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Poland's post-election political scene

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
24 Apr 2017   #2641
"Gay Lefty Sissy Tribune"

If anyone needs to be warned, it is you, s-Notty. If I remeber correctly, you have not only been warned, but suspended twice on this forum. Your strong attraction to Putin as a Russian macho may give you away as a sissy and the frequent use of the word 'gay' in so many of your posts may indicate surpressed feelings and desires which have to manifest themselves in one way or another.

Generally, you invoke sex much too often in the posts unrelated to sex to think not that you may have problems with this sphere of life.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
24 Apr 2017   #2642
I have been warned. You haven't yet you try to make Polonius getting a warning for the stuff you do yourself. Hypocrite

frequent use of the word 'gay' in so many of your posts may indicate surpressed feelings

This "argument" is so overused and proven to be totally wrong so many times that even an idiot would stop bringing it to the table. You're a pathetic sissy with no values in your life besides money and you bend over to foreign leftards of your kind so hard that your arse is already in front of you. For that alone you should get a bit*h-slap in your face but knowing you and your attitude i'm sure that you're just a skinny feminine ladyboy that already got that many times before.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
24 Apr 2017   #2643

MODS. If he won't get warned for name calling from now on ill be calling him his real name which is ZJEBowit.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Apr 2017   #2644
What's the reason for

Sorry about that. As you know I am the world's No. 1 computer/web dunce and consummate anti-gadgetarian. I was answering another poster and my reply got tacked on to my longish post (the one whose duplicate you were anrgy about). I thought I had failed to hit the POST button for the long post (I was doing many other things in the menatime and thought I had failed to send it) so I did and it turned out to have already been posted.

Now that we're done with that,do you truly believe the story-book verison of "the new democratic Poland" -- the way GW has traditonally presented it?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Apr 2017   #2645
rule of law

The Nazis claiemed that Jews spread lice and various diseases, therefore it was in the interest of public health and hygiene to eliminate them.
Now Schetyna is using the same tactic by prcolaiming and untruth -- that PiS want to take Poland out of the EU, so they must march in May in protest. First you accuse your foe of some total rubbish to justify your counteraction.

Re rule of law, we know how Schetyna & Co. defines it. He wants to disband the CBA. Here is one of the reasons why: CBA are now investigating Tusk-era treasury min. Aleksander Grad who gave his 25-percent stake in the MGGP company to his wife Małgorzata. Under PO, the company, which according to its website deals in engineering and geo-information services, won several lucrative contracts. One deal was signed for some PLN 24.8 million. MGGP can be considered a family business because Małgorzata Grad is on the company's board and the couple's son Paweł is the deputy chairman of the company.

Schetyna also wnats to dissolve IPN. Again it's no wonder -- no other party now in parliament has so many MPs with politically suspect PRL-era episodes.,Exminister%E2%80%99s-former-company-in-corruption-probe-report
jon357  72 | 23361
24 Apr 2017   #2646
problems with this sphere of life.

Emotion rather than logic. Not uncommon among extreme ultra-conservatives.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
24 Apr 2017   #2647
Sorry about that. As you know I am the world's No. 1 computer/web dunce and consummate anti-gadgetarian.

Don't worry, it was just a friendly rebuke, but s-Notty, quite surprisingly, got very offended by it which made me truly amazed since it was none of his bussiness.

Anyway, I am a great admirer of your "propagandist" English-language style, indeed. And I'm sure this is something that strenghtens your arguments in those ever going verbal battles on the PF and thus infuriates your adversaries very much.

do you truly believe the story-book verison of "the new democratic Poland" -- the way GW has traditonally presented it?

I hope to answer this later on when I have some more time since it is more than than just a 'black and white' picture only, in my view.
24 Apr 2017   #2648

No, not even the most ardent fans of Radio Maybach would claim that.

The Nazis claiemed that Jews spread lice and various diseases, therefore it was in the interest of public health and hygiene to eliminate them.

Well, if we're going with Nazi claims, what about the back-bench Polish MP who claimed that migrants carry "very dangerous diseases long absent from Europe," that migrants have already brought diseases such as cholera and dysentery to Europe, as well as "all sorts of parasites and protozoa, which ... while not dangerous in the organisms of these people, could be dangerous here."? What do you think should be done with a man who makes such Nazi-like claims? And what if it's made worse by that man having a history which features volunteering to fight against dissidents and for the commie regime?

Schetyna also wnats to dissolve IPN. Again it's no wonder

Any body which claims to have the commie regime's files but doesn't have even a single document in which a single agent or informer even so much as suggests that it might be worth looking into why a certain man who is now the First Secretary of the Party doesn't have any interest in women clearly at best only has very well edited files and at worst is editing files itself and so should simply be told to stop playing political games.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Apr 2017   #2649
doesn't have any interest in women

But you're a well-known, self-proclaimed f*g-lover, so if your claim is true you should admire the bloke.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Apr 2017   #2650
Another day, another shady tale in PiS involving ex-PZPR members in prominent positions and dodgy deals.

