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What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus?

jon357  72 | 23361
6 Jun 2024   #1711
excuses for aggressive weaponized migrants..

Blame governments, not the individual migrants.
Paulina  17 | 4465
6 Jun 2024   #1712
@jon357, I blame both - Belarus and the individual migrants who injure and kill people. Those are simply murderers, who should be prosecuted and sent to jail.
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Jun 2024   #1713
Blame governments, not the individual migrants.

So... you blame the Polish government more than the migrant that killed a border guard?

What's your solution? Let them in?
jon357  72 | 23361
6 Jun 2024   #1714
individual migrants

I don't blame migrants; the vast majority are just ordinary people and the small number in this border situation were doubtless absolutely desperate, manipulated and possibly drugged up by Belarus.

So... you blame the Polish government

Don't be silly, Maf. You know perfectly well what I mean.

Let them in?

Polands population is tally g, so why not?
Paulina  17 | 4465
6 Jun 2024   #1715
absolutely desperate

Being desperate doesn't excuse murder.

manipulated and possibly drugged up by Belarus.

I haven't heard/read about them being drugged up by Belarus. You have any links for that?

Polands population is tally g, so why not?

Firstly, Poland isn't their destination.
Secondly, how many would you let in? Because once you start letting them in there will be no stopping to the flood.
jon357  72 | 23361
6 Jun 2024   #1716
Perhaps show some compassion.

Let the courts deal with any crimes that may occur, and acknowledge that their situation isn't the migrants' fault.

And as I say, Poland's population is falling. One way to mitigate that is perhaps to encourage people to settle in PL.
Paulina  17 | 4465
6 Jun 2024   #1717
their situation isn't the migrants' fault.

Of course it is their fault - it's difficult for me to believe that after three years people in those countries still don't know what's the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border. They know and they keep coming - they're getting themselves into this willingly and so it's on them. There are legal ways of getting an asylum in a given country.

So, they're not only getting themselves into this situation, but are responsible for their own individual actions. They're adults, not children.

And as I say, Poland's population is falling.

Poland isn't their destination.
And again - I think you realise that if people around the world would get to know that Poland is just letting everybody in, then half of the freaking world would be trying to get into the West through Poland.
jon357  72 | 23361
6 Jun 2024   #1718
No, they're desperate people who've been sold a dream. Blame geopolitics, not refugees.

Encouraging settlement in Poland, especially by groups with a high birth rate, would be a great way of solving Poland's population crisis.
Paulina  17 | 4465
6 Jun 2024   #1719
No, they're desperate people who've been sold a dream. Blame geopolitics, not refugees.

Adult people are responsible for their decisions and actions. If I knew what is happening on that border I wouldn't take my kids and put them through something like this. I wouldn't go there even without kids. As I wrote - there are legal ways of claiming asylum.

Encouraging settlement in Poland, especially by groups with a high birth rate, would be a great way of solving Poland's population crisis.

And would be a great way to create new problems, I'm afraid. I've seen what those "groups with a high birth rate" did in Paris and in other French cities. So, no, thank you.
jon357  72 | 23361
6 Jun 2024   #1720
Some people are less 'responsible' than others; were anything else the case, the world would be a very different place.

Poland could well do with a new influx of people.
Novichok  4 | 8748
6 Jun 2024   #1721
Blame geopolitics, not refugees.

Blame poverty, not bank robbers.
Blame cold wives, not rapists.
Blame overcrowded buses, not carjackers.
Blame high prices, not currency counterfeiters.

What a moron...

Poland could well do with a new influx of people.

How many and what color?
jon357  72 | 23361
6 Jun 2024   #1722
What a moron

Get lost, coffin dodger. You are boring.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
6 Jun 2024   #1723
Poland could well do with a new influx of people

I disagree and don't think it will happen anytime soon unless the despicable Tusk and his EU lords make it happen.
Poland is still 98% Polish and is doing fine and does NOT need immigration.
France,by comparison, is only 86% French but with it's largely Muslim immigrants is having problems.
The UK is 82% British and has very mixed immigration but the, relatively small, number of Muslims are causing problems here too.
Sweden is 80% Swedish but most of their immigrants are Muslim too and they have had their problems from that community.
Germany is 71% German with a mixed immigration but because of Merkel's total idiocy a large number are Syrians and other Muslims from hostile nations, is now a basket case country.

