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Poland's post-election political scene

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Feb 2016   #1081
This is what drives me nuts about politics in Poland, the amount of time and energy that needs to be deflected into each 'scandal' while Social Policy for example is ignored, or appears to be.

They don't have any policies, their only policy is to extract as much money from the budget as possible for them and their friends.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Feb 2016   #1082
only policy

The RT mafia's (KOR/KOD/SLD/PO/Petru clique's) only policy is to retain their monopolistic position of undeserved advantage and privilege. The message to all others is: NO ADMISSION without a "Nocna zmiana" stamp of approval!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Feb 2016   #1083
What strikes me as remarkable is that we're seeing PiS drown in corruption and nepotism, yet you keep attacking the opposition. Is it to draw attention away from the uncomfortable fact that yet another person connected to Kaczyński's inner circle has been revealed as a criminal?

Meanwhile, three separate polls run recently show that Szydło's government has the worst reputation after the first 100 days of a new Sejm. On the other hand, TV Republika ran a poll asking if viewers were satisfied with the government. The results, in true North Korean style :
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Feb 2016   #1084
we're seeing PiS drown

You meant to say YOU and your KOD trough-defenders are seeing things that don't exist. Have you been such a blind supporter nad defender of PO that you were unable to see their legacy of scams and oldboy nepotism. And here, all of a sudden, a mere 100 days on, you have already found the present govt to be thoroughly corrupt. Does that mean you claim in 8 years PO stayed lily white and crystal pure in their virginal innocence? B*LLOCKS!!!
mafketis  38 | 11137
24 Feb 2016   #1085
The RT mafia's (KOR/KOD/SLD/PO/Petru clique's) only policy is to retain their monopolistic position of undeserved advantage and privilege

Just what are Marek Trela and Jerzy Białobok guilty of that it's necessary to replace them with party loyalists? How exactly does this help build up the Polish brand?

Does that mean you claim in 8 years PO stayed lily white and crystal pure in their virginal innocence?

I would claim no such thing. I'm not a zealot. But so far PiS is giving every indication of being worse and have the potential of undoing years of progress and returning Poland to the early 90s economically (they want to do a reset of 1992 but the only way to do that is destroy all the progress made since then).
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Feb 2016   #1086
A bit of modesty would be in order amid your whoel hue and cry over "endless" Piotrowicz. For two terms Poland was ruled by such ex-commies in PO as Kudrycka, Śledzińska-Katarasińska, Ćwiąkalski, Augustyn (a leader of Jaruzel's PRON), Borowski. Rosati and Święcicki to name but a few. If interested, you can carry on the investigative research. Oh, Sorry, I forgot. You only look for dirt on PiS.
Lenka  5 | 3528
24 Feb 2016   #1087
You Polonius would gladly say that black is white and white is black if it only concerned PiS. I usually ignore your posts after reading few first words almost always including KOD and PiS (what's up with you and repeating the same phrases and 'jokes' over and over again anyway?).

Giving young ppl a chance is a good thing but appointing someone without a clue in very high position is stupid and dangerous. I wonder if anyone would like to be treated by someone who never had anything to do with medicine.

Only in your agenda ridden mind can it be ok Polonius.

No wonder that poll is showing such results since no one beside PiS supporters watches it. Nothing major just really funny.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Feb 2016   #1088
almost always including

Cześć Lenka! You seem to have overlooked Delph who is constantly banging on about PiS and always in a degrading, discrediting and fault-finign way. You somehow didn't comment of him accusing

PiS of appointing "endless" ex-PZPR types and making an utter fool of hisself when it turned out that "endless" in his vocabulary meant one person: Piotrowicz. Even more laughable since 30 of PO's MPs had been PZPR members and/or SB informers. As for KOD, the "obrońcy koryta" want to maintain the status quo of having the fore-ordained right to privilege, power and dominance, regardless of what the voter decides.

