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Poland's post-election political scene

mafketis  38 | 11137
2 Apr 2016   #1561
in accordance with the PRL ideals

Poland under a PiS government = PRL but with Rome instead of Moscow.

Nothing more to say, really.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
2 Apr 2016   #1562
Poland under a PiS government = PRL but with Rome instead of Moscow.

Poland under a PO government = 3rd Reich but with EU flags instead of swastika.

Sorry, idiots sometimes drag sane people down to their level.
jon357  72 | 23361
2 Apr 2016   #1563
Poland under a PiS government = PRL but with Rome instead of Moscow

As Associated Press say:

it is horrible because it's going in the direction of fascism," Kijowski said. "But it's probably more funny because he wants to be a dictator but doesn't have the power for that."
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 Apr 2016   #1564
who want Poland to prosper

Who want Poland to prosper via foreign assembly platns and foreign-opwned chain stores for the benfit of non-Poles, foreign interest groups and their Polish kickback-greedy stooges like the KOD gang. Dziękujemy. Postoimy.
3 Apr 2016   #1565
P3 you do realise that you a communist, circa 1970, don't you?
3 Apr 2016   #1566
a communist, circa 1970

You're surprised that somebody wants the clock turned back to the best years of his life?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 Apr 2016   #1567

You appear to beleive that all people are either communists or foreign-serving stooges! There are many other categories inlcuding true patriots who put the good of the Polish nation above all else.

I emphasise the concept of "nation", unlike you libbies, lefties and commies who prefer to invoke the amorphous and ambiguous concept "society".

best years

Some people are now enjoying their best years thanks to hefty clandestine gratuities from the underground CPGB. Liaising in Poland B near the Belarusian border. Sound familiar?

best years

U.K., the U.S

It doesn't. In totalitarian systems politics reigns supreme and political considerations underline many trials. In capitlaism money is the overrding concern. There is no way of correcting or counteracting something so widedspread save for appointing an overseer for each judge. And even then how would anyone know whether the judge didn't offer the overseer a proposal he could not turn down.

Judicial impartiality, objectivity, fairness, legality, etc. all sound very nice, but...who pays the piper calls the tune!
3 Apr 2016   #1568
Poland B near the Belarusian border

How surprising to see you sneering at people who live in a marvelous part of the world. You can call it Poland B but in reality the people there are some of Poland's best people, and they didn't use their commie-era dodgy connections to defraud Poland out of the properties they can no longer afford to maintain, unlike certain people in Warsaw.

But the best thing right now about the place you sneeringly label Poland B is that support for PIS there is plummeting, just as it is in the rest of Poland.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 Apr 2016   #1569
sneeringly label

Not sneeringly but descriptively, underlining its geographic proximity to liaison sites near the Belarusian border.
Ironside  50 | 12916
3 Apr 2016   #1570
P3 you do realise that you a communist, circa 1970, don't you?

That is a painful example of reality disorder syndrome.

Nothing more to say, really.

Yes, your posts say it all.
jon357  72 | 23361
3 Apr 2016   #1571
And even then how would anyone know whether the judge didn't offer the overseer a proposal he could not turn down.

That, Po, means precisely nothing. Basically blustering since youre trying to defend a PIS action that you do not yourself support..

Judicial impartiality, objectivity, fairness, legality, etc. all sound very nice, but...who pays the piper calls the tune!

No, Po. They are not " all very nice". They are essential in a developed and civilised society, as well you know.

A question for you. Just answer A or B. If you or your Mrs were accused of a crime and on trial, would you prefer that trial to be conducted:

A:. With

Judicial impartiality, objectivity, fairness, legality, etc


B: Without

Judicial impartiality, objectivity, fairness, legality, etc

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 Apr 2016   #1572
Judicial impartiality, objectivity, fairness, legality

A rhetoricaa question but rooted in sophsitry. We all know and aspire to high-sounding principles, but only fools naively believe they are regularly adhered to.

They say everyone has their price. Not necessarily a m onetary one. Give you a good example. The wife of one of the fugitive "S" leaders during martial law said when she was questioned by the SB the officer told her: You have a 9-year-old daughter, dont' you? And she walks to school every day? Have you any idea how many accidents can occur along the way?

She didn't reveal her hubby's whereabouts, but how many mothers would be that heroic? That too is a price.

The bottom line is: an intelligent person should not uncritically accept slogans, buzzwords and high-soundign rhetoric without analysing what underlies them, who is spouting them and why.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 Apr 2016   #1573
The bottom line is: an intelligent person should not uncritically accept slogans, buzzwords and high-soundign rhetoric without analysing what underlies them, who is spouting them and why.

Which is exactly why anyone with a brain should oppose PiS, because for all the slogans and buzzwords, there are some seriously nasty intentions behind those words.

PiS have done something that the Germans and Russians would have loved to have done - they've divided the Poles, and made the country much, much weaker as a result.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 Apr 2016   #1574
oppose PiS

PiS have been in office only 5 months and have already left an impressive legacy of pro-Polish legislation including an anti-terrorist law now under way, pro-family 500+, undoing some of the PO's idiotic laws like gendermania and pseudo-judicial reforms, not to mention the horrrendous results of the audits. PO had 8 years to show what they could do and they botched the motorway construction programme ahead of Euro 2012 and created a scam-friendly climate serving swindlers and pro-foreign-interest stooges.
jon357  72 | 23361
3 Apr 2016   #1575
A rhetoricaa question but rooted in sophsitry

A straightforward question that you are afraid to answer.


