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Poland's post-election political scene

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Mar 2016   #1171
In other words, you can't defend the firing of apolitical world renowned experts in favor of party cronies with no relevant experience.

Notice how Polonius doesn't even attempt to address this, but rather repeats the same Party slogans.

Anyway, another day, and yet more obvious and blatant corruption.,114871,19704684,fundacja-ojca-rydzyka-z-dotacja-z-msz-wczesniej-zmieniono-warunki.html#Czolka3Img

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs published the results of the "Cooperation in the field of public diplomacy 2016" competititon. The biggest grant of 200 thousand. zł was - known for its many projects in the field of diplomacy- the Lux Veritatis Foundation of Father Rydzyk.

Unbelievable. They haven't even attempted to hide the blatant corruption and rigging of the competition here. It's disgusting as to just how blatant this is - it's like PiS are rubbing it in our faces that they're abusing taxpayers money like this.

While Polonius talks about "ordinary Poles", it seems that by "ordinary Poles", he means "friends and supporters of Jarosław Kaczyński".
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 Mar 2016   #1172
blatant corruption.

More misdefinition problems? You remind me of the Stalinsit regime calling freedom-fighting "doomed soldiers" bandits and imperialist spies.
As it is, Poland is already awash in wśexcwaaive secularist slime, so it's good the subsidies are going to those who will properly honour Catholic Poland's 1050th birthday. Lux Veritatis, the university, Radio Maryja as well as other institutions associated with Father Rydzyk have done a magnificent job promoting Polsih culture and education as well as providing Poland with quality religious programming. The fact that the kosherites have some hang-up about this in no wise lessens his contribtuons tot he nation as a whole. If some outfir like the Batory Foudnation connected with their co-ethnicist Soros got the grant, they'd be beaming, celebrating and voting him "Man of the Year" or some such. Fortunately, Poland is not bound to cater to Michnik's bisawses, whims and hang-ups. Let Poland be Poland!
2 Mar 2016   #1173
I don't get why people moan about spending money on the church, which is a national institution and is at the core of our Polish catholic society.

Other countries choose to spend billions on nuclear weapons and consider them vital to their very existence,
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Mar 2016   #1174
I don't get why people moan about spending money on the church, which is a national institution and is at the core of our Polish catholic society.

You think it's acceptable for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to completely rig a competition for public funding?

Just saw this mentioned as being a brief summary of PiS and their politics. Would people agree?

1. stamp out corruption
2. ensure bread for the impoverished (Freedom and Bread)
3. fight against capitalism
4. reduce unemployment
5. break up fat-cat industrialist regimes
6. start a revolution
7. class unity
8. dissolve the 3rd Republic
9. Ensure that Poland is strong military-wise
10. Build a strong Poland

What do we think?
2 Mar 2016   #1175
the blatant corruption and rigging of the competition

I guess the quote limit stopped you from quoting the really disgusting part of that article, i.e. that the competition was to end on December 4 last year, but on that day the deadline was extended and the criteria for winning the competition were changed to add wording that the submitted projects

should promote Poland "in the context of 1050. anniversary of Polish Christianity and in the context of World Youth Day 2016 in particular Christian identity and shaped over the centuries on the basis of a system of democracy, freedom, solidarity and tolerance".

Is this the same Father Rydzyk (better known as Father Director and/or Father Maybach) who runs a radio station noted for giving air-time to holocaust deniers and which the US government wrote "is one of Europe's most blatantly anti-Semitic media venues"? The same Father Rydzyk (better known as Father Director and/or Father Maybach) who was taped saying "You know that it's about giving $65bn [to the Jews] ... They [the Jews] will come to you and say 'give me your coat. Take off your pants. Give me your shoes'."? Is he really somebody that the Pislamic State think promotes tolerance?!

the appointment of this lady to PGE is a disgrace - it is a major company, she is totally unqualified

She lent The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski two hundred grand and that's more than enough proof of her utter loyalty to him personally. The only qualification one needs in the Pislamic State is the ability to shout "Jarku Akbar" at every possible moment.

The Kosher Tribune

How surprising to see that after a very enjoyable break in England I come back to find the same old anti-semitic abuse being posted here and pointedly ignored by the mods.
2 Mar 2016   #1176
Delph " to completely rig a competition" This is purely an allegation at this time (A bit like your Polish concentration camps in Scotland)

If their is any substance in these allegations then I am sure they will be investigated and matters put before the courts. With the current European union bias towards the current government I am sure that frau Merkel will launch her own investigation if she is not happy with the Polish version.

It is not good to portray mere hearsay as fact.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Mar 2016   #1177
If their is any substance in these allegations then I am sure they will be investigated and matters put before the courts.

Except prosecutors are now under the control of the Ministry of Justice, hence any attempt to investigate corruption by the government will fail.

And yes, this is blatant corruption and everyone knows it.
2 Mar 2016   #1178
Delph "this is blatant corruption and everyone knows it." so you are telling me what to think as Judge and Jury, beware this is how dictators evolve.

