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Rape and sexual abuse in Poland

Lenka  5 | 3484
3 Jul 2024   #151
The same goes for people falsely reporting theft, bodily harm, murder etc.
Why should rape be different?

This new law doesn't change a thing to how reporting rape looks like. There will still have to be investigation that finds proof beyond her words. So why the panic?

sentences of 3 months where the man faces 2-15 years. :(

The significance of the crime is of completely different magnitude.
I would definitely support the new law if

And I wouldn't if we didn't have cases making such change a necessity
Torq  8 | 957
3 Jul 2024   #152
The significance of the crime is of completely different magnitude.

Not necessarily and not in every case. You are thinking of rape with the use of violence. The problem is that under the new law a man can be persecuted for rape for not obtaining proper agreement of a woman (text message?, written on paper?, recorded in an audio file?).

So, is not obtaining agreement e.g. in a written form, when there was no violence involved, worse than malicious false accusation that can break the man's life, his career, his good name etc.?

If the accused risks broken life and a sure prison sentence whilst the accuser risks nothing or in the worst case scenario a monetary fine or some bullsh*t sentence of a couple of months, then the law is unfair.

theft, bodily harm, murder (...) Why should rape be different?

Because people having sexual intercourse happens much more often than people killing or robbing each other, so the opportunity for abusing the law is much more likely to occur (and it does occur as we know from the experience of countries where such regulations are already in place).

So why the panic?

There's no panic but there's serious concern for the new law being regularly abused.
Lenka  5 | 3484
3 Jul 2024   #153
So, is not obtaining agreement

A rape? Yes.

there's serious concern for the new law being regularly abused.

And there is no concern that the law in previous form allows rapists to go free?
Torq  8 | 957
3 Jul 2024   #154
And there is no concern that the law in previous form allows rapists to go free?

Of course there is. That's why I said that I support the new law but under the reservation of increasing penalties for false accusations of rape. It seems to be a problem for you - why?
Lenka  5 | 3484
3 Jul 2024   #155
It seems to be a problem for you - why?

That not, but the problem is between false accusations and the fact there was simply not enough evidence to prove rape.

And judging by the real life situations it's more common for the rape victims to be accused of laying then of guys being falsely accused of rape.
Torq  8 | 957
3 Jul 2024   #156
it's more common for the rape victims to be accused of laying then of guys being falsely accused of rape

I would say it's the other way around. However, our subjective opinions shouldn't matter. The law should be fair and the likelihood of abusing it decreased to minimum, hence the necessity of increasing penalties for false accusations.

the real life

Do you know what will happen in the real life?

In the real life the new law won't deter the rapists because they do not follow logic or analyse legal regulations before they commit the crime. It will however make it easier to persecute them in certain marginal cases. That's a plus.

In the real life - and we know it from experience of countries where such regulations are already in place - it will be easier to open persecutions in cases of alleged rape, and still the possible penalty for malicious accusations is much too low in relation to the gravity of the crime (the man's life, career, family can be broken and if the accusation is false nothing happens to the woman or she get a bullsh*t monetary fine, or in the worst case scenario a couple of months in prison). That's a minus but a minus that we can counterbalance with more severe penalties for false accusations.

However, something else will happen in the real life. The new law is unlikely to affect people who are happily married or in stable long-term relationships. It will however affect single women as men will be much more reluctant to approach them, try to ask them out etc. (the paranoia went as far in some places as men refusing to go into lifts if there is only one woman inside). Stupid? Yes, but that's what happens if the perception of the law is that it puts disproportionate risk on one party.

Another thing that will happen in the real life is that idiotic incel movements like the Red Pill, MGTOW etc. will gain much more following which will further distort the already f*cked up modern female-male relations, social/family life and demography.

