delphiandomine 86 | 17823
22 Feb 2016 #1051
When this is repeated at the ballot box a hundred times, their silence will be deafening and the 'PIS media' will be even more of a laughing stock than they are now.
It's absolutely hilarious. I'm looking at wPolityce now, and the last report was saying that the polls have closed in Radom. They've completely covered up the fact that Duda's uncle was beaten heavily by the opposition.
More to the point, there was a huge swing away from the PiS. Why is the right wing media so quiet?
So, today is the 100th day of the government, and just to remind everyone, this is what was posted on Beata Szydło's Facebook wall for the first 100 days of government.

Translation :
500zł per child - didn't happen (only from the 2nd onwards)
Lowering the retirement age - didn't happen
8000zł tax free amount - didn't happen
Free medicine for over 75's - didn't happen
Minimum wage at 12zł/hour - didn't happen
These were allegedly the priorities for the first 100 days. Every single "priority" didn't happen.
No wonder PiS lost so badly in Radom yesterday.
Oh, and just for kicks, from Twitter -