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Poland's post-election political scene

G (undercover)
23 Dec 2015   #361,141000,title,Zaskakujacy-wynik-sondazu-PiS-liderem-Kukiz-drugi-Nowoczesna-tylko-6-proc-poparcia,wid,18065397,wiadomosc.html?ticaid=1162b9
Ironside  50 | 12916
23 Dec 2015   #362
Latest polls from 19-20 Dec.

Somehow I'm not surprised.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 Dec 2015   #363
Latest polls from 19-20 Dec.

Latest poll from 22nd December

Nowoczesna 30.8%
PiS 27.9%
PO 12.7%
Kukiz 7.7%
ZL 6.1%
Korwin 5.0%
PSL 3.8%
Razem 1.9%

I believe the correct response is.

Dougpol1  29 | 2497
23 Dec 2015   #364
I am watching the Justice minister speaking in the Sejm. Am I alone in thinking this man is actually dangerous in his rhetoric and could in fact be not right in the head?

They would not allow opinion if they could and would censor this forum and everything else.

I can easily see them trying to ban KOD demonstrations for example - so we really should be ready for street demonstrations as in communist times, and get back to boxing and circuit training to protect ourselves from these thugs. That's certainly what I will be doing in the New Year.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
23 Dec 2015   #365

Run by SLD guy. Soon it will clear up and something tells me that I will be pasting that picture :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 Dec 2015   #366
Am I alone in thinking this man is actually dangerous in his rhetoric and could in fact be not right in the head?

Laptop Ziobro is incredibly dangerous. Along with Kaczyński, he's an opportunist - he has no real views of his own, but only rather the ones that will allow him to accumulate and build power.

They would not allow opinion if they could and would censor this forum and everything else.

Internet censorship is almost certainly coming. Fortunately, PF is hosted in the US and so the law there protects the Admin against anything posted here.

I can easily see them trying to ban KOD demonstrations for example

A ban on KOD demonstrations will almost certainly come under some spurious context if they keep happening. But as always, they will use an allegedly "independent" local mayor to test the waters first.

Run by SLD guy. Soon it will clear up and something tells me that I will be pasting that picture :)

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
23 Dec 2015   #367

PO has collapsed, "Nowoczesna" is big nothing, 1 man show, that's reality.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 Dec 2015   #368
policies would hurt my pocket

Your pocket is irrelevant in the overall scope of things. The main thing is that it hurts the pocket of the exploitative foreign banks, retailers and investors who want to avoid paying their fair share of taxes and keep Poland a cheap manpower and real eeistate country for their bloodsucking financial institutions, hypermarkets and toxic industries.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
23 Dec 2015   #369
PO has collapsed, "Nowoczesna" is big nothing

Pretty much guaranteed that most PO voters have crossed over to Nowoczesna. If a snap election were held tomorrow it would be a close thing. Of course PIS would still win, because the opposition hasn't regrouped. But within the year, the writing will be absolutely on the wall for this dictatorial mob, hopefully with most of the most able PO people like Neumann joining the show .

The long term futures' bright with opposition to PIS every single step of the way.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 Dec 2015   #370
I think the one thing that most people have forgotten is that PO have very strong local structures - the party might be weak right now nationally, but the foundations are there. I saw one intelligent commentary that suggested that Nowoczesna need to focus not on the national battle, but on building up strong local connections so that they can compete in 2018. But I wonder if things keep on going this way, we might see an agreement between PO, the PSL and Nowoczesna to fight on a common ticket instead of dividing the vote.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 Dec 2015   #371
every single step of the way

So you're saying that thanks to such power-hungry subversives as KOD, Petru and PO poor losers Poland can look forward to constant mayhem, disruption, commotion, sabotage and instability. Also badmouthing the country by concocting black PR and passing it on to the EU and Western media.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
23 Dec 2015   #372
The western media can see the situation for themselves, for they have been to school.

Nobody needs to badmouth Poland. The Poles are doing it all by themselves. Aren't you watching the Senate proceedings right now?
Your Justice minister is mouthing off like a rabid dog. You couldn't make it up. An embarrassment doesn't even come close to defining him.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 Dec 2015   #373
The European Commission are now involved :
Ironside  50 | 12916
23 Dec 2015   #374
The European Commission are now involved :

I would write to them - why don't you mind your own business? You have and never had any right to intrude into Polish internal affairs.

Word it diplomatically and send it to them on a donkey.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
24 Dec 2015   #375
I would write to them - why don't you mind your own business?

Well, it is true that Hungary, and now Poland, like to bite the hand that feeds them.

Their rabid nationalism will come back to **** them both in the ass.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Dec 2015   #376
Hungary, maybe not. The problem there is that the opposition is a complete mess, unlike Poland. The other thing is that Hungary is small and insignificant, so the EU isn't particularly bothered.

Poland on the other hand... if PiS genuinely believe that the EU will keep giving them a lot of cash while putting up with this nonsense, they're sorely mistaken.
Ironside  50 | 12916
24 Dec 2015   #377
Their rabid nationalism will come back to **** them both in the ass.

You are the only rabid person in here.

Well, it is true that Hungary, and now Poland, like to bite the hand that feeds them.

By your own admission you are the one who bites hand that feeds you, after all you are attacking new government because you are afraid that they will take a close look at your business practices.

Poland as well as Hungary are sovereign countries with a long history of independence and prosperity and there is not reason for them be treated as a vassal state and colonies to be exploited with detriment of their citizens.

You are talking utter tripe and you are repeating it over and over again. I don't know whether you don't know any better or it is because you don't want to know any better.

