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Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland

johnny reb  49 | 7888
1 Aug 2023   #31
Immigrants from non-European countries.

Really, tell us how that works.
The United States imposed new travel restrictions on citizens of Hungary today over concerns that the identities of nearly 1 million foreigners granted Hungarian passports over nine years weren't sufficiently verified, according to the U.S. Embassy and a government official.

Poland doesn't want them, U.S. doesn't want them, Russia doesn't want them, China doesn't want's time to depopulate these economic opportunists immigrants and terrorists wanting to feed out of our public troughs for free.

I suggest feeding them foods that sterilize them.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
1 Aug 2023   #32
Exotic countries means countries where everything is different than in Poland: culture, skin, climate, food etc.

So its just a Polish thing?I also felt almost the same way but she didnt fu.cking look "EXOTIC"lol lol maybe erotic lol
mafketis  38 | 11127
1 Aug 2023   #33
where are they Exotic from?

Exotic from a traditional general European cultural framework.....

Exotic just means 'foreign and different' (literally it's from Greek and means 'from the outside').

It's been used in lots of dumb ways over the years and everything exotic to one person is just normal reality for another.....

From a western European perspective the countries behind the Iron Curtain were 'exotic'... (I remember when it was called 'Eastern Europe' and I thought it was very exotic).

The university I went to in the US was very big in Latin American studies. I remember being at one party thrown by an American who'd lived in several Latin American countries. There was a doctoral student visiting from Wisconsin or somehwere like that and couldn't get over hearing people actually speaking Spanish which was very exotic for him (and as common as air for everyone else there).
OP pawian  226 | 27364
8 Aug 2023   #34
Nigeriens in Niger, after their military grabbed the power in the putsch which abolished the democratic gov, are proudly displaying Russian symbols. They seem to believe Russian exploitation of their natural resources is much better than the traditional exploitation by the French, their old colonizers.

Hey, Russia lovers, if you decide to migrate to Europe, stay away from the Polish border! You can settle in Russia which you love so much, morons!

  • Nigercoup.jpg
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
8 Aug 2023   #35
You can settle in Russia

Well, despite the war, the sanctions and the crisis, Russia would still be a huge improvement from Niger.

People in many parts of Africa have good reasons to dislike the so-called collective West.
jon357  72 | 23482
8 Aug 2023   #36
Russian symbols

Fortunately they're more anti-France than pro-r*SSia.

It's not so much France's sins in the colonial period (although former French colonies are still less developed than most of Africa), it's more France's undignified attempts to hold onto former colonies as if independence had never happened and their strategic attempts to prevent the development of education, infrastructure and most significantly industry. France would rather they were a very minor market for French goods and make a fast buck than let them develop and develop healthy post colonial relations.

It's not insignificant that France had to 'abolish' chattel slavery there three times, most recently in the 1950s.

And of course China (who want rare Earth minerals from under their deserts) is the elephant in the room here.

If you're worried about migrants from Niger you shouldn't be. It has a small population, and I'd suspect that most of them have never heard of Poland.
Novichok  4 | 8410
8 Aug 2023   #37
which abolished the democratic gov

...just as did that "revolution" in 2014...hahahahahahaha...

It's not so much France's sins in the colonial period

Sins??? How tall was the tree you fell down from head first? Colonialism was a crime and the only shame was that the locals didn't slaughter all Euro colonizers the day they arrived.

Now I understand why some hate Columbus. No, he didn't discover "America". He was the first illegal alien who traveled to America without a visa or permission.

When he landed, America was already "discovered" and well-known to Americans.

and I'd suspect that most of them have never heard of Poland.

Hey, genius, they heard of Europe. Poland is where you go after you land in Europe. Duh!
jon357  72 | 23482
8 Aug 2023   #38

The first accurate comment you made today.

they heard of Europe

They always have, however come bad times or good, very few Nigeriennes have made the journey there at all.

And no problem at all if some do.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
11 Aug 2023   #39
It seems those PiS gangsters want to kill a few birds with one stone. They are going to ask more questions in the referendum. The first one has just been disclosed by PiS Chairman.