I can accept honest criticism, but aren't we being a bit biased if only one side of the story is told. Is he who shouts the loudest always right? KOD's opinions in Michnik's paper will always get good play in the NYT, BBC, CNN and other world leftstream media also thanks to strong bonds of ethno-religious solidarity. Does that make everything they say the gospel truth?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Feb 2016   #1089
But so far PiS is giving every indication of being worse

The voters certainly think so. The almost constant scandal and nepotism surrounding PiS is doing them no favours whatsoever.

I still can't believe that they openly fired a world class expert in his field and replaced him with someone that doesn't even know the basics about horses.

No wonder that poll is showing such results since no one beside PiS supporters watches it.

Do you think they even bothered to count the votes? Given the charade when Kaczyński gets re-elected as party leader with 100% of the vote, North Korean style counting is completely up their street :D I remember there were several amusing incidents when they posted polls on their various media outlets online, and people voted "no" against them - only for them to remove the polls because the result didn't show what they wanted it to show!

After 100 days of the government, here's a simple infographic to show how the government only fulfilled 1 out of 8 promises and how most of them aren't anywhere near ready to be introduced into law. These were the promises that formed the backbone of the "first 100 days" and shows how PiS lied through their face to their electorate.

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Feb 2016   #1090
PiS lied

Have you ever heard of any poltical party anywhere that fulfilled all their campaign pledge in 100 days? I haven't. Some parties had 8 years and failed to make good on numerous promises.

The authors of the Bible must've known you were coming because their "splinter and beam" comparison seems custom-tailored to your biased mode of thought.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Feb 2016   #1091
Have you ever heard of any poltical party anywhere that fulfilled all their campaign pledge in 100 days?

Why did Szydło say that these were her priorities for the first 100 days if they had no intention of fulfilling them?

As an aside, Morawiecki seems to be a real thorn in the side of the government. He's now made it crystal clear that the situation with the ZUS deficit is severe and that drastic action will have to be taken.

For readers that are unaware - Poland's social security system is in a huge mess.

ZUS has calculated that over five years will be a deficit of 250 billion złoty for pensions, and the pessimistic version - 400 billion. The hole will be greater if PiS lower the retirement age. "We risk disaster" - warns Deputy Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki,147880,19669459,zatrwazajace-dane-zus-na-emerytury-moze-zabraknac-nawet-400.html

The problem is partially caused by unreasonable transfers. Miners for example have many special privileges when it comes to retirement, which results in the State having to subsidise the pensions of retired miners to the tune of 6 billion złoty a year. The situation is bad, and to make matters worse for the government, these numbers are based on the retirement age of 67 for men and women.

However, that's not all. Even if we take the optimistic ZUS forecast - a deficit of 50 billion złoty a year that needs to be covered by the budget - Poland also has to transfer 16 billion złoty a year to the farmer's social insurance fund (farmers pay a very special, privileged, tiny rate of social insurance) as well as 13 billion złoty to people that served in the uniformed services. (mundurówki - Polonius?)

That means that in the best case scenario, Poland has to pay 79 billion złoty a year from the budget just to cover the shortfall. To give an idea how serious this is - the Polish budget for 2016 predicts revenues of 313 billion. As the article says, the authors of the new pension system in 1999 envisioned that there would be a single pension rate for all retired people without any special privileges for farmers, miners and other special groups. Unfortunately, no government since then has dared to introduce such a reform because of the usual hysterical overreaction by those special interest groups.

