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Poland's post-election political scene

jon357  72 | 23361
20 Dec 2015   #301
The police are known to insert explosive charges and break the door down.

Of NATO premises?

  • image.jpeg
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Dec 2015   #302
NATO HQ have made it plainly clear that the research unit was not a NATO organ but only cooperates with them. They added that the restaffing procedure was stricly an internal Polish affair. But the Schechrter bastard (not an insult but a factual generic descripiton) tried to whip up hysteria suggesting an attack on NATO. That's balanced, responsible journalism or tabloid-style sensation-mongering?

As for you, lower-case jon, don't you ever tire of anti-PiS trolling? Go out and take a walk. Get some fresh air, Drop into a church and say a ltitle prayer for more moderation and common sense. You need it.
jon357  72 | 23361
20 Dec 2015   #303
NATO HQ have made it plainly clear that the research unit was not a NATO organ but only cooperates with them.

So hunky-dory then for them to break in during the middle of the night!

The Scherchter bastard

Says so much more about you than him.

And still the pro-democracy rallies continue, a broad cross-section of Polish society are coming out on the streets, in the parks, in the towns and (maybe soon) on the beaches - all to stand up against the sort of nonsense in your post. Heartwarming that people are doing it, sad that PiS and their ultra-nationalist tendency are so destructive.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Dec 2015   #304
rallies continue

The rallies are on their way to fizzling out. Police estimate no more than 8-10 thousand at Saturday's rabble-rousing at the Sejm, down from 50,000 the week before. Except for firebrand fanatics of the Petru, Kijowski, Delph and lower-case jon ilk, most people soon tire of such street jamborees. Same with elections -- people do not like to be herded to the polls all that often. In private homes many people shake their heads when the TV news again leads with the street commotion.
jon357  72 | 23361
20 Dec 2015   #305
That's just a rant, Po3 and doesn't not reflect the massive turn out and huge popular support. Amusing to hear you say "fizzling out" when they're just starting.

I've said it before and it's worth repeating - the cross section of people attending the pro-democracy rallies across Poland is amazing, including plenty of staunch conservatives. Last Saturday I was very pleasantly surprised about some of the people I know who attended; people who would never normally turn out on the streets.

I'd add (since there's already a thread for the pro-democracy rallies) that the political landscape in Poland is very stormy now and it's anybody's guess what will happen next. Kaczynski expected to become a sort of Viktor Orban (and with church support) and so far that just isn't happening. Poland isn't Hungary.
mafketis  38 | 11137
20 Dec 2015   #306
Kaczynski expected to become a sort of Viktor Orban (and with church support) and so far that just isn't happening.

that's pretty much it. As I said, he's a lousy administrator because, among other reasons, he's way too impatient. I remember when he was trying to build a grand coalition of the right but began by trying to asorb the fringier parties (like SO and LPR) rather than the mainstream - that's just not how it's done and so of course he failed.

Here, again, rather than bide his time, build up some confidence in the government and slowly build up power he gets in a huge wrangle over the constitution with no benefit whatsoever, alienating many of the swing voters who put his party in power and jeapordizing the longterm careers of the people who were responsible for PiS's victory (AD and BS). But I think in the final analysis he's just a user who uses others for what he can get and then discards them....

I guess better now than later (though I'm curious as to what kind of leaders AD and BS might have turned into given some independence)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Dec 2015   #307
slowly build up

Some of what you say seems to make a bit of sense. Why don't you volunteer your services to PiS or the government as a PR guy or adviser?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
21 Dec 2015   #308
Financial markets clearly have no faith in PiS.

Poland is always compared to three countries - the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia.

