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Poland's post-election political scene

Atch  22 | 4299
18 May 2017   #3181
genetically closely related.

Well off you trot then Missy and find the evidence. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
19 May 2017   #3182
we should lynch Kaczynski or Macierewicz

What abotu Tusk, Kopacz, Schetyna, Budka and Komorowski?
jon357  72 | 23361
20 May 2017   #3183
All of them good.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 May 2017   #3184
I agree, good for lynching. At least we finally agree on something. Except Szechter should also be included. A crypto-politican parading as a journalist.
jon357  72 | 23361
20 May 2017   #3185
Ah, the sheer niceness of PiS-faschos.

And who is 'Schecter'? Do you mean Poland's most distinguished newspaper editor and jailed ex-dissident, known to berather choosy about who he employs.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 May 2017   #3186
More political scandal

Anotehr day, another scandalous escapade by the hilariously "total opposition". This time Michnik's rag has awarded the Man of the Year awarded to the EU's chief Poland-basher, that grubby, squat little Timmermans creep. Targowica in action!

Meanwhile, the good-change government continues its repolonisation drive. PGE have annoucned plans to by back French-owned power and heating facilties operating in Poland. The government side creates and builds whilst the opposition undermines and destroys.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 May 2017   #3187
choosy about who he employ

Unless in his absence you are trying to take over your guru's LL title or applying for junior liar status, it'd be best to check other people's lies before repeating them.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
20 May 2017   #3188
All of them good.

Good for you! A foreigner!!! To Poles they are traitors.
jon357  72 | 23361
20 May 2017   #3189
To Poles

Perhaps to an odd minority. For most they are pillars of the community, PO currently higher in the Poles' polls than PiS.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
21 May 2017   #3190
PO currently higher in the Poles' polls than PiS


Anyways every intelligent Pole knows that foreigners don't care about Poland (understandably since they have nothing in common with her) and all they need from her is anything that selfishly serves them hence everything you say you'd like Poland to become or anything you'd need Poland or us Poles to do doesn't have Poland nor Poles in mind.

Simply. Everything you say, all your insights etc. are 180° to what Poles think and want from their own country.
Actually I'm happy that you're here and vocal. Poles on this forum can learn what not to do and not to think simply by reading your comments.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 May 2017   #3191
pillars of the community

Pillars they are indeed, but of the post-commie mafia!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 May 2017   #3192

Many of the some 1500 reps of the legal professions at yesterday's Polish Legal Congress in Katowice were rude, booed and provided a classic example of political hooliganism towards invited guest speakers. Some actually stormed out of the hall when they heard the bitter truth about widespread judicial abuses.

Ultimately, it turned out for the best because all Poland could see the arrogance and self-importance many judges regularly display towards citizens seeking justice in the courts.
jon357  72 | 23361
21 May 2017   #3193
Now, singers, including some very established names, are pulling out of the annual Opole Festival due to it being politicised.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 May 2017   #3194
are pulling out

The political hooliganism is spreading. Rodowicz, who went to bat for Kayah, and got Kurski to agree that all invited performers could perform, was mercilessly attacked and blackballed by showbiz fanatics because she appeared on the telly with Kurski to make that announcement. She herslef said she could not stand the poltical pressure and was withdrawing. But the total oppositon are actually doing Poland a service, whilst shooting themselves in the foot. Their disruptive atcivities are showing voters they are only about self-interest, self-importance, arrogance, negativism and restoring their poshy-comfy status quo. They have not only disrupted Smolensk observances but also normal parliamentary proceedings (the Dec. 2016 Sejm putsch), the anniversary of Poznań's 1956 "bread and freedom" riots, the funeral of Doomed Soldiers, a commemoration to Gen. Anders and many other patriotic occasions. Keep it up "total oppositon" and follow KOD and Petru out of the politcal limelight.
mafketis  38 | 11137
21 May 2017   #3195
Rodowicz, who went to bat for Kayah, and got Kurski to agree that all invited performers could perform, was mercilessly attacked and blackballed by showbiz fanatics

Meanwhile back in reality, Kayah decided not to perform because she couldn't in good conscience when TVP is still blackballing those who are not sufficiently enthusiastic about the current government... (inc Natalia Przybysz and Artur Andrus)

Then the resignations began rolling in and now count Kasia Nosowska,Kasia Kowalska, Michał Szpak, Andrzej Orzech (announcer) and two artists who were set to be honored for the 25 and 50 anniversaries of their careers (Andrzej Piaseczny and Maryla Rodowicz respectively).

The mayor of the city is in panic mode as Kurski's cack-handed mismanagement is turning one of his city's major trademarks into a symbol of artistic censorship.

After the fiasco of last year's Pride of Poland (an international trademark all but ruined do to political appointments) a Polish trademark is set to be downgraded because the PRL style of the current government cannot separate art and politics.

I suppose they could get a bunch of pro PiS performers instead, but who wants to see that?
How do you say "trainwreck" (in the sense of artistic disaster) in Polish?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 May 2017   #3196
not sufficiently enthusiastic

The reality is that Rodowicz got Kurski to permit performances by ALL THE PERFORMERS. The PiS authorities have been known to back down when they were in the wrong as with the Warsaw metropolitan plan and who is to submit candidates for the National Judicial Council. But the fanatical spririt of the vehement, vitriolic chant, rant and pound the tarmac hate industry took over and ruled the day.

