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Poland's post-election political scene

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
22 Feb 2016   #1051
When this is repeated at the ballot box a hundred times, their silence will be deafening and the 'PIS media' will be even more of a laughing stock than they are now.

It's absolutely hilarious. I'm looking at wPolityce now, and the last report was saying that the polls have closed in Radom. They've completely covered up the fact that Duda's uncle was beaten heavily by the opposition.

More to the point, there was a huge swing away from the PiS. Why is the right wing media so quiet?

So, today is the 100th day of the government, and just to remind everyone, this is what was posted on Beata Szydło's Facebook wall for the first 100 days of government.

Translation :

500zł per child - didn't happen (only from the 2nd onwards)
Lowering the retirement age - didn't happen
8000zł tax free amount - didn't happen
Free medicine for over 75's - didn't happen
Minimum wage at 12zł/hour - didn't happen

These were allegedly the priorities for the first 100 days. Every single "priority" didn't happen.

No wonder PiS lost so badly in Radom yesterday.

Oh, and just for kicks, from Twitter -

22 Feb 2016   #1052
Every single "priority" didn't happen.

Not only that, but most of those promises are now either being backed away from or being claimed to have never been given in the first place!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
22 Feb 2016   #1053
I mean, it's there for all to see. Morawiecki's bold lie about the 8000zł tax free amount not being a "hard commitment", Kaczyński's lie about the "500zł per child not meaning every child" - the truth is that they declared that these 5 things were a priority.

No wonder they're making such a huge fuss about Bolek, because it's the only way to disguise that they've catastrophically failed to keep their promises. Radom voters weren't fooled, though.
22 Feb 2016   #1054
No wonder they're making such a huge fuss about Bolek, because it's the only way to disguise that they've catastrophically failed to keep their promises.

The problem that they'll have now is where do they go next. The Bolek thing can't be stretched out for more than a couple of months, if that, and most people don't actually care and/or have no faith in any documents supposedly from that period; the only people who will unquestioningly believe whatever shoddy fakes the IPN releases are the same people who believed every word of the TV news during the 1970s and 80s and who consequentially now vote PIS anyway. So what can PIS do to distract people the next time their utter incompetence is clearly demonstrated?!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
22 Feb 2016   #1055
They'll just invent something to attack their political opponents with. Doesn't matter if it's true or not, the PiS method has always been to abuse first and worry later.

The most shameful thing is that Duda was elected claiming to be the President for all the Poles. He's now standing by and watching his political friends attempt to destroy one of the most famous Poles in history. What a disgrace.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
22 Feb 2016   #1056
nvent something to attack

That's Delph and his tag team all over: either scrape up some insignificant bit of trivia or invent something to attack, mock, deride, discredit or slander Poland's most pro-Polish government ever.

FLASH - THIS JUST IN: The village of Żabno (Frogville) in the Lublin region (population 342) has just removed their PiS-linked sołtys (hamlet executive?) for drunkeness. HOLD THE BACK PAGE!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
22 Feb 2016   #1057
An analysis of the election promises made by Duda and Szydło, combined with the recent statements of the Deputy Prime Minister Morawiecki. As you can see, Duda and Szydło both told unbelievable lies to the electorate. The voters of Radom made that clear yesterday.,artykuly,380317,1.html#fp=nw

When the parliamentary campaign of PiS were criticised for making unrealistic promises, politicians of the party were unhappy. Today you can see that the critics were right.

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
22 Feb 2016   #1058
An analysis of the election promises made by Duda

Your so boringly predictable. Suffice it that your headline includes Duda, Szydło or Kaczyński and everyone knows it's gonna be more bile, vitriol and crap, more grumbling, b*thcing, whining and whinging....

How about some variety for a change! Unelss you're getting paid for each such entry in which case: mocno przepraszam! Never mess with someone's livelihood!
jon357  72 | 23482
23 Feb 2016   #1059
Radom voters weren't fooled, though

It looks like the debacle we've seen here and in other local byelections will be repeated in most Polish towns.

Basically, they've admitted now that they lied about every single election promise.

