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President Duda rules out homo marriage in Poland as banned by the constitution

Wulkan  - | 3136
27 Jan 2017   #31
Sadly it's no surprise that the mods have let Polly have a thread with a homophobic slur in the title.

President Duda rules out homo marriage in Poland as banned by the constitution

"Sadly" you got caught lying again.
Marsupial  - | 871
27 Jan 2017   #32
Is it the word homo that's homophobic?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
27 Jan 2017   #33
I dont see it so much as 'homophobic' as ignorant, as anyone with a smidgeon of language awareness would know that 'homo' just means 'same', as in 'homosexual'.'homeopathy' and 'homo sapiens'/ So po' Pollie is getting all hot under the collar about the 'sames'...:)

Anyway apart from that, he uses the term with the intention of being offensive, does he not? Intention is all.
Once again I find myself wondering why he is (still) so fascinated by 'homo's.
Wulkan  - | 3136
27 Jan 2017   #34
Anyway apart from that, he uses the term with the intention of being offensive, does he not?

More like with the intention of using a short form. It's like saying 'Rich' is an offensive way of calling Richard.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
27 Jan 2017   #35
I did not say it was offensive, I said he used it with the intention of being offensive...:)
Have a great day.
27 Jan 2017   #36
Is it the word homo that's homophobic?

It is indeed. 'Homo' is a homophobic slur. For example:

Three large, anti-gay slurs had been tagged on the couple's car in red spray paint: HOMO DIE, FAG and FAGET (sic).

More like with the intention of using a short form.

Gay is shorter word than homosexual. Polly deliberately used a homophobic slur. While we expect that kind of thing from him (or at least we do here, when he writes under his real name he never writes such things), it's a real pity that the mods have decided to let him get away with it yet again.

It's like saying 'Rich' is an offensive way of calling Richard.

I'd point out the clear flaw in your claim but of course to you there is nothing wrong with calling a Pakistani a "paki", not that you would be so brave as to call any of them that to their face, or even within their hearing.

Once again I find myself wondering why he is (still) so fascinated by 'homo's.

No you don't: it's completely obvious why he thinks about gay men so often.
Marsupial  - | 871
27 Jan 2017   #37
Well homo just means member of mammalian primate family. Perhaps we need a new word to separate these people away from normal primates?
27 Jan 2017   #38
homo just means member of mammalian primate family.

That is one of its meanings. No doubt Polly would like to claim that a 'faggot' is only ever a type of meatball and the word is never a homophobic slur like the one he's been allowed to use in the title of this thread.

separate these people away from normal primates?

Homosexuality is completely normal.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
27 Jan 2017   #40
Once again I find myself wondering why he is (still) so fascinated by 'homo's.

That has crossed my mind, too. Most people in Poland, including the gay people I should think, would not pay that much attention to gay marriage and even a lot less to what "that cat Duda" said or didn't say about it. The position of president Duda on gay marriage has been known for long and his other words on this do not excite anyone except Polly. Possibly there is a small percentage of the gay people who will insist on gay marriage and these are probably activists only. In my view, there are two possible explanations why Polly gets so involved. One is that he has indeed surpressed his desire for gay sex. The other, however, is that he tries to provoke Harry with it knowing that he will inevitably respond. But that may in turn lead us to a question why Harry gets so involved.

How are you getting on in Czechia, Roz?
mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Jan 2017   #41
Perhaps we need a new word to separate these people away from normal primates?

You're referring to PiS voters I assume? If Duda is against homo sapiens marrying I guess that says something about supporters of the current government. Notice i did not use the word "sub-human". I'm too polite for that.
27 Jan 2017   #42
If gays wish to get married from Poland they can go to one of the 28 out of 50 European countries which recognize or offer some form of SSM or union. Poland does not accept SSM or offer SSU, so that is the current law just get on with life. It looks like Trump will oppose SSM the Australians reversed their decision on SSM. With the values of tradition and family being the bedrock of growing conservative Europe, one would have to think Polands decision is nothing to hide in the closet over.
Marsupial  - | 871
27 Jan 2017   #43
Where i live we don't torture gays. Pretty much everyone i know woulnt offend people based on that. They have good protection in law too. I agree with this system. Like Poland we are also hesitant with the next step. One of the reasons is the old fossils in our governments are in charge. This is also the reason we are becoming technologically backward, old fossils with zero qualification in what they are talking about in many things including science. Can't see any change coming soon. Funny thing is my old folks and thier friends despise Kaczinski and everything his sheit party stands for. In my corner here we would gladly have po and gay marriage any day to get rid of him and the church from Polands future. I would take this option every single day of the week because gay people dont ruin our lives, pedephile priests and backward governments do.
27 Jan 2017   #44
Marsupial, you don't live in Poland it is irrelevant what your thoughts are... Its not about PO and SSM. The law is based on what is correct for the country, in the Polish constitution it states marriage is between a man and a woman. In Europe and the Western world national interests are superseding EU interests. Duda has done nothing other than stick to the Polish constitution, if the Polish people want to they could have a referendum on SSM.
Marsupial  - | 871
27 Jan 2017   #45
Sure i am irrelevant but not yer made up god or a pretend threat from gays and a few ethics. Poland is becoming backward, again. You have no clue when i am in poland what i have there so pointless.
mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Jan 2017   #46
in the Polish constitution it states marriage is between a man and a woman