It concerns the recently fired head of the Smoleńsk sub-commission, Wacław Berczyński. A notable PZPR member who enjoyed frequent foreign travels at a time when foreign travel was severely restricted in the PRL, he mysteriously left Poland just before the introduction of martial law and moved to the United States, where he worked for Boeing. It appears that he has had significant dealings with arms dealers throughout the years, too.

It transpires that he was the one behind the cancelling of the vitally important Airbus helicopters that the military badly needs, and was responsible for the deal that the Ministry of Defence made with Boeing to purchase VIP aircraft instead with the money saved from the Airbus order. The order with Boeing was made without a competitive tender or transparent procurement process, and the haste in which the contract was signed meant that it was unable to be scrutinised properly by the relevant authorities.

A few days ago, he abruptly fled from Poland after the scandal emerged, safe from justice in the United States.

As the article below correctly states:

For many years, PiS pointed at the threat of existence of scandals in which foreign lobbyists of foreign entities can influence the decisions of Polish authorities in order to multiply their profits.

It seems that they were right. They were the ones planning to do it all along, and they were warning us in advance.,afera-macierewicza
gregy741  5 | 1226
24 Apr 2017   #2651
Another day, another shady tale in PiS involving ex-PZPR members in prominent positions and dodgy deals.

i dont think you understand those late Commie time in Poland.yes there are alot of former PZPR people still on admin positions,but being member of PZPR ment good career .in many cases.was necessity for many.they were born in this system ,and seen as natural.

belonging to SB or UB and such its all different story.its ideological reason behind this.
its like compare wermacht soldier to SS trooper.
being PZPR member doesnt say much about person..membership ther could even be motivated by patriotism
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Apr 2017   #2652
volunteering to fight against dissidents

That broken-record has been played here at least 2,387 times. As usual it is based on speculation, insintuation, imputed motivvation of the "could have, might have, may have" variety, but the bottom line is that HE DIDN'T for whatver reason prosecute a single dissident, so let's look at some who did:

COL. PIOTTR RACZKOWSKI, a PZPR member, who during martial law din't just "volunteer" but actually prosecuted and sentenced opposition activists whom he called "anti-socialist forces acting against the Polish nation". Recently he won the support of a slim majority of the mutinous KRS (Natonal Judicial Council) for the post of Supreme Court Judge. 26 were for, 18 against and25 abstained. The 26 ayes show that the PZPR clique still exerts considerable clout in the judiciary. Need more proof how those who tried to quash freedom in Poland have been handsomely rewarded by so-csalled "free and democratic Poland"?

GENERAL JANUSZ GODYŃ, PZPR member, as the head of trge Sielsian Military Court in the rank of major presided over penal cases and sentenced oppostion activists to prison and in 1987 became chief of the Warsaw Military Court. In 1990, allegedly "free" Poland appointed him to president of the Supreme Court's Military chamber, a post he held until retirement in 2016. Two succeesssive snitcher-presidents Wałęsa and Kwaśniewski promoted him to successive ranks of general. There's a Polish saying: Kruk krukowi oka nie wykole. An updated version goes: Kurwa kurwie łba nie urwie!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Apr 2017   #2653
recently fired head

But he was ultimately sacked and that's says something good about PiS. Raczkowski and Godyń, both of whom prosecuted oppositon activists during martial law, were not sacked but rewarded by so-called "free and democratic" Poland's allegedly "independent" judiciary and promoted by snitcher-presidents Wałęsa and Kwaśniewski. See the difference?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Apr 2017   #2654
But he was ultimately sacked and that's says something good about PiS.

Only after the deal with Boeing was done. The damage is still done - Poland is missing vital heavy-lift capability which can transport troops quickly to a flashpoint, and the money was wasted on overpriced Boeing planes instead as a direct result of the influence of a lobbyist working for Boeing.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Apr 2017   #2655
The damage is still done

But Raczkowski and Godyń exemplify damage not ended but constantly being done -- spitting in the face of those who risked lifre and limb to oppose the regime and now are mostly living their days out in oblivion and poverty while their commie tormentors enjoy the perks, privilege, prestige and generous remuneration of power. Being rewarded for heinous misdeeds in the service of a Soviet-imposed puppet regime really sends out a great message to society, doesn't it?!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Apr 2017   #2656
@delphiandomine -fled from from justice
Funny you never said that about Stefan Michnik-Szechter, a fugitive from Polish justice hiding in Sweden.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Apr 2017   #2657
Does anyone else notice the rather blatant attempt to take the topic away from the fact that Macierewicz placed a Boeing lobbyist in a top position, who then cancelled a badly needed Polish military order and replaced it with a completely unneeded order for civilian transport from Boeing?

There were already plenty of reports about how Macierewicz had interesting links with American lobbyists, and this is just yet another example.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Apr 2017   #2658
Anyway, let's see how the Chief Propagandist responds to this one.


Poland is overwhelmingly turning against the "Good Change" government, as the latest polls reveal. A survey conducted by Kantar Public shows that 50% of Poles are unhappy with the work of the PiS government, while an opinion poll on parties conducted by IBRiS shows that PiS are on 31.7% while PO are on 30%.