The USA is 60% American,but in a nation of immigrants where even it's indigenous population originally came from Asia, they are a very different case.Fairly low percentage of Muslims,large number of blacks due to the slave trade, who still feel the pain of the slave trade and American anti black racism that lasted even past the seventies and a huge number of Hispanics, many of whom don't feel very American.What is more they breed much more than standard Americans.By 2100 America will probably be speaking Spanish.....America is lost and should be a warning to the rest of the western world.
jon357  72 | 23361
6 Jun 2024   #1724
only 86% French

It's 100% French. Or nearly, since the Basques and Corsicans don't always agree.

America will probably be speaking Spanish

Is that a problem though?
mafketis  38 | 11137
7 Jun 2024   #1725
Being desperate doesn't excuse murder.

They're not desperate.... or at least they weren't desperate before falling into the clutches of the human trafficking networks so beloved by progressives....

And I repeat.... migration from low income countries in the middle east and Africa to Europe is a known quantity... there's lots of data, tons and tons and almost none of it is good.... there is probably no MENA immigrant group in Europe that actually pays its own way (rather than relying on public monies and/or petty crime to survive).

There are some welcome individual exceptions but the overall trend is dire. No country in Europe has found a way to make it work and there's no indication Poland would be any different.
jon357  72 | 23361
7 Jun 2024   #1726
They're not desperate.... or at least they weren't desperate before falling into the clutches of the human trafficking networks

So, yes, in fact you're acknowledging that they're desperate.

human trafficking networks so beloved by progressives....

I wonder why you say that human traffickers are "beloved" of anyone, particularly "progressives". It seems an especially unworthy comment, something that crabby suburban housewives with low educational attainment who haven't had an orgasm since before Lepper hung himself might make in that tabloid newspaper that 'novochok' likes quoting trash talk from.

migration from low income countries in the middle east and Africa to Europe is a known quantity

It's a trend caused in very large part by the high birth rate among the middle classes in that region and lack of industrial development.

There are some welcome individual exceptions

Some. Recently Ethiopians of high social status (Amhara and Tigrayans) have started showing up in my part of the U.K. They're coming because their party lost the elections and they aren't getting the sinecure jobs, being booted out of public sector work and not getting/losing business licences. It's another group's turn now. Nevertheless, they're entrepreneurial, well educated, highly cultured and have a low crime rate. If you visit my part of the U.K. when I'm there, I'll, take you to an Ethiopian bar for some food and then to the Eritrean one across the road.

but the overall trend is dire

That's what happens when you allow unrestricted capitalism rather than the public good determine public policy.

Nevertheless, as I've said already, governments are to blame for this rather than the individuals who ar simply availing themselves of something that is available.
mafketis  38 | 11137
7 Jun 2024   #1727
why you say that human traffickers are "beloved" of anyone, particularly "progressives".

Because it's progressives that are doing everything they can to keep them up and running..... if you support it (either in word or deed)... you own it.

high birth rate among the middle classes in that region and lack of industrial development

Which should not be Europe's problem....

they're entrepreneurial, well educated, highly cultured and have a low crime rate

How wonderful for them and how wonderful that progressives have new fast food options!!!!

How does letting them in to the UK help turn Ethiopia into less of a sh7thole?
Ironside  50 | 12916
7 Jun 2024   #1728
Blame governments, not the individual migrants.

Nonsense I blame both Moscow, Minsk, and those migrants.
At this stage, one needs to be a morn or a criminal to not know what it is all about. And those who arm themselves with all kinds of objects should be shot on the spot.

Even the law in Poland allows to do that but then politicians don't.

jon357  72 | 23361
7 Jun 2024   #1729
Because it's progressives that are doing everything they can to keep them up and running

Hard to know where you get that from.

Which should not be Europe's problem..

Except it is now Europe's problem. We'd not be discussing it otherwise.

How wonderful for them and how wonderful that progressives have new fast food options!!!!

That's a weird thing to say, and shows little understanding of how people actually live. Hard to know where you get the 'fast food' thing from either; it tends to be sit down meals of very high quality. The level of custom they get shows there's a demand.

How does letting them in to the UK help turn Ethiopia into less of a sh7thole?

Again, a crabby council estate housewife comment; Ethiopia's actually a nice place (have you been?) with a shifting demographic that has led to their higher social strata being marginalised. There are plenty of Europeans living there; why shouldn't the opposite happen?
mafketis  38 | 11137
7 Jun 2024   #1730
Hard to know where you get that from.

Are you saying the NGOS that work with the traffickers are conservative?

