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Poland says no to flood of Immigrants

Crnogorac3  3 | 659
26 Nov 2023   #271
🇮🇪🚨‼️ BREAKING: A man armed with a knife attacked two adults and three children in Dublin.

One little girl and woman were seriously injured.

-> Anti immigration protest broke out! As on social media it was spread that the attack is from Algeria!

Dublin is on fire!

Bus burning in response to islamist slaughter of Irish children is condemned.

I see that even on Polishforums, domestic Irish leftists accuse rightists of violence and obvious hatred towards others and those who are different. They do not mention the attempted slaughter of Irish children by others and those who are different.

Everywhere these leftard liberals are all the same.

A virus in the brain.
jon357  72 | 23483
26 Nov 2023   #272

You have an odd definition of 'breaking news'.

judges are created and would call for them to be elected like in many US states

Nobody wants that anywhere.
Novichok  4 | 8501
26 Nov 2023   #273
A virus in the brain.

...and incurable. What we need as medicine is more deaths so I hope that the victims of foreign knifers will not survive to drive the point home.

I see that even on Polishforums, domestic Irish leftists

You can spot these scumbags by the way they dance and tiptoe here around the obvious, hide stuff, and never, ever answer simple questions.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
26 Nov 2023   #274
@Rich, immigrants, like taxes, are a necessary, if at the same time unavoidable, evil!
Don't you know anything about capitalist economics 101?

Unfortunately, there'll always remain certain sectors of the industrialized world economy
in which jobs can only be filled by Third-world, no longer even First-world, foreigners.
Novichok  4 | 8501
26 Nov 2023   #275
@Rich, immigrants, like taxes, are a necessary, if at the same time unavoidable, evil!

Tell this bullsh*it to China and Japan.
Atch  22 | 4299
26 Nov 2023   #276
otherwise they would vote for parties who would call for harsher treatment of criminals

Ireland has always been a centrist country with very little difference between the main political parties.

But you don't vote for a party in Ireland. Your ballot paper has a list of all the candidates in your constituency and you mark them in order of preference by numbering them eg. 1 for your first choice, 2 for your second and so on, as many or as few as you want. If your first choice doesn't get enough votes to be elected your vote is transferred to your second choice. If he gets enough votes at the first count, the surplus votes are transferred to your second choice.

We're the only country in the EU apart from Malta which has this system. It's called single transferrable vote proportional representation (STV).

like in many US states

Can't see Ireland in any way following the US model in anything to do with politics and justice.
Atch  22 | 4299
26 Nov 2023   #277
Anti immigration protest broke out!

A bunch of inner city Dublin skangers used a tragedy as an excuse to rampage through the streets, terrorizing the general public while looting and stealing all they could get their filthy, little thieving hands on.

"Staff and customers of the Arnotts department store that was looted during Thursday's riots in Dublin have been left "shaken", according to its chief executive Donald McDonald, who added that the perpetrators should be ashamed of their actions."

"Breaking into Arnott's and stealing clothing is not an act of political statement- it's criminality." said Minister for Public Expenditure, Paschal O'Donohoe
Bobko  27 | 2081
26 Nov 2023   #278

Why is Connor McGregor firing the protesters up from the safety of this Twitter perch?

Is he an idiot?
jon357  72 | 23483
26 Nov 2023   #279
Third-world, no longer even First-world, foreigners.

Algeria is quite developed.

Incidentally, the man currently in hospital is an educated man who was perfectly normal until he developed a brain tumour which changed his behaviour.

Why is Connor McGregor firing the protesters up from the safety of this Twitter perch?

Is he an idiot?

Yes he is. Very much so.
Bobko  27 | 2081
26 Nov 2023   #280
Yes he is. Very much so.

His whisky tastes like p!ss.
jon357  72 | 23483
26 Nov 2023   #281
To be fair, his pıss probably tastes like whiskey...
Atch  22 | 4299
26 Nov 2023   #282
Is he an idiot?

Yes - and Irish people don't like him on the whole. He's considered an embarrassment. His fan base is composed of exactly the type who ran amok in the city the other night.

brain tumour which changed his behaviour.

That makes sense.
mafketis  38 | 11149
26 Nov 2023   #283
Algeria is quite developed.

Then why do so many Algerians leave?

A bunch of inner city Dublin skangers used a tragedy as an excuse

So the riots weren't political? Then why were they portrayed as such?
Bobko  27 | 2081
26 Nov 2023   #284
His fan base is composed of exactly the type who ran amok in the city the other night.

Amen. Every Connor fan I met in my life was suspect in terms of moral qualities.

As God is my witness, there is no champion but Khabib.
jon357  72 | 23483
26 Nov 2023   #285
Then why do so many Algerians leave?

An educated population, a lack of jobs there and an oppressive post-colonial government. Most go to France which is entirely reasonable since the French certainly went there.

You'd like it if you visited.


I prefer Klitschko and Usyk.

So the riots weren't political? Then why were they portrayed as such?

