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Poland's post-election political scene

goofy_the_dog  1 | 35
14 Jun 2017   #3421
I'd be very much in favour of shutting down or seriously limiting foreign funded news sites that have their own Soros sponsored antiPolish agenda. Especially if they are infamous comment censors too.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Jun 2017   #3422
on this picture

Its the fat, old Szechter boy bastard Michnik -- raised in a KPP family of Soviet agents with brother Stefan, a commie desk-top murderer.
Michnik's motto seems to be: "Soros, Junckers, Kijowski....any enemy of Poland is my friend!"
14 Jun 2017   #3423
I don't know who was appointed to what post and how much they earn. I never sniff and snoop about other people's finances

Yes, Radio Maybach probably doesn't report facts such as the law school graduate who has zero business experience but now takes 100,000zl a month from the Polish taxpayers for being the VP of PZU. And why should you care? You aren't Polish and choose to not pay taxes here. Those of us who do pay taxes here are disgusted that our money is being taken by the PiSlamic State and given out purely on the basis of personal loyalty to the First Secretary of the Party.

you should know that my car has no radio. Not convicned?

You've posted here what car you drive: that car comes with a radio as standard. And if you have no radio, why have you been posting here summaries of what you heard on the radio?

Or maybe assign someone to read everything before it's published so as to not displease the government?

And then they could prosecute people who are caught distributing the free press. They already have Piotrowicz on their team, and he's got experience prosecuting people for daring to publish un-approved news back when the Party was PZPR instead of PIS and the First Secretary of the Party was somebody not named Kaczynski.
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Jun 2017   #3424
the fat, old Szechter boy bastard Michnik -

who pays taxes in Poland? I pay taxes here, do you? If not, then why not?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Jun 2017   #3425
handing an envelope

Hey, handign an envelope. Capital offence! Outrageous! Scandalous! Call out the Marines, Texas Rangers, CIA, FBI and MI5.... Who would have thought your urge to appear foolish would have kicked in in this early in the day.

You seem to be vying with your guru PiSlamic as to how many minor PiS-bashing incidents you can raise as red herrings to lead astray from the PO scamster party's major ongoing scandals to mention only the Smolensk body bungling, Warsaw real estate scam and AmberGold/OLT affair.

Any bets on what the score will be at the end of hte day:
Mayfixit 4 - PiSlamic 9, or perhaps Mayfixit 5 - PiSlamic 1 (highly unlikely). The only score that would be well nigh impossible would be nil all! That would mean that that derisive duo (if little jon hadn't been suspended it would surely have been a trio) would for once act like decent human beings. Fat chance!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Jun 2017   #3426
You've posted here what car

When was that? Not everybody has only one car per lifetime. I never listen to the radio. We've got two radios at home almost never used. TV and the net are our sources of info. Last time I listened to Radio Maryja was in the USA in 2002-2003. Then I had a Honda Civic with radio. It was like a touch of Poland in Michigan.

But hey, when you visit the Breakfast Fair (that's where all the snobs go!) you always come snooping, so take a good look at the car so you won't have to be spouting BS all the time.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Jun 2017   #3427
Piotrowicz on their team

And the scamster PO party has 30 TW and/or ex-PZPR members in the Sejm alone, not to mention the unsavory commie hold-overs marching under the banners of Kijowski and Schetnya, SB colonels and other PRL scum. PO can only envy PiS that they've got only the one Piotrowicz you are always banging on about, when PO have got a whole flock of black, er, um, I mean red sheep in their shed. To mention only TWs Wałęsa, Komorowski, Tusk, Boni, Tusk's justice min. Ćwiąkalski, educaiton min. Kudrycka, MP Iwona Śledzińska-Katarasińska, film director Kazimierz Kutz, His Lordship Rzepliński and many, many more.

If you were anti-PO you could have a field day. As it is, you have only the one measly Piotrowicz to bang on about. Have fun!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Jun 2017   #3428
Piotrowicz on their team

Ol' PiSlamic is slipping. He would have done better to start his argumentation with his classic grave-robbing stunt and hit on the late lamented engineer Kaczyński senior who allegedly got a leafy villa in a poshy suburb (or was it the other way round?) for some allegedly sinister and as yet unspecified services to the regime. Then move on the his family who lived in a leafy villa in a poshy suburb at a time when ordinary Poles were suffering a housing shortage. And only then throw Piotrowicz into the bargain. That way he'd have all of five victims to badmouth in a single (bad) breath. (Menthos to the rescue. Or maybe Tic-Tac?)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Jun 2017   #3429
free press

The Michnik rag is hardly an example of a free press. It is super-biased, mega-partisan, ultra-onesided and essentially reprots what the losers' club are thinking rather than what is actually happening in Poland. It should be renamed "The Soros Star" in honour of its sole benefactor who also shares old bastard Adam's subversive agenda.
14 Jun 2017   #3430
The Michnik rag is hardly an example of a free press.

