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What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
28 Aug 2020   #151's a similar revolution as the invention of the letter print machine once was.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
28 Aug 2020   #152
Those niche news portals which you downplayed and contributed to Konfederacja's results in parliamentary elections.

This is probably true, but I still think a political party of the Konfederacja type is only able to target a relatively small percentage of the electorate. On the internet platforms they target people who has been already dedicated to their cause, and in that sense they communicate between themselves. Your great illusion is that Konfederacja is capable to appeal with their message to a big national audience. In other words, there is this glass ceiling which Konfederacja cannot break. Remember Janusz Korwin-Mikke? He had been very noisy for years and his brilliant opinions were known to almost everyone in Poland, yet his his consecutive couch political parties could never win more than 1% of national vote.

The only chance for Konfederacja is to enter into a coalition with some more universal political force, but not with PiS who in that case will undoubtedly devour Konfederacja for lunch, or if it resists, for supper. A nice option for Konfederacja may be looming in the distance now in the form of Zbigniew Ziobro's party Solidarna Polska. He has obviously started to play to his own goal in the perspective of the 2023 parliamentary election rather than try to keep up the more and more dubious unity within the so-called United Right (Zjednoczona Prawica) formed under the auspices of PiS.

But if one day Mr. Ziobro and Konfederacja create a coalition, win an election and form a government, you know what I'm going to do. I take my toys and I'm off to Berlin. (And you will probably be back in Warsaw from London by then.)
mafketis  38 | 11170
28 Aug 2020   #153
a political party of the Konfederacja type is only able to target a relatively small percentage of the electorate

Well they hate enough of the electorate that they have no other choice....

great illusion is that Konfederacja is capable to appeal with their message to a big national audience

Yep. Most of their issues don't really.... resonate with a broad audience to the extent needed.

you will probably be back in Warsaw from London by then.

I really doubt that that will ever happen....
Tacitus  2 | 1255
28 Aug 2020   #154
brilliant opinions were known to almost everyone in Poland,

Is this the nutcase who claimed among other things that women were less intelligent than men?

If so, it is hardly a surprise that the party couldn't get more votes.
Spike31  3 | 1485
28 Aug 2020   #155
Your great illusion is that Konfederacja is capable to appeal with their message to a big national audience

I believe that they can serve a similar purpose as Jobbik serves to Fidesz in Hungary: to keep the ruling party real and not too centrist.

And I wouldn't worry that they would get eaten by PiS. A hell would freeze before people like Janusz Korwin-Mikke or Grzegorz Braun would swap their political sides.

Is this the nutcase who claimed among other things that women were less intelligent than men?

To be precise he claims that women are more even than men in a sense that there's less geniuses and less morons amoung them and plenty of those in between.

And the population of men is more extreme: there are more geniuses and more retards among them. And if you check the IQ stats he is right about that.

Back on topic:

Lukaszenko seems to be ready for therevolution ;-). He is a nutcase, and yet for decades he guaranteed that Russian border was 500km east from Poland and not directly on Bug river.

  • Belarus_Strongman.jpg
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
28 Aug 2020   #156
And if you check the IQ stats he is right about that.

I never heard of you have a link?
cms neuf  2 | 1869
28 Aug 2020   #157
Russia has a border with Poland already Spike.
Wincig  2 | 225
28 Aug 2020   #158
He is a nutcase,

Lukashenko has got a lot of weaknesses but he certainly is not a nutcase..
Spike31  3 | 1485
28 Aug 2020   #159
Russia has a border with Poland already Spike.

With an enclave, not with mainland Russia.

he certainly is not a nutcase

Or maybe he was never pushed enough to show his erratic behaviour

I never heard of you have a link?

Obviously these days this hypothesis will be heavily attacked (or ignored if possible). The official progressive propaganda shouts about "diversity" but in fact what they want to achieve is "uniformity"
cms neuf  2 | 1869
28 Aug 2020   #160
So what ? Their alcoholic military are already based in the enclave.

Why should we care about what those drunk soldiers do ? We are in NATO and if they attack us they get nuked.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
28 Aug 2020   #161
claimed among other things that women were less intelligent than men?

I remember he claimed that if a man commits adultery, it is like spitting onto the street - not proper. But if a woman commits adultery, it is as if someone spat into your house - much worse than just not proper. Anyway, he and his hilarious parties never got more than one, maybe one-and-half per cent in the ballot.

With an enclave, not with mainland Russia.

This enclave is already packed with all sorts of weaponry. It's like the biggest US aircraft carrier, but much much much bigger.

We are in NATO and if they attack us they get nuked.

The problem is they have nukes, too.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
28 Aug 2020   #162
Obviously these days this hypothesis will be heavily attacked (or ignored if possible).

Well, that article gives proof that there is something to that, men and women differ in many ways, this is a fact....but that is a far cry away from "women are dumber than men". I think most people object to THAT, and that isn't a scientific fact at all!
Crow  154 | 9552
28 Aug 2020   #163
We are in NATO and if they attack us they get nuked.

