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Poland says no to flood of Immigrants

Novichok  4 | 8508
21 Nov 2023   #181
Nikolai Tesla was the lowest of the low because he came from Serbia

I don't give a fvck about Tesla. He could play with wires in Serbia.
Your logic is beyond moronic. So that one guy will be Tesla, let's admit a million of the stupid and the useless.
On the same basis...One in a million Latino scum will be a good singer, therefore, let's admit a million Latino scum. Got it...

And migration from the Global South will only continue to grow this century.

Only because gutless, boneless, and spineless scum aka our legal representatives can't say no out of fear that they might be called xenophobes and racists.

They could stop this BS before sundown tomorrow.

And the only way it can be mitigated slightly ... is to increase opportunities in the Global South.

First, we have no obligation to do it.
Second, in a zero-sum game life is, how much are you willing to spend to create these opportunities?
Third: Blacks had an oppo to learn from white farmers in Rhodesia how to farm. They murdered them, instead. Fvck you, a-holes. Go die...
jon357  72 | 23483
21 Nov 2023   #182
Cheerful of you.

And meanwhile, despite your constant whinging, migration only continues to increase.

Could they stop it? Despite all the political huffing and puffing, they haven't and there's no sign of being able to do so.
Novichok  4 | 8508
22 Nov 2023   #183
they haven't and there's no sign of being able to do so.

Novichok  4 | 8508
22 Nov 2023   #184

Since you are too dishonest to answer this simple question I will answer it myself.

The foreign scum invasion is not stopped because Western "democracies" are not democracies at all. These tumors are just softer versions of autocracy where nobody gives a fvck what you want.

Just because they let you push a button once every four years means sh*it.
mafketis  38 | 11149
22 Nov 2023   #185
Despite all the political huffing and puffing, they haven't

Show me a country that's tried and still has increasing migration....

only way it can be mitigated slightly (it won't be stopped) is to increase opportunities in the Global South

The Global South is almost entirely to blame for its situation (Sub-Saharan Africa is kept poor by Sub-Saharan African values and not by colonialism).

Moving to Europe they won't be any more successful since almost none of them have the educational, linguistic or social capital necessary to thrive in Europe.

African success stories in Europe are extremely rare... at least MENA migrants have some isolated successes...

Eventually the system will break down because the welfare system won't be able to support them and Europe will be more like Africa than Europe and Africa will be more African than ever....
jon357  72 | 23483
22 Nov 2023   #186

What a little ray of sunshine.

Show me a country that's tried and still has increasing migration....

Show me one that hasn't. Your country, mine, half of Europe. The number are increasing and show no sign of decreasing.

On many points we agree here, however this really won't go away any time soon, like it or not.

Sub-Saharan Africa is kept poor by Sub-Saharan African values and not by colonialism

Nobody is suggesting otherwise. Do not however make the mistake of confusing someone poor, desperate and ambitious with the entire culture they come from. Certain people in this forum rail constantly about the shortcomings of their own governments and culture (the little ray of sunshine above for example); we should not assume that people in the Global south are any different. If anything they have far less agency in this.

Eventually the system will break down because the welfare system won't be able to support them

And this is one issue that governments aren't addressing wll.
mafketis  38 | 11149
22 Nov 2023   #187
Your country, mine, half of Europe. The number are increasing and show no sign of decreasing

I'm afraid at some point violence will have to be used... and when that happens all the humanitarians who try to shut down every effort to stop the flow will have blood on their self-righteous hands....

Just as bad money drives out good, bad culture traits drive out good culture....

low trust drives out high trust,

acivic morality drives out civic duty,

cynicism drives out honesty,

violent confrontation drives out non-violent dialogue....

sex-based violence drives out equality between the sexes

no value given to education drives out education as a value

It's a matter of cultural survival and realism. Africa and the Middle East have more dysfunction than Europe can cure.
jon357  72 | 23483
22 Nov 2023   #188
I'm afraid at some point violence will have to be used.

Some advocate for that, usually the bloodthirsty, however I don't see that being universally adopted.

It's a matter of cultural survival and realism.

Cultures come and go. Everyone likes their own, even the shortcomings.

Since both r*SSia and China certainly have a role in the current situation, I favour settling people in whatever remains of r*SSia after the war.

