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The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air

PolAmKrakow  2 | 860
7 Jan 2022   #511
You really need to get a clue and take a reading comprehension class. The ONLY thing holding up license renewal was the proposed change in the law. That was vetoed. They have no legal standing or basis to deny any renewal at this point, and any attempt would be really stupid PR on PiS part when they have enough to deal with in Spyware gate. Dont you have a bible class or something on a friday night to attend? I would think that is a PiS requirement.
OP mafketis  38 | 11127
7 Jan 2022   #512
License renewal?

to be clear, this is for tvn7 (a kind of secondary channel) which expires in february

knowing PiS and their tendency to miss no chance to be petty and alienate would-be allies.... I'm not sure what will happen
jon357  72 | 23482
7 Jan 2022   #513
I'm not sure what will happen

The same.

They have a history of misusing the KRRiT for political ends.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
7 Jan 2022   #514
clearly the education system in the US is below average

You nailed it. Your degree from community college is nothing.

The ONLY thing holding up license renewal was the proposed change in the law. That was vetoed.

Look I know you are struggling. Keep up. In Poland there is this law that is based on PRL laws and all those later changes are added on the top of it. So, legaly it is not out of the question to give and take license. No matter all those added laws, the only thing that prevents them from doing it, is politicks.

They won't go against foregin companies. That is bad becosue they don't pay taxes in poland. They are in a better situation than polish companies. That is my point.

Foreign companies should be kept short. Should not have better condition than polish companies.

deal with in Spyware gate.

Are you sure you are in Poland? Know Polish? Nobody cares about it, only few loons.

ont you have a bible class

Don't you have some black mass to attent or some mason ritual to preform?
OP mafketis  38 | 11127
7 Jan 2022   #515
there is this law that is based on PRL laws

Well PiS is, essentially PRL bis so.....

they don't pay taxes in poland

Source (official) or you're lying.... note that TVN acquired a Dutch license _because_ of PiS mendacity and dishonest so if it's because of that then PiS is to blame.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
7 Jan 2022   #516
OP mafketis  38 | 11127
7 Jan 2022   #517
Neither of those "links" goes to specific information...
OP mafketis  38 | 11127
7 Jan 2022   #519
Does it means that those people lie?

I don't know because your links are squonked...
PolAmKrakow  2 | 860
8 Jan 2022   #520
Sorry, I had to take my time to get to reading your post, I was too busy counting money while watching TVN. But I will burn a $100 bill in your honor in the hope that it can buy you some intelligence in the afterlife.

Its pretty clear some people do not understand how corporate taxes in Poland work. If they did they would know, TVN a Polish company pays Polish taxes, pays ZUS and pays employees in Poland. There is no tax avoidance for a Polish company doing business in Poland with Banks owned by the state. But I only learned that with my JD that I received in community college.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
8 Jan 2022   #521
I will burn a $100 bill

Send us a picture/video.

TVN a Polish company pays Polish taxes

Are you sure about it?
OP mafketis  38 | 11127
16 Feb 2022   #522
True to all of the basic principles of PiS (never be reasonable when you can be nasty and vindictive instead, avoid transparency the way a vampire avoids sunlight, hold on to grudges forever...) the entertainment network tvn7 has still not received approval of the extension of their concession with just over a week before the current concession expires.

Also true to form no reason is being given for the repeated failure of the National Broadcasting Council to come to what should be a routine extension.... So the assumption is that this is for the same reason they delayed the approval of tvn24.... they don't like the owners politically and they're maybe hoping to remove tvn7 from the free broadcasting in their never-ending drive to recreate the media environment of the communist period with tv controlled exclusively by the ruling party...
pawian  226 | 27364
16 Feb 2022   #523
recreate the media environment of the communist period with tv controlled exclusively by the ruling party...

Yes, our PiS rightards are true neobolsheviks by nature. It would be funny if it wasn`t so tragic for Poland. They are taking us back by decades. Cleaning their swamp will also take years. Those who are destroying Poland today have to be properly judged in the future.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 860
16 Feb 2022   #524
Just when the US sends more troops you really think PiS is going to mess this up? Unlikely.
OP mafketis  38 | 11127
16 Feb 2022   #525

Oh, I have almost unlimited faith in their ability to mess things up.....

Doesn't mean for sure that they will, but it's a real possibility.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
16 Feb 2022   #526
Is it true that the justice minister criticized the PM for his "historic mistake"?
OP mafketis  38 | 11127
16 Feb 2022   #527
the justice minister criticized the PM

Not sure about the particular occasion but the two have been in semi-open warfare for years (KaczyƄski likes to pit those beneath against each other).

I don't like Morawiecki but Ziobro is far, far worse. He's the most dangerous person in the current government....
pawian  226 | 27364
16 Feb 2022   #528
Is it true that the justice minister criticized the PM for his "historic mistake"?

Yes but that concerns the today`s EU ruling about withholding funds to states abusing the principle of the state of law.

He's the most dangerous person in the current government.

Fanatic ready to break the law in full awareness in order to achieve his goals. Mostly dirty goals.

Home / News / The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air

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