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Tusk turning his back to idea about Intermarium (New Commonwealth), seeing only EU as future for Poland

Crnogorac3  3 | 659
28 Sep 2017   #61
America is neither a country nor a nation. It is simply a large territory inhabited by immigrants from various countries. Here it is essential that America is deprived of the basic foundation of a stable statehood - the national core, that is, a state-making nation. What is called the American people is not a qualitatively organic or self-determination, but an artificial conglomerate of people who are alien to each other, which are associated with a common passion for consumption and earnings and instinctive fear of responsibility for a common crime against humanity. Such a conglomerate can only survive steadily in a relatively short period of time and, as history shows, decays in the face of the first serious difficulties, and with them America has not yet truly met, although it already stands at their doorstep.

back on topic please
mafketis  38 | 11127
28 Sep 2017   #62
America is neither a country nor a nation. It is simply a large territory inhabited by immigrants from various countries

No. America was founded and created by settlers and pioneers. The immigrants came later. The idea that it is a country founded on immigration is a very new (and very mistaken) idea.

What is called the American people is not a qualitatively organic or self-determination, but an artificial conglomerate

blah blah blah Serbo-Russki communist boilerplate propaganda.

America was (until the arrival of 'diversity' and 'multiculturalism' was a cohesive and coherent cultural and language community, quite distinct from other countries.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
28 Sep 2017   #63
People are most often hostages of the social system in which they were destined to come into the world. But are common people guilty of being born, for example, during Genghis Khan or Hitler? And they are the first victims of the monstrous systems.

Starting an unbiased conversation about America, of course, I do not want to hurt ordinary Americans who are otherwise spiritually unhappy and neglected (nothing less than people who lived under Hitler or Genghis Khan). The point is that an unholy, inhumane and largely totalitarian system, as the American one, has no right to exist, just like any other empire of evil. The system of Americanism, that is a parasitic existence on account of other's resources, the system of violence, deception, exploitation and robbery of other states, must be overcome by the collective efforts of mankind. Otherwise, humanity will not survive.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
28 Sep 2017   #64

Putin is awesome. Russia is perhaps the last standing power that is resisting destruction of Christianity, the traditional family unit, patriotism, etc. Plus the guy has balls of steel. Russia has a smaller population than Nigeria and an economy roughly the size of Brazil - yet when he speaks everyone listens.
mafketis  38 | 11127
28 Sep 2017   #65
Putin is awesome.

Come back to Poland and tell people that. Please.

the last standing power that is resisting destruction of Christianity, the traditional family unit, patriotism, etc

That is hilarious. Church going is all but non-existent in Russia and divorce and adultery are rife and the drug abuse and HIV rates are off the charts. And his patriotism is made up of aggression against supposed enemies (hint: Poland is an enemy to him).

Plus the guy has balls of steel

I wonder sometimes what type of Pole helped sell.the country out to the CCCP..... ones like you who respect 'balls of steel' over progress and western civilization.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
28 Sep 2017   #66

America was a wonderful idea at its beginning - i.e. Bill of Rights, Constitution, a bunch of puny colonies defeating the worlds strongest superpower of the age, etc. It was still pretty good until policies (like the Open Immigration Act of 1965 by Jacob Javitz, welfare, social security, and a general expansion of the welfare state), politicians (Clinton, Bush, Obama, and the like) along with lobbies destroyed it all. Its all b.s. now. If someone really wanted to make something of their lives and work hard they could manage to have a decent existence and afford a home and car without being taxed to death. Not anymore. Even a college degree and full time job won't guaruntee that you'll be able to afford a cheap 2 bedroom apartment let alone a small home. America has been on a decline since the 60's/70's/80's when certain policies were put into law - it just took time for them to affect the common person. Then came NAFTA, inflation, and further degradation of the values and traditions that the country was founded on. Since the recession, the problems have accelerated even more and imo it's too late to fix the system short of purging all the bureaucracy, lobbies, and all the other b.s. All this distraction focusing on gay rights, tranny rights, BLM etc are all just a distraction from the sorry state that the country is in. We need a fresh start, a start from scratch if we want to really make America great again like it was after WW2 till the 60s/70s.
cms  9 | 1253
28 Sep 2017   #67
How is Putin protecting Christian values ? By invading, theiving, killing and jailing opponents and secreting illegitimate kids and pilfered billions in Switzerland ?

