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Poland's post-election political scene

Ironside  50 | 12928
5 May 2017   #2911
Who cares about some frogs? If Poland will destroy soviets in Poland and will built consensus on the ground of Polish interests than no French nor German or other outsider stand a chance with Poland.

All those braking foreign dogs are so bold traitors and soviets from PO encourage such a behaviour.
jon357  72 | 23482
5 May 2017   #2912
prefer a chance of getting an ambulance in an emergency which is only likely to happen over a 500-zloty payout

Indeed. Worth mentioning that out in the countryside where 500+ has had a huge effect, people are worried about how long it can last.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 May 2017   #2913
closing down ambulance stations

CAn't comment as it's the first i've heard. May one know you know this? Got wtyczki (spies) all over the country to keep you filled in?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 May 2017   #2914
Suggested slogans


Why do Platformers deride and scoff?
"We want to get back to the trough!
Privatisation our pockets lined,
We lived it up, we wined and dined.
That's why we now march, shout and chant
Hoping Tusk will hear our rant,
And by plane or train return,
So again the nation we can spurn.
Schetyna is a poor man's choice,
We need a leader with clout and voice
To teach us, counsel and advise
And lead to scamsters' paradise!"
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 May 2017   #2915
I sincerely doubt that anyone

Don't look for logic in the losers' camp - round the clock they nitpick and scrape the bottom of the barrel in search of anything they can smear the good-change government with. But what else can they do? Only fume, rant, chant and pound the tarmac in impotent fury and sterile frustration. If they channeleld some of that wasted time and energy into developing some programme, who knows?!

Meanwhile, chill the Hoop Cola, make some popcorn and get ready to sit back and enjoy Saturday's Platformer street circus!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
5 May 2017   #2916
make some popcorn and get ready to sit back

Yep seat booked infront of the tv and popcorn at the ready, always a laugh to watch the bald at the front long haired at the back marxist hippies make idiots ot theselves, they need to concentrate on getting their pigtails and ear jewelry looking good for the cameras thats for sure.
jon357  72 | 23482
5 May 2017   #2917
I suspect you'll find the people there are a broad cross section of people who dislike the PiS junta's attempt to turn Poland into a National Socialist state.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
5 May 2017   #2918

Your poetry makes you one of the most outstanding posters on the PF.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
5 May 2017   #2919
broad cross section of people who dislike the PiS j

Will this fella in the video below be there with his crew? will the demonstrators be singing ode de frog over the Polish national anthem, baiting the police and stuff.

"PiS junta's attempt to turn Poland into a National Socialist state."

Are you accusing Polands democraticaly elected government of being Nazis?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
6 May 2017   #2920
money to distribute

Anyone know how many coaches Schetyna managed to organise for Saturday's street circus? And who footed the bill? PO coffers or local council or other taxpayer sources?

Whatever the case, it was another flop. Schetyna had predicted 100,000 and not to prove himself a loser again, multiplied the official police figure of 12,000 by nearly nine. Any hyPOcrite needing a morale boost should watch TVN. Today's e-techniques are great for mutliplying crowd size. jon's "broad cross section of society" comprised chiefly PO and a few PSL operatives, KOD wannabes, ex-SB types, ORMO widows, ZOMO wives, PZPR OAPs and others with PZPR or PRL connections. Those born after 1985 were few and far between. When's the next street circus scheduled for? Schetyna will probably predict 250,000 tarmac-stompers.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 May 2017   #2921
looked like the march was full of university kids and hippies, why they are going to a freedom march I don't know, if they wanted their oposition party in power they should have voted them in, but instead they lost and are now fighting against the majority of the Polish population, bit like the anarchist movement in the UK

As for freedom all 12000 of them are free to go to any European country that suits them.
jon357  72 | 23482
6 May 2017   #2922
looked like the march was full of university kids and hippies

You must have been on a different march. I just saw boring middle-aged conservatives.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
6 May 2017   #2923
full of university kids

Teenagers, university kids and young adults can easily be "motivated" to march, wave flags, carry whatever placards they're handed, etc. Nothing new there! And the "total opposition" has had loads of experience in that area. The only question is: who is footing the bill? Ahead of hteevent, Mayor Gronkiewicz had plastered Warsaw public-transport buses with large street-circus posters. Again -- who paid for it?
gregy741  5 | 1226
6 May 2017   #2924
looked like the march was full of university kids and hippies

huh? dunno what march you talking about..i saw all 60+ old pricks. its actually becoming landmark of them Kodorast movement.
old , hateful and stupid. man,if you ever understand what they are talking about,watch reports from their gatherings and listen ..50 iq and below
we call them commie beton.
young people were with ONR march and all nationalists marches attract young people
good,,young people are future,commie trash needs to die out (pancreatic cancer preferably) for Poland to become normal
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
7 May 2017   #2925
different march

Maybe someone caught a glimpse of the Schuman parade on the telly which had more young marchers.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
7 May 2017   #2926
people who post very sick 'memes' about their country

In that department PO/KOD are second to none! Remember PO's only programme as formulated by landslide election loser Schetyna: PiS-bashing via ulica i zagranica. That's that only promise that band of shyster politicans have ever kept!
jon357  72 | 23482
7 May 2017   #2927
In that department PO/KOD are second to none!