18th May 2015 - just before the 2nd round of the Presidential Election

1 PLN = 75.80 HUF
1 PLN = 6.722 CZK
1 PLN = 0.245 EUR

Today :

1 PLN = 73.83 HUF
1 PLN = 6.353 CZK
1 PLN = 0.235 EUR

So it's pretty obvious that Poland is not going well against the three main competitors regionally.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 Dec 2015   #309
Financial markets

Foreign financial markets are not interested in healthy Polish families, healthy Polish pride and growing Polish entrepreneurship adn eocnomic sovereignty. They want Poland to be "pro-busienss" and "market-friendly", nice-soudnign eupehemisms for a sucker nation duped by outside big-money forces. They want few if any restrictions and taxes on the expansion of foreign capital which should be catered to in every way.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
21 Dec 2015   #310
and growing Polish entrepreneurship adn eocnomic sovereignty.

If this was true, the złoty would be gaining on the other currencies. Unfortunately, the markets feel that the PiS policies (such as destroying the WIG20 with a tax that hammers PZU and PKO) are negative. It's particularly painful to see against the CZK, which has been in the toilet for years because of the Czech incompetence vs Poland.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 Dec 2015   #311
f this was true

That wrongly assumes that the outside big-money forces want nothing more than a strong, financially sovereign Poland able to thumb its nose at Unicredit, Citibank,Satander, Auchan, Tesco, Praktiker, Leroy and other Western exploiters, because they've got their own far better options. You know that's not true. They want the most favourable terms for Unicredit, Citibank, Satander, Auchan, Tesco, Praktiker, Leroy, etc. -- not tough Polish competition but low or no taxes, very low Polish wages and unrestrIcted profit-transfer home. In other words: CONTINUED EXPLOITATION OF POLES REDUCED TO THE LEVEL OF MERCENARIES IN THEIR OWN HOMELAND.
21 Dec 2015   #312
a strong, financially sovereign Poland

How is a Poland like that going to be created by appointing entirely unqualified and inexperienced people to run the companies owned by Poland purely because they are politically reliable?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
21 Dec 2015   #313
It won't be. It will hurt Poland a lot. A lot of what Orlen have been doing needs experience at the helm, not old political puppets that will do what they're told to do and nothing else. But it's almost like a new criteria - can you run a state owned company? No, not unless you have experience in the PZPR.

PiS hammering PKO and PZU with a huge tax (I saw one figure that said PZU will be paying 3 times more tax than anyone else in the insurance industry) says a lot about the real intentions of PiS.
G (undercover)
21 Dec 2015   #314
A lot of what Orlen have been doing needs experience at the helm

LOL ! Jasiński used to be a head of ministry of treasury (supervising all state controlled companies including Orlen) and member of treasury commission for years. He has more experience than a previous guy, who had none when was given that position.
G (undercover)
21 Dec 2015   #316
More than a previous guy. The scale of your manipulations is showing when you use top global standards for decisions of PiS and ignore that they are improvement over they guys you blindly support. I didn't vote for PiS because they are perfect, I voted for them because they are lesser evil compared to previous losers.

Let's be honest, you don't even know who the previous guy was, now you will be searching in google :))))
21 Dec 2015   #317
He has more experience than a previous guy, who had none when was given that position.

If you're talking about Krawiec, you're just lying yet again.
Borsukrates  5 | 129
21 Dec 2015   #318
has more experience than a previous guy

Even discounting the fact Jacek Krawiec was the chairman of PKN Orlen for the last 7 years, he was an effective businessman before that. He was an effective chairman of Elektrim and Impexmetal. Also worked in: Sindicatum Ltd London, Action SA, Huty Aluminium "Konin", Metalexfrance Paryż, S and I SA Lozanna,, Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa, PTE AiG. Earlier, he worked in banks: PKO SA, Ernst & Young, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Nomura plc (Japanese invest bank in London).

He graduated from Economic University of Poznań.

Wojciech Jasiński's education is in Law&Administration.

G, you're embarrassing yourself.
G (undercover)
21 Dec 2015   #319
First junior positions then some management positions mainly in state controlled companies. Nothing to do with oil & gas sector. Typical "we will make a head of and you will..." guy.
Borsukrates  5 | 129
21 Dec 2015   #320
Nothing to do with oil & gas sector.

