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Poland to return to Catholic tradition?

Ktos  15 | 432
21 Feb 2016   #121
The same goes for all and sundry foreigners who are trying to impose their ideology upon Polish citizen in Poland.

Showed some balls there for a change, you may become a Polish yet. Sundry foreigners sounds just right, government and Catholic Church dismantling pests sounds also right - doing rat's job all the while they remain in Poland.
Roger5  1 | 1432
21 Feb 2016   #122
The nation of shopkeepers who know the price of everything but the value of nothing.

Oh, not that one yet again, Pol. Conflating quotes from Napoleon and Lord Darlington doesn't prove anything. In fact your cliche refers to your country, the USA, more than any other on Earth.
InPolska  9 | 1796
21 Feb 2016   #123
@Roger: yes again! This cliché fits the USA the best.
21 Feb 2016   #124
which civil liberties in particular are as you put it interfered with?

For a start there's my right to have the medical treatment I feel is appropriate for me and which my GP agrees is right for me; Poland bans certain medical procedures on religious grounds.
Ironside  50 | 12940
21 Feb 2016   #125
Poland bans certain medical procedures on religious grounds.

Medical procedures don't equate with medical treatment. You aren't talking about sex change procedure are you?
Let me rephrase my question. Have you been refused medical care of your illness or injury on religious grounds?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 Feb 2016   #126
fits the USA

Yes, sad to say the USA got saddled with Anglo-Saxon prejudices, quirks and inanities and to this day are laboruing under those WASP-ish inches, pounds and miles.
Roger5  1 | 1432
21 Feb 2016   #127
the USA got saddled with Anglo-Saxon prejudices, quirks and inanities

All the ills of the USA, the murder rate, the drugs, the million in prisons, the lousy education, etc. are the fault of the British. Official.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 Feb 2016   #128
fault of the British

It wasn't Polish or Norwegian immigrants who massacred millions of Indians and brought African slaves in chains to America's shores but #%!&X)ß*%&$?+#¤! (that's a comic-book euphemism for expletives in case you didn't know!) arrogant, self-centred WASPs!
InPolska  9 | 1796
21 Feb 2016   #129
@Pol3: sure re Amrerican natives but as to African slaves, everybody in those days beneffited more of less from them. A lot of people got very rich, in Europe and in the US, a lot of towns developed with their inhabitants's lot improved. As to "Norwegian and Polish" immigrants, they did not mind moving to and living in a country where blacks were (and are still in many instances unfortunately) second class citizens so no "lesson" to give others.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 Feb 2016   #130
they did not mind

They didn't even know. Teh masses of illiterate peasant immirgants only wnated to improve their life and didn't concen themselves with historical vicissitudes. But I repeat, until quite recently (and to quite an extent even today) IT WAS THE WASPS THAT RULED THE ROOST.
InPolska  9 | 1796
21 Feb 2016   #131
@Pol3: True at least for those arriving up to the early 20th century but the Poles moving later on of course knew about it but obviously for them a "ni####g#"""ger" did not mean a thing. What you say about the USA also applies to other places like Canada, Australia, New Zealand and a lot of others ... where natives were for most of them murdered. North American natives (for instance) are in a very poor shape but who cares about them? At least, American blacks (although too many of them still behind) have moved up and so much the better!

PS: generally speaking, how do Americans of Polish origin vote in American élections? For info, in France in areas where a lot of Polonia (1 million), the "front national" is very strong: coincidence or simply because racism and xenophobia MAY be "Polish values". I don't know, I just look ;)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 Feb 2016   #132

The WASP-ruled establishment also suppressed historical facts that put them in bad light. The highly prasied Thomas Jefferson (like a typcial Anglo who felt you don't have to keep your word to a wog!) reneged on a pledge given to Kościuzsko who wanted his American fortune to be used to free and educate Negro slaves. The Polish general made Jefferson the administrator of his American estate, and the American agreed.

It wasn't until the 1970s that such facts first began surfacing. America's forcibly WASP-ified ethnics finally began gaining some measure of their rightful self-esteem and started saying: BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL, POLISH AND PROUD, KISS ME I'M IRISH, etc.

During what has come to be known as ethnic renaissance, people started realising that the WASPs' main claim to fame was that they came over on an earlier cattle boat. And they finally were bale to learn (earlier such things had been absent from school textbooks) that the highly over-rated Mayflower Pilgrims came to America to flee relgious persecution in Merry Olde England, but in the New World they and their descedants promptly began persecuting Quakers, Anglicans, Catholics, Baptists and others. That too is part of America's WASP heritage!

ow do Americans of Polish origin vote

Used to be almost straight Democrat. Things started changing in the late 1960s when the Democratic Party, once perceived as the party of workers and immigrants, began morphing into a party of Hollywood glitterati, armchair leftists, sundry hippies and other loons and whackos. At present, the PolAm vote is roughly split between Democrats and Republicans. Many of those voting Democrat do so out of habit, for old times' sake or as a knee-jerk impulse without actually studying the Dems' liberal-leftist-libertine anti-religious agenda.
InPolska  9 | 1796
21 Feb 2016   #133
Thanks Pol ! So nothing particular! Polish Americans are of all different opinions and it is good. I don't know (maybe because of those on PF ;)) but I had imagined them all voting for the Republicans and next time for .... Trump..... I expect a lot of Polish Americans are working classes so "common sense" they vote for the Democrats.
21 Feb 2016   #134
You aren't talking about sex change procedure are you?

