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Poland's post-election political scene

4 Apr 2016   #1591
Commuting on weekends to one's family home is not something all that extravagant for a head of state, now is it?

Yes, it most certainly is.

The UK prime minister flies with Easyjet when he goes on holiday. The concept of a national leader of a country with 5 times Polands GDP would be considered extravagant in the extreme to use a state aircraft for personal use.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
4 Apr 2016   #1592
Even The Quee

Funny, none of the extravagance of the Tusks, Komorowskis, Sikorskis, Rostowskis et all was ever raised let alone criticised by those now fulmianting at the mouth over everything Poland's first government democratically elected outright does.

Oh yes, Lower Case, weren't you asked to give us what percentage voted for the PO losers party last October?
jon357  72 | 23298
5 Apr 2016   #1593
Now you'll note that none of them were abusing the public purse as the dud Duda has been.

weren't you asked

Weren't you asked to say (just a few posts ago) whether, if you or your wife were on trial (this can happen so easily to anyone) whether you'd rather be tried under the

Judicial impartiality, objectivity, fairness, legality, etc

that you think is "all very nice" or the PiS system, which you were pretending to defend...
cms  9 | 1253
5 Apr 2016   #1594
I have sat next to Rostowski on a plane (in economy), he did not get any special privelages, had to pay for his tea and coffee like the rest of us, and read a cheap paperback that looked like it came from an antiquariat.

Tusk is a different issue and he did indeed use a plane as a Tusk taxi for something like 100 flights, so its no surprise that the TKM mentality sets in. It is personal business and they should pay for it themselves, but if that's not possible then I would not begrudge them a first class train compartment to themselves, space for 3 people plus bodyguards. Cost about 1000 zloty compared to the 30k zloty they are spending per trip on the plane which can surely only be an hour of so quicker.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Apr 2016   #1595
an hour of so quicke

Not awlays. At times in different place when a taxi or govt car is caught in rush-hour traffic, they may arrive at their target destination no later than by train.
5 Apr 2016   #1596
Duda promised to be "President of all the Poles", but only a tiny, tiny minority of Poles can afford to fly by private jet.

I'm wondering if he pays tax on the benefit of having a private plane. Somehow I doubt it. One rule for normal people and another rule for the PIS lovers, yet again.
Ironside  50 | 12738
5 Apr 2016   #1597
Aren't you a stickler for prudence in spending of the public funds. I would believe you if not for the fact that you belatedly ignored all encroachments and misuse of public money by the previous government.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Apr 2016   #1598
misuse of public money

He doesn't read Polish fluently but he can always use Google translate to find 500 PO scams and unkept promises: 500 przekrętów PO.
mafketis  38 | 11036
5 Apr 2016   #1599
It's very interesting how some people will support any old crap if PiS does it....
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Apr 2016   #1600
PO scams

A good example of how the KOP creeps and their PF stooges make a mountain out of molehill when they can beat PiS with it but fail to see the mountnain when it incriminates their beloved, scam-friendly PO gang. Three horses have died in Janów recently, two belonging to some British celebrity (Rolling Bones or some such) which gave it high media prominence. Supposedly toxic antibiotics were found in the fodder. But it turns out that since 2010 all of 52 horses have died there for various reasons. Except PiS did not raise the kind of hysterical hue and cry that has become a hallmark of KOP (Komitet Obrony Przegranych).*

Many Poles prefer KOK (Komtiet Obrony Koryta) as the more apt version.
jon357  72 | 23298
5 Apr 2016   #1601
I'm wondering if he pays tax on the benefit of having a private plane. Somehow I doubt it.

So when he's out of office and without any sort of immunity, things could get quite interesting about tax evasion.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Apr 2016   #1602
some people will support any old crap if

And the poor losers will support any old crap if it is meant to deride, belittle or discredit Poland's democratically elected government -- the only one after 1989 to win a full mandate from Poland's voters.
5 Apr 2016   #1603
Three horses have died in Janów recently, two belonging to some British celebrity (Rolling Bones or some such) which gave it high media prominence.

That's an interesting spin to put on things. The reality is that the 18% regime used the death of the first horse as an excuse to fire three very highly respected staff and replace them with lovers of PIS who were entirely unqualified for the posts, other than, of course, being 100% loyal to the Party and to The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski. But since then there have been two more deaths, so of course the PISites would like silence about that.

it turns out that since 2010 all of 52 horses have died there for various reasons.

Yes, that's what all animals do: they die. And only one of those 52 deaths was used as an excuse to give jobs to lovers of PIS who are entirely unqualified to receive the money that the Polish taxpayer now has to give them every month.

Many Poles prefer KOK

Please try not to be so utterly pathetic.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Apr 2016   #1604
18% regime

You've gone the whole broken-record circuit with that figure, now for a changepray tell us what percentage voted of the PO losers' party.

as an excuse to fire three

Any proof of that extravagant claim?
mafketis  38 | 11036
5 Apr 2016   #1605
- the only one after 1989 to win a full mandate from Poland's voters.

By lying about who was going to be in charge and about what they were going to do.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Apr 2016   #1606
were going to do.

