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Poland says no to flood of Immigrants

mafketis  38 | 10867
23 Nov 2023   #211
Is he Algerian?

That seems to be the case.

Much is broken in every developed society.

Exactly, which means there's no need for Ireland to import more broken people that it can't fix.

There was also this which was memory holed very quickly...

In the country for 20 years and dependent on welfare? A citizen who needs an interpreter in court?

How is that not completely unsustainable?
jon357  72 | 22778
23 Nov 2023   #212
the case.

From. what I can see, that comes from 'gript media', a notorious hate site. Earlier reports say he was Eastern European. One or the other may be true, however mental health issues affect people regardless of origin.

There are also reports that the have-a-go-hero who disabled the attacker was himself an immigrant.

which was memory holed very quickly

Was it?

One of the worst crimes there recently was.a Slovak guy and there is currently a serial killer operating north of Dublin. He is not thought to be foreign.

Beware of falling in to the trap that Saudi Arabians are in regarding traffic accidents. If one party is a foreigner they are automatically the guilty party due to the 'reasoning' that the accident might not have happened if they weren't in the country. Poland can be a bit like that too.
mafketis  38 | 10867
23 Nov 2023   #213
gript media', a notorious hate site

Lots of informal reports to the same effect and the gardai are not denying it (which you think they would if they could).

One of the worst crimes there recently was.a Slovak guy and there is currently a serial killer operating north of Dublin. He is not thought to be foreign

Exactly, you're making my point for me. There are enough dysfunctional crazy people in Europe already. There's no need to flood the market with cheap imports.... and at least the Slovak guy can be deported.

Again, how is the current model sustainable?

How many millions of economically productive, non-assimilating migrants can Ireland, should Ireland take in? Because for every migrant currently in Europea there are at least ten more waiting to join them....

How is that just going to work out?
jon357  72 | 22778
23 Nov 2023   #214
which you think they would if they could

They're unlikely to comment on the person's identity, especially since they haven't spoken to him yet.

The 'informal reports' all originate from the same source. No eyewitnesses have commented.

Not that the attacker's nationality has any bearing on his mental health.

Exactly, you're making my point for me.

You don't have one, except to say that migration is increasing and will bring negative change.

How is that just going to work out?

I'm waiting to hear your suggestions for stopping a geopolitical change that politicians and government (especially on the right of the spectrum) condemn but have so far failed entirely in halting or lowing.
Novichok  4 | 7630
23 Nov 2023   #215
Again, how is the current model sustainable?

I feel sorry for you now. Talking to a mindless apologist is exhausting.

I'm waiting to hear your suggestions for stopping a geopolitical change

Simple. Close the fvcking border and have a legally binding referendum.

Then, if the open-border morons prevail, open the damn border and let the country go to hell. See California.

Otherwise, keep it closed and start emptying out the sewer.
mafketis  38 | 10867
23 Nov 2023   #216
for stopping a geopolitical change that politicians and government (especially on the right of the spectrum) condemn but have so far failed entirely in halting or lowing

Some concrete steps (which require overhauling asylum laws which won't happen for lots of incredibly stupid reasons).

Stop accepting asylum applications from about 90 % of the countries in the world.

Stop accepting asylum applications from anyone arriving in the country illegally.

Instead, they are held in captivity until they can be returned to their country of origin.

It would be a short term strain (like building big prisons in El Slavador) with longer term benefits both for the west and for the countries of origin who now simply dump their problem citizens on other countries to feed....
jon357  72 | 22778
23 Nov 2023   #217
I agree with most of that however I can't see much of it happening except in localised cases.

Plus, we need to address the effects of climate change, population growth and Wild West capitalism in many countries of migrants' origin.

Frankly, since it's happening anyway, it would be a miracle if the status quo were managed properly, never mind steps to reduce the flow.
mafketis  38 | 10867
23 Nov 2023   #218
'gript media', a notorious hate site

Maybe they're right because everywhere that's reporting is reporting it was an Algerian now and things have turned violent in the middle of Dublin. I do not support that kind of random violence but the longer European dysfunctional and wrong-headed migration policies go on... the worse the backlash will be.

In terms of Sub-Saharan Africa it's not the poorest, most chaotic countries fueling the flow but the relatively more stable as living standards aren't rising fast enough for an impatient population...

