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Ups and downs of the democratic government 2023-2027 in Poland

pawian  226 | 27817
24 Oct 2023   #1
After the victorious elections, the 4 opposition leaders declared they want to form the gov with Mr Honourable Donald Tusk as the Prime Minister.
They will have to cohabitate with President Duda who, despite his false claims of neutrality, still hugely supports his mother party, PiS.

Right now it is up to Duda to appoint the Prime Minister. Previously, presidents chose the leaders of the party which had won the elections. Now it is PiS who got more votes than others, but it is the opposition who have the majority of seats. Duda is delaying the formation of the new pro democratic gov for various reasons - PIS are playing on provoking discord in the opposition coalition.

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Oct 2023   #2
Ups and downs of the democratic government 2023-2027

I was wondering how to name this thread, especially the gov in it.
Opposition gov?? No, after a few weeks they won`t be the opposition anymore, but rulers.

Tusk gov??? Who can ensure Honourable Saviour Donald Tusk will remain the PM till the next elections???

I chose democratic to show the difference from the previous rightist PIS gov with autocratic leaning.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Nov 2023   #3
The old opposition aka new coalition parties have just signed a contract for their future rule.

Here, the leader-in-chief signing.

Good luck, girls and boys!!!! Rule wisely and clean the PiS swamp - these are my expectations.

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Korvinus  3 | 634
10 Nov 2023   #4
Coalition agreement without demands of Razem​

The National Council of the Razem party decided that although the party would support the new coalition government, its members would not be part of it. This concerns the coalition agreement that opposition leaders signed on Friday.

Razem leaders Adrian Zandberg and Magdalena Biejat explained that the reason for this situation is the lack of key demands for Razem in the coalition agreement - including those regarding abortion, health care, workers' rights and housing. As they explain, the leaders of the other parties could not be persuaded to include them in the document.

OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Nov 2023   #5
Razem faction is too leftist even for their colleagues from the New Left, let alone other opposition leaders. That is why they prefered to withdraw on their own. :):):)
jon357  72 | 23706
10 Nov 2023   #6
Razem faction is too leftist

Centre left if anything.

abortion, health care, workers' rights and housing

All of them important.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Nov 2023   #7
Centre left if anything

Sorry, but for centrists like me they verge on communists. hahahaha
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
10 Nov 2023   #8
Sorry, but for centrists like me

There is absolutely no way you can be called a centrist! You are a very left wing Socialist verging on the Communists you pretend to despise.....
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Nov 2023   #9

Wrong! It is you who pretend you aren`t a mongrel while you are.
Ha! I got you, mongrel. :):):)
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
10 Nov 2023   #10
It is you who pretend you aren`t a mongrel

How can I be a Mongrel if I am of pure Polish descent you moron?

Your obsession with mongrels leads me to believe that you have had too much to drink.....again!
A common Polish fault I am sad to say......
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Nov 2023   #11
How can I be a Mongrel

You can and you are coz the only Polish words you speak and understand are Thank you, good day and good night. Ha! I got you again, mongrel. hahahaha
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Nov 2023   #12
The coalition has chosen the new Parliament leaders but are still waiting for a major change coz the azhole president decided to promote the losing PiS gansters to form a new cabinet. It is still going to take a few weeks before those bolsheviks give up power. We have waited for 8 years, we can for 8 weeks more.

Never mind, rightist darlings! You are fekking losers anyway and nobody and nothing will help you. Ha!!!!

Clap Clap Clap!!!! hahahaha
OP pawian  226 | 27817
27 Nov 2023   #14
Korvin, why do you show us such obscenities? Are you a typical rightist obsessed with sexual perversions??? hahahaha
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Nov 2023   #15
Hey paw,what do you say about the PLN going so strong?It has gone up by over 25% and they want to take Glapinski to court??I still think he made a mistake decreasing interest rates but is turning out the opposite,cooked books you think?
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
27 Nov 2023   #16
Never mind, rightist darlings! You are fekking losers anyway and nobody and nothing will help you

Europe is swinging to the right and there is nothing you can do about it with your pathetic political system in Poland, like in too many European states that will end up with a wishy washy coalitian that will do nothing!You never get strong government with PR.
Bobko  27 | 2241
27 Nov 2023   #17
cooked books you think?

The reason the Zloty has recovered so much in the past month, is because investors expect PiS to be replaced by a government led by Tusk.

