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Poland Sports News

Joker 2 | 2233
12 Sep 2022 #751
It cost me $51 for 9 holes including a golf cart at the public golf course.

Of course, its not Pebble Beach but pretty nice and a fun time.
Alien 22 | 5228
12 Sep 2022 #752
@Cargo pants; whats wealthy
Wealthy is 1mln PLN in Poland, 1 mln USD in US, 1 mln EUR in Germany and last, but not least 1 mln GBP in UK.
Joker 2 | 2233
12 Sep 2022 #753
They always have a hot girl driving around in her beverage cart selling beer and cocktails.
Alien 22 | 5228
12 Sep 2022 #754
Hot girl selling cold beer.šŸ™‚
Cargo pants 3 | 1483
12 Sep 2022 #755
Wealthy is 1mln PLN in Poland, 1 mln USD in US, 1 mln EUR in Germany

NO Alien,! mil or even 5 mil in the country's currency is not wealthy.Nowadays if you own a house little bank balance cpl of cars a dacha and one is a millionaire in his country and normal middle class person.In fact a millionaire now is a lower middle class.I dont know about Germany but in Poland and the US means crap.A 40 sq m flat will cost over 2 mil in NYC and just walk around Warszawa the commercial lokals are worth millions of PLN.For sure one can never retire even in his 60s comfortably with a mil in there local currency.

I consider Rich is having over 50 mil and up.

selling beer and cocktails.

Crnogorac3 4 | 730
14 Sep 2022 #756
now Slovenia in QF. :)

The Poles cannot miss, they are close to an enormous success.
pawian 221 | 24284
14 Sep 2022 #757
they are close to an enormous success.

Stop fawning at the Polish team now when you are having your ass kicked by the Ukrainian team. It is disgusting.
Crnogorac3 4 | 730
14 Sep 2022 #758
Stop fawning at the Polish team now


It is team Polska players who are begging to take a photo with Serbian NBA superstars Nikola Jokić and Luka Dončić.

GefreiterKania 28 | 1234
14 Sep 2022 #759
Slovenia - Poland 87:90. Now France in the semi-final. :)
Alien 22 | 5228
14 Sep 2022 #760
We will go with forks on them.šŸ“
AntV 4 | 749
14 Sep 2022 #761
That's a win over a legitimately good team. I see the very good Doncic ( and he is VERY good) to 14 points. Impressive win. Who is that Ponitka guy? He may be getting a call from the NBA in due time.

Soccer/football club season is starting off nicely in the top leagues. It'd be nice to see the Polish National Team perform as well as the bball fellows.
GefreiterKania 28 | 1234
15 Sep 2022 #762
Who is that Ponitka guy?

The most underrated player in the world at the moment. Triple double against Slovenia yesterday...

AntV 4 | 749
15 Sep 2022 #763
From that youtube video looks like he has very good court vision, crisp passing, fluid jump shot, and uses his body well.

I much prefer Euro bball than today's NBA.

I noticed Poland has a black guy in the team with an American (or English) name.
GefreiterKania 28 | 1234
15 Sep 2022 #764
A naturalised American, A.J. Slaughter (or Sloterowski, as we prefer to call him ;)).
GefreiterKania 28 | 1234
15 Sep 2022 #765
Cast your votes, people...

... :)
Crnogorac3 4 | 730
16 Sep 2022 #766
Ponitka unable to breathe, this game is so far a one way street...

Katastrofa Poljaka.
GefreiterKania 28 | 1234
16 Sep 2022 #767
The French were amazing, well done to les Bleus. Our team did much more in this tournament than anyone expected of them anyway. Fingers crossed on Sunday for the bronze. :)
GefreiterKania 28 | 1234
21 Sep 2022 #768
Great news from sports...

Russia will not be allowed to compete in the 2024 European Football Championship over the Kremlin's invasion of Ukraine (...) UEFA has announced.,Football-Russia-banned-from-Euro-2024

The qualifying draw for the Euro 2024 tournament, which will be hosted by Germany, is due to take place in Frankfurt on October 9, without Russia.

Fair play to UEFA. Well done.
GefreiterKania 28 | 1234
21 Sep 2022 #769
Robert Lewandowski announced that in the coming World Cup he will wear captain's armband in Ukrainian national colours. He received the armband from Ukrainian football Legend Andriy Schevchenko. For some reason the nice gesture annoyed Russians.,nId,6299207
Kashub1410 6 | 649
21 Sep 2022 #770
Solidarity! Nice gesture
GefreiterKania 28 | 1234
9 Oct 2022 #771
Poland will play Czechia, Albania, Faroe Islands and Moldova in qualifiers to Euro 2024 in Germany.

I watched the draw but I didn't notice in which group Russia will play. I have to check again... oh, no... wait... I forgot that bandits who invade neighbouring countries and murder civilians are excluded from international football family.
Alien 22 | 5228
9 Oct 2022 #772
Are Faroe Islands in Europe?
Lenka 5 | 3526
9 Oct 2022 #773
Polish women volleyball team is in quarter finals.
Alien 22 | 5228
10 Oct 2022 #774
Finals of what?
Lenka 5 | 3526
10 Oct 2022 #775
World Championship
Crnogorac3 4 | 730
12 Oct 2022 #776


Finals of what?

After eliminating the host team Poland, Serbia will play against USA in the semis for a place in the final.
Alien 22 | 5228
12 Oct 2022 #777
Be careful, the US can hit you, as you know.
Crnogorac3 4 | 730
12 Oct 2022 #779

#ZapytajBiankę - Bianka BuÅ”a vs. kibice

Interview with Serbian volleyball player Bianka BuŔa who played for Polish club KPS Chemik Police
Crnogorac3 4 | 730
12 Oct 2022 #780
Be careful, the US can hit you, as you know.

Live: Serbia is destroying USA



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