They've got the most impressive legislative portfolio of any post-communist-era party to date and all in only some five months' time. The good changes are many and thank God for that. Amdittedly, they still have to undo many a Platformer legislative dud, but in time they will succeed. And more power to them!
jon357  72 | 23298
5 Apr 2016   #1607

Impressive only in its ineptitude and venality.

Every single thing they have attempted has backfired on them and somehow hurt Poland.
mafketis  38 | 11036
5 Apr 2016   #1608
. The good changes are many and thank God for that.

Name some....

they still have to undo many a Platformer legislative dud

They're just undoing legislation in order to undo it, busywork with no real meaning and no direction.

They're kind of trapped because the suckers that believe their idea about a strong independent Poland with a strong internationally recognized national brand don't have the first idea of the economic dislocations that breaking form the EU would bring about and don't realize that a strong national brand takes decades to build and can't be rushed with a bunch of goose-headed legislation and by rabidly pursuiing crazy people politics like Smolensk and total bans on abortion.

And the less said about how they've managed to damage a real national brand (Polish Arabian Horses) the better.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Apr 2016   #1609
hurt Poland.

Only KOD and other sore losers led by the Michnik kibbutz have tarnished Poland's name with their snitchery and dragging a Polish row into the international forum. Targowica pure and simple! (Look it up in Wikipedia!)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
5 Apr 2016   #1610
And the less said about how they've managed to damage a real national brand (Polish Arabian Horses) the better.

The brand is pretty much ruined for the forseeable future. Now that people are pulling their horses out of Poland, it means a lot of the expertise and know-how will be lost to foreign countries.
5 Apr 2016   #1611
Another day and yet more evidence of the way that the 18% regime is damaging Poland's international reputation:
Moody's credit rating agency has written

Poland (A2 stable) is facing heightened political risk as a result of its constitutional crisis, triggered by a struggle over the appointment of Constitutional Court judges and by controversial new legislation that limits the Court's powers. These developments may impair Poland's attractiveness for foreign investors, a credit negative.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Apr 2016   #1612
Name some....

1. Rodzina 500?
2. Anti-terrorist law being drafted (the PO had 8 years during a period fraught with terrrorist activity and...nada, zilch, nic, nichts...)
3. Public media law: at last the oppositon is given a say. Unlike the PO regime which marginalised the opposition, re every controversial issue both sides under the PiS reform are given the chance to speak their piece.

4. Law-enforcement reform enabling a crackdown on all forms of crime.
5. A proposal or draft (I'm not sure) to protect Polish farmland from greedy foreign devlopers using "straw" Poles to do their dirty work.

6. Polonisation affecting industry, banking, retailers, etc. to ensure Poland's economic sovereignty.
7. Also a boost to Polish culture -- reactivation of Pegaz and Sonda by popular request. Documentaries censored by PO, "półkowniki", are now shown on TVP Historia and other TVP channels.

Good changes are everywhere. There are many more but I'm not a gung-ho Sejm nut into everything that happens there.
5 Apr 2016   #1613
a lot of the expertise and know-how will be lost to foreign countries.

Yep. The fired Polish experts were immediately snapped up by an employer who hires based on ability and now all the Polish taxpayer has is management who admit they know sod all about horses.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Apr 2016   #1614
18% regime

How many voted for the Platformers in October?
5 Apr 2016   #1615
How many

Far fewer than will be voting against The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski in the next election and every other election he is ever involved in again.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Apr 2016   #1616
Far fewer

Figures, not mealy-mouthed sepculaltions!
jon357  72 | 23298
5 Apr 2016   #1617
Yep. The fired Polish experts were immediately snapped up by an employer who hires based on ability and now all the Polish taxpayer has is management who admit they know sod all about horses.

Basically something else the PiS flappers have destroyed with their corruption and ineptitude. They are determined to make Poland a laughing stock like the last time they crept in.

I notice that Giertych is back in bed with them now. Are there any depths to which they will not sink?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Apr 2016   #1618
experts were immediately snapped up by an employer

Any evidence or more hot air?

all about horses.

But your beloved hero Tusk claims Obama is all uptight about Polish horses. They say before he brushes his teeth or shaves or showers or has coffee or reads the NYT he first asks: What about the Polish horses? What about the Polish storks? And the diseased trees in Bailey-wisey (he has trouble saying Białowieża). It's great to have a US president so abreast of Polish affairs.
mafketis  38 | 11036
5 Apr 2016   #1619
Many Poles prefer KOK (Komtiet Obrony Koryta) as the more apt version.

"Many Poles" suffer from projection, assuming that others have the same motive as they do.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Apr 2016   #1620
How many voted

Such a think-tank of ultra-mega-hyper-super-duper high-tech e-gadgetarinas on PF and nobody knows what precentage of Poles voted for the PO losers' party. Well, by my reckoning it was around 11-12% Here's the dope: Turnout was 50.9% and the losers gotr 24.09% of the vote. What does that give you.

entirely unqualified to receive the money

So now your expertise extends to things equestrian, stud management, veterinary medicine and expert evaluation of other people's professional abilities in those areas. Probably that's why you're known to all and sundry as a self-styled know-all.

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