Nothing except Unipetrol, Czech part of PKN Orlen (that was in 2008) ? Krawiec more than proved himself as a competent manager of PKN Orlen in the last 7 years. He was an effective businessman before that. What's your problem ?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 Dec 2015   #321
experience in the PZPR

You seem to have a hangup abotu the PZPR. What about Rzepliński -- at the forefrontn of the entire TK row -- or avid KOD supporter Kalisz, or industrial sell-off artist Balcerowicz, not the mention the late Kuroń and a host of others including the 30 ex-commie PO MPS in the Sejm.
21 Dec 2015   #322
Even discounting the fact Jacek Krawiec was the chairman of PKN Orlen for the last 7 years, he was an effective businessman before that.

From memory he left a post as CEO of computer company in order to become CEO at PKN Orlen.

G, you're embarrassing yourself.

I'm not sure whether he believes without question everything he reads on ultra-right forums or he doesn't expect anybody here to check up on and call him out on his BS.

Nothing to do with oil & gas sector.

Interesting to see you're lying about him being a VP at PKN Orlen before he was appointed CEO. Interesting, but not at all surprising.
G (undercover)
21 Dec 2015   #323
From memory he left a post as CEO of computer company

Yeah, employing 300 people.

him being a VP at PKN Orlen before he was appointed CEO.

For friggin 5 weeks, Harold you've got no shame.
21 Dec 2015   #324
Yeah, employing 300 people.

You claimed that he had no experience, but now you say he had experience as CEO of a company employing hundreds of people: so even you say that you were lying.

For friggin 5 weeks

You really are utterly pathetic: it was five months, May 2008 until September 2008

And even if it had been five weeks, that would still be infinitely more experience than the Pathetic Insane Sect's choice.
G (undercover)
21 Dec 2015   #325
it was five months

LOL ! No it wasn't even that !

You really are utterly pathetic

You are pathetic, old man. Everyone with any clue about how these things work knows that Krawiec wasn't a guy that should get that position.
21 Dec 2015   #326
For friggin 5 weeks

There's greggy's lie, here's the truth

Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A. ("PKN ORLEN", "Company"), announces that the Supervisory Board of PKN ORLEN, following its meeting on 15 May 2008, has appointed Mr. Dariusz Jacek Krawiec to the position of the Vice President of the Management Board of PKN ORLEN

Dariusz Jacek Krawiec was appointed President of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer on September 18th 2008.

Pathetic really, but what else can one expect from the Pathetic Insane Sect?
Ironside  50 | 12916
21 Dec 2015   #327
it was five months,

Yes, Harry I'm sure you would be more than happing take your changes with a surgeon with five months experience.
terri  1 | 1661
21 Dec 2015   #328
or a dentist...ouch...
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
21 Dec 2015   #329
Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A. ("PKN ORLEN", "Company"), announces that the Supervisory Board of PKN ORLEN, following its meeting on 15 May 2008, has appointed Mr. Dariusz Jacek Krawiec to the position of the Vice President of the Management Board of PKN ORLEN

That's when they made a decision. He started working 3 weeks later and after 3 months became the CEO. So you say the guy was a great choice for a CEO because 3 months earlier he (having no previous experience in the sector) had been appointed (by the same government) the VP. Brilliant :))))) So I guess If Jasiński was made VP now and CEO in 3 months, you would say he's perfect :))))

Merged: First leader of PO escaping to "Nowoczesna".,1329,title,Pierwszy-szef-PO-w-Rzeszowie-odchodzi-do-Nowoczesnej-Poczatek-ewakuacji-z-tonacego-okretu,wid,18060455,wiadomosc.html

The leader of PO (party that was "governing" Poland for past 8 years) in Rzeszów has moved to Nowoczesna aka PO 2.0. Experts say that it is likely just the beginning of massive run from the party that went down in polls to only 13-14%.
Legal Eagle
22 Dec 2015   #330
Old wine in a new bottle, (or maybe vinegar).

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