782721

maybe this is what the killer meant when he said he was locked in prison and was injust

Yeah, sure, gregy lol
I have no words. And you have no shame, it seems.
gregy741  5 | 1226
14 Jan 2019   #71
and whther the killer was sane or not

exactly thinking of a Nazi.
person that is mentally ill have no responsibility for hes actions..only Nazis were prosecuting mentall ill people in modern Europe.and in medieval times

Now your'e defending a murderer.

am not defending him,i was just wondering what he meant when he said he was innocent and locked in prison.
anyway.person who cannot defend himself (due to disability) ,from nasty libtard demanding hes blood, need someone who speak for him.

Btw, the police for now classified it as "zabójstwo":

yes,,its always initial didnt mention that hes not in arrest now ,but in a hospital,where he will be assessed by psychiatrists.

if found mentally ill,they will change classification.its standard procedure
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Jan 2019   #72
i was just wondering what he meant when he said he was innocent and locked in prison.

Most criminals lack empathy and don't understand that they've done anything wrong... read up on him, he decided a gangster lifestyle would be cool and briefly went after the high life and blamed everyone but himself when it went wrong.... typical criminal mindset.
gregy741  5 | 1226
14 Jan 2019   #73
Most criminals lack empathy and don't understand that they've done anything wrong

you mean Owsiak?
you right here..he was to blame for this tragedy,yet he blames others
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Jan 2019   #74
You sound just like Krystyna Pawlowicz... even JK has had the decency to say the right things in public.
gregy741  5 | 1226
14 Jan 2019   #75
am the only sane person here..not barbaric mob like you guys.
a) killer was mentally ill
b) organizers broke the law in order to save money by cutting expenses on security.
now,who is responsible for this tragedy? a or b?
Paulina  17 | 4465
14 Jan 2019   #76
exactly thinking of a Nazi.

Aww, are you turning into a "libtard snowflake" who's calling people "Nazis" when they disagree with you? Shame on you, gregy, shame on you!

I only wrote that the guy is dead no matter whether his killer is sane or not. Psychopats aren't exactly sane, as far as I understand, but, as far as I know in the US they end up in prison on death row. What if he's a psychopath? I'm not sure how it works in Polish law but I imagine his lawyer will have to prove that he was mentally ill during the attack during a trial?

its always initial didnt mention that hes not in arrest now

The last I've heard he was in a police arrest and the police mentioned that he will be questioned and his mental state will be assessed by psychatrists - a standard procedure in such situations.

if found mentally ill,they will change classification.its standard procedure

Then let us wait for it, shall we?

We don't know whether the killer was mentally ill or not at the time of the attack. It will be determined.
I don't know whether the organisers "broke the law" or not but I know that the police was present, the security firm was hired and they failed (which is being investigated).

And it looks like you want to put all the blame on a charity. It looks pretty ugly to me.

Btw, mods, I think it would be nice if the posters from the US stayed on topic this time, for a change (I mean Rich Mazur's comment).
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Jan 2019   #77
Janina Ochojska, reacting to Owsiak's resignation (since he's the focus of so much negativity)
translations are mine (done in a hurry)

"To nie Ty jesteś jego obiektem, tylko dzieło, które tworzysz"
"It's not you that's the object of hate, but the work that you do"

"Jurek, nie możesz brać na siebie tego, co się wydarzyło. Hejt, nienawiść i groźby, z którymi walczysz od tylu lat, nie ustaną z powodu Twojego ustąpienia"

"Jerry, you can't blame yourself for what happened. The hate, hatred and threats you've fought against for so many years won't stop just because you've resigned"

"Jednoczysz ludzi wokół czegoś, co jest wspaniałe. Łatwiej jest rządzić ludźmi podzielonymi, którzy się nienawidzą"
"You unite people around something that is wonderful! It's easier to rule over people who are divided, who hate each other"
Tlum  12 | 291
14 Jan 2019   #78
What most Poles fail to notice is the epic failure of the healthcare system in Poland. It's not the first time that someone (even famous) dies in a Polish hospital due to lack of modern technology and, unfortunately, low quality of Polish doctors. In the US, this person would most likely survive even if admitted to the worst 'public' hospital in a black neighborhood. In Poland, it's always 50-50 because there's little responsibility (you cannot sue the government) if someone dies due to malpractice and it still works like in the mediocre socialism era. The Polish government steals a lot of money from workers to support this failing healthcare system and many hospitals still have to count on street organizations like WOSP to buy the necessities.. Where's the outrage on that?
gregy741  5 | 1226
14 Jan 2019   #79
Psychopats aren't exactly sane

wrong. psyhopats have full ability to determine and assets their actions.
mentally ill people-depends on severity of illness. schizophrenia is one on the heaviest illness..
schizophrenic cannot be psychopath. psychopath is disorder of personality. which mean bad immoral with no emphaty ect.but able to understand hes actions
schizophrenia is a different beast..its genetic illness that cause person to be incapable to understand what hes doing.insanity. its not "bad character"thing

Then let us wait for it, shall we?

true,but more info coming saying that he was in specialized psychiatric hospitals since teenage ages. i dont knoww,why he was in prison..he was hazard for inmates ect..he should be in hospital under professional supervision.
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Jan 2019   #80
well..and thats controversial.he should be in closed hospital not in prison

That's something for the courts and relevant professionals to decide. He was certainly fit enough to stand trial before. If there is any doubt, the 'biegły' psychologist interviews and reports to the court on the accused and/or witnesses/the accuser. They don't always get it right (they are paid by the court and nearly always make a decision unhelpful to the defence) however it does happen. The prison service to in Poland looks after the mental health of inmates where appropriate. All prisons have a hospital wing.