The whole issue reminds me of the themes in Matthew Arnold's Dover Beach. A very prescient poem, especially as people on dinghies land there daily.
mafketis  38 | 11149
22 Nov 2023   #189
Some advocate for that, usually the bloodthirsty

To be clear I'm not advocating it as much as predicting that either that will happen or Europe will plunge into a new dark age...

the people arriving in ever larger numbers do not have the values that make Europe a nice place to live and will turn it into the same kind of sh/thole that they came from...

people are not blank slates or interchangeable widgets and you can't continue anything like European civilization without European values (and maybe European genetics).

Cultures come and go.

Bye Bach, bye Renoir, bye Michelangelo...

Everyone likes their own, even the shortcomings

That's the problem... people from loud violent and anti-intellectual cultures like being loud and violent and anti-intellectual and welfare and petty crime seem like a pretty sweet deal to them (until the local work horses can't support them anymore).
jon357  72 | 23483
22 Nov 2023   #190
To be clear I'm not advocating it as much as predicting that either that will happen or Europe will plunge into a new dark age

I'm much the same, except a little (only a little) less pessimistic about change.

Bye Bach,

Bye cave paintings, bye pyramids. And the three examples you cited are after all long dead.

people from loud violent and anti-intellectual cultures

That's most of the world, sadly. However it does underline my point that any major demographic change has to be managed very carefully by society. We can't just sit back and watch.
mafketis  38 | 11149
22 Nov 2023   #191
any major demographic change has to be managed very carefully by society.

and where is that happening?
jon357  72 | 23483
22 Nov 2023   #192
Is that a rhetorical question?

As I've said before, it isn't happening much. Failed attempts to stem the tide don't count.
mafketis  38 | 11149
22 Nov 2023   #193
it isn't happening much.

Because of a neo-religious belief of those in the governments that facilitate it, the belief system needs to be dismantled before anything constructed can be done...
jon357  72 | 23483
22 Nov 2023   #194
Because of a neo-religious belief of those in the governments

I don't see that at all. More a delicate balance of trying to please (often poorly-educated and reactionary) voters and the reality of geopolitical change.

The situation won't change much, despite the ravings of populist politicians who achieve nothing.
Novichok  4 | 8508
22 Nov 2023   #195
What a little ray of sunshine.

That's what you and other weasels here deserve.

that any major demographic change has to be managed very carefully by society.

Hey, weasel, major demo changes are imposed by the ruling mobs in so-called Western democracies by brute force.

No Western "democracy" ever asked in a referendum: How much foreign garbage nobody wants would you like to admit in? Never...because the ruling scum knows the why bother asking rhetorical questions.

How many foreigners you never met before did you invite to live with you?

What an idiot...
jon357  72 | 23483
22 Nov 2023   #196
the belief system needs to be dismantled

Something that is of course far easier said than done.

What's easy is to grumble pointlessly and achieve absolutely zero.

On thing however that we can be very sure of is that in 100 years time, our world will be s unrecognisable to us as ours would be to someone showing up in a Tardis today from 100 years ago.
Novichok  4 | 8508
23 Nov 2023   #197
What's easy is to grumble pointlessly and achieve absolutely zero.

Hey, stupid, anyone with balls and an IQ of 80 or higher can stop the migration of useless foreign garbage today so stop that inevitability crap.

Migrant invasions are self-inflicted because those who can stop them are gutless, spineless, boneless a-holes in need of female votes.
mafketis  38 | 11149
23 Nov 2023   #198
trying to please (often poorly-educated and reactionary) voters

Like those in the Netherlands that gave anti-migration candidate a win yesterday?

Every country whose political establishment ignores public attitudes toward the inflow of unqualified, uneducated and non-assimilating migrants ends up creating a 'far right' party that does address that and the longer the establishment ignores it the bigger that party becomes....

Denmark avoided this by part of the establishment taking a tougher line on migration....

In the UK those that dislike it enough will pull up stakes and move on (so that producers of prosperity are reeplaced by more parasitic populations) how is that sustainable?
Novichok  4 | 8508
23 Nov 2023   #199
ends up creating a 'far right' party

By that time, it's too late and the cancer has spread too far to stop it.
jon357  72 | 23483
23 Nov 2023   #200
anti-migration candidate a win

Except they didn't, since like PiS he's unlikely to form a coalition unless it's with parties who don't share hi views.

political establishment ignores

Normal enough.

