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Poland's post-election political scene

cms  9 | 1253
13 May 2016   #1921
Yes but PiS did win convincingly among 20-30 year olds too, some of whom are probably horrified by what they see but a lot still pretty happy, especially with their extra 500 zloty in their pocket (paid for on the never-never but someone else can sort that out later...)

The current "audit" is incredible - especially the generally sensible Morawiecki saying the economy is unstable and on its knees, a few months after saying it was OK - that leaves the zloty again sliding towards 4 to the USD.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 May 2016   #1922
similar things about Solidarnosci

Of course you can cite some examples, of course. Otherwise this will be yet another bald-faced, er, um, I mean bald-headed Harryesque lie.

The largest single demographic

The largest demographic amongst the KODerast rabble-rousers are late middle-aged or retired.
13 May 2016   #1923
Of course you can cite some examples, of course.

I'm happy to do that, but first somebody will need to confirm he's OK with his real name being posted here. I wonder how long we'll wait for that.
smurf  38 | 1940
13 May 2016   #1924
but first somebody will need to confirm he's OK with his real name being posted here

They wouldn't need to give you permission though.
If they're written and been published on the internet then you're free to link it, permission not needed.

Stick to the topic please
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 May 2016   #1925
his real name

You post your name on here and I'm sure others will follow suit.

Please keep to the topic..Poland's post-election political scene
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 May 2016   #1926
the generally sensible Morawiecki

Morawiecki is up to something. He's young, he's got his entire reputation on the line (especially now that he's going to be announced as a vice-Chairman of PiS) and he's got potentially 8 years as Prime Minister ahead of him if he eliminates Kaczyński from PiS.

I don't believe for one second that this is his real face - he's simply putting himself in a position of power to eliminate Szydło to begin with.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 May 2016   #1927
this is his real face

So, Mr self-styled clairvoyant/fortuneteller/political commentator -- what is his real face?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 May 2016   #1928
what is his real face?

He was the CEO of one of the biggest banks in Poland.

Doesn't take a genius to work out that he's going to know how to play the political game better than most, and he's not going to let himself go down in history for overseeing total disaster. He's already made it crystal clear that he expects other ministries to fall into line, after all.

Unlike Szydło and Duda, it's hard to imagine him being a marionette for anyone.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 May 2016   #1929

The PiS government will be behind bars - Wałęsa warns

Former president Lech Wałęsa has criticized the PiS government's audit of their PO-PSL predecessors as "Soviet style" tactics. "I warn them [the PiS government], he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword," Wałęsa said on TVN, a station known for its anti-government editorial policy. "I will say this: you will arrest some people, but almost all of you will be arrested in good time," Wałęsa emphasized. "They are constantly looking for enemies, Soviet-style. There must always be an enemy in order to govern," Wałęsa has been on the outs with the Kaczyński twins and their political allies ever since communist-era files were opened in 1992 identifying him as an SB informer codenamed Bolek. To remain in the limelight, Wałęsa is known to regularly come up with hard-hitting remarks the media are sure to publicize.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 May 2016   #1930
The PiS government will be behind bars - Wałęsa warns

And he's right. The rule of law will always win over the rule of Party.

Perhaps this time, Poland won't make the same mistake as in 1989 and those guilty of abuse of office will find themselves in prison for a long time.

Wałęsa has been on the outs with the Kaczyński twins and their political allies ever since communist-era files were opened in 1992 identifying him as an SB informer codenamed Bolek.

You mean he's been on the out with the Kaczyński twins when he threw them out of the President's chancellery for scheming and manipulating behind his back. Tell the truth, now.
13 May 2016   #1931
an SB informer codenamed Bolek

I wonder who could have met him at SB informer meetings. Any clues, Po?
gregy741  5 | 1226
13 May 2016   #1932
i would think of komorowski father in law and mother in law.high officers of most brutal repression agency poland ever had. MBP dep.4.
yea.... they must had been good friends of walesa aka.bolek and them kind
am i correct?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 May 2016   #1933
Something that Polonius failed to mention :

As is becoming typical of PiS, they've now decided to insult the anniversary celebrations of the 1989 elections on the 4th June by forcing all government employees to work on that day. Workers will be forcibly given the day off on the 27th May, and will be forced to work on the 4th June instead.

