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Poland says no to flood of Immigrants

johnny reb  46 | 7516
11 Sep 2024   #661 recent migrants from Africa and the Middle East!

"Recent" is your key word there.
Perhaps you could give us the percentages for those four cities populations that are immigrants.
Show us a Polish woman talking about Polish matters.

How about Novi, he identifies as a Polish woman.
Novichok  4 | 7630
11 Sep 2024   #662
How about Novi, he identifies as a Polish woman.

That was then...Now I self-identify as a 16-year-old black lesbian. I am currently attending William Fremd High School in Palatine.
Feniks  1 | 509
12 Sep 2024   #663
I suggest you watch the whole video to educate yourself on the topic.

The stats in it are outright lies.

Included within the article are links to the Netherlands and Belgian statistics office with the official data.
Lazarus  2 | 356
12 Sep 2024   #664
The stats in it are outright lies.

To be fair, the vast majority of the population of London are immigrants. Very few people there are from the Celtic tribes that lived in the area when the city was founded. And of course London was founded by immigrants, Romans.
Novichok  4 | 7630
12 Sep 2024   #665
To be fair, the vast majority of the population of London are immigrants.

The vast majority of Brits are morons who invited said immigrants for the reasons unknown except for one: Brits are morons.

It's amazing how being a woke PC moron can explain everything...

Hey, Laz, how does your idiot King feel about kinging over Muslims? Does he speak Arabic yet?


This leads to a better way of stating the problem:

Only 35% of Lonodonistas are non-immigrant whites. 70 yreas ago, that number was 95%.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
12 Sep 2024   #666
The vast majority of Brits are morons who invited said immigrants for the reasons unknown except for one: Brits are morons.

Check your stats before you make insane posts like that.

When you have done that please come back and tell us how many illegal migrants live in the USA and how many live in the UK.
Bobko  27 | 2124
12 Sep 2024   #667
tell us how many illegal migrants live in the USA and how many live in the UK.

The US is a country created by and for immigrants. It has a problem in the present with illegal migration.

Meanwhile, the UK has been mainly English, Welsh, Scottish, and Irish throughout most of the past 1,500 years.

Now, a large portion of it is Bangladeshi, Pakistani, West Indian, and Indian.

One country was always based on immigrants, while the other has been rapidly shifting only within the past 70 years.

This doesn't mean I feel bad for you. It's the least you deserve after raping those countries for centuries.

Plus - aren't you a plastic Brit yourself, or a plastic Pole - I'm confused? What are you complaining about? Are you trying to get deported?
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
12 Sep 2024   #668
The US is a country created by and for immigrants.


Now, a large portion of it is Bangladeshi, Pakistani, West Indian, and Indian.

Incorrect.Nearly 75% of the British population identify as being English,Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish and 82% as white.

aren't you a plastic Brit yourself, or a plastic Pole - I'm confused?

I am neither, I am an Anglo Pole.

Are you a Russian Am?
Bobko  27 | 2124
12 Sep 2024   #669
Incorrect.Nearly 75% of the British population identify as being English,Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish and 82% as white.

Do you understand what you just wrote?

Do you understand what I wrote?

Get out of the UK, you dirty parasite. I'm in the US on a work permit. I have no residency and no passport. I contribute every day through money invested, asking nothing in return. No social security (money stolen from me, pretty much), no Medicare/medicaid, no Obamacare... nada, zip, nothing. I pay to maintain their poors.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
12 Sep 2024   #670
Do you understand what I wrote?

Do you understand anything??
Read what I posted you moron! And get your facts right next time.

If the USA had any common sense, they would kick you out as a trouble maker and Russian sympathiser.....

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