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Poland's post-election political scene

Wulkan  - | 3136
28 Apr 2017   #2791
The whole of Poland is.

Nope, the whole Poland isn't stupid, only small percentage.
jon357  72 | 23361
28 Apr 2017   #2792
only small percentage.

The increasingly small percentage that still support the failed PiS junta.
Wulkan  - | 3136
28 Apr 2017   #2793
I'm glad PiS rules in Poland, your anger is is like a music to my ears.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Apr 2017   #2794
In this case, they've backtracked on a particularly unpopular piece of gerrymandering.

That means they almost certainly were facing repeated defeats in the scheduled referenda, and their internal polling told them to back off on the idea before they lost them.

The tide is turning. They have no chance of taking Warsaw in a free election, though I expect they'll try every dirty trick in the book.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
28 Apr 2017   #2795
jon357 - pattern
One can see you love hyperbole! 2 polls in 1.5 year's time v 2,359 in which PiS was the victorious front-runner, and soon will be again, is a "pattern" in your books?!

jon357 - serious polls, credible and true
Polling agencies are commercial outfits which curry favour with their customers and want them to return. No-one really knows to what extent the results are designed to accommodate the customer's preferences. But gullible jon is eager to naively believe anything anyone utters, writes, reports, signs, whistles or flatulates as long as it is anti-PiS. (LOL & ROFL!)

delphandomine - The tide is turning
We heard that from you in late 2015.... That's a pretty slow-tuning tide if you ask me. An accidental one-off fluke rarely leads to a permanent trend. One understands of course that the hopeless and clueless will clutch at straws, so happy straw-clutching!
jon357  72 | 23361
29 Apr 2017   #2796
The tide is turning.

It's turned the corner. Great news.

2 polls

The most recent two...
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Apr 2017   #2797
jon357 - The most recent two...
Indeed, irrregularities always occur everywhere. All the remaining several thousand surveys showed the true picture of public support for the victorious, ever-wise, people-friendly and pro-Polish PiS. Since people tend to be conformists, the copy-cat syndrome may lead to a few more such flukes amognst certain (probably dealt with under the table) pollsters, but things will soon return to normal.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Apr 2017   #2798
Wulkan - Poland isn't stupid
Indeed, and that is why there's a very good chance for President Duda's vision to come true. The president Andrzej Duda looks forward to a thriving, secure and internationally respected Poland in 2027. Asked where he would like to see Poland in 10 years, Duda told the daily Rzezcpospolita: "I would like my country to have a robust, dynamically developing economy, not only in European terms but also internationally. I see Poland as a well organised, secure country that is respected and at the same time a desirable economic partner for other countries in supra-regional terms, and perhaps in supra-European terms." According to Duda, "to succeed as a country, Poles have to work together, rejecting political divisions, define their goals, and then consistently strive to achieve them." Amen!
mafketis  38 | 11137
29 Apr 2017   #2799
"there's a very good chance for President Duda's vision to come true"

The only vision he has is of Jarosław Kaczyński's anvs as he keeps his head close by for kissing purposes...
peterweg  37 | 2305
29 Apr 2017   #2800
Are you intimately familiar with every sentence Conrad ever wrote in his novels?

You said it has passed into common usage in English. In fact its never used.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Apr 2017   #2801
peterweg - into common usage
That was not my intention. Sorry if you interpreted it that way. I only shared what I had heard at uni years ago. Never checked to see if it was true. That's why my prof Xenia Gąsiorowska told her class.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Apr 2017   #2802
mafketis - anvs
Do you know why Komrowski's lips were so red? - Because Tusk had haemorrhoids.
Why did Komrowski shave off his moustache? - To give everybody a better view of his red lips.
Komorowski's motto: Red-lipped and proud!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Apr 2017   #2803
Komorowski's motto: Red-lipped and proud!
jon357  72 | 23361
29 Apr 2017   #2804
There's going to be a neo-nazi march today in Warsaw at 5pm. A nuisance because I have to go to the station around then and there will be a lot of disruption - that particular group have a long history of violence. The only positive side of this is that plenty of decent residents of Warsaw are expected to come out and oppose them.

