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Poland to return to Catholic tradition?

johnny reb  49 | 7943
20 Feb 2016   #91
Having said that, a conviction for child abuse (be it physical, mental or sexual) should be an immediate life ban from working with children again.

Would hinting to them that alternative live styles are normal to have even though their Christian up bringing is in direct conflict with it ?
The parents teach their children Christian and moral values and then have say a homosexual teacher influence them that it is "normal" to have sexual relations with the same sex even though it is in direct violation of their religious belief.

Do you think that falls under sexual mental abuse to their religious beliefs since it is considered sin by believers in God who clearly called it that, SIN.

The 1.5% living in sin want to teach Polands Catholic children that it is o.k. to sin.
Do you think such teachers should be banned and deported from a 90% plus Catholic country for teaching a sin of Satan ?
You are walking on thin ice delph.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Feb 2016   #92
homosexual teacher influence

When LGBTQ agitators infiltrate American schools usually in cahoots with a perverted of perversion-supporting teacher, often kids are admonished not to tell their parents what was talked about. One wonders whether such perversion-spreaders try to cover their tracks because they are ashamed, embarassed or fear legal reprisals?
Roger5  1 | 1432
20 Feb 2016   #93
Do you think such teachers should be banned and deported from a 90% plus Catholic country for teaching a sin of Satan ?

Poland is not Iran. Try complaining to the Ministry of Education about sins of Satan, and you are more likely to be visited by the guys in white coats. It's 2016.
johnny reb  49 | 7943
20 Feb 2016   #94
Save your propaganda Roger.
You try to tell us that Poland is not a Catholic country too.
Try to tell that to a practicing Polish Catholic and you will end up in a white coat alright.
Trying to brainwash a Christian country's youth with your false teaching is a sin within itself.
Roger5  1 | 1432
20 Feb 2016   #95
You try to tell us that Poland is not a Catholic country too.

Where have I said that? You wouldn't be telling lies about me now, would you?

Try to tell that to a practicing Polish Catholic and you will end up in a white coat alright.

What would you know about that Johnny? You're an American with zero connection to Poland who knows nothing about the country, and has never even been here.

Trying to brainwash a Christian country's youth with your false teaching is a sin within itself.

Oh, so now you get to write the rulebook on sin. You are not God, Johnny. You are sounding more like that braggart Trump with every passing day.
johnny reb  49 | 7943
20 Feb 2016   #96
Oh, so now you get to write the rulebook on sin.

No Roger, there has been a rulebook already written on sin.

You're an American with zero connection to Poland

You have worn that one out Roger.
Come up with some new material.
So do you believe that Poland is or is not a predominantly Catholic country ?
20 Feb 2016   #97
Just to set the record straight here.

Once you have been baptized a Catholic, you are a Catholic for the rest of your life unless you change your religion or formally renounce your faith, being Christened or taking confirmation only strengthen your ties to the Catholic Church and reinforces your belief.

I can understand why the liberal non believers which are mostly British on this forum, seem to have a agenda against the RCC, they are not part and do ot belong which is obviously an error of their parents or bad breeding. It must be awful to not belong and feel as thought you are lost in the wilderness...
20 Feb 2016   #98
Some see the RCC as a soft target because of its compassionate and forgiving nature, but other religions are not so tolerant to abusive attacks on their most holy beliefs, just look at what happened in France for instance, people are more cautious before they abuse some religions ,where they face severe repercussions.
InPolska  9 | 1796
20 Feb 2016   #99
@Dolno! No religion is ... tolerant and the RCC is not any different. People who happen to be "different" ("illegitimate" kids and their mothers (rembember the way such mothers were treated in countries such as Ireland, Spain, Portugal until recently), divorced people, homosexuals .... ) are not accepted and be given "hard times"

Whoever wants to follow ANY religion, may even be worshipping pens, chairs, spiders or teaspoons... does not bother me at all. I have nothing against it but I expect them to do it privately and also NOT on the tax money (including mine). Religion should be kept in the private sphere (just like ... sex ;))
20 Feb 2016   #100
" NOT on the tax money (including mine)" , I didn't think that France or the UK took Tax payers money and handed it to the churches?

So that is the place to be if you are concerned about your tax supporting the church, If you worked in Saudi or the UAE you would have to pay zakat to support their religion.

The RCC is the bedrock of our country, the Virgin Mary is our Queen. The majority of Poles are prepared to support this financially. others have a choice to leave or not come here in the first place.
InPolska  9 | 1796
20 Feb 2016   #101
@Dolno: I don't care about Saudi Arabia or Zimbabwe or Israel. However, religion should be separate from all public affairs and be a mere private matter (he way it has been in France for instance since 1905 = "laïcité"). The whole population should not have to pay for ANY religion. Since we are in Poland, the Catholic Church is rich enough to get by without receiving tax money. How much money does the Church receive from Polish (including me) taxpayers? What about the billion or so ZL to brainwash kids in public schools? How much money does the Church pay to tax authorities? ;).