And then what? Even if Russia is destroyed. You really think Poland would expand onto East. Are THAT deluded dobri brate? You think Papa loves Poland more then he loves Germany? The next day Russia is no more, western Europe would cancel Poland. There wouldn't be a need for Poland to exist anymore.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
28 Aug 2020   #164
Much as I consider JKM a clown, I nevertheless think he had been shouted down by those other CNN or whatever clowns that conducted the interwiev with him. I watched that interview and remember that JKM's message was much more niuanced than just

women are dumber than men

He had desperately tried to explain it to the interviewer, but:
1. his English was far less perfect than needed to make of it a proper tool to stand up to the highly verbose CNN interwiever(s)

2. it was obvious that the interwiever wasn't particularly interested in getting JKM's message right as she (or even she and he as maybe there were two of them) just jumped on his first words to make a good punchline of him. JKM was effectively shouted down and ridiculed in public. The whole interwiev has left me with a great deal of dismay as to the accuracy and objectivity of their reporting.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
28 Aug 2020   #165
Why did he make it to a topic at all? Does that have anything to do with his politics?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
28 Aug 2020   #166
I really don't remember the whole context and reason for inviting JKM to the TV studio. I may think he said something along these line in the EU parliament and they wanted him to explain it in detail to a broader TV audience. Not everyday would you hear someone in EU parliament crossing the line of political correctness so boldly as JKM did. Janusz Korwin-Mikke is an extremely colorful figure and he usually wins every political skirmish in Poland, so much verbose and intelligent person he is. Unfortunately, he doesn't master spoken English to the extent of being able to quickly and accurately get to the point in this language in the same way he does it in Polish.

Alternatively, the people at CNN may have felt an easy prey in him and this is why they were eager to interview him and make a butt of him in front of TV cameras. But believe me, he is definitely not so stupid to simply say that women are dumper than men. No, he definitely isn't the type of a Texan redneck as the CNN sold him to the international audience.

(I'm sorry in case I wrongly accuse the CNN as I really don't remember what channel was interviewing him; maybe Spike finds the proper source.)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
28 Aug 2020   #167
I may think he said something along these line in the EU parliament

That's what I wonder! What would have made this man even mention these studies in a political speech, no matter where. What point exactly was he trying to make with that?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
28 Aug 2020   #168
C'mon, you're right! This is really intriguing and I haven't even wondered about that as this subject has begun to live its own life!
Tacitus  2 | 1255
28 Aug 2020   #169
What point exactly was he trying to make with that?

He justified paying women less because they are "smaller, weaker and less intelligent" than men. If you read his English Wikipedia entry, he seems to have a seriously scr*wed up picture of women in general.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
28 Aug 2020   #170
Well....if that's so then he deserves all the CNN reporter of this world!
mafketis  38 | 11170
28 Aug 2020   #171
To be precise he claims that women are more even than men i

Rewriting history, the first story I ever saw about him (early 1990s) was him giving a speech where he claimed that women should not have the right to vote because they're too emotional and pay too much attention to the looks of candidates.... and if they're not too emotional then that's worse (for..... reasons).

He's either mentally ill or a Russian lackey (who longs to bring Poland back under the Russian yoke) his presence alone would make Konfederacja a bad joke with no future (along with most of the other Konfederacja MPs .... and most of their supporters).
Ironside  50 | 12955
29 Aug 2020   #172
Why did he make it to a topic at all?

Korwin (read Corvin) is an eccentric in his 'late' ? 70' ! What he has do do with Belarus?

I take my toys and I'm off to Berlin.

Go now, 'Pride' parade awaits.

He justified paying women less

No he counter nonsensical EU proposals with an equally nonsensical argument. Its the case of fight an absurd with an absurd of your own to mock it.

\there is not a single European country where women are paid less than men just because they are women.
It is a made up argument.

So what ?

hmm the difference is a dude has only one arm through the door and can punch you if you in his range, whilst the second scenario is a dude that can freely use both arms to punch or hug you it?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
29 Aug 2020   #173
What he has do do with Belarus?

Nothing! *wanders off to Random*
Crow  154 | 9552
29 Aug 2020   #174
People? People, are changes in Poland started already? Poland is still in the EU? Poland is still in NATO? Pope still rule you?

Poland isn`t in Central European Union?

What you people think how long we all here would live? No time. Change already.
AntV  3 | 670
31 Aug 2020   #175
That creation of information oftentimes fills in the holes or provides an opposing angle of the mainstream media. A great thing, IMO.

A survey found out that a majority of Germans still watch and believe the "mainstream" news,

I wonder if that majority is as big as it was 20-30 years ago.
JacekthePole  1 | 51
1 Sep 2020   #176
I'd say visa free entry to poland to live and work for all Belarussian women between the ages of 18-35 is the right approach.
Spike31  3 | 1485
1 Sep 2020   #177
Like there wouldn't be enough young Ukrainian girls in Poland already ;-)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
1 Sep 2020   #178
I wonder if that majority is as big as it was 20-30 years ago.

The mainstream was different 30 years back!
pawian  226 | 27558
1 Sep 2020   #179
Men are also welcome - Polish women are sick and tired of their partners coming from Poland coz some are uneducated, lazy and chavinistic - mostly nationalist movements supporters. Belarussian males would venerate their Polish wives like princesses.
AntV  3 | 670
1 Sep 2020   #180
The mainstream was different 30 years back!

That's kind of the point,. 30 years ago, the mainstream media had a lot less competition in what information was being fed to the mainstream population. Ergo, a lot less reason for the mainstream population to distrust the mainstream media. Nowadays, mainstream media has a wide-range of alternative outlets questioning what they report or reporting something different from what's found in mainstream outlets.

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