The 4th of June is a Saturday, and gatherings are planned all over Poland to celebrate the restoration of democracy to Poland. As everyone in Poland knows, the day is celebrated as the Day of Freedom and Civil Rights - so to make people work on this day is nothing but utter disrespect for Poland's democracy.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 May 2016   #1934
Any clues, Po?

None whatsoever, what about you?

disrespect for Poland's democracy

No, it expresses disapproval of the Michnik/SB roundtable clique that hijacked the Solidarity revolution, sold Poland into the hands of foreign interest groups and called the shots for a quarter of a century until October 2015 -- a time of deliverance from PRL-2.
jon357  72 | 23361
14 May 2016   #1935
The 4th of June is a Saturday, and gatherings are planned all over Poland to celebrate the restoration of democracy to Poland

Basically another attempt to stifle lawful opposition...
cms  9 | 1253
14 May 2016   #1936
Morawiecki might be plotting on his own behlaf but telling half of the important people in public life they are either thieves or incompetent is a strange way to go about it.
kondzior  11 | 1026
14 May 2016   #1937
Known among those-in-the-know as Operation Full Kurwa

Anyway, ze audit is done, here's some other info not included in the previous post that came later.

Healthcare ministry:
- The healthcare system's digitalisation programme was completely unusable and had to be 'salvaged' when the new gubmint took office.
- The total public hospital debt at the end of the previous year amount to 14 bln PLN.
- Polant currently holds the respectable 34th (out of 35) place in the prestigious European Health Index, beating only Montenegro, and falling behind Albania and Romania.

Environment ministry:
- The s19 route (part of Via Carpatia going from Slovakia to Belarus completely through Polant) was supposed to be finished by 2014. It was not constructed and instead was wiped from any future development plans.

- Due to massive neglections in the Białowieża National Park, there are now 4 mln m3 of rotten wood lying around there, and Polant is risking huge fines from the EU.

- The previous gubmint allowed for an uncontrollable selling of land to foreigners.

Ministry of justice:
- Back in the day, 1100 people would be sentenced to electronic monitoring. The previous gubmint reduced that number to 4.
- 70% of convicts do not work.

Ministry of the interior:
- During its 8 years in office, the government dissolved more than half the total number of police stations for no apparent reason.
- Two border guard detachments in the south were dissolved despite the current immigration crisis.
- For 8 years, the gubmint was not able to guarantee Frontex [EU institution for border control] a permanent HQ in Poland.
- Police would often remand hundreds of people opposed to the government, such as football fans, into custody and show off the numbers to the public. Except afterwards the people would all be found not guilty by courts and released.

Ministry of defence:
- The Polish forces were concentrated along the western border, reinforced even by garrisons from the east. Just as if the threat to Poland was to come from the west, not the east.

- "Europe will not see any war caused by russia" - this was claimed 2 months before the Russian aggression against Ukraine by the ministry analysts.

- The minister of foreign affairs in the previous government even claimed that one day Russia will be a member of NATO.
- The need, necessitated by law, to spend 2% of GDP on the army was dodged all the time and instead bounced between 1.7% and 1.9%.
- None of the armed forces development programs was ever finished. 50 bln PLN was spent on them in total. None of the modernisation programs were realised in full as well.

- Tank technical documentation was not supplied when signing contracts for buying them.
- 1.1 bln PLN was spent to buy a modern mortar system, but ammo for it was skipped.
- The government refused to let Polish soldiers participate when the Ukrainian army was training with US soldiers because they thought it would anger Russia.
- Poland's ability to mobilise army reserves is one of the lowest in Europe due to a badly performed professionalisation of the army.
- The gubmint got rid of a low-altitude airspace violation detection system.
- No action was taken to determine who came into illegal possession of 10000 phone numbers of defence sector workers.
- Long-lasting ex-commie counterintelligence officers were put in high army echelons. The careers of many ex-commie army and counterintelligence officers were also supported for no apparent reason.

- Despite having its own qualified force for IT support, the army kept outsourcing it to outside companies.
- The ministry was signing long-reaching contracts with people from the political environments of various ministers without making any documentation that would actually detail their duties to the ministry.