And alltimegreat how swiftly you have moved from asking about golonka to deciding that we would be better off here under Russian rule - that has in our lifetimes been marked by military occupation, keeping Poles in dark poverty and with all liberty suppressed.

As for Germany being better off under Russian rule I suggest you run that by the local population - would they prefer some Turks or Iraqis cleaning their hotels and working in KFC or would they rather have many divisions of drunk rapists building a wall alomg the border with the rest of Decadent Europe.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
28 Sep 2017   #68
Come back to Poland and tell people that. Please.

I do. I'm not afraid of sharing my thoughts. Everyone that knows me knows I'm a fan of Putin. Actually many Poles view Putin as a strong leader and are jealous that the US doesn't have leaders with balls anymore. Trump is better than the wussy Obama, but still no match for Putin. Putin emphasizes patriotism, the family unit, and Christianity. Certain policies and laws show that. He is a man's man. While Russia undoubtedly has problems, it has come a very long way under Putin's leadership. The Russia of today and the USSR/90's and early 2000's Russia are way different entities.

To me, I would like nothing more than Poland and Russia, along with all Slavic nations for that matter, to put old B.S. aside and form closer ties as we are all Slavic Christian brothers and sisters afterall. We all share a similar language, culture, and religion. This fighting of Poland/Ukraine/Russia/Serbia/etc to me is awful and totally divisive of the Slavic world.

I wonder sometimes what type of Pole helped sell.the country out to the CCCP..... ones like you who respect 'balls of steel' over progress and western civilization.

You know nothing about me so don't pretend you do. If Russia and Poland ever went to war I would gladly lay down my life in defense of Poland. Poland is my motherland first and foremost and will always be against any sort of threats to its sovereignty, culture, traditions and its people. Nonetheless, I would like nothing more than Poland to form closer bonds with fellow Slavic nations. While it is unlikely atm, especially under PiS as Russophobia is a sort of state sponsored movement, I would prefer for Poland to have closer relations with fellow Slavs. Miedzymorze to me would be ideal as its unlikely that attitudes against Russia amongst EU Slavs will change.

As far as 'progress' and 'western civilization,' Russia as well as Slavs in general, are able to claim many 'firsts' in a wide variety of fields. The sort of 'progress' I see in the west is men turning their genitals inside out and being called heroes on magazine covers. The only progress happening in the west now is progressively destroying the family unit, Christianity, tradition, patriotism, and national identity.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
28 Sep 2017   #69
How is Putin protecting Christian values

by not offering normal police protection to gays and lesbians, of course. Silly.
cms  9 | 1253
28 Sep 2017   #70
Yeah forgot that - and also by building modest churches with gold domes so the billionaires can have a nice backdrop for their christening parties.
mafketis  38 | 11127
28 Sep 2017   #71
I suggest you run that by the local population - would they prefer some Turks or Iraqis cleaning their hotels

Well it's not like Putin is against muslim immigration (a fact many of his supporters try to ignore or rationalize away) there has been a bunch of immigration to Moscow (for example) by muslims from the caucasus and central asia and Putin does nothing to stop it.


Oh yeah, he's a defender of Chrisitan values...
OP Crow  154 | 9525
28 Sep 2017   #72
No. America was founded and created by settlers and pioneers. The immigrants came later.

Essentially, America is genocidal formation. Result of enormous genocide on natives.

back on topic please
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
28 Sep 2017   #73

The difference between the West and Russia:



If I had a choice I would rather live in Putin's Russia than in Merkel's Germany.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
28 Sep 2017   #74
If I had a choice I would rather live in Putin's Russia than in Merkel's Germany.

well you dont have the choice do you? you are probably living in your parents' goat hut in the arse end of Europe.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
28 Sep 2017   #75
British arrogance at its finest. At least we don't have a Pakistani mayor like you do, or a black muslim president.

