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Poland's post-election political scene

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Jun 2017   #3391
certainly an Anglo

That's the ultimate insult! I don't have a single drop of toxic, polluted Anglo-Saxon blood in me -- it is 100% Polish.
How many disloyal individuals got fat-cat jobs under the Tusk regime? Is PiSlamic going to claim they were paid peanuts and worked only for "the cause" -- the greater glory of Tusk!? Governments hand out fat-cat appointments only to their loyalists, supporters and unquestioning advocates. Old as the hills.

BTW, you never protested against Tusk's robbery in broad daylight of people's pension funds -- OFE. At the drop of a hat he proclaimed those to be public funds his government was free to do with as it wished. Somejhow that outrage possed PiSlamic by. How come?
13 Jun 2017   #3392
It's a shame Balcerowicz did not think about creating a native capitalism but effectively sold the country to outsiders, simultaneously bolstering the indigenous nomenklatura under his privatisation scheme.

Clearly Balcerowicz did not sell the country to outsiders, because there are still thousands of places in state-owned or state-controlled companies where the faithful of the PiSlamic State can wedge their snouts into the trough. In just its first year PIS placed more than a thousand of its friends, family and close associates into senior jobs at state companies and institutions for which their qualifications consisted only of their unswerving loyalty to the First Secretary of the Party. So now those of us who pay taxes in Poland are left paying salaries of up to 100,000zl a month to people like a law school graduate who has zero business experience and a former kebab shop owner who has been made deputy director for the research department at PGNiG.

If 'Polish' Polly felt even the tiniest shred of gratitude to Poland for sheltering him for all these decades he'd speak out against these disgusting abuses of power that the minions of First Secretary of the Party are committing but instead he won't even say a single bad word about them, he just trots out everything he hears on Radio Maybach. He isn't loyal to Poland, he's loyal to the PiSlamic State.

I don't have a single drop of toxic, polluted Anglo-Saxon blood in me -- it is 100% Polish.

If that were true you'd be able to get a Polish passport by descent. But instead you have your precious American passport.

On the plus side, that does at least mean you can't vote in Poland. But why do you take such an interest in a political scene which you choose to not participate in?

How many disloyal individuals got fat-cat jobs under the Tusk regime?
Old as the hills.

The previous PO/PSL government averaged under 80 per year. PIS are placing more than a thousand. Why won't you say even a single word about that? Are you really so loyal to the PiSlamic State that you like to see Poland ground into the dirt by the minions of the First Secretary of the Party?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Jun 2017   #3393
Which foreign masters

That is the general impression he creates on the basis of years of anti-Polish posts. In other words, Poland's economic sovereignty has never been his priority. It'd be best for him to explain why he creates such an imrpession.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Jun 2017   #3394
did not sell the country to outsiders

More fake news from PiSlamic, PF's "beloved" (?!) one and only LL.
I'll save you a trip to Google translate:
Już tylko 3 proc. majątku przeznaczonego do prywatyzacji pozostało w rękach państwa. Czy to powód, aby być dumnym z III RP? Bronisław Komorowski przekonuje, że tak, ale to raczej dowód, że Polacy nie mają już prawie nic własnego. – Dlatego dziś trzeba odbudować polski przemysł i powstrzymać wyprzedaż naszej ziemi – mówi Andrzej Duda, kandydat PiS-u na prezydenta.

Poland's greatest-ever president Andrzej Duda stated during his election campaign: "Only 3% of the assets earmarked for privatisation has remained in state hands. Is that reason to be proud of III RP? Bronisław Komorowski claims it is, but instead that is evidence the Poles have nearly nothing left of their own. That is why Polish industry must be rebuilt and the sell-out of our land must be stopped."

Go Duda!!!!
13 Jun 2017   #3395
More fake news from PiSlamic, PF's "beloved" (?!) one and only LL.

Not at all, 'Polish' Polly, verified and verifiable news based on announcements companies are legally required to make. Read more at,97,0,2236001.html

Go Duda!!!!

The only place he'll be going is prison for repeatedly breaking the Polish constitution on the orders of his "real actual" boss, the First Secretary of the Party.