The sooner they're gone the better.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 Feb 2016   #1060
will be repeated

Wishful thinking, eh? Sounds like your parroting Delph again. No original thoughts?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 Feb 2016   #1061
Latest news :,1025897,title,Sondaz-IBRiS-dla-Wirtualnej-Polski-Polacy-ocenili-100-dni-rzadu-Prawa-i-Sprawiedliwosci,wid,18177146,wiadomosc.html?ticaid=11688b&_ticrsn=3

More than half of respondents (52.1 percent) are critical of the first one hundred days of the government of PiS - which is according to the latest survey.

It seems that the broken promises and failure to enact a single one of the promises during the first 100 days of government is resulting in a majority of Poles being critical.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 Feb 2016   #1062
Vatican supported Hitler

You are repeating the il Papa Tedesca (the Gertman pope) nonsense spread by Italian communists and reinforced by play "The Envoy" or something?) by a German writer whose name I don't remember. That lie made the rounds of all commies, leftists, anti-clericals and Jews in Europe. In actuality, Pius XII helped protect and shelter Jews as far as he could. Had he gone overboard, Herr Hitler would have "appointed" a more compliant successor. Not everything was so black and white, esp. amid the convoluted complexities of WW2.

Please back to the topic
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Feb 2016   #1063
Another day, another "good change", this time at the world famous Polish stud in Janów Podlaski. It's famous for producing an excellent Arabian horse, which also sell for large amounts of money in the world.


The former president of the stud held his position for 16 years. Previously, he was a veterinarian. He ​​is also Vice-President of the World Arabian Horse Organization. The new president after his nomination said that he had "no contact" with the breeding of Arabian horses.

The nepotism and corruption of PiS continues. The same story is being repeated day after day - people with no experience or knowledge in their field are being appointed to every single state controlled company and institution in sight. These people in turn are appointing their own cronies to middle management levels, meaning that the state is controlled by people who only have Party loyalty as their experience.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Feb 2016   #1064
Another day

Another day = a fresh (?! -- rather not because it stinks!) batch of Delphic PiS-bashery. So what else is new? (LOL!)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
24 Feb 2016   #1065
the state is controlled by people who only have Party loyalty as their experience.

A tad akin to the Nazis. Except that PIS haven't started imprisoning their own (Eric Rohm style) and sadly are unlikely to do so:)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Feb 2016   #1066
Except that PIS

In mentality the Platforma share Hitler's book-burning penchant except that they have only suppressed an IPN book on Wałęsa-Bolek for eight years. They still havent' started burning books that displease them.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Feb 2016   #1067
Except that PIS haven't started imprisoning their own (Eric Rohm style) and sadly are unlikely to do so:)

Oh they will. Perhaps not imprisonment, but public humiliation (flogging) and being expelled from the cult certainly will.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Feb 2016   #1068
public humiliation

Public humiliation, indiscriminate slander and character assassination have been the main tactics used by your beloved trough-defenders.
Any decent, honourable and fair-minded person should say: All your KOR-ites, KOD-ties, ex-PZPR types, Platformers and foreign-business lackeys have had your fun and enjoyed the fruits of the land for 26 years. Now it's time to move over and let the majority of Poles reap some benefits from your so far mainly self-serving post-roundtable transformation.

True Poles are known for supporting the underdog, not the rich, powerful and privileged. Only Polish bastards once joined the PZPR and/or were SB informers and now serve the Brussels bureaucracy and foreign interest groups for personal gain or as "useful idiots"!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Feb 2016   #1069
let the majority of Poles reap some benefits

Would you care to comment about the nepotism shown by PiS in which ordinary Polish experts in their field are fired so that people with no knowledge/experience in the field can take their jobs?
mafketis  38 | 11127
24 Feb 2016   #1070
With his possible appointments as the president of a marine agricultural station, helicopter squadron or army hospital still up in the air? Be reasonable!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Feb 2016   #1071
no knowledge/experience

That's the excuse many employees use when some kid fresh out of uni applies and is told -- no experience. Instead, maybe the experienced ones in the company should be charged with teaching the newcomers the ropes. Otherwise we will be doomed to perpetuating cosy/comfy jobs for privileged KOD-style post-RT dynasties and let the majority fend for themselves..
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Feb 2016   #1072
Or perhaps the best thing is to have the best possible candidate in the job? In this case, Poland's lost a world class expert in his field who had turned the Polish Arabian horse into something desirable on the world scale? You're always talking about how Polish business should be encouraged and developed - yet PiS have just put someone with no knowledge or experience in charge of a successful Polish business.