Rozumiemnic (your username suits you well BTW) I said if which is the key word, and in the last video I posted in my previous message which has since been removed, it shows there is clearly a clash of interests between Russia and the EU over this very important area. It is called geopolitics, a science of which a common housewife with possibly a high school level of education or below has obviously no clue about.

When you were left with no arguments, in all your despair you resorted to the most bold and presomptuous ad-hominem attack against me.

For rude & desperate housewifes without proper manners like yourself we have a saying:


The English poet Lord Byron famously put it thus: "At the moment of the creation of our planet, the most beautiful merging of land and sea occurred at the Montenegrin seaside... When the pearls of nature were sworn, an abundance of them were strewn all over this area."

Sveti Stefan


Bay of Kotor

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
28 Sep 2017   #76
a common housewife with possibly a high school level of education or below has obviously no clue about.

I can assure you that
a. I am not 'common' whatever that means. nor am I a housewife. Are you?
b. My level of education is certainly higher than that. or yours.

If i 'meet' someone who thinks that gay people being harassed and brutalised under state sanction, is a good thing, then I know that they are a nasty dumb cvnt and do probably live in a goat shed. if they are lucky.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
29 Sep 2017   #77
It is called geopolitics, a science of which a common housewife with possibly a high school level of education or below has obviously no clue about

You are an extremely pathetic figure when you are talking to someone in this way.

If I had a choice I would rather live in Putin's Russia than in Merkel's Germany.

Then tell your silly government to start using the rouble instead of using the euro. The rouble should be the currency of choice in your country, so you could partly feel as living in your beloved Russia.
Alltimegreat1  16 | 67
29 Sep 2017   #78
Good idea. I'll suggest that.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
29 Sep 2017   #79
Gerhard Schröder may be a good recipient of this suggestion ...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
29 Sep 2017   #80
If I had a choice I would rather live in Putin's Russia than in Merkel's Germany.

Same... but I find Poland a good middle ground or perhaps even a place like Hungary, Serbia, etc.. Poland has the western feel of Germany without the Islamic terror and issues that have arisen with the huge levels of migration along with the patriotism, family values and faith that is being promoted in Russia without the high levels of corruption.

Well it's not like Putin is against muslim immigration (a fact many of his supporters try to ignore or rationalize away) there has been a bunch of immigration to Moscow

The relationship that Russia has with Muslims, especially Chechens and former Soviet countries, is generally good now. Putin first and foremost promotes Orthodoxy, the traditional family unit, and especially patriotism in Russia and a belief of a greater, revived Russia. Most of the Muslims who live in the large Russian cities are economic migrants from old Soviet countries - not people from places like Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, etc. These individuals often have Russian sounding names and frequently fill the low wage low skill type of jobs - kind of like Ukranians in Poland. Nonetheless, many Russians don't like them but they are generally accepted as part of Russian society. Putin and Kadyrov have a good relationship as well. This was an area full of separatism and Islamic terror but Putin and Kadyrov spread a message that Putin's Russia allows the Muslims to have their religious freedom, build their mosques, etc. but they are nonetheless Russian citizens. This relationship works very well. Chechens are actually among the most patriotic Russians and among the fiercest fighters. Loads of them fought in Novorossiya and serve in the Russian forces.

The day Poland switches to the Euro is the day they hand over near complete control of their fiscal policy to people outside Polish borders. I pray that never happens and they use the zloty till the end.

Nightwolves: Putin's hairy biker gang - Journeyman - leader of the nightwolves, a former surgeon, describes the situation and putin quite well...
Too bad that Poland wouldn't let them cross through the borders despite overwhelming support from fellow Polish bikers including Road Runners and RR affiliates.
Alltimegreat1  16 | 67
29 Sep 2017   #81
No one's mentioned Belarus yet as a place of refuge. I would expect them to have very few non-whites and Muslims compared to Russia and for it to stay that way due to the consistency of their government and the low likelihood they'll ever join the EU. Being in the EU is what worries me the most about Poland. The next time the liberals win an election the immigrants could start coming quickly and in large numbers.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
29 Sep 2017   #82

