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Dougpol1  29 | 2497
24 Jun 2018   #121
Here goes. All or nothing. A draw won't really cut the mustard. So let's hope that Nawalka will have Poland actually busting a gut instead of last time, though I fear the heat plays into Columbia's hands.

Oh dear. No chance when you have a very poor goalkeeper......
cms neuf  2 | 1938
24 Jun 2018   #122
Better than the Senegal game but they give the ball away far too easily - very weak in midfield :(
Crow  155 | 9695
24 Jun 2018   #123
they succumbed to English demands and joined the few nations in the English led World Cup boycott.

Poland`s position is indeed tragic. Like a colony.
Joker  2 | 2447
25 Jun 2018   #124
Oh dear. No chance when you have a very poor goalkeeper.

It appears they got whooped by Columbia 3-0

I assume this is a rather large score for soccer game?

  • thumbnail.jpeg
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
25 Jun 2018   #125
a rather large score for soccer game?

The team was not helped of course by the idiotic behaviour of the president, setting up a photo opportunity for himself on a navy ship surrounded by navy brass and shipmates.

Instead of watching the match at home with his family like everybody else, Duda has to turn the drama into some sort of nonsensical patriotic mission.

No pressure there then. :(
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
25 Jun 2018   #126
Oh dear. No chance when you have a very poor goalkeeper......


The above two separate posts should not have been merged.

Those two posts are 35 minutes apart. The reference to the goalkeeper (and the goal) are separate from the reference to the kick off.
You are American. Kindly keep your interfering nose out of a sport you clearly know less than **** all about :( You have your ridiculous basketball to follow.

Thanking you in advance.
Ironside  51 | 13083
25 Jun 2018   #127
Duda has to turn the drama into some sort of nonsensical patriotic mission.

After 30 years in Poland you still have no clue do you? You know nothing understand even less. Duda was scoring his own points with the potential voters.

As for the Poland's team - no good, hasn't been good for 30 years. Hey you're some kind of Jonas, bad luck and such. Hmm ..
cms neuf  2 | 1938
25 Jun 2018   #128
IS this is different from the last 30 years - Poland was ranked number 6 with a big star and an easy looking group.

As for the threads merging - there are 15?or so russian troll threads about muslims but this is the biggest topic of conversation in Poland today :)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
25 Jun 2018   #129
After 30 years in Poland you still have no clue do you?

I know plenty thanks dude. Enough to know that Polish politicians have to make it all about them. British prime ministers stay in Downing Street and quietly congratulate England on their (rare) victories.

That's how to do it. It's called class. You wouldn't know the meaning of the word.

hasn't been good for 30 years.

Stick to what you know. poland were a penalty kick away from the semi-finals of the European championship 2 years ago. I have entered "Must learn to pay attention" in the Ironside end of year school report.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
27 Jun 2018   #130
poland were a penalty kick away from the semi-finals of the European championship 2 years ago.

And should have beaten Portugal in normal time. Poland were a damn good team then, and massively underachieved.

Then again, Greece in 2004 and Denmark in 1992 showed that negative football is normally enough to win the Euros.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
13 Aug 2018   #131
European Champions in 4x400m relay of women. Slavic. White. Beautiful. Simply Polish.

Just to compare. This is Great Britain's team:

and France's:

Are those other two even remotely European?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
14 Aug 2018   #132
Poland should be given 1st place for there mere fact that there team is actually composed of EUROPEANS - namely Poles.. Those sure as hell don't look like French or British women to me...

You know it all makes sense now... I understand why there's so many migrants raping European women. Their countries have hideous women like those above - many even hiding underneath a ninja outfit. This totally makes sense now why the western European governments have to give rape prevention classes to migrants and gradually ease them into a society with beautiful women. If you came from a country where you're whole life you're exposed to such dogs and suddenly you see such beautiful european girls - in miniskirts and blouses that show off their goods instead of ninja outfits that cover everything (although maybe that's a good thing) - it'd blow your mind too! This is why Poland must continue to resist becoming another victim of EU forced European genocide by multiculturalism or we'll have national teams where the majority of the people are from Africa or Middle East. Now Spain is the next country to put its own neck on the chopping block and accept tons of migrants. There's quite a few videos now on youtube where people are just chilling on a beach and suddenly a migrant ship jumps out and a bunch of people - all young African men - run off the boat and to the nearest benefits office.

Go Poland!!!!
mafketis  38 | 11258
14 Aug 2018   #133
team is actually composed of EUROPEANS - namely Poles

Like Sofia Ennaoui?
Joker  2 | 2447
14 Aug 2018   #134
Those sure as hell don't look like French or British women to me...

I certainly didn't envision this of Europe when I clicked... yikes! Go Poland:)
cms neuf  2 | 1938
14 Aug 2018   #135
Can the mods move the last few comments to one of the many threads about migrants ? Imagine a casual new reader of this forum clicking here to read about sport and in fact reading about rape gangs and how other women are dogs
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Aug 2018   #136
Agreed. Two things really bother me about Dirk's latest post.

Firstly it's spam. It's another example of flooding the forum with stuff about migrants, people of colour and various other issues about which he is obsessed.