Needless to say, cutting the retirement age was a promise that simply can't be kept.
Lenka  5 | 3528
25 Feb 2016   #1092
Sorry Pol but at least Delph comes up with new informations whereas your only response is that it's all KOD and unpatriotic Poles. Sometimes I agree that Delph blows things out of proportion but you really went over the board saying it's ok that the guy doesn't have any experience. Either don't comment or say that you don't believe he hasn't got any expirience or at least admit that IF it's true it was the wrong thing to do. Opposition ( Delph here) criticises the government as a rule (you did the same when PO was in power) but to agree that that situation is ok is just crazy. Especially since you associate your favourite political party with honesty and rule of law.
mafketis  38 | 11137
25 Feb 2016   #1093
Sorry Pol but at least Delph comes up with new informations whereas your only response is that it's all KOD and unpatriotic Poles

As my good deed of the day, I will answer in Polonius's name so that he can rest for a minute or so. His response is as follows:

PO bad! PiS good! KOD bad! Michnik bad traitor! Michnik non-gentile! 1992 Bolek! Nocna zmniana! Treason! True Poles! Catholics! Bolek! Traitors! Patriots! Jews! PiS! Jarosław Kaczyński! Donald Tusk! shreeekkklsll lshhhehrlrlleelelkwkwlllll (brain meltdown)

I'm sure his eventual response will not be one bit more coherent.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
25 Feb 2016   #1094
eventual response

Biased people see only what they want to see. Delph is obsessively chanting "freedom and demcoracy" in the KOD context and failing to mention that these losers simply resent being pushed away from governemnt and the attendant trough of perks and privilege.

Above all, he obsessively badmouths the government, and that elicits a response. Just look at his choice of words: corruption, nepotism, incompetence. "Almost constant scandal and nepotism surrounding PiS" is yet another typical Delphic quote. Day after day, from morning till night: disparaging, discreditng, slandering, badmouthing, ridiculing POLAND'S DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT WHICH HAS BEEN MERCILESSLY ATTACKED FROM DAY ONE. NO 100 DAYS OF GRACE FROM THE DISLOYAL, POWER-HUNGRY OPPOSITION!

Even Hitler is acknowledged for creating the Autobahns and VW, but not PiS. Not a single redeeming factor.
None of you blinkered elitist KOD backers ever noticed that Delph's "endless" PZPR types in PiS boiled down to a single person, Piotrowicz. No-one of you bothered to point out that deceptive ruse and misleading propaganda.

So all those who agree with Delph cannot see his one-sidedness and claim "But it's true". Just as those who hold the opposite disagree with the Dephic distortion of reality. So what else is new?!

As my good deed of the day

Every one should perform good deeds. Delph also deserves a day off. He must have bored himself to tears by rehashing the same old codswallop day after day. So here goes:

PO good! PiS bad! KOD good! Michnik a true patriot, actually a gentile in disguise! 1992 Bolek - a PiS plot! Nocna zmniana! - manipulated propaganda by the treasonous propagandist Kurski! Kijowski & Michnik - True Poles! Jarosław Kaczyński a wannbe fascist dictator! Donald Tusk - a sterling statesmen who did not kiss and hug Putin at Katyń. That's another PiS lie! After setting Poland on the right track, he nobly volunteered to help get the EU out of their mess. PiS = scandals, scams, nepotism, incompetence, dictatorial aspirations and the intent to destroy Poland. Their predecessor PO/PSL were uttterly faultless - far-sighted patriots, noble crusaders for Poland's best interests, who slashed bureacracy, decreased VAT, promoted Polish entrepreneurship and kept exploitative foreign interest groups at bay. The gambling and tape scandals were the figments of PiS' sick and vile imagination, etc., etc. ad nauseam.

One wonders what Delph will do with all the extra free time?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Feb 2016   #1095
but at least Delph comes up with new informations

Right on cue ;)

Latest story involves yet another bankruptcy in the network of Polish credit unions. This time it was SKOK Polska, based in Warsaw. It turns out that while they were not only lacking physical cash, the previous management had also artificially inflated the value of their shareholdings in Polish businesses by a huge amount - over 500% more than their real value. There were other examples of mismanagement, and the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) has reported the previous management to the public prosecutor.,74/skok-polska-zawieszony-jest-wniosek-o-upadlosc,622323.html

Those following Polish politics will remember that the current senator from PiS, Grzegorz Bierecki was implicated by the previous Sejm for his role in transferring a large amount of cash from the SKOKi to Luxembourg (to accounts that he controlled). It's a long and complicated story, but essentially - Bierecki transformed the national structure of the SKOKi network from being a foundation into a private company, of which he was the chairman. This private company then paid companies owned by Bierecki for various things, meaning that he was effectively acting as both the buyer and seller of services. The profits gained from this venture were transferred to Luxembourg, which then paid Bierecki directly.