Evidently you don't think the PiS appointed Honorary Consul who posted the vile pictures was disgracing her office.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
7 May 2017   #2928

was disgracing her office

Yes, as are those politicians tarmac pounders, editors, etc. who keep showing Kaczyński with a Hitler moustache, in a jihad turban, behind bars, against the backdrop of a swastika and hammer & sickle to mention but a few glaring examples. Either poltical satire is done away with regardless of whom it targets, or it no holds barred. The losers' camp want an open season on satirising Kaczyński but not on their shifty-eyed poor man's Führer. Heil Donald!
jon357  72 | 23482
7 May 2017   #2929
politicians tarmac pounders, editors, etc

Any of them diplomats?

open season on satirising Kaczyński

No sacred cows, and he does after all proclaim himself the leader.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
7 May 2017   #2930

Indeed, the hero of the Sowa & Pryzjaciele tape scandal whose inappropriate attacks on Kaczyński and PiS were highly undiplomatic. "We'll slaughter that pack" (ie PiS) or talk of "Poland giving America a bl*wjob" are but two well-known Sikorskisms. Why does Tusk regard himself as a sacred cow, out of bounds and untouchable? It's downright laughable that such a one would have his turncoat lawyer Giertych turn the matter over to the prosecutor's office. Easily insultable, thin-skinned sissies have no business in the rough and tumble world of politics!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
7 May 2017   #2931
middle-aged conservatives.

Mostly the children of SB torturers, eh?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
7 May 2017   #2932
No sacred cows

Does that mean you have finally severed ties with the hyPOcrisy of the PC dictatorship?
jon357  72 | 23482
7 May 2017   #2933
How can someone 'sever ties' with something that exists only in your mind.
nothanks  - | 626
8 May 2017   #2934
Netflix. only 2 stars - so someone is upset about this film

Poland Pope
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 May 2017   #2935

A rose by any other name.... let's say PC dogmas, principles, practices, whatever. That ideology, mind-frame, procedures, practices or whatever have set up a whole series of sacred cows whice have to be called by some sugar-coated eupehmism. Have you finally decided to refer to a handicapped person as disabled or crippled rather than "physically challenged"? A mental retard is a mental retard, not "mentally challenged".

Soon they'll be calling a drunk "differently sober" and a midget "vertically challenged". Idiocy seesm to have no limits.
jon357  72 | 23482
8 May 2017   #2936
handicapped person as disabled or crippled rather than "physically challenged"? A mental retard is a mental retard, not "mentally challenged".

That's actually rather nasty.

And nothing to do with your imaginary

PC dictatorship?

Your comment is however a sad reflection on the followers of political current you extol.

only 2 stars - so someone is upset about this film

That or it just isn't a very good film.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 May 2017   #2937
rather nasty

But true...and the truth shall set you free! Euphemisitic adjectives meant to slant, distort or bend reality to serve some sinister ideology (PC, Gender, Femi-fascism, LGBT, crypto-marxism, etc.) are actually lies. Your guru is an expert in that area.
jon357  72 | 23482
8 May 2017   #2938
But true

No, Po. Just nasty.

And not a part of Poland's current politics or ways of thinking here. Just nasty.

If the type of politics you wish to see in Poland involves the return of expressions like 'cripple' and 'retard', it is as vile and worthless as anyone who would use those terms.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 May 2017   #2939
are actually lies

Deceptive camerawork designed to deceive is also a lie. D
during JP2's 1979 trip to Poland commie-run TV showed only close-ups of the pope with occasional flash-overs to a group of old nuns. They did everything possible to avoid showing a panorama of the several-hundred-thousand-strong congregation.

Fats forward to 2017, communsit was allegedly toppled in 19189, but....TVN pulled a similar stunt last Saturday depicting the failed 12,000-strong march into a huge, seemingly endless flowing mass of humanity. It was all in the camera angle -- facing the marchers en face from a good distance about 2-3 metres above their heads.

Luckily TVP exposed the ruse by showing official police footage from the side and well above the marchers. That revealed a much sparser turnout with with many empty spaces around the anti-governemnt demonstrators.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
8 May 2017   #2940
but....TVN pulled a similar stunt last Saturday depicting the failed 12,000-strong march into a huge, seemingly endless flowing mass of humanity.

Polly, best not to post such things if they can be easily disproved.,film,409834.html?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=fb_nw,82983,21773634,70-1-marsz-wolnosci-w-minute.html
This shows clearly and without doubt how many people were in Warsaw.

There's clearly more than 12000 there, though who knows what the real number was. The march was a success, and may I remind you that the counter protest attracted...4?

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