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R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland

pawian  226 | 27817
7 May 2022   #1
He has just voiced his stout objection to the celebration of 9 May Victory Day by the Russian Embassy in Warsaw:

"I strongly oppose this. No Polish public institution should lend a hand to this initiative. More - it should be banned. There is no consent for the aggressor's holiday in Warsaw. "

Good. Very good.

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jon357  72 | 23658
7 May 2022   #2
Hard to believe the orcs dare suggest it. They'd be slaughtered, probably literally.
Bobko  27 | 2235
7 May 2022   #3
If we are orcs, and Russia is Mordor, then America is Gondor, the Ukrainians are the Hobbits, and Poles are then... Sméagol?

Poles looking at Lvov:

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 May 2022   #4
They'd be slaughtered, probably literally.

No, Warsawians are cultural people. They would only boo and whistle. :):)

Coming back to Trzaskowski:
He rules the city of two characters (even three):

  • Old (or new after WW2 rebuilding)

  • New
OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 May 2022   #5
Coming back to Trzaskowski:

His twitter account

on which he announces important events

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 May 2022   #6
Trzaskowski speaking fluent English in MSNBC interview

amiga500  5 | 1544
8 May 2022   #7
LOLz i just flicked to a random bit and heard him say "we are distributing candy" Would you trust this man to give candy to your kids? :)

He has just voiced his stout objection to the celebration of 9 May

Easy to talk when when you have no power or decision making in the matter, now tell me this Which party stopped the construction of the baltic pipe in 2007? You know the one that would have gotten us energy independence from russia a lot earlier?

P.S ,regarding the rumours about Trzaskowski's nightclub shenanigans, I wonder what sort of candy he is talking about :) :)
Alien  26 | 6550
8 May 2022   #8
When are the next presidential elections in Poland? Because he wouldn't have had any chance for now.
cms neuf  2 | 1958
8 May 2022   #9
They should be allowed - free speech is one of the things the war is about. Of course they must pay for the policing

Last week he banned flags at a football match - ostensibly for fire safety, but more like because he could. Like Macron he is a young politician intoxicated by the arbitrary power he can wield. He gets a free ride from the liberal press because the alternatives are so bad

Warsaw is the capital and all citizens should be allowed to protest there
jon357  72 | 23658
8 May 2022   #10
Because he wouldn't have had any chance for now.

He'd probably win.

They would only boo and whistle

And express their feelings through the medium of contemporary dance.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
8 May 2022   #11
Do you even know this guy? You are living in some remote village. Warsaw is very close to me and I don't want that screwup to run the city let alone Poland. He is a lazy no good scumback. Spending Warsaw money to run his political platform, deep in cahoots with some shady deals.

I think Warsaw should be run by a profecional manager then by some politcial ah''les that use that postion to promote themslefs into bigger politiks. They are not even intersted in runing that city.
Alien  26 | 6550
8 May 2022   #12
Crisis time like Ukraine war is always Government time and they act now very well in Poland. Thats why I think Mr. T would be chanceless now. PAD was never my favorit but I must try to be impartial.
jon357  72 | 23658
8 May 2022   #13
and they act now very well in Poland

They do indeed. Decorations on buses however are a distraction.
amiga500  5 | 1544
8 May 2022   #14
You are living in some remote village

well for baboon, living in a village sorounded by PiS voters , Warszawa must seem like Mecca and Trzaskowski like Muhammed. Hey Pawian do you pray five times to him every day? :) :) How was POmadan? :) :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 May 2022   #15
Government time and they act now very well in Poland.

Not really. The main part of aiding refugees is done by local councils. Including Trzaskowski`s.

Thats why I think Mr. T would be chanceless now.

So you think wrong, I am afraid. A recent poll suggested he is NO 1 candidate. :):)

He is a lazy

That is black propaganda spread by his enemies. Don`t fall for that. :):)

Trzaskowski like Muhammed.

Or Jesus. The Saviour of Poland.
Alien  26 | 6550
8 May 2022   #16
Yes he might win in....2025.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
8 May 2022   #17
I hope he will not. We need people who are good at doing stuff not who are good at talking and not much else. Time for idlers and yappers is over we are on the verge of the new order in this part of the world and need people to act and make decision on the spot for the good of the country. Not some drifters that go with the flow or with German or other money.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 May 2022   #18
who are good

Most Warsawians are going to vote for him again in the municipal elections coz they think he is a good mayor. Simple.
BTW, do you know what the population of Warsaw is? :):)
amiga500  5 | 1544
11 May 2022   #19
Turned on Polsat News to hear Trashkowski say that a diplomat's rights are sacred and that the police should have protected the russian ambassador! that would involve the police beating the ukranian protestors back what the F? Did he just fall back to the PO's russophiliac ways or is he trying to score cheap political points, or he's just a dumb ass?

I'm still wondering about what sort of candy he is distributing around warsaw, rule no 1. don't get high on your supply...
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
11 May 2022   #20
Did he just fall back to the PO's russophiliac ways or is he trying to score cheap political points, or he's just a dumb ass?