Duda stated during his election campaign

Why didn't he get your vote?
mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Jun 2017   #3396
I don't have a single drop of toxic, polluted Anglo-Saxon blood in me -- it is 100% Polish

BFD, that is not an accomplishment. An accomplishment would be financially contributing to the welfare of the country by holding down an honest job and paying taxes. Does either apply to you?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
13 Jun 2017   #3397
I don't have a single drop of toxic, polluted Anglo-Saxon blood in me -- it is 100% Polish.

A question that naturally arises is: with what may Anglo-Saxon blood be polluted? If it is toxic or not, that's an entirely different matter.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Jun 2017   #3398

Precisely, so why do you cite unreliable Michnikite/Balcerite sources? Besides, your post convneiently evaded replying to the issue at hand: Why was SB snitch (TW Litwin) Komorowski delighted that nearly all of Poland's industrial assets had been got rid of by the Balcerite mafia, so that only 3% remain in Polish hands? We all know your anti-Polish bias, all things Polish are crappy, beneath your dignity, etc. So why are you here? Haven't you satiated your parasitic craving on the living body of the Polish nation? Or are you being handsomely paid as a foreign agent of influence to persist in such a "crappy" country?
goofy_the_dog  1 | 35
13 Jun 2017   #3399
COP creation is around the corner :-) with a central industrial region the reIndustrialization will finally truly begin.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Jun 2017   #3400

Polluted with Englishness! Arroagnce, conceit, stupidity, colonial mentality (It's us v the ****!) and polluting perfectly good tea with milk (ugggh!). (LOL!)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Jun 2017   #3401
greatest-ever president Andrzej Duda

Maybe I overstated things a bit. So far Lech Kaczyński was the greatest, although his term was cut short. Duda's term is still under way. But he is dynmaically performing his duties. Most recently, Duda said that he would like the Constitutional referendum – which he has suggested for 11 November 2018 – to include "questions that will guide the direction of systemic change" in the Polish constitution.

"Poles will be able to decide, for example, whether they want the president to be elected in general elections, as is the case at present, or by a National Assembly, as in other countries," Duda said.

"Is the president supposed to have a stronger position, as elected by the people, or should the role be more symbolic?"
Duda also said that he plans to hold a separate referendum on whether Poland should accept refugees as part of an EU relocation programme. The ballot would be held on the same day as the general election in 2019.

Holdign a referendum and general elections on the same day is a good idea, because most voters do not enjoy going to the polls. In fact the problem of a judicial mafia as in Poland could be corrected if judges were elected by citizens as is the case with many courts in hte USA. That forces them to be people-friendly rather than solely concerned about their careers.
mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Jun 2017   #3402
So far Lech Kaczyński was the greatest

Then why did he permit the unforgiveable sin of allowing ALL THE HEADS OF THE MILITARY ON THE SAME PLANE AS HE WAS??!??

The stars of ABBA used to travel on separate planes to avoid orphaning their children in the case of a crash, but this "greatest president" was fine with a situation that could put the entire country in grave danger! Greatest schmeatest, he was a bungler and all the PiS deathcult mumgo jumbo in the world won't change that.
13 Jun 2017   #3403
nearly all of Poland's industrial assets had been got rid of by the Balcerite mafia, so that only 3% remain in Polish hands?

Even if that cat Duda said what you claim he said (you haven't provided a link, which usually means you just heard something on Radio Maybach or are just making it up yourself) and even if he was telling the truth (which he certainly doesn't do all of the time, for example when he took an oath to uphold the constitution he didn't add the caveat "unless my "real actual" boss, the First Secretary of the Party tells me I'm to break the constitution", which is clearly what he actually does), what he supposedly said is not what you have claimed above. He did not claim that only 3% of Polish economic assets remain in Polish hands, the claim you have reported is that 3% of the assets earmarked for privatisation. Look at assets which are still in the hands of the state: PKO is still state-controlled and has about a fifth of the entire banking market. PZU is still state-controlled and has about 35% of the non-life insurance market and about 45% of the non-life insurance market.