Actually I'm talking about getting a vasectomy, something illegal under Polish law.

arrogant, self-centred WASPs!

Interesting that in your version of history the Spanish and Portuguese were Anglo-Saxon protestants.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 Feb 2016   #135
working classes

Working class yes, and that means they are pro-family, pro-Church, pro-patriotic (like PiS) and wary of LGBTQ nonsense. Don't confuse PolAms with the French (CGT) where trade unions identified with ideological leftism and anti-clericalism.
jon357  72 | 23482
21 Feb 2016   #136
Actually I'm talking about getting a vasectomy, something illegal under Polish law

The procedure is almost unknown here. Absolutely no scientific reason for that at all.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 Feb 2016   #137
no scientific reason

There is absolutely no sensible reasons for such self-mutiliation as male sterilisation. Unless one is a dog or tomcat.
jon357  72 | 23482
21 Feb 2016   #138
There is absolutely no sensible reasons

Tell that to the millions who have opted for that form of family planning. No reason whatsoever for it to be banned here in Poland.


Circumcision is pointless mutilation. A vasectomy is a very practical and valued medical procedure.
Roger5  1 | 1432
21 Feb 2016   #139
The procedure is almost unknown here.

That surprises me. I once accompanied a brother to have it done at a Marie Stopes clinic in Newcastle. It took about twenty minutes. I'd have thought that Polish doctors would relish such a cash cow.

no sensible reasons for such self-mutiliation as male sterilisation.

There is if you've had all the kids you want or can afford, and don't want your wife to poison herself with contraceptive pills. It's called being a gentleman.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 Feb 2016   #140

No decent Catholic gentleman would stoop so low. Never heard of moderation or abstinence? What's wrong wtih exercising a bit of willpower?
jon357  72 | 23482
21 Feb 2016   #141
Never heard of moderation or abstinence?

Why should a couple (or anyone else) 'abstain' if they don't want to?
21 Feb 2016   #142
I'd have thought that Polish doctors would relish such a cash cow.

It's easy to get a vasectomy here, the operation is very simple (so simple that somebody I know who is a surgeon did his own). It's just not possible to get one legally here, due to some Catholics insist on forcing their beliefs down the throats of others (which means the cost is, like that of abortions in Poland, far higher than it needs to be).

No decent Catholic gentleman would stoop so low.

One would have thought that no Catholic man would ever refuse to even acknowledge he has a daughter, but one would be wrong, wouldn't one.

Never heard of moderation or abstinence?

Your religion calls for that. Mine doesn't. What gives you the right to impose your religious beliefs on me?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 Feb 2016   #143
don't want

Life is not just about "wanting to". That's OK maybe for "me, myself and I" hedo-egoists and animals but not for homo sapiens. Life should be about being decent, kind, humble and helpful to others. Even decent godless can manage that. To a true Christian life is about serving God and fellow-man.
Ironside  50 | 12940
21 Feb 2016   #144
Actually I'm talking about getting a vasectomy, something illegal under Polish law.

So the correct answer is that you haven't been refused medical care in Poland. What you are talking about are certain medical procedures that are illegal in Poland. That is a different kettle of fish don't you think?

It's just not possible to get one legally here, due to some Catholics insist on forcing their beliefs down the throats of others (

No, Harry those are laws that reflect those values that Polish society generally adhere to. If you have problem with that you can always change your home address and climate for one more suitable for your testes I beg your pardon!... for your taste.
jon357  72 | 23482
21 Feb 2016   #145
Life is not just about "wanting to". That's OK maybe for "me, myself and I" hedo-egoists and animals but not for homo sapiens. Life should be about being decent, kind, humble and helpful to others.

What's that (all very subjective anyway) to do with insisting that people 'abstain' from having a sex life? Unless you think that the religious view you espouse should be impose on others.

People are capable of deciding for themselves.
InPolska  9 | 1796
21 Feb 2016   #146
RCC demands their priests and nuns to "abstain" and .... Yesterday, I heard a (French) nun on tv saying that first of all, she was a ... woman ;)
Crow  154 | 9526
21 Feb 2016   #147
At the moment when Christianity unites, if things continue in that direction, Poland`s return to Catholic tradition may prove to be best possible move in this global chess party. It would strengthen all Poland`s arguments and provide conditions for Intermarium, with bless of Vatican as well as from Russia. Poland`s power would rise, Poland`s influence would expand.
InPolska  9 | 1796
21 Feb 2016   #148
@Crow: you really live in your own fantasy island completely away from real world, don't you?
Crow  154 | 9526
21 Feb 2016   #149
what you want to say? That is independent Poland impossible? If Poland`s return to Catholic tradition means that i am all for that. If it needs to strenghten assimilation of Poles i am against it. To whom would serve that- it is question? to Poles or to non-Poles.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 Feb 2016   #150
she was a ... woman

Then she should have chosen a different profession: stewardess, secretary, waitress, barmaid, cashier, call-girl, so many to choose from.

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