That's the price that societies will pay for passing unfair, unbalanced laws.
pawian  219 | 24792
3 Jul 2024   #157
men will be much more reluctant to approach them,

Exactly! And restaurants, cafes, clubs, cinemas and other like that will go bankrupt coz males will be afraid to ask women out and spend time in those public places. :):):).
Torq  8 | 957
3 Jul 2024   #158
Pawian is as usual trying to turn everything into a joke but it's hardly a joking matter.
Ironside  50 | 12333
3 Jul 2024   #159
Considering we know

You don't know about such cases. Considering that you proved to be a callous feminist who doesn't care about innocent men suffering even half as much as you care for (or pretend to care)women suffering I will address you differently without assuming that you want to have a good faith argument.
What you are talking about is a fringe case, what I mean is such cases are extremely rare, yet somehow they are at the center of the argument because feminists used to sway public opinion with such manipulation, lies, and deception, I bet more than few stories you can read here and there are just made up stories. I don't mean to say by that that such things do not happen - they do but as I said they are extremely rare.
I bet there are more men falsy accused of rape than actual rapes they were unpunished after they were reported.
The way progressives are doing with abortion they present cases that are 0,00001 % of all abortions and make them the center of the argument,

the other tactic to mislead public opinion is Mothers Live - talking about women who die pregnant (very rare) as victims of strict anti-abortion laws, when in fact apart from a few other causes the main issue we have in Poland that causes those deaths is poor medical care or the fact that those pregnancies are geriatric pregnancies which very women after 35 has. So those women eneger themselves having their first or second child so late in life.
Abortion has nothing to do with it.
By the way, the feminist who cares so much about women's health in the pro-abortion drive seems to not give a damn about prostitution which is even deadlier and detrimental to the physical and mental health of women in such a profession. Quiet the opposite they say those women should be ashamed of themselves. If that doesn't tell you what a fake movement that is and how little it cares about the welfare of women nothing will.
The lack of physical resistance

The lack of physical resistance did not stop men from being punished for rape as you seem to think. That is a strawman you build yourself.

Let me reiterate - the problem I have with the new legislation is that it takes the word of the accuser over the word of the accused without much evidence.
It leads to men being falsely caused and their lives destroyed which can be seen in other countries when such legislation had been passed.

That has nothing to do with justice and everything with hate of men and toxicity of bitter feminist women.

Here is a quote for you: "It is better than 100 guilty people should escape than that one innocent person should suffer" which stresses the importance of protecting the innocent over punishing the guilty in the legal system.
pawian  219 | 24792
3 Jul 2024   #160
a joke

One joke from you, one from me and we have a balance. Ha!!!

You said that males will be afraid to ask women out. So I immediately imagined those empty cafes where people often meet on dates. Parks will be also empty. Zoos as well. Museums, cinemas. Hell, streets will be completely desolate!
Wow!! I like this new law even more.
Lenka  5 | 3484
3 Jul 2024   #161
The law should be fair and the likelihood of abusing it decreased to minimum

No law in Poland takes account of the accused being accused falsely outside of the general penal system. You want to make an exception for rape. That has nothing to do with fairness.
How would you differentiate between false accusations and not having enough proof to prove the rape?
BTW, I do support punishment for false accusations (all of them). The thing is if you repoert what is a crime in your eyes but the police doesn't find enough proof that doesn't qualify straight away as false accusation)
And before you go on how often people have intercourse vs how often they are beaten up let me point out logical fallacy here:
Not every intercourse is criminal. Every theft etc. Is.
If you want to compare apples to apples compare how often people are raped vs how often they are beaten etc.
new legislation is that it takes the word of the accuser over the word of the accused without much evidence.

No it doesn't. It only changes the definition of rape. The prosecution still has to make a case
Ironside  50 | 12333
3 Jul 2024   #162
Wow!! I like this new law even more.

**** off to the desert!

No it doesn't.

Sure you know better, countless examples to the contrary from countries that introduced such legislation mean nothing because you feel you are right.
Where do you think you are safer in Poland or the UK?
pawian  219 | 24792
3 Jul 2024   #163
to the desert!

hahaha Can you change it for the jungle instead??? Please.......
Torq  8 | 957
3 Jul 2024   #164
You said that males will be afraid to ask women out.

No, I said they will be more reluctant to do so, as we already see from the popularity of movements like the Red Pill or MGTOW which are trying to demonize women using the common (and sometimes justified) perception of law (regarding not only rape but also divorce, alimony, child care etc.) among men, and trying to convince men that they are better off without women. One can hardly imagine a more destructive social phenomenon.

That's why it is vital that the law discussed in this thread, and any law in general, is fair, balanced and not biased towards any particular party.