Of course those assets clearly should have been sold off, seeing as the PiSlamic State have just abused their control of PZU to force the taxpayer to give 100,000zl a month to a law school graduate who has zero business experience but has demonstrated unquestioning loyalty to the First Secretary of the Party, Jarek Kaczynski.

the problem of a judicial mafia as in Poland could be corrected if judges were elected by citizens as is the case with many courts in hte USA. That forces them to be people-friendly

There is no judicial mafia in Poland. If you want to live in a country where judges are elected, why don't you just go home? You could vote there.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Jun 2017   #3404

The Tusk regime's dismissive, disrespectful and slightign attitude towards the presidential delegation (he wanted to hog the limelight and bear-hug with Putin in Katyń O'Bama-reset style) sent a nonchallant message of "no big deal" with regards to the presidential flight. The very fact that a decommissioned military airport with defective runway lights, no radar landing equipment and a ramshackle ground-levle shed called the "control tower" speaks volumes. I believe PO operative Tomasz Arabski is now on trial for neglect of duty in connection with the tragedy. Komorowski appointed him to ministerial rank as his reward.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Jun 2017   #3405
Radio Maybach

Once again PiSlamic has proved, as the PF's LL, that he fullk deserves to be called a master of mendacity, fasehood, fabrication and prevarication. (Google for definitons as required!)

I never listen to Radio Maryja, in fact no radio whatsoever. Don't even have one in my car. TV Trwam I check up on out of curiosity every several months.

The judges assembly by engagign in political agitation vioalted the constiutuion. Rzepliński by ignoring legislation governing the Tribunal violated the constitution.
And Saryusz-Wolski rightly called Tusk a "szmata" (wh*re or sl*t) for violating neutrality in his EU post and turning on his own country.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Jun 2017   #3406
judicial mafia

Call it a clique, in-group, coterie or oldboy club if you like. The fact is that they act like a state within a state, accountable only the themselves. That always spells trouble, especially when they lack impartiality, side with one faction of an itnernal row and are clearly partisan al the way.
13 Jun 2017   #3407
Once again PiSlamic has proved, as the PF's LL, that he fullk deserves to be called a master of mendacity, fasehood, fabrication and prevarication.

How surprising that instead of trying to tell us why we Polish taxpayers should be forced to give 100,000zl a month to a law school graduate who has zero business experience but has demonstrated unquestioning loyalty to the First Secretary of the Party, Jarek Kaczynski, 'Polish' Polly instead engages in off-topic ad hom trolling. Why is it that he can't explain why the taxes we pay (but he doesn't) should be given to people whose only quality is their obedience to the First Secretary of the Party?

I never listen to Radio Maryja, in fact no radio whatsoever. Don't even have one in my car.

That's an interesting claim, given that you've told us what car you drive (and it comes with a radio as standard) and you've in the past provided us with summaries of what you heard on the radio. Are you practising for a post with the 18% regime?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 Jun 2017   #3408
The very fact that a decommissioned military airport with defective runway lights, no radar landing equipment and a ramshackle ground-levle shed called the "control tower" speaks volumes.

Actually, the trip was organised by Lech Kaczyński's chancellery. Are you telling us that they are in fact to blame? It's taken you 7 years to admit this, but well done. I'm also surprised that no-one in his office picked up on the fact that Smolensk-North was completely unsuitable for such a flight, especially when there was a perfectly good train available that could have taken him there.
mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Jun 2017   #3409
The Tusk regime's dismissive, disrespectful and slightign attitude towards the presidential delegation

Tusk didn't allow the heads of the military on the flight, LK (or his office) did - an inexcusable act of neglect. If he had really taken the event seriously he would have gone by train or flown into a more reasonable airport and been driven to the sight. But he wanted to swoop in and out in hurry in a ill-conceived attempt to one up the PM.

The very fact that a decommissioned military airport with defective runway lights, no radar landing equipment and a ramshackle ground-levle shed called the "control tower" speaks volumes

To the incompetence of LK's chancellery and the shameless hubris of his surviving brother who wants to blame everyone else rather than acknowledge the truth.
goofy_the_dog  1 | 35
13 Jun 2017   #3410
brit trio at its worst hahaha :)

they forget of the shots fired at the scene? bodies with soil and bin bags knitted in in them, or that 3-4 different people (their body parts) were found ina nubmer of coffins? The list of suicides after Smolensk is endless of anyone capable of undermining the results of the MAK (Russia investigation)

How was it that Ewa Kopacz later on a PM ( a nurse by trade Lol!) pledged to the public that she had sen all the bodies, and have wittnesed the ground been dug up a metre down in searcvh for clues?? yet now we see that it was a complete BS ?