Hard to know where you get the 'fast food' thing from either

When asked to name real benefits of diversity most people's lists begin (and end) with food.... Ethiopian food is nice but lots of nice ethnic restaurants =/= successful integration or meaningful argument in favor of unrestricted migration to Europe by people with no real hope of ever being anything but a tax burden.....
jon357  72 | 23361
7 Jun 2024   #1731
Are you saying the NGOS that work with

Are you saying that the governments that have led to the situation aren't?

unrestricted migration

We don't have "unrestricted migration" into Poland or elsewhere.

no real hope of ever being anything but a tax burden.....

How cynical; isn't tax expenditure an issue for governments?
mafketis  38 | 11137
7 Jun 2024   #1732
We don't have "unrestricted migration" into Poland or elsewhere.

How is what you want not unrestricted... that is, if you were in charge of Polish (or British) migration policy who would you let in and who would you keep out (and how would you keep them out and what would you do if they got in anyway)?

isn't tax expenditure an issue for governments?

And citizens who don't want to be on the hook for supporting an ever increasing number of economic deadbeats...

How is this sustainable?
jon357  72 | 23361
7 Jun 2024   #1733
what you want

There you go again.

economic deadbeats...

How is this sustainable?

So in fact you're saying it's the fault of the people for electing governments who enable the situation?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
7 Jun 2024   #1734
Poland like every other EU country, the US and Canada should say "absolutely not" to any of these illegal immigrants. They are not our problem to solve, and they are not wanted. It has been proven time and again that they bring nothing but violent crime with them. Poland is solving its population problem with a whole lot of Ukraine women staying in Poland, marying Poles, and giving birth to children here.

Only leftist globalist scum who want to see the downfall of nations, traditions, and values long established in civilized society want this mass influx of people who bring nothing to the table to benefit any country.
jon357  72 | 23361
7 Jun 2024   #1735
Poland like every other EU country, the US and Canada should say "absolutely not" to any of these illegal immigrants

Except they aren't, are they. Regardless of politics, economics, military strength; none of them are doing so.

Only leftist globalist scum who want to see the downfall of nations, traditions, and values long established in civilized society

Civilised society is tough on criminals, isn't it...

And tends to be sensible and decent enough not to rant about 'scum'.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
7 Jun 2024   #1736
But they are dumb fvck. Biden actually did something the other day because he is losing the election. Canada acted on immigration as well. Poland continues to do so. France is now sending these rapists back. Sweden is doing the same. Now go fvck yourself globalist POS.
jon357  72 | 23361
7 Jun 2024   #1737
dumb fvck. Biden actually did

There you go again.

As you can see, mass immigration is a reality in all of the places you mentioned.

Now go fvck yourself globalist POS.

Perhaps if you had more personal restraint, you'd have spent fewer years being sodomised in the prison showers. Remind us how long your felony rap sheet is?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
7 Jun 2024   #1738
Perhaps if you stop grooming young boys for your immoral activities as some have said you are acussed of, you would simply stop trying to bait me. So, you got the response all coxuckers deserve.

Hope and pray I dont find out all your contact information, because it will be the end of you financially. If you think I am bluffing, you can always provide your information or your attorneys information and you will find out.
mafketis  38 | 11137
7 Jun 2024   #1739
Let's stick to the issue here. Belarus began weaponizing migrants (and putain has followed suit).

There's no reason for Poland to cooperate in this and there is no way that allowing any of them into the country serves Poland's interests.
jon357  72 | 23361
7 Jun 2024   #1740
The difference is that I speak the documented truth (and there's plenty online and in the media in both countries) and you just make things up.

We aren't however talking about your disgraceful recidivism or your bile about your country's elected politicians.

We're talking about the crisis on the border with Belarus, where people are being forced (in some cases literally pushed) across the border by malign state actors.

because it will be the end of you financially

It won't, since not one word I've said about you is false. And I don't recall seeing your real name on this forum. Perhaps if you were better acquainted with the law, you would have a shorter criminal record.

There's no reason for Poland to cooperate in this

They aren't, however the problem is that desperation in the global south is being weaponised by authoritarian states against the global north. It isn't just r*SSia, China and Iran are doing it too.

In the short term, this will probably increase, especially as it is in China's interest to act the way they are.

There's other threads about the pros and cons of migration generally. It would be a breath of fresh air to discuss the wider issues here without hating on the individual migrants who are availing themselves of something available to them.

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