How would you differentiate between false accusations and not having enough proof to prove the rape?

Apparently our courts of law are able to do that because in majority of cases where man is found not guilty of rape (not enough proof) the accusing party walks away without consequences. Only when the malicious falsity of the accusation is obvious does the accusing party get a lawful sentence (of a monetary fine or a couple of months in prison - hugely disproportionate in comparison to what the accused man could face if found guilty).
pawian  219 | 24792
3 Jul 2024   #165
from the popularity of movements like the Red Pill or MGTOW which are trying to demonize women

Another joke of yours is about the popularity of some movements I have never heard of in my life. :):):)

So why the panic?

Torq  8 | 957
3 Jul 2024   #166
I have never heard of in my life. :)

Because you're a boomer granpa. :)
pawian  219 | 24792
3 Jul 2024   #167
a boomer granpa. :)

Yes, but a versatile one who knows what is happening in this country. And I hear about the Red Pill from you instead from the media. Amasing!!!
Ironside  50 | 12333
3 Jul 2024   #168
which are trying to demonize women

They don't try to demonize women but talk about the system being rigged in favor of females. Who are often brainwashed by feminist propaganda and that makes it so much worse.
Yes, but a versatile one

let me use your quote - buhahaha !
pawian  219 | 24792
3 Jul 2024   #169
buhahaha !

You have no idea how to use it pawian style. Ha!!!
Torq  8 | 957
3 Jul 2024   #170
in this country

Those movements are much more popular abroad where aforementioned legal regulations are already in place. If we want them to gain momentum in Poland as well, all we have to do is introduce similar laws.

They don't try to demonize women but talk about the system being rigged in favor of females.

I'm afraid they do both. They are destructive and toxic as f*ck. No point giving them more fuel by introducing hasty and unbalanced legislation changes.
Lenka  5 | 3484
3 Jul 2024   #171
If we want them to gain momentum in Poland as well, all we have to do is introduce similar laws.

I think we have enough of those already.
And if you think females seeing cases of rape not being prosecuted because the victim wasn't fighting ( when it seems everyone knows by know it's quite common reaction) doesn't add up to the men- female relationship problem? Females being scared of staying 1-1 with a man in case it may be interpreted as consent for sex despite repeated 'no'?
Ironside  50 | 12333
3 Jul 2024   #172
I think we have enough of those already.

Evidently you don't comprehend the importance of protecting the innocent over punishing the guilty in the legal system.
Torq  8 | 957
3 Jul 2024   #173

As I said, repeatedly, I will support the new law if it is accompanied by increased penalties for malicious false accusations (not for cases of not enough evidence, obviously; as we see in our courts of law, it's not a problem). That's my opinion on the matter.
pawian  219 | 24792
3 Jul 2024   #174
Polled women say they would prefer to meet a bear in the forest rather than a male.

Those movements are much more popular abroad

Sigh! I thought you meant Poland.
Alien  23 | 5540
3 Jul 2024   #175
Polled women say they would prefer to meet a bear in the forest rather than a male

Better eaten than raped? Where is the instinct for self-preservation?
johnny reb  46 | 7613
3 Jul 2024   #176
Why don't you two clowns stfu and let this thread flow as Lenka, I.S. and Torq are having an interesting mature adult debate.
pawian  219 | 24792
3 Jul 2024   #177
this thread flow

You should participate more actively to counterbalance the clowns! :):):) Remember our golden rule of balance in nature???
johnny reb  46 | 7613
3 Jul 2024   #178
You should just stfu as you can see you have ended the flow of a very interesting and informant debate.
Thanks a pant load Pawian
The thread is all yours ................😒
pawian  219 | 24792
3 Jul 2024   #179
you have ended the flow

Of course not. Lenka ended it after seeing that Torq and Ironside were twisting the debate by using crazy arguments.

I think we have enough of those already.

Exactly. Tomorrow is also the day.

The thread

Why do you feel so miserable?? This isn`t the only thread in this forum, there are other equally interesting, too. :):):).
Alien  23 | 5540
3 Jul 2024   #180
This isn`t the only thread in this forum, there are other equally interesting, too. :):):).

Yes, for example about mustards. 😀

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