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Ups and downs of the democratic government 2023-2027 in Poland

Ironside  50 | 12470
25 Jun 2024 #241
While you must go to Moscow where you mentally belong.:):):)

You go into a loonie house where you mentally belong.
Alien  22 | 5486
25 Jun 2024 #242
freedom loving country, like the UK and need to be independent

Poland cannot be compared with the UK. Poland is not an island somewhere at the end of Europe. Nowadays, isolated Poland has no chance of survival. Poland has a choice: to stay in the EU or come under Russia's wing.
jon357  73 | 22641
25 Jun 2024 #243
Poland is not an island somewhere at the end of Europe

Nor is the U.K., however yes there are massive differences. The U.K. has half as many people again and a very different economic base. Nevertheless, the two countries compliment each other well and there could be a case for another union od fully independent sovereign states in Europe (with a few countries elsewhere), perhaps overlapping with the EU like a sort of Venn Diagram.
OP pawian  220 | 24940
25 Jun 2024 #244
loonie house where

Still a better place than Moscow for you. hahaha

. Poland has a choice: to stay in the EU or come under Russia's wing.

Those nationalists and rightists are too narrow-minded to understand it. Or just stupid. That is why I call them homo sovieticuses.
Korvinus  1 | 559
25 Jun 2024 #245
go to Moscow

Nah. we should stay in NATO
OP pawian  220 | 24940
25 Jun 2024 #246
stay in NATO

NATO won`t help you if you aren`t in the EU. Simple. And I never cease to be surprised that nationalists and rightists don`t realise such simplicities. That is why they are homo sovieticuses to me.
Ironside  50 | 12470
26 Jun 2024 #247
Still a better place than Moscow for you. hahaha

Did you like there? I mean loon house? It would be best if you had prolonged your stay.
NATO won`t help you if you aren`t in the EU.

1. that BS
2. NATO won't help if you are not able to defend yourself/
3. The EU is sabotaging Poland. We can't develop a robust defense system and military complex by weakening its integrity and economic power. That is what we do due to EU meddling.
Ironside  50 | 12470
26 Jun 2024 #248
Anyway, Torq did you listen to Tusk's ramblings about CPK? It is certain now it is not happening.
What now?
Torq  8 | 1126
26 Jun 2024 #249
What now?

Well, if Tusk starts Tusking too much, PiS will be back in power faster than he can say "piniendzy nie ma i nie bendzie". :)

However, as far as I know, there will be certain cutbacks in the CPK project but in general they want to continue it.
OP pawian  220 | 24940
26 Jun 2024 #250
It is certain

No, it isn`t. Only two things are certain in life, remember.

PiS will be back

You read too many alarming headlines to articles on various media sites. Relax - it is holidays.
Ironside  50 | 12470
26 Jun 2024 #251
However, as far as I know, there will be certain cutbacks in the CPK project but in general they want to continue it.

Look he is lying, as he lies about the same Arab investment in a shipyard and many other things, It is just incoherent ramblings like this talk about the easter shield plan which didn't exist before he opened his mug.
The best proof that nothing is happening is the fact that a form that is supposed to be a major investor in CPK is going to invest in Hungary where Obran is building his version of CPK.
PO and Tusk F Poland again,
Torq  8 | 1126
26 Jun 2024 #252
Look he is lying,

If he's lying (and I mean IF), then it will be the end of him and his government. With such strong opposition party, conservative wing of PSL murmuring ever louder, and Konfa in reserve as a potential PiS's ally, Tusk doesn't have too much space for Tusking. Luckily.
OP pawian  220 | 24940
26 Jun 2024 #253
If he's

Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk????? Of course not. Is he a nationalist or another rightist aka homo sovieticus???

PO and Tusk

They do you good and you are so ungrateful. Bad boy.
Ironside  50 | 12470
26 Jun 2024 #254
If he's lying

He made a tampon out of K-mysz and PSL just takes it.
They do you good

They are going to be hunted down like in Safari. Even more, those who are behind them,
Torq  8 | 1126
26 Jun 2024 #255
He made a tampon out of K-mysz

Indeed. K-K is an embarrassment.

PSL just takes it.

Hopefully not for much longer.
Korvinus  1 | 559
26 Jun 2024 #256
NATO won`t help you if you aren`t in the EU.