You dislike migration, but essentially just grumble about it without addressing root causes. Somewhat suburban in approach and underestimating both the scale and complexity of the issue.

In the UK those that dislike it enough

Like the right-wing party who've been in office for 14 years, the party who complain about it most and search for 'radical' solutions while all the time it's only increased.

'novichok's' input is of course just his usual verbal diarrhoea.
Novichok  4 | 8508
23 Nov 2023   #201
You dislike migration, but essentially just grumble about it without addressing root causes.

The root cause of home invasions is the lack of money on the part of drug addicts. That's why we should leave the front door unlocked until they rob or steal enough to lose interest in invading.

There...I just solved the problem of home invasions.

Your brilliance is amazing...and I am just a crude idiot who doesn't give a fvck about "root causes", keeps the door locked, is armed and willing to "stop the threat" when the threat is stupid enough to break in.

What an idiot...You can redeem yourself by naming those "root causes" and what to do about them.
jon357  72 | 23483
23 Nov 2023   #202
home invasions is the lack of money on the part of drug addicts

In Poland?

Get a grip on yourself and stop trying to argue for the sake of it.

I am just a crude idiot who doesn't give a fvck about "root causes",

Basically yes.
Novichok  4 | 8508
23 Nov 2023   #203
but essentially just grumble about it without addressing root causes.

In Poland??? What root causes?
mafketis  38 | 11149
23 Nov 2023   #204
What root causes?

They don't know how to create modern societies that people want to live in because they don't know how to create the kind of governments that those countries have.

They prefer to be governed by Europeans rather than their countrymen but colonialism is supposed to be the worst thing ever so the only way they can get that is to go to Europe.
Novichok  4 | 8508
23 Nov 2023   #205
way they can get that is to go to Europe.

This I understand. What I don't understand is why Europe plays dead and lets them in.
As I said, many people need my money. That's why I have doors and guns. If I can stop them, so can the Euros and the US with their police and armies.

The root cause of mass migrations is Western magnets. Turn off the magnets and they will not come. Criminals are few and easy to dispose of.

They don't know how to create modern societies that people want to live in

It's actually worse than that. They were given modern societies and as soon as the last white man was gone they started destroying what they inherited. See Rhodesia. Now, proudly, Zimbabwe.
jon357  72 | 23483
23 Nov 2023   #206
They don't know how to create modern societies

Does anyone? There's no rule book or instruction manual.


Remember that it took Europe many centuries to create a civil society and there are those (usually of an extreme libertarian outlook) who oppose that even now. When we achieved it, it was in very large part due to industrialisation and the workers' response to that. In less developed societies they don't even have that yet and usually face other challenges.
Novichok  4 | 8508
23 Nov 2023   #207
In less developed societies they don't even have that yet and usually face other challenges.

There is only one reason for being less developed. It's low IQ. American Indians had the greatest land available to them for centuries but didn't notice that round objects rolled easily. So they didn't invent the wheel. It took the IQ of white men to turn this continent into the biggest magnet in the history of mankind - and start destroying it later...

But we are not supposed to say that... So now it's white oppression, global warming - sorry, I meant climate change - and women's voting rights. Are sunspots on that list?
mafketis  38 | 11149
23 Nov 2023   #208
Meanwhile in Ireland today an Algerian national (what on earth is he doing in Ireland?) attacked five people including three children with a knife.

What are the chances that this person will ever be anything but a dead weight on any country unfortunate enough to find him on its territory?

You dislike migration, but essentially just grumble about it without addressing root causes

I dont' grumble. I point out that western European migration/asylum policies are broken while politicians try to ignore the issue and citizenry is getting angrier and angrier....

You, with your stereotypical british optimism, just think things will automatically work out and everything will have been for the best....

it took Europe many centuries to create a civil society

It's a rare and precious accomplishment, one far too valuable to throw away by squandering it on those who hate it (while sucking at its teat).
jon357  72 | 23483
23 Nov 2023   #209
an Algerian national

Is he Algerian?

I dont' grumble.

You do really. Much is broken in every developed society.

those who hate it

I'd say that the ones who hate it are generally on the inside.
Novichok  4 | 8508
23 Nov 2023   #210
You, with your stereotypical british optimism,

You are too kind. It's a case of a child being told there is no Santa and that there is no money tree. It's really that simple.

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