he should behave like on
There is no law forcing a party leader to be PM. When SLD won Pawlak was PM, then Cimoszewicz and Belka. What personnel strategy a winning party uses is entirely up to them. And JK is every bit as entitled to freedom of speech as that bandit Tusk is. Who are youto deprive him of it?
I've been here since '95
Precisely, you missed the hands-on observation of PRL which would enable one to see the ploys and ruses rebadged former commies used to worm their way into III RP and obliterate any consideration of accountability. You couldn't see the forest for all the trees -- identifying as you did with one faction (the RT clique), you lacked a wider view of the big picture.
people to call you anything they want to
But they do. Po, Poly even Saint Polyanna (that's Atch's contribution I believe). And PiSlamic is not a name but a descriptive adjective. Just like 50-beers-a-night Harry or sodomistic Harry -- both publicly admitted to right here on FP.