As I said Poland is in Europe and European courts will step in if they see any signs of corrupt mis-government.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Mar 2016   #1179
As I said Poland is in Europe and European courts will step in if they see any signs of corrupt mis-government.

They already are stepping in...

The hysterical reaction by PiS towards the Venice Commission is not going to be taken lightly, especially after PiS told McCain to get lost.
2 Mar 2016   #1180
Delph well it's good to hear that the EU oversight is in place
"especially after PiS told McCain to get lost" .... Good old PIS, the EU don't like it up em.
cms  9 | 1253
2 Mar 2016   #1181
No they don't and in conventional circumstances it would be good for nation states to assert their sovereignty. In the case of Poland however they are in receipt of a handout of about EUR 10bn per annum plus a great deal of soft assistance - it is probably unwise to insult the EU, just as its unwise to insult Americans whose taxpayers fund the defence of Poland. Sadly the PiS intellectual pygmies do not understand that and feel that anybody can be treated with the same disrespect as they show the taxpayers of Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Mar 2016   #1182
The story of the Arabian horses just keeps on giving.

A close associate of the Minister of Agriculture was involved in a dispute with the heads of Arabian horse breeding. "Rzeczpospolita" confirmed the findings of "Newsweek".,artykuly,380920,1.html#fp=nw

It transpires that Jan Dobrzyński (Senator for PiS) and the horse breeder Andrzej Wójtowicz had been involved in a dispute with the three individuals fired. Dobrzyński had apparently demanded compensation for a foal that died, as well as demanding that one of his mares occupy a premium place at the auction of horses. The three people responsible for the auction process were fired despite being apolitical - which means that we can point yet again to an example of corruption within PiS.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 Mar 2016   #1183

Not true, the govt is investigating rampant PO-era ccorruption in the defence min., farm agency, tender fixing, etc. and more audits are on the way. The PO scamsters will finally be shown up for the corrupt bureaucrats, crooks and con artists they really are with no longer any rug to sweep it all under.
mafketis  38 | 11036
2 Mar 2016   #1184
Not true, the govt is investigating rampant PO-era ccorruption in the defence min., farm agency, tender fixing, etc. and more audits are on the way.

And if they can't find any... they'll make stuff up! It's the PiS way!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 Mar 2016   #1185
Arabian horses

You're banging on about horses when the real troublespot and threat to Poland is the lying, propagandistic and treasonous Michnikite press.
*They leaked a Venice Commission draft on the GW website because it happened to coincide with their own ideological twist, although it was not posted on Venice Commission website. That falsestart enabled the Michnikite anti-government view to spread far and wide and that's what crafty ol' Adam wanted in he first place.

*GW attacked Tele-Express for saying that the Oscar-winning film "Spotlight" was about "a paedophilic affair in Boston". GW was unhappy that the news reader did not say the Church was involved. Just like ol' Adam writing about Stalinist brutality without mentioning it was his ethnically correct compatriots that committed the vilest atrocities against the Polish nation in the MBP and UB.

*At a time when many Polish families were grateful they finally learnt of the whereabouts of their doomed soldiers' graves and that those valiant freedom fighters are finally getting their due, GW called them not doomed (wyklęci) but damned (przeklęci) soldiers because they collaterally killed some "innocent civilians"; the rag failed to mention that they were most likely UB plants, informers or other collaborators serving the Soviet-imposed dictatorship. But someone raised in a post-KPP family has no problems with such traitors when his own parents fit that bill to a T.

*The GW is also known for criticisng the AK as anti-Semitic, screaming "hands off Jaruzelski" and calling the PRL's top secret policeman Kiszczak "a man of honour". And to think there are useful idiots about who still read that rag?!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Mar 2016   #1186
And if they can't find any... they'll make stuff up! It's the PiS way!

This is the frightening part. The prosecutors will be no longer independent and will have to follow orders from the Ministry of Justice, which means that when Ziobro launches politically motivated trials, they have no choice in the matter. But never fear - good uncle Ziobro has also made it so that prosecutors are immune from prosecution if they 'acted in the public interest'.
2 Mar 2016   #1187
good uncle Ziobro has also made it so that prosecutors are immune from prosecution if they 'acted in the public interest'.

I wonder if that covers cases where they violate people's freedoms which are guaranteed at the European level. Oh well, it won't be long until we find out.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 Mar 2016   #1188
the frightening part

The frigthening part are the years of PO-orchestrated coverups, sweeping misdeeds under the rug or creating red herrings to divert public attention from all the scams. But finally it is catching up with the scam artists par excellence who will have to face the music. It's high time!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Mar 2016   #1189
I wonder if that covers cases where they violate people's freedoms which are guaranteed at the European level.

