Another day, another story of corruption and nepotism. This time, it concerns the Agency for Reconstruction and Modernisation of Agriculture, which is responsible for paying out CAP funds to farmers.,75478,19715756,rolnicy-czekaja-na-doplaty-a-agencja-restrukturyzacji-w-destrukcji.html
the head of the Agency is Daniel Obajtka, the former mayor of Pcim. [... ]There, remains charges brought against him by prosecutors for bribery and fraud. The case is in court. Minister Jurgiel knew of the allegations, that this is not an obstacle in leading an institution that has billions.
The story gets worse. Obajtka immediately fired all the regional management and replaced them with people personally known to him, such as an aunt from Pcim. But worse - in February, every single county manager (305 of them!) - responsible for payments to farmers - were fired. It now transpires that farmers won't get the money owed to them (under PO-PSL government, paid no later than February) until the end of June - which is an absolute joke.
The story is well worth a read, as it describes exactly how every single managerial job has been given without competition to PiS supporters. One such example is that one boss used to run the "dom kultury" in a small town - they have no training and no qualifications to administer agricultural funds.
And of course, the touching footnote : the Agency has also given TV Trwam 250,000zł for advertising.
Poland has truly become a country in which state jobs are given to Party members.