Gazeta Wyborcza is still Poland's best selling quality newspaper, despite all government departments being told they can't buy it and state-owned firms being told to run their adverts elsewhere; I know that that makes some people unhappy. Gazeta Wyborcza also has arguably the highest standards in Poland for journalists; I know that makes some people bitter. Gazeta Wyborcza is far more trustworthy than any organ of the PiSlamic State, as Poles will tell you.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
14 Jun 2017   #3431
Gazeta Wyborcza also has arguably the highest standards in Poland

How do you know that if you can't read Polish?
Wulkan  - | 3136
14 Jun 2017   #3432
Gazeta Wyborcza is still Poland's best selling quality newspaper,

Stops spreading fake news
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Jun 2017   #3433
quality newspaper

Quality is debatable. I was in Warsaw when it got started as a Solidarity daily. (PiSlamic, Delph and little jon only read about it in the self-adulating GW. Where else?) Himself not a writer or editor Wałęsa appointed Mihhnik as edtor in chief, but crafty ol' Adam soon turned it into a Jewish corporation that focused mainly on the so-called "democratic oppositon", mostly KOR-ites, rather than on Solidarity and non-KOR-ite dissdent groups (ROBCiO, KPN, etc.). Things got so bad Wałęsa even had to take away their right to display the Solidarity logo on their front page. (Now they've got a red square there -- far truer to form!) Initially, the Jewish eggheads, familiar mainly with their silk-screened underground manifestos, did not even want a sport section in the paper. But that was the only non-PZPR daily on the market back then and many Poles became accustomed to buying it. The bottom line is that they got an unfair head start on the allegedly "free" media market and that kept them going for years. But always it was the subversive Soros line -- anti-patriotic, anti-national identity, anti-cultrual heritage, anti-family and anti-religion, in other words un-Polish from the word go! One has to hand it to them, they were good at propaganda as all marxists, neo-marxists, crypto-marxists, leftists and socialists are known to be, so they kept dosing out their anti-Polish poison in dribs and drabs trying to convince Poles they were too Catholic, not "progressive" enough, un-European, etc. Since "co Zachód wymyśli Polak polubi", many were taken in, which brings us to another well-known Mickiewiczism: "Cudze chwalicie,własnego nie znacie, sami nie wiecie co posiadacie!" (You praise all things foreign and think they are best, without knowing what you yourselves possess.") But in time even the slick propaganda wore thin and people began seeing through the façade of falsehood and deception. Today the Michnik rag is but a downsized caricature of its former self. And even Soros' hefty cash injection has not helped. The end is near, Adam. Maybe you should consider replacing Honest Matt (Kijowski) at the head of the "back to the trough" movement! Col. Mazguła will surely second the motion.
14 Jun 2017   #3434
crafty ol' Adam soon turned it into a Jewish corporation

Of course the reality is that he did no such thing, but the faith of his ancestors has been a convenient stick for his enemies to try to beat him with. The most amusing example of that are the people who claim 'I'd never work for a Jew' but in reality were rebuffed by GW many times and thus had to keep working for a Jewish-owned company.

Anyway, enough of the past, let's get to the present: which of the supporters of the PiSlamic State (none of whom pay taxes in Poland) would like to explain to those of us who do pay taxes in Poland why we should be forced to pay a law school graduate who has zero business experience 100,000zl a month for being the VP of PZU? Surely one of acolytes of the First Secretary of the Party can do that!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Jun 2017   #3435
Wałęsa appointed Mihhnik

Wałęsa appointed Michnik
Wulkan  - | 3136
14 Jun 2017   #3436
why we should be forced to pay a law school graduate who has zero business experience 100,000zl a month for being the VP of PZU?

Because you don't have to pay some halfwit from POOO on that position, you should be happy about it.
14 Jun 2017   #3437
Wałęsa appointed Michnik

And what does that have to do with Poland's post-election political scene? Very little, but clearly you'd prefer to talk about events from decades ago than to tell us who, unlike you, pay taxes in Poland why we should be forced to pay a law school graduate who has zero business experience 100,000zl a month for being the VP of PZU. Or are you finally going to address that subject with anything other than off-topic ad hom trolling?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Jun 2017   #3438
he did no such thing

Never heard of Agora? Michnik was ed. in chief and another non-Goy Helena Łuczywo was dep. editor. The staff was disprortionately peppered with people of similar background. In itself that is nothing bad. They are free to cultivate their heritage and all, but they do not feel the heartbeat of Poland, like many Anglo-expats on PF. GW was associated with the Citizens Committee that won the partially free election but Michnik soon turned it into a KOR-ite stronghold. At that point Wałęsa should have quicky set up a counter organ to Michnik's leftist-atheist anti-Polish rag. But he never was too quick on the draw!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Jun 2017   #3439
than to tell u

Why should I tell you about taxes? I did not legislate them into existence nor work for the treasury or finance ministry. Somehow you never told us whether you pay taxes from your underground CPGB assignments to Belarus, Poland or the UK. In fact, you never even answered whether you get paid in roubles (Russian or Belarusian), złotys, € or $.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Jun 2017   #3440
100,000zl a month