- The ministry had a stock of 30k periodic tables that it had gathered for no apparent reason.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 May 2016   #1938
audit i

Thanks for translating the audit results so our full-blooded Anglo-expat plastic-card "Poles" will know what's going on in their "homeland". We all know how the resentful poor losers' camp will react: "All lies, distortions, falsified data, false figures, false images, false, false, false and 'poor cabaret' to boot."

The formulation: "Przezpraszamy za 8 lat nieróbstwa, marnotrawstwa, zaniedbań, chybionych projektów, przekrętów i bezwstydnej prywaty" apparently doesn't exist in the Platformer lexicon! (Anglo-expats rush to Google Translate!)
14 May 2016   #1939
Due to massive neglections in the Białowieża National Park, there are now 4 mln m3 of rotten wood lying around there, and Polant is risking huge fines from the EU.

Good to see that the lovers of PIS are still too moronic to understand what a metres natural forest is like. Pity their idiocy is threatening Europe's most precious forest.

full-blooded Anglo-expat plastic-card "Poles"

You're the only expat who posts here. Good to see that you're still upset some of us can be Polish while you never will be.
gumishu  15 | 6227
14 May 2016   #1940
You're the only expat who posts here. Good to see that you're still upset some of us can be Polish while you never will be.

you are as Polish as my dog Harry - my dog understands some Polish
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
14 May 2016   #1941
As everyone in Poland knows, the day is celebrated as the Day of Freedom and Civil Rights

+95% will celebrate this nonsense with no more than their morning wc visit.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
14 May 2016   #1942
Amazing that you consider free elections to be "nonsense".

Says a lot about your real feelings about Poland, doesn't it?
kondzior  11 | 1026
14 May 2016   #1943
Thanks for translating the audit results so our full-blooded Anglo-expat plastic-card "Poles" will know what's going on in their "homeland".

To be frank most of this sheet was known for a long long time for those who know a thing or two, some of the points Macierewicz made were presented purely for maximum shock value. I'm the last person to defend PO, but for foock's sake don't mix valid criticisms with cheap sensationalism if you want to be taken seriously.

But the directive to ignore all airborne radar signatures below 3000 meters was... i mean i have no words, this just sounds like sabotage and treason of the highest caliber.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
14 May 2016   #1944
Says a lot about your real feelings about Poland, doesn't it?

Says a lot indeed.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
14 May 2016   #1945
But the directive to ignore all airborne radar signatures below 3000 meters was... i mean i have no words, this just sounds like sabotage and treason of the highest caliber.

Except there's no proof of anything that you've posted. It's a lot of nonsense made up on the spot, as witnessed by the way that several ministers were speaking off the cuff and others were relying on handwritten notes.

If this "audit" was in any way credible, they would get one of the Big 4 to do an audit. Anyone can "audit" anything and claim they found widescale problems - but most of it is clearly nonsense.

The real reason it was done like this was because Kaczyński got scared by the sheer number on the street last week. Nothing more, nothing less.

Good to see that the lovers of PIS are still too moronic to understand what a metres natural forest is like. Pity their idiocy is threatening Europe's most precious forest.

It's hilarious that they're actually trying to claim that PO risked fines for leaving the forest alone :D
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 May 2016   #1946
can be Polish

You're upset some of us can speak the langauge of Kochanowski and Mickiewicz fluently, not hum and haw in pidgin Polish. Maybe suck on that plastic card and some linguistic fleuncy may get through by osmosis.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
14 May 2016   #1947
some of us can speak the langauge of Kochanowski and Mickiewicz fluently

Some of us sneer at the school system where young adults still have to learn Polish for Matura. Absolute nonsense, and an appalling waste of time and demotivating for many students destined for a career in the Sciences.
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 May 2016   #1948
Some of us sneer at the school system where young adults still have to learn Polish for Matura

Why is this "absolute nonsense"?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
14 May 2016   #1949
Ask the students. I did.
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 May 2016   #1950
Students are rarely enthusiastic about the content of examinations. By itself this means nothing.

Some quick wiki-looking found that competence in the national language is a compulsory part of just about school leaving exam in Europe. (I'm not sure about the UK because the system seems to be a complicated mess and the more descritpions I read the less coherence there seems to be).

Being American I'm not sure on the logic of the whole matura/abitur/le bac system though, why isn't a diploma enough?

But, if a country wants such exams then the national language seems to be a pretty normal subject for them.

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