They weren't political, however the trash who were whipping up the mob certainly had dark motivation.
Bobko  27 | 2081
26 Nov 2023   #286
Algeria is quite developed.

Quite funny when people try to make barbarous savages out of Algerians.

Probably more polite and educated than your average Mexican.

Also, respect to those guys for kicking the French out.
mafketis  38 | 11149
26 Nov 2023   #287
Lack of jobs there and an oppressive post-colonial government.

so not so developed....

You'd like it if you visited.

doesn't mean I'd support millions of Algerians coming to Europe (with a very different relationship between religion and society and men and women... for starters).

respect to those guys for kicking the French out.

then why did so many follow them across the mediterranean?

it's like russians hating on the 'anglo-saxons' while making sure they have a safe base in one of their countries to run to if things go belly up in moscow.....
jon357  72 | 23483
26 Nov 2023   #288
respect to those guys for kicking the French out

Given how tenacious they are with their other former colonies it really was a huge achievement. Unfortunately they did fight tooth and nail and we see the effects on stability there even now.

eligion and society and men and women

You'll find that most of the Algerians (of either sex or whatever gender) that moved to France (especially to the north) are quite westernised. I know Algerians (from deep in the desert) who are very much not westernised and they prefer to live elsewhere in the MENA region.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
26 Nov 2023   #289
said Minister for Public Expenditure, Paschal O'Donohoe

This politician is a liar. If he was honest, he would point out that the Irish have no property rights, as witnessed by the income tax, lockdowns and vaccines.

If he wasn't a liar, he would also mention that Ireland is not a democracy, as witnessed by its speech laws, gun laws, and their complete lack of ownership of their dwellings, even a lack of ownership of their nation.

In a democracy, one can advocate for physical violence, and if it is approved, it can be set in motion. This is the essence of a democracy.

If it is not a democracy, in addition to having absolutely zero property rights, there is no reason to vote. This is the essence of being a slave. Their lives, and the life of their children, are only a privilege.

The direction of the "country" will be made by someone else, and in the case of beautiful Ireland, the most influential slave owner is now the European Commission and all the tentacles that wraps around this Marxist organization.

These facts should now be accepted by the Irish plebs and acted upon accordingly.

If the Irish wants a change in direction, they have to take back control of the reins of power.

Violent revolution is correct.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
26 Nov 2023   #290
Even the former Prime Minister of the UK BoJo in his weekly column in the Daily Mail has labelled as race riots what happened in Ireland.
jon357  72 | 23483
26 Nov 2023   #291

Is he known more for truth or lies?

Violent revolution is correct.

That whole rant just shows how mentally unhealthy you are.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
26 Nov 2023   #292
Dublin stabbings riot will be 'used politically' to push through Hate Speech Bill

soon the Irish will not be allowed to kvetch about NO limit third world invasion
Alien  25 | 6399
26 Nov 2023   #293
soon the Irish will not be allowed to kvetch about NO limit third world invasion

The Irish have balls, no one will forbid them from doing anything.
Novichok  4 | 8501
26 Nov 2023   #294
The Irish have balls,

Why do the Irish want Algerians and other foreign scum?
Would Ireland collapse without them? Japan didn't.
OP Joker  2 | 2374
26 Nov 2023   #295
Why do the Irish want Algerians and other foreign scum?

They are in a race against England to see who could F**k up thier county quicker. Talk about shooting yourself in the head. Did they put Kamala Harris in charge of immigration? LOL. It wont take very long with these postage stamp size countries either.
Novichok  4 | 8501
26 Nov 2023   #296
In some sick way, the US is lucky that Mexico and other sh*itholes here are not Islamic hells.
I would still shoot the invading hordes. As a warning, I would use rubber bullets to shoot women and kids and .22s to stop men.
OP Joker  2 | 2374
26 Nov 2023   #297
US is lucky that Mexico and other sh*itholes here are not Islamic hells.

Thats true and it can easily be fixed by our next President. If Trump does win, he will take out the Mexican cartels after he secures the Border.

Biden has failed at his #1 duty, to protect the citizens. Not to mention that he`s 100% corrupt.

As a warning, I would use rubber bullets to shoot women

It would immediately stop after the first few as word would gets around.

  • soletmegetthiss.jpg
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
27 Nov 2023   #298
🇮🇪 According to latest polling, 60% of Irish people think Ireland has taken too many Ukrainian refugees.

According to a poll from earlier in the year, 75% of Irish people thought we were taking too many refugees.

This suggests that if Ukrainians were excluded, and the question was limited to the thousands of unvetted asylum seekers arriving every year from countries with no wars - Albania, Nigeria etc. - the rate of opposition would be even higher than 75%.

🔗 X post
Novichok  4 | 8501
27 Nov 2023   #299
the rate of opposition would be even higher than 75%.

This means that 25% want more unvetted scumbags. I always knew there was something wrong with Atch and Barney.
OP Joker  2 | 2374
27 Nov 2023   #300
unvetted scumbags

Watch Tarczynski rip BBC leftardist reporter Kathy Newman apart:)

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