Now, the story gets much more interesting when you look at the PiS media ownership. Bierecki controls wSieci and wPolityce, both of which unquestionably support PiS. Furthermore, the SKOKi are known to have provided large loans to PiS to fund electoral campaigns and cover debts. It gets even murkier - the largest credit union - SKOK Stefcyka - now branched out into also operating a right wing pro-government media portal. One has to wonder just why a credit union is directly operating a media outlet using their name -
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
25 Feb 2016   #1096
yet another bankruptcy

Oh so predictable! The mintue I read "bankruptcy" I didn't have to read on. It had to be somethign traceable to PiS. I couldn't have invovled Kijowski's father-in-law, Tusk's son, any of the Komorowski kids, oen of Michnik's cronies, could it have. Those people are all without sin so they are free to throw stones.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Feb 2016   #1097
the world famous Polish stud in Janów Podlaski.

Just to note : Marek Skomorowski, the new head of the stud in Janów Podlaski, not only has absolutely no experience with horses - but also just so happens to be an associate of Ziobro's.

Do they really have no shame whatsoever?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
25 Feb 2016   #1098
an associate

Everybody is somebody's associate, dad, mother-in-law or neighbour. Nepotism prevailed under the PO regime.
26 Feb 2016   #1099
The best candidate as long as he/she is not a KOD-style elitist snob, career-obsessed academic or member of some professional dynasty.

And you are a Marxist.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
26 Feb 2016   #1100

No, always for the underdog. Elites are supposed to serve the nation, not jealously guard their perks and privileges for their own selfish ends and deny others admission to their ranks. The law must serve justice and that's what PiS are all about.
InPolska  9 | 1796
26 Feb 2016   #1101
@Pol3: absolutely! It is NOT to be a "marxist" to expect that the "élites" to be concerned about the WHOLE nation and not only about themselves and their castes. I agree with you and it has nothing to do with "marxism" or any other "ideology", it is just democracy (from Greek "demos") and common sense.

Unfortunately for (a lot of) Americans, life is so simple; either you are with "us" or you are a "communist" and they don't have the slightest idea that life is not black or white but that there are thousands of views in between. Well, people, like you and me, Pol3, know it but ... ;)

I have personally noticed in Poland that those NOW claiming to be strong anti-communists were among those who benefitted the most from the socalled communist regime. Typical! ;)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Feb 2016   #1102
No, always for the underdog.

Except the underdog should at least have some understanding before being appointed to a top position. Someone that knows nothing about horses cannot run a large breeding operation, not least because it's very much an art and not a science.

Another day, another "good, change".

Wojciech Jasiński, friend from studies of Jarosław Kaczyński and ex-PZPR member who was known for being appointed to lead PKN Orlen without a competition and with only 3 years experience in business - is now on the supervisory board of PKO BP.

67-year-old Wojciech Jasinski, a former activist of the Communist Party, asserted a decade ago that in state-controlled companies there is no place for political appointees. He added that PiS will ensure that management by young and talented managers.

One can only wonder what kind of country Poland is going to turn into. Want a good career in a state controlled company? Join PiS today, and your lack of experience won't matter, just as long as you're a good Party man!

Elites are supposed to serve the nation, not jealously guard their perks and privileges for their own selfish ends and deny others admission to their ranks.