Secondly it contains some horrible comments about human beings who cannot help the colour of their skin or their relative attractiveness. To talk about these women as 'hideous' and 'dogs' is simply unacceptable - and it is completely irrelevant to their sporting prowess.

ust to compare. This is Great Britain's team:

No it isn't. That's not the team for the 4 x400m race. The team you've shown is the 4 x 100m. The team for the 400m was comprised of three white Britons and one black girl.

Gratulacje Poland!
mafketis  38 | 11258
14 Aug 2018   #137
Dirk's latest post

Is about what you'd expect from someone who's stuck at an emotional age of 13*. He has no real daily connection from Poland and is alienated from the US (and kind of hates himself) and rather than arguments based in policy he regurgitates a lot of third hand rhetoric that he doesn't understand very well before he drugs himself out again while he drowns in fantasies about the high life....

*eighth grader in the US school system, widely regarded as the worst to try to teach...
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
14 Aug 2018   #138
And can I add that The British 4 x 100m girls won gold........
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
14 Aug 2018   #139
Only because the US transgenders were busy undergoing therapy. Just wait...
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
14 Aug 2018   #140
No it isn't. That's not the team for the 4 x400m race

What is the 4x100 "British" team?
Wanna compare it with 4x100 Polish team?

Best are British Shot Put girls lol

Too scared to even likn their photos ololol
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
14 Aug 2018   #141
Like Sofia Ennaoui?

Having an actual European on western European teams is becoming more and more of a rarity indeed.

That is why so many people were saying Africa won the world cup, not France.

To talk about these women as 'hideous' and 'dogs' is simply unacceptable

They are pretty damn hideous... maybe the ninja outfits aren't such a bad thing... either way, good thing Poland doesn't have sh1t and instead has beautiful European women that dress in normal clothes and not ninja outfits from 7th century sandbox culture

and kind of hates himself)

Actually I'm very happy with my life. Couldn't ask for more in all honesty. I feel quite blessed.

Isn't there some sort of requirement that national teams should be made up of people actually from that country? If not there should be. Otherwise you have European teams where there isn't a single native European in the mix.
mafketis  38 | 11258
14 Aug 2018   #142
an actual European on western European teams is becoming more and more of a rarity indeed.

Huh? Sofia Ennaoui is more Polish than you (she's lived here longer, is more invested in the place and has done more for its international profile).
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
14 Aug 2018   #143
Well she's certainly more attractive than the 'women' on the French and British teams above. Definitely the polish genes, not the Moroccan.

Keep Polish teams Polish!! Or at the very least Slavic!!!

If EU had their way the polish national teams would start looking like Nigeria's or Egypt's just like the w Europe teams already do. And that's why people say Africa won the world cup. Id rather have Poland lose and actually have a team that's polish. The kibole would never allow a bunch of abduls and muhammeds to be on our teams nor would management want them for fear of the kibole
cms neuf  2 | 1938
14 Aug 2018   #144
So you have obviously never attended a soccer game in Poland - no surprise as you dont spend much time here. Almost all Ekstraklasa teams have foreign players - from Africa ans South America. The national team has had players born in nigeria, brazil, france, germany

Again its sad that this normal Polish sports thread has been a place to discuss eugenics- just like the sports thread in off topic has. Probably time to bail soon and leave this forum to Rich and the visa seekers of Delhi.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
14 Aug 2018   #145
It's been a while since I watched Ali G, but would minger be more appropriate then?

@cms neuf
Yes But nonetheless they are still majority European teams. And no I don't watch soccer unless poland happens to be in the world cup. I prefer sports that involve contact and where people bleed, not sports where a guy is barely touched and he's on the ground crying like a girl. Even the kibole friends that I have go more for the comraderie and brotherhood than because they particularly like soccer.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
14 Aug 2018   #146
Probably time to bail soon and leave this forum to Rich

You don't need Rich to ruin things. The seeds of destruction were planted earlier. Like in Post 96 where the poster wrote: Yes - this group is wide open after Japan beating Colombia...

Japan beating Colombia. Huh? This is the talk that hooligans love and makes them spring into action. Never mind that nobody actually beat nobody and that it was not Japan but a bunch of guys who just happen to live in Japan. That is why tennis stands out and alone because nobody talks s*** like this. They seldom even mention where the players are from. No hooligans at the US Open.

BTW, that poster was you.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
14 Aug 2018   #147
Are those other two even remotely European?

A lot more attractive than the Polish athletes.
You started it, so I'll play. And you have no education, otherwise you would realise but by a fate of birth you would have born a dirtbag. Oh were!

It's crazy that there is all this about a discipline - something that people do to reach a personal best - not a sport - and there was sod all about Poland in the World Cup. Quite pathetic.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
14 Aug 2018   #148
That is why tennis stands out

Wow. Dougpol in agreement with Rich shocker!!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Aug 2018   #149
Confucius say............. If ya can't beat them, join them.
Ironside  51 | 13083
14 Aug 2018   #150
Poland should be given 1st place for there mere fact that there team is actually composed of EUROPEANS -

Exactly. What is the point of having regional sport competition if participants came from every corner of the world.

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