Population growth is all the more reason to keep it in check. Research back in the 1990s showed that out migration increased local population growth because if people can't easily leave they're more likely to have fewer children (this was in Utne Reader IIRC).

People respond to incentives, make coming to Europe illegally more painful and the flow will decrease. Right now there are only positive incentives...
jon357  72 | 22778
23 Nov 2023   #219
things have turned violent in the middle of Dublin

To say the least however that's more about looting and fighting the anything else. The hate site of course published the rumour solely to inflame. The police have yet to issue a statement which is normal, given that the perp is still in intensive care.

but the relatively more stable

This is true, however even those places aren't that much cop.

Right now there are only positive incentives...

Negative enough to deter most of the permanent unemployed in those places from trying it; those who come are the tip of the iceberg and generally come from places where there are established people-smuggling networks in place. Many of them enabled by China and probably r*SSia too.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 375
24 Nov 2023   #220
Migrants should be shot as they try to enter.

Only the degree of severity of the punishment divides our opinions. I prefer detention and prison time for criminals. What happened to Random Chat? It is unrecognizable. Only you remain solid, like a rock. Rich, your prophetic posts from way back recognized the dangers of open borders, while weak-minded liberals were dreaming of the benefits of diversity as our strength. Yeah, witness the sea of Hamas flags proudly displayed along with ours burning and desecrated, then tell me of the strength of diversity. On a positive note, Muff was always an asset, but after reading his recent postings, I dare to say he is a converted conservative; this must be due to your persistence ::::))))

And where is Jonny Reb?
OP Joker  2 | 2188
24 Nov 2023   #221
And where is Jonny Reb?

He hasnt posted in months.. Its really strange for him not posting and wonder if hes ok.

Alien  22 | 5460
24 Nov 2023   #222
What happened to Random Chat?

Is new
Crnogorac3  3 | 658
24 Nov 2023   #223
In Ireland, major conflicts broke out after an Algerian migrant stabbed 3 children under 6 years old, thanks to two people who were also wounded, there aren't even more... The police are hiding the identity of the person, they are afraid to say anything politically incorrect, the army also took to the streets. Ireland is at breaking point and has been suffering from migration for a long time and the situation is quite tense, but here it has erupted.

We have reached a situation where the army and the police turn against their own people because they protect illegal immigrants, and the government and the media do the same in a situation where children are attacked in the most cruel way.

Crnogorac3  3 | 658
24 Nov 2023   #224

9 hours ago #dublin
Violent anti-immigration protesters descended on Dublin city centre on Thursday night after five people were injured in a knife attack outside a school.

A five-year-old girl in critical condition after she was slaughtered by a follower of Muhammed, who himself abused & molested Aisha, who was one year older.
Novichok  4 | 7630
24 Nov 2023   #225
Ireland is at breaking point and has been suffering from migration

...but bootlickers like Barney and Atch find absolutely nothing wrong with it. You know ... those "legal representatives" are never wrong and always mean the very best for Ireland.

If you tell these weasels that they are morally responsible for these crimes, they will tell you that you are a right-wing nut who doesn't care about poor migrants who only want a better future for their children.

Nothing sicker than Euro bootlicking apologists...
Atch  21 | 4139
24 Nov 2023   #226
an Algerian migrant

Actually an Irish citizen did the stabbing - and a migrant saved the child's life.

The police are hiding the identity of the person,

Identity of a suspect is never revealed in Ireland until they've been charged.

major conflicts broke out

A bunch of inner city scumbags taking advantage of a tragedy to go on the rampage looting and stealing. It's the homegrown scum that are the greatest threat to Dublin city.
Novichok  4 | 7630
24 Nov 2023   #227
Actually an Irish citizen did the stabbing - and a migrant saved the child's life.

Funny that you didn't say "an Irish guy". That "citizen"...Was he born in Ireland to Irish parents?

Who saved the child's life is irrelevant.

A bunch of inner city scumbags taking advantage of a tragedy to go on the rampage looting and stealing.

Should they write letters to their "democratically elected representatives" instead?
Crnogorac3  3 | 658
24 Nov 2023   #228

Atch  21 | 4139
24 Nov 2023   #229
Write letters? That's a laugh. Most of them can barely spell their own names, let alone write a letter.
Alien  22 | 5460
24 Nov 2023   #230
Most of them can barely spell their own names, let alone write a letter.