Well, fortunately, I'm pretty sure the future government won't make the same mistake twice with Ziobro.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 Mar 2016   #1190
they'll make stuff up

They won't have to. PO/PSL themselves have left a trail full of dirt.
2 Mar 2016   #1191
I'm pretty sure the future government won't make the same mistake twice with Ziobro.

It is rather unlikely. I'm also wondering what will happen to any prosecutor who is found to have violated a citizen's constitutionally guaranteed rights.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Mar 2016   #1192
From what I've been hearing, there are murmurings of an Italian strike within the entire legal system. Not that it would stop PiS, as sentences will already have been decided, so they can just dispose of the trial process.

Final "good, change" of the day.

Despite PiS claiming that PO were responsible for massively increasing bureaucracy, the latest "good, change" involves the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Not content with blatantly fixing a competition, they've also decided to introduce other changes.

Changes are also in the executive of the MSW. In connection with the amendment of the Law on Civil Service, 9 new directors and 20 deputies (in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is about 107 managerial positions).

That means an increase of around 30% extra management positions, which furthermore do not have to be subject to a fair and transparent recruitment process. The transfer of taxpayers money to PiS supporters continues unabated!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 Mar 2016   #1193
increasing bureaucracy

An audit of the PO-era PM's chancellery has shown not only increased bureacracy but also highly dodgey finances and wasteful management. It seeem every administrative unit being audited turns up highly questionable practices if not downright scams attributable to the PO/PSL government. And there's more to come.

scams attributable to the PO/PSL

Hardly a day goes by without new PO/PSL scams and abuses coming to light. The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management under PO contracted expensive airport equipement but bypassed the requried tenders and gave contracts to their party cronies or held tenders that were fixed in advance. It seems every ministry, every government department and agency under PO/PSL scamster rule was corrupt to the core.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
3 Mar 2016   #1194
Hardly a day goes by without new PO/PSL scams and abuses coming to light.

An enormous abuse of public money is being revealed in Agencja Restrukturyzacji i Modernizacji Rolnictwa (ARiMR). Former PSL agriculture minister refused to comment on that.
3 Mar 2016   #1195
Another day, another example of the PIS abusing its powers and bringing yet further humiliation on Poland:

The Polish Directors' Guild has written a letter to express its sense of "outrage" at the decision by Poland's public broadcaster TVP to screen a program strongly critical of Pawel Pawlikowski's Oscar-winning film "Ida" immediately before the film aired Thursday on TVP2.

Even when something Polish does brilliantly well, if it isn't completely in accordance with the views of the Pislamic State, it will be attacked by them. Utterly pathetic really.

And these disgusting actions of PIS are already drawing attention on the European level:

The board of the European Film Academy has backed the Polish Directors' Guild and more than 90 Polish film journalists in their protest against the treatment of Oscar and European Film Award winner "Ida" by Poland's public broadcaster TVP.
gregy741  5 | 1226
3 Mar 2016   #1196
"While the board of the European Film Academy defends the plurality of opinions about films, and the right for open discussions about them"

"The board of the European Film Academy wishes to underline once again its firm belief in the freedom of speech and expression"
and then they proceed and protest against unfavorable opinion of TVP about film?
typical libtard hypocrisy
3 Mar 2016   #1197
then they proceed and protest against unfavorable opinion of TVP about film?

Perhaps you would like to quote what they actually say? That way you might be able to reflect what they actually protest about:

"While the board of the European Film Academy defends the plurality of opinions about films, and the right for open discussions about them, it cannot accept the manipulation of such a discussion by a one-sided judgement preceding its screening."

typical libtard hypocrisy

Or maybe you aren't interested in what they say and it's easier to attack them for what they don't say than to argue against what they do say, I wonder.
gregy741  5 | 1226
3 Mar 2016   #1198
Or maybe you aren't interested in what they say

nope..they are not historians,have no merit to judge whenever "ida" is historically correct or not.TVP has every right as a public broadcaster to warn people about its historically wrong and hateful towards poles content.
3 Mar 2016   #1199
they are not historians,have no merit to judge whenever "ida" is historically correct or not.

Neither are TVP, so why do TVP have the right to judge whether Ida is historically correct or not? And anyway, the European Film Academy are objecting to "the manipulation of such a discussion by a one-sided judgement preceding its screening", not making any comment about historical accuracy.

I note you fail to explain what gives TVP the right to insert content into the film which the director did not put there.

its historically wrong and hateful towards poles content.

Would you care to tell us about the parts of Ida are historically wrong and which parts are hateful towards Poles? Were there any parts of the film you enjoyed? I mean did you find anything about viewing the film enjoyable? You have seen the film that you are complaining about, haven't you?
Atch  22 | 4297
3 Mar 2016   #1200
why do TVP have the right to judge whether Ida is historically correct or not?

Yes. In what I would call a 'normal' country the film would be screened first and discussed or reviewed afterwards by a panel, either in a one-off special or on a regular arts show, with an impartial presenter. If the issue of historical accuracy is considered important then surely they could find two experts in the field with opposing views which would make for an interesting discussion.

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