Judicial impartiality, objectivity, fairness, legality,

underpin the way justice works in civilised and developed countries. The appalling PIS regime want to undermine that.

And you still haven't answered the question, since you are very very well aware (and certainly comeback experience here) that you were trying to defend the indefensible.

So which is it, A or B?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 Apr 2016   #1576

Mention should also be made of the pro-Polish policy to reranimate Polish industry, protect farmland from greedy foreign developers, re-polonise banking, not to mention the cultural front. Public TV have restored the popular programmes Pegaz and Sonda, and TVP Historia is finally showing documentaries censored by the Tusk gang. Does anyone know how many billions of zł or € foreign bankers and retailers have siphoned out of Polands' economy during the misrule of the PO regime? If PiS had balls they'd put those responsible on trial and make PO pay Poland what they let foreignerrs rob her of.
jon357  72 | 23361
3 Apr 2016   #1577
In no sense is the so-called PiS "pro-Polish". In fact everything they have tried to do is anti-Polish.

You really should try to give up on your habit of defending the indefensible, as pointed out on this very page.

Now which is it, A or B.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
3 Apr 2016   #1578
What about the commies that siphoned and are still stealing cash from Poland especially those who moved abroad after the fall of communism, what should we do with them?, looks like all the traitors got away, with no liability !!!!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 Apr 2016   #1579
Problem is that a lot of them abandoned red and discovered black very quickly in 1989-1990.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 Apr 2016   #1580
abandoned red

No more than 1% of Poles were committed Marxists. Or to rehash an old chestnut: PRL was a 100% Marxist country: 10% Karl and 90% Groucho. They were nearly all opportunists, highly susceptible to corruption and outright theft.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 Apr 2016   #1581
They were nearly all opportunists, highly susceptible to corruption and outright theft.

That's what made it so easy for them to abandon red and convert to black.

One day, it'll be an interesting discussion in Poland. Probably not in my lifetime, but someone will certainly point out just how quickly people converted from Communism to Catholicism when it proved more lucrative.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 Apr 2016   #1582
traitors got away

Know how to extradite them? Israel never allows a Jews to be extradited. How about other countries. There would have to be an official Polish government campaign to name, charge and attempt to extradite the crooks -- a highly unlikely course of events.

A or B

C! Aka as the 11th Commandment: Nie zawracaj głowy bliźniemu swemu!


We all know that KODerats and paederasts are like two peas in a pod -- they twist everthing to support their aberration. Don't tell me -- to you pro-Polish means tax breaks and incenrtives for foreign interest groups, cut-rates and easy de-agriculturisation of Polish on farmland for foreign developers, plunitive taxes, extra redtape and other disincentives for anything indigenously Polish. Now we all know why you love PO so much, They've been doing precisely that for 8 years!
jon357  72 | 23361
4 Apr 2016   #1583
C! Aka as the 11th Commandment: Nie zawracaj głowy bliźniemu swemu!

So basically you were caught out in your lies and other intellectual dishonesty. Attempting to defend a policy that you don't even support yourself.

Drive carefully tomorrow, you wouldn't want to be arrested and charged for anything under the PIS system which you don't support and end up being tried under a system where

Judicial impartiality, objectivity, fairness, legality, etc. all sound very nice, but

are, as Jarosław Kaczynski wanted, officially not part of the legal process.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 Apr 2016   #1584
Another day, another example of how PiS treat the taxpayer as someone that should pay for their personal pleasure.

This time, it concerns Duda. We now know that he's been flying to Kraków almost every single weekend, at a cost of 32,000zł for a return flight using LOT's Embraer. Those trips have been personal and not connected to his duties as President, for a total cost of more than 730,000zł. A quick look on LOT's website shows that return flights are available this weekend to Kraków for a mere 350zł each.
4 Apr 2016   #1585
Well he could drive but there isn't a motorway between Warsaw and Krakow. It's probably too dangerous for a top politician to be exposed to the S7 on a regular, predictable basis.

The motorway was due to be completed in 2012 but unlike every other planned road project in that budget period, it wasn't even started. To me it seemed apparent that PO had grudge against Krakow.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
4 Apr 2016   #1586
We now know that he's been flying to Kraków almost every single weekend

Feck, Tusk was flying to 3 city each and every weekend. Hopefully he will catch up.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
4 Apr 2016   #1587
the taxpayer

Somehow you never mention how the Tusk-Komorowski clique ripped the taxpayer off for eight years running. Ignorance? Amnesia? Hypocrisy?

personal pleasure.

Commuting on weekends to one's family home is not something all that extravagant for a head of state, now is it?
jon357  72 | 23361
4 Apr 2016   #1588
Provided they keep the costs to a minimum and don't use a private plane when there's a perfectly good scheduled flight.

Or better still, pay for their weekend holidays themselves.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 Apr 2016   #1589
Commuting on weekends to one's family home is not something all that extravagant for a head of state, now is it?

Why can't he just use a normal LOT flight? There are flights late on Friday night and late on Sunday night, so nothing unreasonable.

Duda promised to be "President of all the Poles", but only a tiny, tiny minority of Poles can afford to fly by private jet.
jon357  72 | 23361
4 Apr 2016   #1590
Quite. Even The Queen, probably the most well-known person in the world uses the train (and a normal one unless it's a special occasion) when she travels between her various homes and when that family uses helicopters, private planes etc for personal use they do have to pay for that.

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