Indeed, the negativist total opposition are responsible for sabotaging a 50-year-old cultural landmark as they were for disrupting the 1956 Poznań anniversary, memorial masses and other commemorations that have absoltuely nothing to do with their sick ambitions to restore the status quo of their years of post-commie misrule.
mafketis  38 | 11137
21 May 2017   #3197
responsible for sabotaging a 50-year-old cultural landmark

Yes, Kurski and PiS certainly are responsible for sabotagind that! Making an exception to their terrible policy of blackballing governmnet unapproved artists does not right the wrong - which is why Kayah (and many others) have withdrawn.

disrupting the 1956 Poznań anniversary

That was entirely due to PiS wanting to distract attention from the brave Poznanian struggle against the communists and make it about his Smolensk death porn obsession.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 May 2017   #3198
due to

Even a psychopath has got his "because" or "due to". He will find a "reason" for even the most outrageous conduct. But in a civlised country does a modified event programme warrant a ruthless, barbaric attack. According to the"total" opposition, everything does. The status-quo trough must be regained at all costs, and that's the bottom line. Since no-one suspects you of links to the nomenklatura or post-communism, you must be amongst those taken in by all the PR niceties about constitutions, tribunals and rule of law. Those make nice window dressing but the entire row is about PO's quest to regain the lost power and privilege they believe is rightfully theirs.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 May 2017   #3199
wanting to distract attention

Or perhaps wanting to enrich and enhance it. You're almost as good at antics with semantics as little lower-case is.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 May 2017   #3200
governmnet unapproved artists

Maybe their virulent, one-sided, incessant government-bashing has something to do with it.
jon357  72 | 23361
21 May 2017   #3201
The mayor of the city is in panic mode as Kurski's cack-handed mismanagement is turning one of his city's major trademarks into a symbol of artistic censorship.

And of course they'll lose sponsorship, ticket sales and all the hotel/restaurant revenue it brings to Opole through an absence of big names. Another PiS mess.
mafketis  38 | 11137
21 May 2017   #3202
Maybe their virulent, one-sided, incessant government-bashing has something to do with it.

Since when are artists supposed to suck up to the government? Oh yeah IN THE PRL! Everything old is new again....

And of course they'll lose sponsorship .... Another PiS mess.

Kurski was hoping to save things with a concern in honor of Wojciech Młynarski who died in March... but his family wanted nothing to do with it.

The absoltue latest is that the mayor says that TVP is in no position to honor its contract and wants to take over the concert which will (this year) be delayed until the Fall.

The whole fiasco really crystalizes JK's biggest flaw - he can't pick people to run things (which means he's a bad leader), like the commies he prizes loyalty above all and so he's always appointed incompetent and/or mentally disturbed people to important positions.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
22 May 2017   #3203
Another PiS mess

Another act of cultural sabotage by the losers camp -- the petty, vicious, vindictive and mean-spirited "total opposition" living in the past and hopelessly clinging to their cherished status quo.
mafketis  38 | 11137
22 May 2017   #3204
living in the past

The fiasco began when the head of TVP decided to "live in the past" and act like a rotten PRL boss trying to de-platform an artist who wasn't sufficiently obsequious toward the neo-PRL government.

The director has now also resigned.

A full-scaled disaster that has to be laid at the door of the intiator - Kurski and PiS. In true PiS fashion, they will blame everyone but their own incompetence.
cms  9 | 1253
22 May 2017   #3205
Absolutely true - it's a sideshow and the artists were not helpful but that got out of hand due to Kurski's mismanagement and lack of human touch. It's the same all the time with PiS - when they appoint "lawyers" in crumpled suits, farmers and small town Soltys to run major corporations then chaos quickly ensues.
mafketis  38 | 11137
22 May 2017   #3206
artists were not helpful

In other words, performers were being difficult and tempremental.... like all performers everywhre are at times. The head of TVP is supposed to be able to deal with that. If he can't then.... wrong person in the job.

lack of human touch

people skills - PiS ain't got 'em

they appoint

JK cannot pick good people and so his bad choices at the top roll down throughout the whole rotten structure...
Ironside  50 | 12916
22 May 2017   #3207
Since when are artists supposed to suck up to the government?

Since they have been financed by the taxpayers money. Those who do not didn't or never will partake in that 'process' can do whatever they want. Thing is some 'artist' get so used to governmental grants to function in their 'private' capacity that they brazenly expected PiS to continue with the racket.

I don't think I like you maf. You're not a commie and not a stupid fellow and yet you steadily support the worse option for Poland i.e. PO and other soviets. Not nice.
mafketis  38 | 11137
22 May 2017   #3208
they brazenly expected PiS to continue with the racket

It looks like PiS has decided to shut down the Opole racket (less money for the city but more ideological purity!)

I don't think I like you maf.

I'm sure you don't. I can live with that.

the worse option for Poland i.e. PO and other soviets

I don't support PO except as being very nominally not as terrible as PiS (and PO is far less rooted in PRL organizational culture than is PiS).

I'm fiscally moderate and socially liberal but I believe in concepts like social capital and the importance of civil society, transparency and the rule of law so there's pretty much no political home for me in Poland (or much of anywhere else).
Ironside  50 | 12916
22 May 2017   #3209
I'm sure you don't. I can live with that.

Not the point. I'm baffled by the fact that an American who is not a commie can in all seriousness support PO over PiS.

and PO is far less rooted in PRL organizational culture than is PiS).

Strange you would think that. They're commies as they come. Rooted in the WSI - Soviet's political police culture.
jon357  72 | 23361
22 May 2017   #3210
It looks like PiS has decided to shut down the Opole racket (less money for the city but more ideological purity!)

When they feel they have to shut down a long-established culturally middle of the road arts festival, one broadcast for years on live TV because nobody will work with them, that's a kind of tipping-point. If they try to mess with Przystanek Woodstock this year (where many of the singers who were due to appear at Opole will be) we should all be worried.

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