All of the above and more - why would Warsaw major involve in an international issue?
jon357  72 | 23658
11 May 2022   #21
why would Warsaw major involve in an international issue?

Why wouldn't he, given that the population of his city has increased by 20% in the space of two months.


At least PiS aren't in city hall. They are riddled with russian assets, not just the obvious one.
amiga500  5 | 1544
11 May 2022   #22
At least PiS aren't in city hall. They are riddled with russian assets

What are you babbling about? A few days ago you post that PiS is doing a great job nationally during the war and now you allude that PiS would be a working for Russia if they were in Warsaw.

make up your mind and be consistant instead of this knee jerk response because your fellow candy popping gay night clubber was insulted. :)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
12 May 2022   #23
We have already some imigrants from Georgia, Pakistan and some Arab country getting job as uber drivers started raping women. Should be castrated!

Why wouldn't he

You were saying? He doesn't care about the city. He is a punk!
jon357  72 | 23658
12 May 2022   #24
PiS would be a working for Russia

Looks like you've deliberately misunderstood. And no, PiS are not "doing a great job nationally". Poland is, despite PiS.

Australia is a long way from Warsaw.

We have already some imigrants from Georgia, Pakistan and some Arab country

Get used to it. You don't live in Warsaw anyway.

The current mayor is very popular and a good mayor. He is likely to be the next President of Poland.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
12 May 2022   #25
Get used to it. You don't live in Warsaw anyway.

Oh really? To women being raped by some foreign scum? Why don't tell that to Ukrianin women?
You are really stupid aren't you!
By the way if traffic is not much I can drive to the Warsaw Center (if I have to, problems with parking space due to your Trzaskowski as'hole) in about 30 - 40 minutes.

The current mayor is very popular and a good mayor

Look he is not doing his job as major, he is using that postion to vie for some other office, he is mixed with mafia of the previous major Gronkiewicz. He give power to two groups, one are crooks white collar, the other fringe leftie nutters, one take everything they can get money, the other use Warsaw money to promote their creepy fringe ideology. The transport in Warsaw is getting worse that it was few years back, the city is getting dirty, use to be a very clean for a city - now that getting bad.

I don't want that lazy loon to be anything that bruden on his relatives.

Oh it get even better they stabbed a guy on Nowy Świat! He is dead.
amiga500  5 | 1544
12 May 2022   #26
in about 30 - 40 minutes.

Yes that is the western and global definiton of living in a major city, no matter the voting districts. You live in Warsaw. Anyone who lives 30-40min drive from Paris CBD lives in Paris.

He give power to two groups, one are crooks white collar, the other fringe leftie nutters

Bingo! Do a bit of virtue signalling and the NPCs quickly forget they are being stolen from and nothing has been achieved in warsaw. They didin't even bother to update the third metro line from the plans from the 1970s, and it is going the wrong alignment and to the wrong places, wasting billions.
jon357  72 | 23658
12 May 2022   #27
To women being raped by some foreign

In Warsaw?

Look he is not doing his job as major, he is using that postion to vie for some other office

He's very much doing his job and is popular among the voters, however much you hate that fact.

As for "vying" for "some other office", you obviously have a short memory, since Lech Kaczyński spent several years as mayor doing just that.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
12 May 2022   #28
In Warsaw?

Yes in Warsaw, uber drivers or some such.. not ukrianians - from those Arab countries and Kaukaz.

Some other killed a dude on Nowy świat it was on the news, he walk into a shop and bleed out before ambulans came, stabbed in the back, some English speaking foreigners accosting women he told them off or some such.

since Lech Kaczyński spent several years as mayor doing just that.

It doesn't make it right! They should make a law that whoever became Warsaw's mayor is not allowed to hold a public office for 10 years after end of his term. That would keep away all those ambitious loons from the mayor office.
jon357  72 | 23658
12 May 2022   #29
They should make a law that whoever became Warsaw's mayor is not allowed to hold a public office for 10 years

A shame they didn't have that law before LK, however it's not unusual for mayors of capitals to later hold office nationally. LK in Poland, several in France.

from those Arab countries and Kaukaz

There are a few Uzbeks and Georgians. I've also noticed drivers with Armenian names. It's all the same to me.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
12 May 2022   #30
why would Warsaw major involve in an international issue?

As jon already explained to you - there are so many foreigners in Warsaw the mayor is obliged to deal with such issues. I am amased you are asking such infantile questions.

We have already some imigrants from Georgia, Pakistan and some Arab country

They are new immigrants who have come under PiS government. Blame them, not Trzask who has nothing to do with immigration policy. Again you display ignorance.

They should make a law that whoever became Warsaw's mayor

Democratic countries don`t pass such laws. Probably only North Korea and Belarus. :):)

I see you are troubled with a funny obsession against all reason in this thread. Actually, I have nothing against. :):):):)

The current mayor is very popular and a good mayor.

Exactly. And he keeps his word. E..g, he promised the enlargement of the Warsaw underground. And now they are dealing with it.

Green lines are Trzask`s plans.

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Home / News / R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland

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