  • IMG_1500.JPG
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Apr 2017   #2805
jon357 - neo-nazis
A bunch of noisy young crackpots and basically harmless. Today the red neo-nazis, are staging a rally outside the Sejm. Their euphemistically dubbed Uniformed Services Association affilaites PRL-era torturers, skull-crackers, assassins and assorted "nieznani sprawcy" with plenty of blood of patriotic Poles on their hands. Today they are supported by the Kijowskis, Schetynas, Zemkes, Budkas, Nowackas, Millers, Petrus and other hyPOcrites!
jon357  72 | 23361
29 Apr 2017   #2806
Crackpots certainly. Harmless no. Once those people are allowed to have their marches through the city centre with their brown shirted uniforms and Hitler salutes it's a bad step.

The veterans and pensioners thing outside the Sejm is unconnected.
Wulkan  - | 3136
29 Apr 2017   #2807
decent residents of Warsaw are expected to come out and oppose them.

and they have

long history of violence.

alongside with fascists calling themselves "antifa" but thanks god police is getting better and better at successfully eliminating them from the public life so they won't be a thread for the peaceful citizens for much longer.
jon357  72 | 23361
29 Apr 2017   #2808
Don't be silly Wulky. It isn't an Antifa march, and the counterprotest is organised by ordinary citizens. Interesting to know that you're sympathetic to neo-nazis. Must be quite confusing for you as an immigrant.
Wulkan  - | 3136
29 Apr 2017   #2809
and the counterprotest is organised by ordinary citizens.

You seem to be ill informed as usual, the counterprotest is founded by Soros organisations. You will not see any money though, you're just a brainwashed tool so they can use you for free.

Interesting to know that you're sympathetic to neo-nazis.

I'm not, I hate them almost as much as I hate communists.

Must be quite confusing for you as an immigrant.

You are an immigrant too.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Apr 2017   #2810
jon357 - veterans and pensioners
You really are the master of hte euphemism. You'd probably call that band of
erstwhile butchers, finger-nail extracters and back-street assassins "a group of kindly old gents".
johnny reb  49 | 7974
29 Apr 2017   #2811
you're just a brainwashed tool so they can use you for free.@jon357

Useful Idiot comes to mind now that you have brought it up Wulkan.
It is that Socialist Left Wing Marxist thinking that you are dealing with here.
They are driven by pathological altruism, believing that they know how to run our lives better than us and believing the Western guilt stories.
Perhaps a better term is Dangerous Idiot, Karl Marx was one of them.

Once those people are allowed to have their marches through the city

What happened to "Freedom o Speech" that you boasted about when the Homo's were allowed to march down those same streets with their rainbow flag and pink feathers ?

Just as disgusting to many.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
29 Apr 2017   #2812
"Free" speech need not automatically mean hate or purposely offensive speech! What folks quickly forget is that people such as Ms.Coulter, the Bell curve author, Murray etc. is that the latter are merely freeing up the airwaves in order to polute OUR space with their pestilent garbage!!

Speech can be free, but only so long as THEY are calling the shots. I'm perfectly happy to listen calmly to their point of view and then proceed to tell them just as calmly where they're mixed up:-) What's wrong with that? Seems fair.

mafketis  38 | 11137
29 Apr 2017   #2813
"Free" speech need not automatically mean hate or purposely offensive speech! "

Of course it does. If free speech doesn't extend to dangerous and offensive speech then it does not exist.

"people such as Ms.Coulter, the Bell curve author, Murray etc. is that the latter are merely freeing up the airwaves in order to polute OUR space with their pestilent garbage!!"