Duby smalone bredzisz.
Nice try, dummy.
Ironside  50 | 12470
27 Jun 2024 #257
If he's lying (and I mean IF), then it will be the end of him and his government

When will you do to find out if you can discern it now? It's not that hard. It's BS to dazzle people with to keep going till the next election. It's a typical Tusk move. PSL doesn't do anything and then later they will say - we didn't know. lame. I think this government will finish all this coalition and it will support the base once and for all.
OP pawian  220 | 24940
27 Jun 2024 #258
Duby smalone

Nie dzieciaku, po prostu wiem jak to działa w Europie.
Which means: No, kiddo, I only know how it works in Europe.

It's a typical Tusk move.

Tusk`s fault, as usual. hahahaha

They are going to be

Yaawn. Another wet dream of Iron. :):):)
Ironside  50 | 12470
27 Jun 2024 #259
I only know how it works in Europe.

That is great but Europe has no army to help and it is up to the US. what now? It shows what a retard you are.
Tusk`s fault, as usual.

Tusk system - lie if the public opinion expects something and then lie some more and then wait till they forget about it to lie again. That is his system, not his fault. It has been working so far.
Another wet

In my opinion, why you don't like it? Shouldn't bad people be punished? If you are 'decent' as you claim you shouldn't be scared sh'tless.
OP pawian  220 | 24940
28 Jun 2024 #260
Shouldn't bad people be punished?

Yes, rightists from PiS are already punished and will be even more.

it is up to the US. what now?

Yes, the US led by Trump who already vowed to withdraw from NATO. And tell us genius what Poland should do???

you shouldn't be scared

I am not. You threatened me several times, including such acts as burning my house or hanging me publicly on the gallows. Have I changed anything in my posting after your threats???? :):):)
Ironside  50 | 12470
29 Jun 2024 #261
rightists from PiS

all bad people not people pawian think that are bad due to their political views. As I said you are totalitarian.
es, the US led by Trump who already vowed to withdraw from NATO

First of all that 8is BS he never said that and even if he did he wouldn't be able to do it. That is given, only a real political mor0ns would believe that such a thing is possible.
If you want to play your game of what ifs and hypothetical fine.
In such a case is it of uttermost importance for Poland to develop its nuclear weapon to be able to defend itself? For that, we need modern nuclear plants that had been agreed upon to be built by the previous government Tusk seems to have postponed it for never in that sense he endangers Polish security for nothing. That is a sabotage.
I am not. You

First of all that is a lie. Should doesn't mean you will or I will do it; you should know the difference so stop twisting words ~I hate weaseling like that the most.
You don't care about anonymous posts on the internet and you don't believe that in Poland any such reckoning would be happening. Still, you object very strongly to justice because you know you have done wrong and are scared of being found out and punished for it.
Korvinus  1 | 559
30 Jun 2024 #262

Alien  22 | 5486
30 Jun 2024 #263

What nonsense are you writing, come to your senses, because those who don't know Polish will think that you are right.
Lenka  5 | 3534
30 Jun 2024 #264
I would have thought most heterosexual sex is consensual.
Miloslaw  21 | 4869
30 Jun 2024 #265
Tusk seems to have postponed it for never

As I have said before, Tusk is a Euro and not a true Pole, he will £uck Poland in order to gain his dream of a United States of Europe.
AntV  5 | 743
30 Jun 2024 #266
Meloni wins in Italy, Macron is in deep trouble in France, the SDP seems doomed to lose in Germany. Europe is drifting right. How will that effect Poland Presidential election? Is there a party on the right in Poland other than PiS-although not sure I'd call PiS right.

Speaking of Macron. What's with his wife? Is she in her 80's? I've even heard there are rumors his wife is trans. 😜
gumishu  15 | 6235
1 Jul 2024 #267
How will that effect Poland Presidential election?

it won't only growing cost of living or otherwise unfavourable economic conditions can affect (this and the personages of actual candidates)
Lenka  5 | 3534
1 Jul 2024 #268
Is there a party on the right in Poland other than PiS-although not sure I'd call PiS right.

Yes, Konfederacja.

They had about 11% in EU elections.
In the last Polish elections they had 7%
mafketis  38 | 10852
1 Jul 2024 #269
They had about 11% in EU elections.

How much of that were disgrunted former PiS voters?
Ironside  50 | 12470
1 Jul 2024 #270
I would have thought most heterosexual sex is consensual.

Not anymore, now due to the left and Tusk legislations, if a woman reminds herself of some guy she had sex with five years ago that she doesn't like now, she can cause him of rape and that dude is F because he would have to proof it was consensual i.e. had a signed proper in the front of a notary or a film on his phone. Short of that he is done for.
They had about 11% in EU elections.


Home / News / Ups and downs of the democratic government 2023-2027 in Poland
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