The hope is that Tusk will mend relations with Brussels, unlocking 37 billion euro in EU aid that was blocked over the judicial scandal.

Beyond EU aid flows being restored, there is a general hope of an improved investment climate.

Another way to look at it, is that foreign investors were so fed up with PiS, that the market priced in a "fair price" for the Zloty that was discounted to a far greater degree than even the fundamentals would indicate. In this interpretation, the strengthening of the Zloty is just a return to its fair value - again, because PiS has been voted out.

It's hard to overemphasize how bad PiS was for Poland's image among the global investors.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
27 Nov 2023   #18
The hope is that Tusk will mend relations with Brussels, unlocking 37 billion euro in EU aid that was blocked

Which is just another way of showing how over dependant Poland is on Brussels..... they broke free from control by three foreign states only to willingly be controlled by a European superstate. Call that freedom? I don't.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
28 Nov 2023   #19
The reason the Zloty has recovered so much in the past mont

I think PLN is getting ready for a free fall after if the new govt comes in.I read somewhere that the healthy rate of Zloty is between 4 pln & 4.20 to the $.I bet they will toast Glapinski for that.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
28 Nov 2023   #20
Call that freedom?

I think the new Govt will have tough time doing that and if they fail,which I suspect with coalition they will and Pis will be back next elections.I have a strong feeling this is one term Govt.One way good for Pis to learn what wrong they were doing.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 955
28 Nov 2023   #21
That and the dollar weakening because of Biden policies. Good time to have bought a whole bunch of zl when the exchange rate was up.
amiga500  5 | 1547
28 Nov 2023   #22
if they fail,which I suspect with coalition they will and Pis will be back next elections.

Yeah.. Pretty much a given.. Look at the vote in Holland. De Wilders. He has nice hair. I have always respected Razem, they're real. They want nothing to do with this gówno
Korvinus  3 | 634
28 Nov 2023   #23
PO won, technically they're in a coalition and PiS as a single party had more votes, but everyone knows Tusk is in power, other parties aren't really relevant, they exist to bring certain audiences to PO's side, without PO itself needing to commit to them. Like Lewica, for example, exists to bring votes of the fags to PO, without PO having to actually make any pro-LGBT changes and annoy the majority of Poles.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Nov 2023   #24
the majority of Poles.

You work on obsolete data - the majority voted PiS out. :):):) That is why you are writing such comments. :):):)
mafketis  38 | 11284
28 Nov 2023   #25
they exist to bring certain audiences to PO's side, without PO itself needing to commit to them

The strategy (in retrospect) was brilliant. By making sure the parties were generally aligned those who disliked PiS but also were wary of PO could vote for 3D or L, voting against PiS (which has made more enemies than friends over the last few years) without actually voting for PO (which aslo has its faults).

PiS still has its beton but that's not enough anymore.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2023   #26
Tomorrow is the end of that pathetic circus with the provisional gov that azholing President and PiS gangsters concocted for 2 weeks.
And the new era and new Poland is going to start......

BTW, PiS gangsters certainly won`t miss the chance to grab some dinero before they leave. Right now the 2 week ministers from PIS gov are giving their buddies huge financial gratifications from state budget.

Pisowskie pijawki i krwiopijcy - wypierdalać!!!
Alien  26 | 6565
10 Dec 2023   #27

Interestingly, "wypierdalać" can be translated "verPiSsen" in German. 😀
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
10 Dec 2023   #28
that azholing President

Who can still obstract any serious legal reforms...

and PiS gangsters

... who can be back in power very quickly (this time to stay), if PO hasn't learnt their lessons from those 8 years in opposition.

Let's observe how the events unfold with careful optimism but also with vigilance - PO is well able to f*ck this all up, like they did in the past. Hopefully, they won't. *fingers crossed*
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2023   #29
PO hasn't learnt

It seems PO is your little obsession coz you mentioned them twice. :):):)
Let me remind you there are more of them and Tusk has to gain the approval of his partners.

like they did in the past

They did ???? Incredible.
Torq  10 | 1245
10 Dec 2023   #30
They did ???? Incredible

Well, there was a reason why they alienated half of Poland and paved the way to power for Kaczynski and PiS.

Luckily, as you said, they have some reasonable coalition partners these days to control them.

Home / News / Ups and downs of the democratic government 2023-2027 in Poland

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