And as you can see, they are at least as prone to violence as criminal migrants.
Crnogorac3  3 | 658
24 Nov 2023   #231
Conor McGregor warns 'make change or make way' after Dublin knife attack

Katie Boyden
Thursday 23 Nov 2023 9:32 pm


Conor McGregor has weighed in (Picture: Steve Marcus/Getty Images)

Irish MMA and boxing champion Conor McGregor has weighed in on the knife attack in Dublin and subsequent violent protests.

He shared his thoughts on X in response to Garda commissioner Drew Harris referring to the protesters as a 'hooligan faction driven by far right ideology'.

Three children aged between five and six, and a woman in her 30s, were hospitalised after an attack outside a school in Dublin city centre this afternoon.

He has used his platform to call for action and criticise the chief of police.

McGregor said: 'Innocent children ruthlessly stabbed by a mentally deranged non-national in Dublin, Ireland today.

'Our chief of police had this to say on the riots in the aftermath. Drew, not good enough.

'There is grave danger among us in Ireland that should never be here in the first place, and there has been zero action done to support the public in any way, shape or form with this frightening act.
Novichok  4 | 7630
24 Nov 2023   #232
And as you can see, they are at least as prone to violence as criminal migrants.

That's the stupidest logic ever...Let me explain slowly...

We con't prevent domestic crime. We can only react to it.

We can prevent all immigrant crime. Just don't let them in.

jon357  72 | 22778
24 Nov 2023   #233
they are at least as prone to violence as criminal migrants.

Indeed, and they were whipped up by people who want to see trouble.

Now quite a few of them are facing 12 year sentences, being so daft that they didn't cover their faces when looting, attacking police/fire brigades or burning trams and buses.
OP Joker  2 | 2188
24 Nov 2023   #234
and they were whipped up by people who want to see trouble.

They sound just like BLM and Antifa.. Leftist are the most violent of people when they dont get their way.
jon357  72 | 22778
24 Nov 2023   #235
They sound just like BLM and Antifa

Perhaps to you.

Antifascosts are generally educated and intelligent. These guys were neither.
Novichok  4 | 7630
24 Nov 2023   #236
BLM not intelligent? Man, you need major brains to bullsh*it the nation and corporations out of millions and get away with it. That's what happens when you are immune because you are a nig*er - I meant African American.
mafketis  38 | 10867
25 Nov 2023   #237
Since we're talking about Europe accepting migrants, maybe some official government statistics might help.....

In 1992 Denmark accepted 321 Palestinians.... what happened next?
Atch  21 | 4139
25 Nov 2023   #238
Who saved the child's life is irrelevant.

Not to the people of Ireland who have raised over 300,000 euros as a thank you to the man.

The title of the fundraiser is "Buy Caio Benicio a pint".
Novichok  4 | 7630
25 Nov 2023   #239
The man, originally from Algeria, previously faced deportation proceedings but eventually received Irish citizenship a decade ago.

That's how criminally stupid the Irish are. The only consolation is that all Western whites are that stupid. The US included.
But to the bootlickers like Atch, the piece of sh*it is "Irish" because he got a piece of paper from some bureaucrat.

Actually an Irish citizen did the stabbing

No, Atch, the son of a bi*tich was and will always be a damn foreigner from Algeria that Ireland never needed.

Let's hope that the next victim of an "Irish citizen" like this one will be Barney. Maybe then you will ask: Why the fvck do we let this scum in? What's the upside?
Atch  21 | 4139
25 Nov 2023   #240
Well now Novi, being Irish, I know the problems my country faces better than anyone on this forum. The main problems in Ireland have nothing to do with migrant crime. We have no large migrant groups causing mayhem. There simply isn't a history of it.

What we do have, is a MAJOR problem with scumbags in the inner city of Dublin. There is a particular issue with teenagers committing violent crimes, assaults etc. on innocent passers by at any hour of the day. We then have their extended families of fathers, uncles etc. many of whom are involved in organized crime and drug dealing. This is Ireland's real problem. It's never been addressed and people are becoming increasingly fed up of it.

Those are actually the ones who did the rioting the other night. We have lots of names for them: scrotes, scumbags, skangers, gurriers. Take your pick. They are the problem we need to solve.

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