But as they are idiots, it is a very idiotic question which will strike them back.
"Do you support the sale of state-owned enterprises?" hahahaha

Amasing they are asking it after the sale of a big Polish oil company LOTOS to Saudi Arabians and Hungarians.
PiS are cheeky bastards, indeed.

Donald Tusk as usual commented wittily:

Chairman of the biggest oil company after reading the question:

  • F3PXD_6XEAAaYyX.jpg
Atch  22 | 4299
11 Aug 2023   #40
They are going to ask more questions in the referendum.

The whole point of referendums is that people have to make an informed decision. The key thing is that they must understand the question they're being asked. In Ireland the two sides of the question are presented and publicly debated for months beforehand. People can contact the referendum commission directly with questions etc. People must understand the potential consequences of their vote. Unfortunately that won't happen in Poland.
Novichok  4 | 8410
11 Aug 2023   #41
Unfortunately that won't happen in Poland.

That's why I will be Irish one day...
OP pawian  226 | 27364
11 Aug 2023   #42
Unfortunately that won't happen in Poland.

Because this is Poland, not Ireland. We are mentally still in Eastern Europe, at least half of the nation, those who vote for PiS and other crazies and azholes. We need a few more decades to develop like Ireland. Everything was going so well after the collapse of communism but Poles went mad and chose PIS in 2015. Amasing! Fekk PiS and their voters, all those pathetic homo sovieticuses, the slops remaining after the communist system.
Alien  25 | 6359
11 Aug 2023   #43
People must understand the potential consequences of their vote. U

And that's the biggest problem.
Example 1: Brexit would not pass today because people see what is happening.
Example 2: If there was a referendum in the EU on whether to admit Poland to the EU, this would never happen.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
11 Aug 2023   #44

That is comforting to know that not only Poles display stupidity, in our case based on Eastern European mentality. Brits did too when they voted for Brexit.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
11 Aug 2023   #45
Fekk PiS and their voters, all those pathetic homo sovieticuses, the slops remaining after the communist system.

But it is PiS who gave your beloved Ukrainians child benefits, full access to free health service, 30% of our weapons and ammunition stock and in general 2% of Polish GDP. :)

It is PiS, whose ambassador was the only one in the world who stayed in Kiev when Russian army was approaching it; the same ambassador Cichocki whom your beloved Ukrainians called to reprimand on 1st August, the anniversary of Warsaw Uprising. :)

So, what's the story, Pawianos? Are they Soviet homo-erectuses or Polish patriots who understand that "Ukrainian independence=Polish independence" hahaha xD
jon357  72 | 23482
11 Aug 2023   #46
Ukrainians child benefits, full access to free health service

Quite right too. Anyone in a country under any circumstances should receive healthcare free at the point of use and any child in a country regardless of parental origin is the responsibility of all of us, you, me and Pawian included.

30% of our weapons and ammunition stock and in general 2% of Polish GDP. :)

That's hardly "giving your beloved Ukrainians" anything. It's a sound investment in the future to protect Poland against a country who considers Poland to be their 'near abroad' and has invaded Poland at least 5 times in the last two centuries.

The Polish government have done the right thing.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
11 Aug 2023   #47
It is PiS, whose ambassador was the only one in the world who stayed in Kiev

And the opposition ambassador wouldn`t stay coz you have a crystal ball and a black cat on your arm. hahahaha

But it is PiS who gave your beloved Ukrainians child benefits

And the opposition gov wouldn`t give all that??

Sorry, your arguments are taken from dupa and it isn`t pawian`s ass but your own. Ha!

Are they Soviet homo-erectuses

Yes, they are. Mentally stuck in communist times.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
11 Aug 2023   #48

It is all good and well, Joni, but the question I asked Pawian - in the light of the above facts - is: are PiS such horrid Soviet homo-something as he tries to picture them. :)

I'm not defending them - God forbid. I am merely trying to understand the multitudinous inconsistencies in Pawian's worldview.


And the opposition ambassador wouldn`t stay coz you have a crystal ball

The opposition ambassador would do exactly what the German ambassador have done. :) I am not saying it's a bad thing. The opposition under Tusk's reaction would have been exactly the German reaction at the beginning of this war, because they are basically a German party. Again, I'm not saying it's a bad thing. :)
jon357  72 | 23482
11 Aug 2023   #49
No, however there's a traditional element in that political current (Macierewicz is the obvious example though there are others) that traditionally think Poland should be facing east rather than west.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
11 Aug 2023   #50

Wrong logic! Inconsistency means that I say sth one day and the opposite things the next. Show me where I have been doing it. Ha!!!