What was that, Polonius? Can you explain how this is 'serving the nation'? Shouldn't the supervisory board of the biggest bank in Poland be comprised of people who actually know something about business, finance and so on? Nevermind, he's friends with the Dear Leader Chairman Kaczyński.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
26 Feb 2016   #1103

If your information is correct, your favourite adjective "endless" as in "endless" ex-PZPR appointees" willhave sudddenly doubled to two. Congrats. The score is now PO 30, PiS 2.
polishinvestor  1 | 341
26 Feb 2016   #1104

Seems they are awash with money to be considering such things. Still things could be worse, they could nationalise and become Venezuela.

Always include a short translation when posting a link to Polish text
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
27 Feb 2016   #1105
Some pleasant news to wake up to this morning - another "good, change".

In the first 100 days of the PiS government, the value of the shares owned by state treasury has fallen by over 10%.

Full list here :,69,0,2027845.html

It's further proof that PiS haven't got a clue how to run the economy.

Just to remind everyone that it's not just about economics :

Evidence gained illegally can be used.,75478,19686930,rzad-chce-zalegalizowac-owoce-zatrutego-drzewa-jako-dowody.html

The article goes on to explain why PiS want to return to the days of abusive interrogations (only evidence gained as a result of murder, bodily harm or illegally keeping people longer than is allowed in law will be ruled inadmissible, everything else is legal). It's yet another step proving that PiS are nothing but the PZPRbis, and ordinary citizens should be very afraid.

How can anyone condone relaxing the rules surrounding the acquisition of evidence?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Feb 2016   #1106
In the first 100

In the first 100 days the government not only did not get a period of grace but were treated to veritable hell on earth. The resentful disloyal opposition have done littkle more than ranted, raved, maligned, shouted, screamed and reviled the democratically elected government with such ferocity it's a wonder the PM and her cabinet didn't go bonkers amid all the harassment. Conditions of extreme stress and duress have rarely been conducive to effective work.

BTW in the latest poll, loudmouth Petru has dropped into third place. People have apparently grown sick of seeing him everywhere and constantly hearing his toxic, smart-alecky anti-government diatribes.
gregy741  5 | 1226
27 Feb 2016   #1107
It's yet another step proving that PiS are nothing but the PZPRbis, and ordinary citizens should be very afraid.

correction"every criminal should be very afraid"
finally no more amber golds

abusive interrogations (

the only polish government accused of torturing prisoners in post commie time was SLD and torturing Iraqis.and no law stops them from doing this.

see...key word is intentions
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
27 Feb 2016   #1108
correction"every criminal should be very afraid"

You think it's acceptable to subject people to everything short of physical violence?

Good luck. Hope it doesn't happen to your family.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Feb 2016   #1109
ordinary citizens should be very afraid.

Ordinary citizens should be very afraid only if their doing something illegal and have something on their conscience.
I'd much prefer to have the proper authorities monitoring my email account, PF, Facebook or whatever than getting my account hijacked by hackerite scum. Crime-fighting is a top PiS priortiy, and more power to them. Turning a blind eye to scams, foreign exploitation, the perpetrators of communist misdeeds and other irregularites was a PO speciality. PiS epitomise the sterling sheriff on a white horse who rides into town and breaks up the gang that had been terrorising decent citizens.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
27 Feb 2016   #1110
Ordinary citizens should be very afraid only if their doing something illegal and have something on their conscience.

A wonderful piece of doublespeak there. Who decides what might be illegal? Why, the prosecutor. Who controls the prosecutors? The Minister of Justice. Therefore, ordinary citizens should be very afraid of any action that allows the government to subject them to any sort of interrogation they want, provided physical violence and murder isn't involved.

Crime-fighting is a top PiS priortiy, and more power to them.

Hahaha. They couldn't care less about crime, as witnessed by the way that they appointed a new police chief that was already under investigation for corruption.

What they do care about is making sure that political enemies are destroyed.

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