I doubt youd like Belarus. I've been to minsk and didn't particularly like it. Very gray and pretty poor for a european country. I found that the average Belarussians were even poorer than average Russians. Plus you'd be very suspect as an English speaking westerner. Youd probably have the KGB which still exists there checking up on you and keeping tabs even though ypud most likely be of little threat. I'd sooner chose Poland Russia Serbia Hungary etc.
mafketis  38 | 11127
29 Sep 2017   #83
I've been to minsk and didn't particularly like it

Why didn't you like it? You're all about the authoritarian big man leaders, aren't you?
Alltimegreat1  16 | 67
29 Sep 2017   #84
Please share more about Minsk. What are the prices like there? Lower than in Poland?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
29 Sep 2017   #85

I was only there for a few days. It was cheaper than Poland in terms of food, drink, nightlife, hotels, etc. There was a big divide between rich and poor, not as noticeable as in Poland.. Kind of like ukraine where youll see a horse and buggy sharing a suburban road w a new Audi.


No I just don't like punk a$$ b!tch excuses fpr men. That's why the western EU was taken over by migrants so easily. Even the cops were too afraid to crack a few skulls to let them know they're in charge and a result the migrants burn cop cars and police stations at will. Now the migrants realized that and as they say 'European men have lost their fertility.' Such things won't happen in countries like Poland Russia etc where we let foreigners knows you're guests in our land and must abide by pur rules. What happened when a tunisian stabbed a pole? His property was promptly destroyed and torched with our beautiful girls cheering the guys on and police standing a block away not bothering anyone. The Tunisian is lucky he was already arrested or he would've been torn apart by the mob
Alltimegreat1  16 | 67
30 Sep 2017   #86
Did you notice immigrants in Minsk? I barely saw any in Warsaw.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
30 Sep 2017   #87

No, none just about everyone was local with the exception of a handful of central asians, poles, Russians and some french italians that came to trade. This was around the time Russia took over Crimea and was sanctioned. Im willing to bet now its mainly just locals n a few russians and central asians. Back then European goods were brought to Belarus by truck convoys, relabeled as Belarussian goods, and resold to Russia at a 300-500% or more markup.

All the locals and russians or asians I came in contact with spoke some dialect of Russian and the W and Central Europeans who came to trade would hire a translator (usually an English/Russian speaker) for like $10 a day.

Most the immigrants in Poland are from Ukraine and a small amount from the rest of Europe. There's an increase in Indians that work in it or study in our unis but they're generally alright and don't cause n e issues plus they contribute to the economy. There's very few Muslims or blacks aside from the occasional tourist, student, small biz owner, etc
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Sep 2017   #88
What are the prices like there? Lower than in Poland?

It's a poverty sticken country. Of course it's cheaper than Poland. Read about the orphanages of Belarus if you want to know what kind of place it is.

I barely saw any in Warsaw.

But if you lived there you would. There are far more than there were ten years ago, though most of them are probably on short term contracts for employment especially in IT or are students from fairly affluent backgrounds.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
30 Sep 2017   #89
That is correct. Average people are making like $250 $300 or so a month in Minsk. A person making over $1k a month would be considered wealthy in Belarus while in Poland such a salary would be on the low/lower middle end in the cities. In the rural parts people may make as little $100-$200 a month.

It's really not all that much cheaper than Poland. Like if you shop at the markets for food it'll be slightly cheaper than Poland or roughly the same price (much cheaper than Germany though for things like food, drink, etc.) but many imports are even more expensive than PL, Germany, etc. From what I understood from speaking with one of the locals is that they live in their commie style bloki rent fee although who actually owns the flat is murky. Anyway they pay like a small tax to the government each month for living there. I think this is a vestige leftover from when USSR broke up and things were privatized. I can't really recall because you'd have to take like several millions rubles on just a trip to the supermarket or mall and again this was like 2 years ago when I went.

Downtown Minsk itself is very clean, safe, homogenous with cops patrolling on every corner and has tons of modern amenities like any western city - shopping malls, luxury cars, western goods, theaters, sports arenas, etc. However, go a bit outside of minsk and everything is gray and poverty stricken.
1 Oct 2017   #90
There's very few Muslims

The number of halal restaurants within a two-minute walk of my flat shows how wrong you are.

Home / News / Tusk turning his back to idea about Intermarium (New Commonwealth), seeing only EU as future for Poland

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