And the Polish constitution is effectively in abeyance since the party leader decided that it should be put aside when it conflicts with his immediate political goals.

Start following the constitution and rule of law and then we'll talk.
27 Jan 2017   #47
in the Polish constitution it states marriage is between a man and a woman.

Yes, but firstly the PiSlamic State doesn't recognise the Polish Constitution as being legitimate. And secondly the Polish Constitution does not say that marriage is only between a man and a woman.
Marsupial  - | 871
27 Jan 2017   #48
The Catholic church says it is between man and woman. Do not forget this because Jesus is the king of Poland. FFS!
mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Jan 2017   #49
Do not forget this because Jesus is the king of Poland.

Who's the heir apparent?
Marsupial  - | 871
27 Jan 2017   #50
No need for a heir. Unlimited lifespan, diety, invincible. Got it covered. Bud!
27 Jan 2017   #51
H, Article 18 of the Polish constitution states - Marriage, being a union of a man and a woman, as well as the family, motherhood and parenthood, shall be placed under the protection and care of the Republic of Poland. Now that clearly sates to me Man and women. Now the grounds I can see only of any form of discrimination could be under article 1 The Republic of Poland shall be the common good of all its citizens, if SSC's considered their treatment as not being of common good as a citizen of Poland... or Article 32/2 No one shall be discriminated against in political, social or economic life for any reason whatsoever.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
27 Jan 2017   #52
Homosexuality is completely normal.

... to You.

To me heterosexuality is normal and everything else is a deviation from normality.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
27 Jan 2017   #53
ah but does 'normal' mean 'good'?
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
27 Jan 2017   #54
Poland is becoming backward, again.

It's just one of your irrelevant opinions.

ah but does 'normal' mean 'good'?

In this case yes. Heterosexuality has strong pros with breeding being one of them.

Homosexuality has no such pros and therefore is not as "good" for a country.
27 Jan 2017   #55
Do not forget this because Jesus is the king of Poland.

Yes, but his wishes are conveyed to the PiSlamic State by The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski alone.

No need for a heir. Unlimited lifespan, diety, invincible.

Are you talking about Jesus or the way that The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski views himself?

Article 18 of the Polish constitution

Yes, all that says is that a marriage between a man and a woman shall be under the protection of the Polish state. It does not say that only marriages between a man and a woman shall be under the protection of the Polish state. Neither does it say that a man and a man or a woman and a woman cannot enter into a marriage which is not under the protection of the Polish state.
Crow  154 | 9463
27 Jan 2017   #56
Its always glad to me when see that western Europe losing dominance over Poland. From time to time, Duda is my man. He really can make me happy sometimes. I would like that he do it more often but, well, its probably politics.
Lenka  5 | 3531
27 Jan 2017   #57
They know what they have claimed to be their stance. Those news tell their supporters that PiS is consistent and keep its promises.

The thing is that there was never ever a question about their stance.
Of course you are free to think it's news and Polonius posted it to inform ppl but I don't.

Homo's & Lesbians)

Wow, that shows real knowledge of the issue :)

If PiS did that it would be the equivalent of raping young children, depriving them of genuine, time-tested values and turning them over to the vultures and hyenas of commercial pop culture.

Even though I don't agree with your statement that's not what I was saying. I simply said that it's a non issue for PiS the same as with same sex couples.

And to be fair I think religion at school harms the church. Especially with teenagers. It would be benefitial to move them back to religion rooms (salami katechetyczne).
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Jan 2017   #58
salami katechetyczne

Is that salami Hungarian or Polish (LOL)?
Lenka  5 | 3531
27 Jan 2017   #59
It's called predictive text- new language :) I sometimes forget to switch between Polish and English and then things like that happen. But why it would change salki into salami is beyond me, especially since it's left katechetyczne...
mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Jan 2017   #60
I think religion at school harms the church. Especially with teenagers

Yes, religion lessons are pretty much universally loathed by high school students in Poland.

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