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Scandals, conflicts, tensions, arguments - real life examples from Poland

jon357  72 | 23706
3 Apr 2023   #391
No, I am not quoting anything from the news report

I saw that. I'm all for tackling difficult subjects in challenging ways and teenagers need to be kept interested but that one did go a bit too far.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 May 2023   #392
An old rocket slide in a local playground was repainted. Previously it had the colours of the Russian (or French) flag. The new colours are patriotic, with the national emblem. However, the latter mustn`t be placed on kids` slides coz it is profanity.

Why are rightists so crazy????

  • 1.jpg
mafketis  38 | 11284
7 Jul 2023   #393
Newest political scandal!

PiS MP Iwona Arent (who had a very high chance of being high on the PiS electoral list) has had to temporarily withdraw from political life due to a family situation....

It seems her son (29 y.o.) had been accused of beating up his former girlfriend... at first Arent tried to downplay this, saying he didn't do very much that was very bad.... all he did was spit on her and pull her hair... and besides the girl had stolen money from him and his phone....

The it turned out that the son recorded the beating (mostly carried out by a female friend)

part of the film can be seen here...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Sep 2023   #394
A few priests organised a stag priest orgy in the parish house. They also invited a male hooker. All of them had taken aphrodisiacs for a harder performance during the orgy. hahaha One guy had a weak heart and passed out. His orgy mates innitially called the services, but later refused to open the door. The police had to break through and found one of the partyin men lying on floor in bad condition.

I am not shocked. I consider it extremely funny. hahahaha buhahahaha I suppose many Poles think likewise coz I talked to my workmates. It only shows the popular reputation of the RC Church in Poland.

Time to end this crazy celibacy and allow priests to marry, whoever - males or females!
Alien  26 | 6565
22 Sep 2023   #395
Time to end this crazy celibacy

It will be a long time before this happens, if at all
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 Sep 2023   #396
I am not shocked. I consider it extremely funny. hahahaha buhahahaha I suppose many Poles think likewise coz I talked to my workmates.

ooops, actually I was wrong. Local population of church going believers is furious. Parents of first holy communion kids call for the boycot of their orgiastic priest. And one drunk guy set fire to the front door of the church.

It will be a long time before this happens

But when it happens, it will be so worth waiting for so long..... :):):) Normal priests who don`t have to combat or hide their sexual drive.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Oct 2023   #397

An actress encouraged people to take part in the elections on her Instagram account. She has just disclosed an abusive post which she had received from a guy who she identified. He wrote: you etc.

The guy is a player in the local Victoria Kaliska football club in the city of Kalisz. His name is Dariusz Gołuński.

Dariusz, I am pleased to announce you have just joined the honourable team of Polish azholes. DFU and your grandpa, too!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Oct 2023   #398
The guy is a player in the local Victoria Kaliska football club in the city of Kalisz. His name is Dariusz Gołuński.

Wow, I am really amaZZed that his football club reacted so quickly to Dariusz`s vulgar comments. It is really unusual in the times of PiS sponsored boorishness which has been flooding Poland for 8 years during their rule.

- The KSWS Victoria Kaliska club condemns the behavior of the club's player, Dariusz Gołuński, who publicly insulted the artist Aleksandra Popławska on social media. We firmly oppose any manifestations of aggression and violence. The club will take action to ensure that similar behavior never occurs again. As the management board, we have decided to suspend the player. We realize that this punishment is not commensurate with the shameful behavior, but it is intended as a warning to each of us. On behalf of the Club, we would like to apologize to Mrs. Aleksandra Popławska for the reprehensible behavior of our player -

the Management Board of KSWS Victoria Kaliska.

Wow again, hats off to you, ladies and gentlemen of the Kaliska Club. Poland is not lost yet if it has such decent citizens.
Paulina  19 | 4558
5 Oct 2023   #399
An actress encouraged people to take part in the elections on her Instagram account.

I remember her, she played the prosecutor in the "Wataha" TV series...

He wrote: you

I like what one GROM veteran (he himself an accomplished athlete) wrote to that actress in connection to this. He wrote that she shouldn't take this to her heart, because maybe word "wh0re" is normal for this guy. Maybe his wife and his buddies address him "You, faggot!" and so this is also a normal word for him lol He also concluded: "A hero on the internet, a pu$$y in real life" :)

Wow again, hats off to you, ladies and gentlemen of the Kaliska Club.

amiga500  5 | 1547
5 Oct 2023   #400
"Wataha" TV series...