You must be jealous because you've been banging on about that for some time. Maybe he's worth it, maybe not. Who am I to say? Not everyone is a loudmouth know-all who spouts off on every subject under the sun, thinking others pay attention or give a sh*t. Oh yes, there's little jon, brim full of admiration and adulation for his guru! A fan club of one is better than nothing!
14 Jun 2017   #3441
Oh look, how amazing: multiple posts full of off-topic ad hom trolling from 'Polish' Po. He clearly does not want us to be talking about the latest disgraceful example of the PiSlamic State wedging the snouts of its faithful into the trough. Why is he so desperate to drive the discussion away from the fact that those of us who pay taxes in Poland (i.e. none of the supporters of PIS at PF) are being forced to pay a law school graduate 100,000zl a month for being the VP of PZU despite having zero experience in business? Could it be that when not even 'Polish' Po will defend an action of First Secretary of the Party Kaczynski that action is truly indefensible?

I wonder what else he wouldn't like us to talk about? What else would the First Secretary of the Party like hidden from public view? Perhaps the amount that's spent on things by the armed forces, perhaps that will be the next thing to be censored?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
14 Jun 2017   #3442
Perhaps the amount that's spent on things by the armed forces

Yes, perhaps he can explain why such things are being kept from the public eye. Could it be that the actual amount spent is significantly lower than claimed?
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Jun 2017   #3443
Why should I tell you about taxes?

I'll take that as confirmation that you don't pay taxes in Poland, which together with your lack of Polish citizenship makes you about as Polish as Betty White.

The funny think in the envelope video is the way Błaszczak tries to let Szyszko know that they're being filmed.... (if this were completely innnocent why would he say anything?)

"I've been set up by PO, that envelope was manufactured during the PO government!"
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Jun 2017   #3444
desperate to drive the discussion away

Prefcisely, why is PiSlamic so desperate ot drive the discussion away from ongoing PO scams whose enormity has only just recently come to light. And continue the cost the taxpayer money such as the OFE heist when the Tusk regime declared a portion of the pension fund to be "public property" which got funnelled away for the government do with as they see fit. So many unaccounted for affairs, scams and scandals, but PiSlamic wants to sweep them all under the carpet and attack the good-change govdernment. An a propos Polish saying: Głupich nie sieją, sami się rodzą. (Rush to Google translate!)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Jun 2017   #3445
perhaps he can explain

Why should I? I am neither to blame nor responsible for any of it. I am not privy to the govdernment's inner workings but am simply an observer of the Polish scene and can see that on balance the good-change government is liing up to its name. I also saw the catastrophic incompetence, misrule, mismanagement, lies, scams and bambloozling of Tusk's scmaster regime. Don't ask me why, ask them. Maybe it's becuase they're bamboozlers?
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Jun 2017   #3446
on balance the good-change government is liing up to its name

Freudian error! Veeeeeerrrrrrry illuminating...
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Jun 2017   #3447
Freudian error!

On balance, because like everyone, some PiS reps ocasionally make gaffes and slip-ups, but only those who do nothing never make misatakes. That is, unless one belongs to PO -- they are doing nothing and still make blunder after blunder. Like when Schetyna and his minions couldn't get their story straight on accedting unwanted migrants. Schetyna definitely said no, whilst his underlings claimed otherwise. Par for the course with the losers' club.
gumishu  15 | 6227
14 Jun 2017   #3448
Gazeta Wyborcza is far more trustworthy than any organ of the PiSlamic State, as Poles will tell you.

I'm a Pole, and I remember some Wyborcza lies even though I don't read it (reported by media with integrity) - like "Tak lądują debeściaki" claim
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Jun 2017   #3449
Wyborcza lies

I read it from time to time just to keep track of the lies, distortions and ham-handed propaganda. Michnik's increasignly addled brain is so poisoend with PiS-bashery that when some inexprienced kid plougehd into PM Szydło's convoy, they nearly canonised the bloke. PiS-bashers bought him a new car and wanted him to sue the PM for allowing her covnoy to be ploughed into..... It staggers the mind to what sick dementia pure, unadulterated hatred can lead!
goofy_the_dog  1 | 35
15 Jun 2017   #3450
Today Poland marks the 77th anniversary of the first transport of Polish citizens off to Auschwitz German death camps.

The Prime Minister took part in the proceedings in Oswiecim today and during her speech said that the lesson has to be learned, that governments need to do all they can to assure safety and protection of their citizens.

Liberal Jewry in America, president of the EU and liberal opposition (both parliamentary and non parliamentary)
Is up in arms as they accuse the Pm of using Holocaust to promote an antirefugee sentiment at home.

The screeching of our enemies and those who wish to make Poland into one of the jihadists multiculti countries of the west is pretty funny lol,tusk-krytykuje-premier-szydlo-za-przemowienie-w-auschwitz

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