I have not followed news because no time but what is the story about quite a bunch of public money given to Rydzik to open a school??? The guy is as rich as Cresus used to be so let him open his own school without public money!
20 Feb 2016   #102
" religion should be separate from all public affairs "laïcité""

Have you seen the mess that Godless France is today.
Religion is the heart of Poland and always will be, the majority of us are happy to pay and support it,

Go back to France if you don't like it
InPolska  9 | 1796
20 Feb 2016   #103
@Dolno; I suppose you have no PERSONAL experience whatsoever and rely on some orientated medias. Trust me, securalism works very well and more and more Poles are getting in favor of it. Tell us how much does the Church receives from taxpayers in Poland and how much they pay in tax? ;).
20 Feb 2016   #104
the majority of us are happy to pay and support it,

Fine. But what gives you the right to force those of us who don't want to fund your superstition to hand over our hard-earned money to an organization that very simply does not need the money?
20 Feb 2016   #105
"Church receives from taxpayers in Poland" I did read it somewhere it was a great deal of money, but worth it , the church does allot of social work in Poland

As for my comment to you "Go back to France if you don't like it" I apologies that was out of order , I Just got a bit overheated, probably the one extra glass of wine I had with dinner didn't help.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
20 Feb 2016   #106
"Church receives from taxpayers in Poland" I did read it somewhere it was a great deal of money, but worth it , the church does allot of social work in Poland

It's a huge amount of cash. 1.3 billion złoty a year to provide religion classes in schools, for example. The money spent there would pay for free school meals for all schoolchildren to ensure that every child receives a hot meal daily.
InPolska  9 | 1796
20 Feb 2016   #107
@Delph: thanks to remind us! Is it also true that Church does NOT pay tax? Probably it is. Yes, with all the money, a lot could be done to help the poor and the weakest in the society.

I always remember a famous (Polish) politiican I worked with telling me that in his childhood's poor small rural area, the priest was as fat as a pig and had the best house ;). "lol"
20 Feb 2016   #108
1.3 billion złoty a year to provide religion classes in schools, worthwhile and important for the future of Poland

Poland earmarks EUR 4.5m for Syria aid: PM Szydło Source radio Poland.

Waste of money such as above should be used to cover school diners etc.
InPolska  9 | 1796
20 Feb 2016   #109
@Dolno; if you want to teach your kids about (any) religion, you pay for it and don't expect the whole country (officially all religions and lackof are allowed in Poland) to pay the bill. There a few Protestants, Jews, Muslims and others in Poland, would you like to pay for their religious education? I don't want to pay for catholic, protestant, jewish, muslim, budhist, Jehowa Witness, hare krishna or whatever education. I want to pay for overall education through which kids learn school topics.

@Harry: "to fund your superstition"! spot on! ;). A whole population should not have to. Only catholics should finance catholic Church (and other religions should of course do same with theirs)
mafketis  38 | 11083
20 Feb 2016   #110
1.3 billion złoty a year to provide religion classes in schools, worthwhile and important for the future of Poland

Try talking to a bunch of people in their early 20s and see what they think about it - mandatory religion classes drives them from the RCC
20 Feb 2016   #111
Inpolska , The only people that seem to be complaining here are foreigners. after all the same foreigners didn't like the Africans and their beliefs, so they took them as slaves and forced their foreign beliefs and rules on them.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
20 Feb 2016   #112
There a few Protestants, Jews, Muslims and others in Poland, would you like to pay for their religious education?

From memory, we're already funding Islamic classes for children.
InPolska  9 | 1796
20 Feb 2016   #113
@Dolno: to be honest, it does not prevent me from sleeping ;) but thinking about that, I don't think it is fair. Maybe also because of my background but I know quite a few of Poles who feel the same as I do. Religion should be a private matter only. A State should not impose an ideology upon their citizens, who should be free to believe in what they want or not to believe in anything and all should be equal. Poland should not look like Iran
20 Feb 2016   #114
"A State should not impose an ideology upon their citizens", the soviets did that, but our links to the RCC go back over 1000 years , the church is the pillar of our country, yes some "Poles" have succumbed to Soviet atheist brainwashing, no hope for them now .
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
20 Feb 2016   #115
the church is the pillar of our country

If it was the pillar of the country, why would it be taking a vast amount out of the budget and paying nothing into it?
20 Feb 2016   #116
mandatory religion classes drives them from the RCC

When you look at it that way, it's actually a very good investment.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Feb 2016   #117
paying nothing

Spoken as a true Anglo-Celtic islander. The nation of shopkeepers who know the price of everything but the value of nothing. Over the centuries the Chruch has been mankind's greatest benefactor. It was the Church that civilised barbarians, set up hospitals (the Red Cross got their name from the Catholic Order of Camilian monks), orphanages, shelters for the homeless, sick and elderly. The Church established schools, universities and libraries, promtoed literacy and leanring and created some of the greatest works of art and architecture known to man. It has also sent countless missionaries to minister to the bodies and souls of the forgotten and disadvantages, to cripples, lepers and other needy souls around the globe. One could go on and on about the Church which, according to the shopkeeper's mentality, has allegedly only taken but given nothing in return, but it'd be a waste of time. Nothing penetrates the thick skulls of unthinking, pop-culturated Church-bashers such as my interlocutor.
Ironside  50 | 12816
20 Feb 2016   #118
It's not that you're forced to perform anything, it's that your civil liberties are interfered

Would you be able to provide specifics and tell me which civil liberties in particular are as you put it interfered with?

For example look at situation regarding IVF treatment in Poland.

What about that treatment?

A State should not impose an ideology upon their citizens

Not your concern mate! The same goes for all and sundry foreigners who are trying to impose their ideology upon Polish citizen in Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
21 Feb 2016   #119
The same goes for all and sundry foreigners who are trying to impose their ideology upon Polish citizen in Poland.

What about Poles in the UK that tried to impose their racist ideology in a London park not that long ago?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 Feb 2016   #120
Poles in the UK

Elaborate, please. Not everyone is obsessively focused on internal UK news.

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