So? Don't listen or counter them with better arguments (including better data).
jon357  72 | 23361
29 Apr 2017   #2814
the counterprotest is founded by Soros organisations

It isn't 'founded' or even funded by anyone. Just some local residents who don't like neo-nazis marching through town.

people such as Ms.Coulter, the Bell curve author, Murray etc. is that the latter are merely freeing up the airwaves in order to polute OUR space with their pestilent garbage!!

Indeed. It's quite deliberate. Intended, focused, planned hatred, and they whine when people say no.

Fortunately, there were very few of them and more local residents saying no.
Wulkan  - | 3136
29 Apr 2017   #2815
It isn't 'founded' or even funded by anyone. Just some local residents who don't like neo-nazis marching through town.

You know nothing, probably too much Gazeta Wyborcza or prolly too high level of Polish for you there anyway.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Apr 2017   #2816
jon357 - organised by ordinary citizens
...who happened to be in the SB, PZPR, ZOMO, ORMO. ZBoWiD and suchlike and after the RT debacle graduated to ROAD, SLD, UD, UW and PO.

GOOD NEWS -- THIS JUST IN. Hungary has enacted a law limiitng the subversive quasi-academic activities of Soros University in Budapest. Foreign unviersities can now function only on the basis of an inter-state agreement betwerenHungsaryand the country in which a school is registered. Soros is notorious for bankrolling subversive NGOs such as Poland's Batory Founnation and "Trojan" schools such as Budapest's Central European University to train anarcho-leftist operatives to subvert, subjugate and disintegrate normal, decent socieities according to neo-Marxist design.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Apr 2017   #2817
jon357 - veterans and pensioners
Several hundred of the Soviet-installed puppet regime's SB torturers and back-street thugs staged a protest outside the Sejm today against plans to lower their inflated fat-cat pensions to the average level. One of them waved a placard saying: "In BOR (Govt Protection Bureau) I guarded President Lech Kaczyński, and for that they want to take away my pension?" That once again underscores the wide ramifications of the 1992 parliamentary putsch which knocked the teeth out of true de-communisation and created a porous, faulty, haphazard and lacklustre lustracja (vetting) mechanism which allowed most of the regime's secret agents, communist police and military brass quick passage to III RP services regardless of their toxic past. Serious de-communisation would have weeded out the offenders and left only those who had desk jobs or served very briefly before 1989 and spent most of their careers in the post-commie period.
Ironside  50 | 12916
29 Apr 2017   #2818
The tide is turning.

Don't keel over then. What a douche.

Free" speech need not automatically mean hate or purposely offensive speech!

Sure it does Mr Murican. What a .....

There's going to be a neo-nazi march today in

Don't spread false info jon.
For anyone fooled by jon - those are not neo-Nazis, Nazi, not even fascist.
Only soviets or commies/progressives like jon use that primitive ideological vocabulary to describe people they disagree with. According to people like him President Trump is fascist too, lol!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Apr 2017   #2819
knockout blow to their junta

When you and lowercase and your guru were wettingn your pants in unbridled euphoria and predicting the rapid downfall of hte good-change government becuase two polls from amongst many hundreds had ranked PO slightly ahead of PiS, I conservatively replied: "Wait another month and things will fall back into place. Petru will be under 5%, PiS will resume their lead..." Well, I was partially wrong. Yes, Petru didn't make it under the wire but one did not have to wait a motnh becuase the following day PiS was back in the top slot with 31-29, just the reverse of hte previous day's fluke. Now you cna sit back and watch that lead increase as more and more Poles benefit from the good-change government's reforms.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Apr 2017   #2820
the following day PiS was back in the top slot with 31-29,

What's more interesting is that this was a poll commissioned by Kantar for TVP, and previous similar polls have shown PiS with as much as a 10% advantage over PO.

Polly, is it really so hard for you to admit that PiS are making mistakes and that those mistakes could actually be quite easily solved? Fire Waszczykowski and Macierewicz, order ministers to behave with utmost respect in public at all times and hold a referendum on the education reform - and you've eliminated three of the worst issues that they have now.

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