First, referring to everyone you don't like as "soviet" is old and stale, buy a new vowel.
Is not about who a like or not. It is easier to describe all kind of culturally deprived people or people who have post-colonial mentality or those who were and are culturally soviets whether they realize or not. You cannot just erase those issues bevosue you don't like the term I'm suing or cause you don't understand it?.
After all lost of people are rooted culturally and mentally in PRL not in the Polish culture. Why you propose I call them? Is that even possible on the interact forum?
I measure them against standards of the Polish traditions, culture and history and if I find then lacking they end up being soviets and I think that is pretty solid measurement.
Foe example:
I have nothing against left as long as it is left they has been a part of the Polish tradition. Which in nutshell means - Poland needs to be independent first and leftist second.
a trend that shows no signs of abating (and can be directly tied to the church acting politically when/where a lot of people don't want it.
Eh.... is has nothing to do with politics, simply people do not bother to go to church. Majority of the Polish populace is very superficial when it comes to religion it is mostly custom, cultural thingy.
Those who are into religion or those who are more aware culturally have problem with bishops who are into progressives and left.
Also there is a lot of anti-clerical grumbling but it has always been a part of deal. Nothing new there - some foreigners take it as people turning away from the church lol1