The opposition ambassador would do exactly

Stupid of you to foretell what they would do. I was only joking with that crystal ball, don`t take it so seriously.... hahahaha
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
11 Aug 2023   #51

You think Macierewicz is a "traditional element"? You are surely forgetting what this man did when he was the Defence Minister. His actions were so ridiculous and damaging to Polish Armed Forces that even Americans said that they won't sell us even a pump-action shotgun as long as he's the minister. Plus, all the young feminine boys that he likes to surround himself with... I would call him everything but traditionalist.

I was only joking with that crystal ball

It doesn't take a crystal ball to know that Totaloppositionsfuhrer Tusk would follow exactly the German line in everything. Which - in this case - might actually be a good thing. :)
jon357  72 | 23482
11 Aug 2023   #52
You think Macierewicz is a "traditional element"?

Yes, and a complete tw@ too.

His actions were so ridiculous and damaging

Every living predecessor of whatever party from communists right through to conservatives all signed a letter asking for his removal.

Nevertheless, his political views are far from unique in that ultra-conservative current in Polish politics that longs for the values of the past and looks east rather than west.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
11 Aug 2023   #53
Tusk would follow

No, you are still lying and inventing fake news about Honourable Donald Tusk, the saviour of the Polish nation, third after Jesus Christ and St Mary. :):):)
Ironside  50 | 12928
11 Aug 2023   #54
Brexit would not pass today because people see what is happening.

What is happeing?

If there was a referendum in the EU on whether to admit Poland to the EU, this would never happen.

If they would ask people what to do, there wouldn't be 90% of EU BS and economy would we going strong..

ot only Poles display stupidity

you defender of democracy, do you even know what it is? Seems you don't!
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
11 Aug 2023   #55
Show me where I have been doing it.

Of course.

You call PiS Soviet Homoerectuses whilst they did exactly what you think true Polish patriots should have done: supported Ukraine to the point of accepting fully your logic of "Ukraine's independence = Poland's independence" (and they even said exactly that on numerous occasions).

So, who are they? Soviet homo pavianuses or true Polish patriots? hahaha :D
Ironside  50 | 12928
11 Aug 2023   #56
I am merely trying to understand the multitudinous inconsistencies in Pawian's worldview.

it simple, pawian doesn't think....he reacts like every primitive ape!
OP pawian  226 | 27364
11 Aug 2023   #57
You call PiS Soviet Homoerectuses

Actually, I call their voters so. You misinterpreted it.
Here it is:
Fekk PiS and their voters, all those pathetic homo sovieticuses,
I mean people who are ready to accept dictatorship in their country as long as they get benefits from it.

I call PiS gangsters, losers. morons or idiots.

So, who are they?

Sorry, you still have to wait to catch me. Try to find other inconsistencies. hahaha
johnny reb  49 | 7888
11 Aug 2023   #58
You sound so bitter towards the great job PiS is doing for the less fortunate people.
Not everyone was born with a silver spoon in their mouth like you were. pawian.
Poland took you in from being raised in a foreign country, (Britain), so wtf ?
OP pawian  226 | 27364
11 Aug 2023   #59
for the less fortunate people.

Less fortunate people who spend large part of their income on cigs and vodka??? Fekk them all!!!

Less fortunate people who are too lazy to take additional jobs or do overtime and prefer to depend on benefits??? Fekk them all!!!!

Not everyone was born with a silver spoon in their mouth like you were.

Yes, I was coz my parents worked hard for their wealth. And I take after them in this. I work hard and don`t need the state`s benefits like all those alcoholics and lazies who depend on give outs
jon357  72 | 23482
11 Aug 2023   #60
people who spend large part of their income on cigs and vodka??? Fekk them all!!!

And condemn their unfortunate kids to the same life as their feckless parents? Poland isn't the third world.

my parents worked hard for their wealth..... I work hard

I'm the same, however I don't want to be surrounded by generational poverty, see drunken beggars or be robbed by kids left to their own devices by both their parents and society,

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