If people want the job, it's their job to become world class experts in their field. That's how society should work, not on the basis of being simply an approved Party man. I seem to recall that one of the worst aspects of Communism was the way that the vast majority of managers were there because they belonged to the Party and had a political patron - not because they were the right person for the job.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Feb 2016   #1073
best possible candidate

The best candidate as long as he/she is not a KOD-style elitist snob, career-obsessed academic or member of some professional dynasty.
The perpetuation of the post-RT clique should be thwarted at all costs.
Kodowcom dziękujemy! Już się nakradli!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Feb 2016   #1074
The best candidate as long as he/she is not a KOD-style elitist snob, career-obsessed academic or member of some professional dynasty.

No, Polonius, the best candidate is the one with the best qualifications, relevant experience and stature in the industry in which he or she works. Nothing else. In this case, PiS fired the vice chairman of the world association for Arabian horses - which means that no-one in Poland was more qualified to run the Stud than him.
mafketis  38 | 11127
24 Feb 2016   #1075
which means that no-one in Poland was more qualified to run the Stud than him.

Is this a Brit term for a stud farm? I was kind of confused because in my dialect a stud is an uncastrated male horse (same as stallion though implies breeding usage more) and not a place.

The best candidate as long as he/she is not a KOD-style elitist snob

So.... political qualifications are important? Another bit of the PRL making a come back?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Feb 2016   #1076
Is this a Brit term for a stud farm?

I think if it's the national one, we refer to it as the Stud with a capital to differentiate between random stud farms and the biggest/most important one.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Feb 2016   #1077
best qualifications

Professionalim and economic rationale can also be exaggerated. Zyklon-B was an economical scienticfic breakthrough which saved loads of petrol which could be put to better use in the military than using exhaust fumes in gas chambers.

There are situations in which experience alone cannot be the sole qualfiying criterion. Wałęsa is being criticised for different things but one of his wiser moves was his "war at the top". It was directed against arrogant, Michnik-type agnostic know-alls who felt they and they alone should run the show. Wałęsa wanted to spread the leadership around to give ordinary Catholic, gentile Poles a chance. Yes, some of the "laica lewicka" had advised S during the shipyard strike but without the 10-million-strong grass-roots membership. They would have languished for years in jail. It was only the Bolek thing in 1992 that prompted him to switch sides and jump into the sack with a band of wholly incongruous bedfellows. Poladn has suffered a bipolar sndrome ever since.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Feb 2016   #1078
There are situations in which experience alone cannot be the sole qualfiying criterion.

There are no situations in which you can justify appointing lesser candidates to a position. The best person should get the job, because that's what's best for Poland. If you start appointing clueless fools to top positions, all you're doing is sending out a message that there's no point in working hard to everyone else because they'll never get the top job.

Strange to see you promoting affirmative action, though.

Another day, and yet more corruption is revealed.

This time, it concerns the Minister of Finance, Paweł Szałamacha. It transpires that when he was studying in Harvard in 2014, he didn't actually receive the official break from work (i.e., the Sejm) - but rather continued to draw his salary from the Sejm for the entire period of his studies there.

The Sejm did not agree to unpaid leave for Szałamacha, because while in the US, he received his normal salary and additions, although almost never worked as a Member of Parliament during this time.,130517,19670142,rz-min-szlamacha-przez-rok-byl-na-urlopie-w-usa-caly-czas.html#BoxNewsImg

It's becoming almost a game to see which member of PiS can be the most corrupt.
Atch  22 | 4299
24 Feb 2016   #1079
This is what drives me nuts about politics in Poland, the amount of time and energy that needs to be deflected into each 'scandal' while Social Policy for example is ignored, or appears to be.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Feb 2016   #1080
the most corrupt.

No party scored more scams and "irregularities" during their tenures than SLD and PO! Poor ol' PiS are dragging far behind. But who knows. Maybe in 8 years' time????

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