Top 5 Polish series ever made, every 3 seasons just kept getting better and better. predicted the belarus border crisis.spiritual successor to eskstradycja ie web of conspiracy and goverment lies
gumishu  15 | 6228
6 Oct 2023   #401
Time to end this crazy celibacy and allow priests to marry, whoever

it is up to the pope to end celibacy -send your complaints to the Vatican
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Oct 2023   #402
send your complaints to the Vatican

Can`t the black mafia in Vatican see it themselves that they are losing believers due to their priests` excesses of various kinds, the worst of them of pedo nature??? If priests could officially have partners, there would be less perversion among them.
Alien  26 | 6565
7 Oct 2023   #403
black mafia in Vatican

The papal color is white.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Jan 2024   #404
The latest scandal is the joke of a singer celebrity (about 70 yo) that the migrants who Germans are going to relocate to Poland will be placed in the bunkhouses in former death camps like Auschwitz or Stuthoff built and run by Germans in the past. That guy is a rightist, btw. Polish rightists hate Germans.
Ironside  51 | 13124
3 Jan 2024   #405
The latest scandal is the joke of a singer celebrity (about 70 yo)

He is 86, you idiot.

That guy is a rightist, btw. Polish rightists hate Germans.

Well, it might be because he remembers them as a child in occupied Poland during WWI.
Alien  26 | 6565
3 Jan 2024   #406
occupied Poland during WWI.

OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Jan 2024   #407
He is 86,

Darling, it doesn`t matter. It is still old just like my 70. The average lifespan of an American male is 73.5 years . Both 70 and 86 mean a walking dead to my students. hahahahaha

So, I was right though a little imprecise. Understood, sobaka? :):):)

he remembers them as a child in occupied Poland during WWI.

I see. And the same Germans he remembers from the war time over 100 years ago are walking the streets of European cities and threaten Poland today!

German walking dead!!!!! And that rightist guy is only scared of zombies!!!! hahahahaha buhahahaha
So, he should be excused, indeed. Fear of zombies is a serious matter. hahahaha
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Jan 2024   #408
migrants who Germans are going to relocate to Poland will be placed in former death camps like Auschwitz or Stuthoff built and run by Germans in the past. That guy is a rightist,.

Another scandal by another rabid rightist guru

When asked what to do with the migrants who will arrive, he replied: - The simplest way is to put chips on them, just like dogs are put on. Numbers are, of course, cheaper - tattoo them on their left hand and they will be easy to find.

BTW. both scandalous utterances appeared on private rightist TV after the state media returned to state ownership.

Those rightist swine are really incorrigible. That`s what they suggest:

Kids, prisoners of German concentration camps, showing their tatooed numbers:

  • auschwitz_dzieci.jpg
johnny reb  49 | 8003
3 Jan 2024   #409
Either that or just send them back to where they came from so not to make their problems out problems.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Jan 2024   #410
Either that

You want to tattoo them like those rabid rightists suggest? AmaSSing! Were your ancestors Nazis?
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
3 Jan 2024   #411
The simplest way is to put chips on them

Considering how many of them behave,that seems perfectly logical to me.

Kids, prisoners of German concentration camps, showing their tatooed numbers:

Hypocrite!In other threads you accuse Israeli's of being "Nazis", whilst conveniently forgetting what actual "Nazis" did to Jews.

You really are a disgusting leftist.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Jan 2024   #412
that seems perfectly logical to me.

Wow, another Nazi mongrel surfaced in the forum. AmaSSing!!!


Mongrel, didn`t your British teachers teach you how to spell plurals??? What education did you obtain???
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
3 Jan 2024   #413
another Nazi mongre

The only Nazi mongrel I see on this forum is a supporter of Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthi rebels and Iran.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Jan 2024   #414
and Iran.

You forgot to mention cyclists and earthquakes, mongrel. Ha!!!

Miloslaw  22 | 5263
3 Jan 2024   #415

Try to deny my claim....... you won't dare..... you will just ignore it or come back with some ridiculous pun that you think is funny.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Jan 2024   #416
ignore it

Yes, coz any rabid claims by mongrels who aren`t fully Polish are automatically ignored by decent Poles and Polesses.
It is as natural as the fact that the sun shines during the day. Don`t blame us.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
3 Jan 2024   #417
didn`t your British teachers teach you how to spell plurals?

With your "Superior" English to mine please explain where I got my plurals wrong.
BTW, well done in avoiding the point of the thread, you coward!
Atch  22 | 4299
4 Jan 2024   #418
explain where I got my plurals wrong.

May I assist? You used an apostrophe thus - Israeli's. Plurals do not contain apostrophes. Apostrophes denote possession eg. the Israeli's skill at cultivating oranges is renowned throughout the universe :))
mafketis  38 | 11284
4 Jan 2024   #419
You used an apostrophe thus

not 'thusly'? I love 'thusly'.
Atch  22 | 4299
4 Jan 2024   #420
Definitely not! It offendeth mine ear. Glad to see you back Maf. Hope you had a nice Christmas. Was worried about you, then realised that you were off on holiday somewhere :)

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