It looks pretty ugly to me.

Doesn't it just. WOŚP is Poland's most successful and best-loved independent charity, who make a huge difference to a lot of people's lives. Just as Mayor Adamowicz did.

It's fine to post with a political agenda, however some of the comments here are crass attempts at avoiding the cold hard fact that the only cases of domestic terrorism in Poland have been from right-wingers rather than the groups they love to whinge about. Perhaps those posters should wait a day or two before making silly excuses. We have one small thing to be thankful for; at least none of them have claimed it's a 'false flag' attack yet.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
14 Jan 2019   #81
What most Poles fail to notice is the epic failure of the healthcare system in Poland.

"You are not Polish. You are a liar. And a Russian troll."
That is what I was called when I posted my views on this subject except that I was a lot milder.
Paulina  17 | 4465
14 Jan 2019   #82
OK, gregy, now I understand what you mean.

he was in specialized psychiatric hospitals since teenage ages.

Any links to that info?

.he was hazard for inmates ect..

I did hear yesterday on TV that he was isolated from other prisoners because he was brutal in prison or sth.

WOŚP is Poland's most successful and best-loved independent charity, who make a huge difference to a lot of people's lives.

Yes, that's very true - once when I ended up in hospital I could see medical equipment from WOŚP everywhere. And that was in Kielce, PiS' stronghold. They help everyone, no matter the political allegiances.
gregy741  5 | 1226
14 Jan 2019   #83
Any links to that info?

here ,wyborcza ,so u dont say i give you righ wing things,35612,24361147,atak-na-adamowicza-sprawca-spedzil-noc-nie-w-celi-tylko-w.html

some more disturbing things...looks like he was beaten by police or security..brutally..broken nose,hand and convulsions.
gregy741  5 | 1226
14 Jan 2019   #84
looks like them nasty libtard Owsiaks security,handcuffed and brutally beaten mentally ill person..this is sick
i mean WTF? is that this famous tolerance,and love? for me this is banditry..tell me if am wrong
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Jan 2019   #85
security,handcuffed and ..... this is sick

What were they supposed to do?
gregy741  5 | 1226
14 Jan 2019   #86
maybe not braking hes face and arms? you dont see nothing wrong with beating handcuffed mentally ill people?
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Jan 2019   #87
I'm sure, Gregy, your expert analysis and calm detatched hindsight about crises will be most useful to those security guards on the next occasion a violent attacker suddenly runs on stage shouting, with a large knife in his hand and kills the Mayor.
Paulina  17 | 4465
14 Jan 2019   #88
What most Poles fail to notice is the epic failure of the healthcare system in Poland.

You must live in an alternate reality then if you think that Poles don't notice the failings of Polish healthcare system or you live in the woods with no contact with people or you're deaf.

In the US, this person would most likely survive even if admitted to the worst 'public' hospital in a black neighborhood.

You're going too far with this, imho, you don't know that. The damage to the organs could be too severe.

Gregy, thanks for the link.

looks like them nasty libtard Owsiaks security,handcuffed and brutally beaten mentally ill person

Again, we don't know that.
I've seen how he was taken down the stairs from the stage by the security guards - on Polish TV his face was blurred but not on BBC. The scene was filmed by Polish TV. He didn't look beaten up for what I could see. Then he was quickly passed on to the police so the security guards wouldn't even have much time to beat him up.

For all we know he could get hurt when he was thrown down by the technician to the floor face down and the knife was taken away from him. Would you complain then that the technician wasn't gentle enough with a guy waving a combat knife on a stage where children were present?
gregy741  5 | 1226
14 Jan 2019   #89
that the technician wasn't gentle enough

hola..braking someone arm and face until person gets convulsions is not slightly rough a sign of very brutal one.
adult young male dont get convulsions and need hospitalization from hitting flor from 1 meter height.
beside.police says he got injuries from security.they said they didnt do it

Again, we don't know that.

we do:

"Ten mężczyzna tak naprawdę poddał się bez żadnej walki. Gdy podszedł do niego technik i chciał go obezwładnić, napastnik sam odrzucił na bok nóż i się położył - opowiada dziennikarz.

so?he did not oppose and wasnt threow on floor..he laid down himself.. they must have beaten him brutally.
as i know Owsiak and hes lot,he probably hired some antifa thugs as security,to scam more money.
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Jan 2019   #90
the whole problem is that by the time anyone noticed he was on stage it was already too late... he ran on stage while giant sparklers were going off and stabbed the mayor before anyone realized anything was amiss.... I'm still wondering when/where/how he had a press pass

hola..braking someone arm and face until person gets convulsion

very fitting, that you identify so strongly with the mentally ill killer and not at all with the victims....

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