Despite large "electoral sausage" handouts, Poles are rejecting the sleaze and corruption that surrounds PiS, including their inability to dismiss hated ministers.,niezadowolonych-przybywa-nowy-sondaz-polowa-polakow-zle-ocenia-prace-rzadu-beaty-szydlo
jon357  72 | 23361
24 Apr 2017   #2659
Despite large "electoral sausage" handouts

As soon as the 500+ changes or stops, the civil unrest out in the sticks will begin.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Apr 2017   #2660
It's probably the only thing keeping their poll numbers above 30% right now. People will soon forget though, as it becomes the 'new normal' and they start seeing the damage PiS is doing. People might regard the TK or KRS as being vague and not relevant to them, but they won't forget the damage being done in farming communities.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Apr 2017   #2661
conducted by IBRiS

Funny you didt mention the April CBOS poll where PiS is 11 points ahead of PO.
Nor did you see fit to report that Macierewicz has less support than even the generally hated Schetyna and Petru.
jon357  72 | 23361
24 Apr 2017   #2662
they won't forget the damage being done in farming communities.

People in such communities are talking about this already. Nobody assumes it will last forever.
nothanks  - | 626
25 Apr 2017   #2663
Automation hasn't even gone mainstream yet. We are closer to people being permanent pets for the wealthy when consumer good prices free fall.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
25 Apr 2017   #2664
it will not last forever.

Nothing does! The 8 years of PO-PSL scamster misrule sure didn't last forever. The funny thing is that ever since they became the bad losers' club in October 2015, they have been regularly throwing temper tantrums like a bunch fo spoilt brats and acting as if they considered themselves predestined to rule eternally rule.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
25 Apr 2017   #2665
badly needed Polish military order

So now you're a miltary logistics expert! You probably read that in GW or some other equally unreliable, partisan rag and are now repeatedly banging on about it the way your guru does about Kaczyński allegedly volunteering to persecute dissidents. I'm sure he'll say he just happens to have a copy of the transcript:

"Dzień dobry, My name is Jarosław Kaczyński. I've got a law degree and I've come to volunteer to persecute dissidents. Where does one sign up!" (LOL)
mafketis  38 | 11137
25 Apr 2017   #2666
spitting in the face of those who risked lifre and limb to oppose the regime

Like you?
25 Apr 2017   #2667
I'm sure he'll say he just happens to have a copy of the transcript:

Perhaps you could restrict yourself to only posting the truth about what I've said about The Dear Leader, First Secretary Kaczynski rather than your usual fantasies? The simple fact is that we have a statement from the First Secretary's own brother in which he says that both of the twins volunteered to prosecute 'criminals'.

they start seeing the damage PiS is doing.

No doubt Radio Maybach will keep reporting about the record potato harvest even as the demonstrators are at the gate and First Secretary Kaczynski is heard asking why they can't just be fed more cake.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
25 Apr 2017   #2668
The Dear Leader, First Secretary Kaczynski

Although you may be justified for calling Jarosław Kaczyński with the title of "Dear Leader", you are evidently wrong when calling him with the title of "First Secretary". As this title is fake and calling him as such amounts to lying, I would like to appeal to the mods to issue a warning to you (or even suspend you for using incorrect titles).
mafketis  38 | 11137
25 Apr 2017   #2669
As this title is fake and calling him as such amounts to lying

Yes, both sides on this are prone to exaggeration and distortion. Kaczyński is't "first secretary" as that title no longer exists. But he is the party leader (indisputably) and the most powerful person in the country (without any of that pesky responsibility that others face). That is a PRL model.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
25 Apr 2017   #2670
Like you?

Au contraire, there are not only Żołnierze Wyklęci, but also Solidarnościowcy Wyklęci. Those are the true patriots who were marginalised by the RT clique to mention only the Gwiazdas, Anna Walentynowicz and legions of grass-roots "S" members beaten and jailed under martial law by communist oppressors who were lavishly rewarded with medals, bonuses, honours and promotions by Michnik-style "free and democratic" Poland and its snitcher-presidents Wałęsa and Kwaśniewski.

Wałęsa was also once seen as a true patriot before his "Bolek" role became known and there was empathy for him when the Michnik gang tried to marginalise him. The way he saw it: Wałęsa has done his thing, now he can return to Gdańsk and leave the governing to us the post-KOR-ites and their allies including the Balcerites and commie-approved "Catholics" like Mazowiecki. You weren't here back then but his stand-off with the Michniks and Turowiczes and others of the ethnically and poltically correct gang was shown on television. He withdrew Michnik's privilege of using the Solidarity logo on page 1 of his rag. It was replaced with a solid red emblem which was far more appropriate considering the Michnik gang's largely KPP legacy. But poilitics breeds strange bedfellows! After the SB files had surfaced, Wałęsa flew into a panic and for sheer survival felt he had to team up with those who not long ago had tried to push him off the political stage. That marked the consolidation of an expanded RT clique encompassing the "Nocna zmiana" mob which under variyng party logos were to rule the roost until October 2015.

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