Why are the Russians still forbidding Poland from taking our wreckage back for proper civilized examination?

I hope these and more questions will be discussed bewteen Trump and Duda in July :)!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 Jun 2017   #3411
they forget of the shots fired at the scene?

LOL, even PiS have stopped trying to claim that one! Do keep up with the latest propaganda Goofy.

How was it that Ewa Kopacz later on a PM ( a nurse by trade Lol!)

Shows how little you think of Polish doctors if you're calling them "nurses".
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Jun 2017   #3412
instead of trying to tell us

Because again you were engaging in off-topic trolling. We were discussing the judicial mafia which you claimed doesn't exist. I don't know who was appointed to what post and how much they earn. I never sniff and snoop about other people's finances -- there are already too many snoopers and snitchers on PF. And, as I have alreadey pointed out, there is so much unfinished business surrounding the booted-out PO scamster regime that you have never addressed. First deal with that and then you can move on to their successors.

You have never mentioned, for instance, that the KOD music group was led by a bloke who only just now got sentenced to six years in prison for trading in women (selling them to brothels in Italy). And your KOD guru Kijowski is known not only for child-maintenance shirking but for an invoice scam in whcih loads of money landed in his pocket for never performed IT services. Anotehr dodgy "hero" of that unsavoury "total opposition crew" is Col. Mazguła who praised martial law as being carried out in a "cultured" manner. Yes, that motley crew was indeed made to order for the likes of PiSlamic!

Since you and your pal little jon have stalked my house under the cover of night, you should know that my car has no radio. Not convicned? Go snooping again and you'll see, The last car with a radio was a Polski Fiat 125P some 20 years ago..
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 Jun 2017   #3413
that the KOD music group was led by a bloke who only just now got sentenced to six years in prison for trading in women (selling them to brothels in Italy).

Untrue. He was not and was never a member of KOD.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Jun 2017   #3414
to blame

Arabski is on trial for neglect of duty. Actually Tusk should be. It was he who went overboard trying to discourage the preisdent's attendance and onyl becuasre as PM he could bear-hug with then PM Putin. Michnik's kosher rag in cahoots with the Russian embassy even circulated jibes alleging that Kaczyński would not get a Russian visa. No wonder Tusk's stooges took their cue from the boss. And when that failed, the presidential flight was given second-rate treatment. Have you forgotten all that?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Jun 2017   #3415
never a member of KOD

But he was KOD's court musician, providing the music for KOD's anti-government hate sessions. Call him a fellow traveller or useful idiot, but he like the rest of KOD is pure slime!
Ironside  50 | 12916
13 Jun 2017   #3416
What are you doing? Agreeing about Smolensk again? (Smolensk should belong to Poland by the way)

It simple it doesn't matter what had happened. What is important that in its aftermath it exposed the inept PO government. Their lies and BS was so bad that they need to go to prison. No country that want to survive can treat this kind of the major screw up by its government lightly.

KOD's court

KOD, PO, N are traitors, saboteurs and should be locked anyway in the interest of the nation.
gregy741  5 | 1226
14 Jun 2017   #3417
But he was KOD's court musician, providing the music for KOD's anti-government hate sessions.

here, KOD trafficker and hes friend,,whos that on this picture,anyone recognise?

  • DCM2gKXgAAQRW3.jpg_.jpg
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Jun 2017   #3418
The good change government continues this time dong their influence peddling and promotion of unqualified people on camera!

The minister of the environment was filmed handing an envelope to the minister of the interior with the explanation "there's this ranger's daughter..."
goofy_the_dog  1 | 35
14 Jun 2017   #3419
Reading anything on onet in this day and age should be considered a mental disability.
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Jun 2017   #3420
Perhaps the government should shut them down? Or maybe assign someone to read everything before it's published so as to not displease the government?

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