If you are only confused you might as well take my word for it, you are talking nonsense claiming that the EU is feeding Poland, utter tripe I say three times to drive it in.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
24 Dec 2015   #378
you are afraid that they will take a close look at your business practices.

Nah. Three audits in two years under them last time. Not one zloty could they rule as mis-appropriation.
Of course every small business could make a mess of something or misunderstand the rules. This time around the scum seem to have other fish to fry, but I expect they will get round to consoling themselves with bothering the small man when they realise that their unworkable socialist ideals will not become reality.

You are talking utter tripe and you are repeating it over and over again. I don't know whether you don't know any better or it is because you don't want to know any better.

Then I am in good company aren't I? The PIS justice minister does nothing but repeats himself.
He is still banging on as we speak live on TVN about his version of democracy in the Senate and running endless 5 minute rants about the last governments' supposed criminality. The man has a screw loose and really should be in a state sponsored home.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
24 Dec 2015   #379
if PiS genuinely believe that the EU will keep giving them a lot of cash

Who's "EU" and what are their tools/procedures to stop giving "them" (I guess Poland?) "a lot of cash" ?
24 Dec 2015   #380
EU national leaders decide who they give the money to. For instance, Tony Blair gave up the UK £3.5 billion annual rebate on the condition the money was given to the CEE States, including and mainly Poland. Infrastructure development funds can be directed where ever they want, if they decide that Poland is a basket case they can switch the money flow off.

The majority of Poles living in Poland will see the result EU investment every time they travel, anyone who is confused by it doesn't live in Poland and is not Polish
Librarius  - | 90
24 Dec 2015   #381
if they decide that Poland is a basket case they can switch the money flow off.

Those stuck in baskets will not loose their beneficia sine cura.
They will not rule Poland - that's all. Will that be enough to pacify the anger of their EU masters?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Dec 2015   #382
European Commission

This was written abotu the US political a scene but it has universal application and explains the hysterical, ultra-toxic hate campaign of the Petrus, KODs, Michniks, Lises, Kaliszes, TVNs, Żakowskis, Wojewódzkis et al against Poland's democratically elected government. That is what PiS have long referred to as the hand-washes-hand "układ":

"It's about the unholy dynamics between big government, big business, and big media. They all benefit by the billions of dollars from this partnership, and it's in all of their interests to protect one another. It's one for all and all for one."

The Polish voter has overturned that "układ" and the consequwences thereof the oppostion cannot accept.


A woman has been appointed to head Poland's FBI -- CBŚ (Centralne Biuro Śledcze). She is Inspector Renata Skawińska, the first woman ever to hold that post. She replaces Platformerian appointee Igor Parfieniuk.

The European Commission are now involved :

...Thanks to the hysterical rabble-rousers and anti-Polish slanderers. Your KOD creeps are even prepared to sully their own country's reptuation abroad just to vent their spite and revenge on Poland's democractically elected authorities.
mafketis  38 | 11137
24 Dec 2015   #383
Poland's democractically elected authorities

Since when is winning an election license for carte blanc? If PiS has its way with the TK then what legal checks will there be on its exercise of power?

Or do you think winning an election is a good time for rule by party (rather than law).
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Dec 2015   #384
for rule by party

Hey, it's Wigilia. No politics please. A time for love, reconciliation and forgiveness. We should all eagerly forgive PO for their 8 years of misrule and KOD for the whole rumpus they've been causing and the bad name there giiving Poland abroad.
Wulkan  - | 3136
25 Dec 2015   #385
Those are very wise words said by Andrzej Duda, I'm proud of our president.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
30 Dec 2015   #386
Well, well, well. If all the recent actions weren't enough, we have a very interesting letter from Slovakia to Poland.,114871,19408849,ostry-list-slowackiego-mon-do-macierewicza-nikt-z-nami-nie.html?lokale=warszawa#BoxNewsImg

The Slovak Minister of Defence, Martin Gavle, has sent a letter to the Polish Minister of Defence, Antoni Macierewicz, confirming that Slovakia was not consulted before the invasion of the NATO counterintelligence centre. The same letter has been sent to Slovakia's government and to the Supreme Headquarters of NATO. Gavle also confirms that the institution was not part of the Polish Minstry of Defence, but an international institution. It's also pointed out that

In short : Macierewicz was telling lies, and now PiS have managed to create conflict with a regional partner.

Full letter (in Polish) is here -
mafketis  38 | 11137
30 Dec 2015   #387
Macierewicz was telling lies, and now PiS have managed to create conflict with a regional partner.

Give him time and there will be conflicts with all regional partners (and non-partners). PiS is not interested in allies it's interested in having as many enemies as possible (so that they'll never run out of scapegoats for their failed policies).
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
30 Dec 2015   #388
Don't worry, they have that special relationship with the United States, don't they? ;)
30 Dec 2015   #389
we have a very interesting letter from Slovakia to Poland.

"I request a stop to all non-standard actions," the letter read.

Glváè wrote that contrary to statements made by some Polish officials, the raid was not agreed with Slovakia. "With whom had the Polish side consulted the appointment of a new head of the center?"

The Slovakian Defense Minister reminded that the NATO facility is an independent, international institution, and not a part of Poland's MoD. "I ask you to present your vision of Poland's contribution to the development of the center. I expect your proposals no later than January 31, 2016," the letter concluded.


Most unlike the PISed-up to get caught lying, isn't it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
30 Dec 2015   #390
Most unlike the PISed-up to get caught lying, isn't it.

Quite humiliating, really. It's pretty clear that Slovakia isn't going to tolerate any attack on their institutions. In the current climate, it seems impossible to see how Warsaw can host a NATO summit if Warsaw is too busy doing things behind the backs of others.

Of course, this whole thing pushes Poland more into the Russian sphere of influence.

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