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Poland's post-election political scene

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 May 2017   #2971
voted out due to

Rather due to Lincoln's theorem that "you can't fool all the people all the time!"
jon357  72 | 23482
9 May 2017   #2972
you can't fool all the people all the time

Yet the PiS junta tried.

I suspect the United Nations condemnation of the junta will be talked about a lot here in Poland tomorrow.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
9 May 2017   #2973
Another day, and yet another example of PiS destroying communities. This time, it concerns hospitals in the Greater Poland province, three of which are due to be shut down by PiS. The doctors at one of the hospitals have issued an open letter protesting about the decision.

A complete disgrace. PiS promised to be "for the people", but all they've done is order expensive VIP planes for their own use while closing down badly needed hospital facilities.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 May 2017   #2974
PC thinkng

Advocates of the hare-brained PC heresy fail to see that it is today's foul-mouthed WTF generation that are mainly polluting public space with their unbridled expletives and vulagrisms. And to think those a*sehoels actually believe that makes them "cool"!?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
9 May 2017   #2975
I wonder what that has to do with PiS closing hospitals...
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 May 2017   #2976
all they've done

All they've done is to introduce various measures.
**Family-friendly Rodzina 500+ and Mieszkania+
**Raised the minimum wage
**Restored normal retirement age
**Lowest unemployment level since reliable records were introduced (after 1989)
**Free basic medication for OAPs
**Parents to decide whether to send kids to school at age 6 or 7
**Anti-terrorist law to enhance public security
**Measures to prevent buy-out of farmland by foreigners
**Measures serving small and medium busienss including lowering CIT
**Cleaning up after the 8 failed years of clique-friednyl PO misrule
**And many, many, many more and still more to come.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 May 2017   #2977
criticised today in the United Nations

Only shows how widespread PO's trickery, treachery and snitchery have been. The liberal-leftstream media including the Szechter Boy's Soros-bankrolled "Sh*t Sheet" have neen successfully stoking the PO hate industry (przemysł pogardy) since the Tusk party's 2005 defeat. Fortunately, since then most Poles have seen through all their lies and ruses.
Marsupial  - | 871
9 May 2017   #2978
Even though i cant stand pis the above points are hard to argue with.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
9 May 2017   #2979
Closed schools, closed hospitals and orders for hugely expensive VIP planes. The legacy of PiS, indeed!
Marsupial  - | 871
9 May 2017   #2980
Its true but brainwashed fanatics never mention planes and schools. Politics is basically just a mass control tool. I certainly would not dive into a river to save a politician from drowning regardless of party.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
9 May 2017   #2981
Its true but brainwashed fanatics never mention planes and schools.

I find it quite interesting that Polonius still has nothing to say about the scandal of PiS cancelling a badly needed helicopter order for the military and replacing it with some unneeded VIP planes.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 May 2017   #2982
Closed schools, closed hospitals

Besides, snitchery a PO hallmark is nitpickery. Completely ignoring measures such as those listed below which benefit the entire nation, they prefer to focus on minor local incidents which do not even involve the government they are o so desperately trying to badmouth:

**Family-friendly Rodzina 500+ and Mieszkania+
**Raised the minimum wage
**Restored normal retirement age
**Lowest unemployment level since reliable records were introduced (after 1989)
**Free basic medication for OAPs
**Parents to decide whether to send kids to school at age 6 or 7
**Anti-terrorist law to enhance public security
**Measures to prevent buy-out of farmland by foreigners
**Measures serving small and medium busienss including lowering CIT
**Cleaning up after the 8 failed years of clique-friednyl PO misrule.
The nitpickers deperately try to cloud those suscceses with minor local disputes for which PiS are not necessarily responsible. If the health budget is cash-strapped, which it is, cuts are necessary, and the notpikcing laymen of Delfin's ilk are not privy to all the problems and considerations involved. If there are only 13 or 15 pupils in a local school, it may not be cost-effectvie to keep running it. Sure, parents may prefer to have a school across the fence, but no-one can ever satsify every single citizen, can they? But that seems to be over thre heads of the "total opposition", since PiS-bashing is their only objective. Sicne they are devoid of any progrmame whatsoever, they try to hide that fact from public scrutiny by pouring scorn on the good-change government.
jon357  72 | 23482
9 May 2017   #2983
the scandal of PiS cancelling a badly needed helicopter order for the military and replacing it with some unneeded VIP planes.

This ones attracting a lot of negative publicity, especially as the current military helicopter fleet is getting towards the end of its working life.

Basically whenever things are looking bad for the PiS junta, for example the helicopter vs. PiS VIP plane issue, or today's condemnation of Poland at the United Nations, he tries to distract from that. It doesn't work.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 May 2017   #2984
hugely expensive VIP planes

Yeah sure, Tusk travelled cheap in World War One army surplus biplanes, eh?
BTW, wasn't it you shedding crocodile tears over the failed contract for overprivced Frog choppers? But that would be par for the course. Logic and consistency has never been a PO strong. Every situation and circumstance must be used as a PiS-bashing opp.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 May 2017   #2985
a badly needed helicopter order

How do you know it was badly needed? All of a sudden yoiu are an aviation expert in adidition to all your other wannabe hang-ups?! The betting is you read it in some dodgy source -- the only kind you happen to fancy.
jon357  72 | 23482
9 May 2017   #2986
Some of the US Permanent Delegate Sheila Leonard's words at the United Nations today:

"We remain deeply concerned about judicial independence, especially regarding Poland's Constitutional Tribunal. We urge the government to fully respect principles of judicial independence, checks and balances, and the separation of powers between branches of government. The Polish government should publish and implement Tribunal decisions.....We are also concerned government officials do not publicly and regularly condemn serious and specific incidents of hate speech and hostile acts against minorities when they occur."
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 May 2017   #2987
We remain deeply concerned about

It should be prefaced with: "Unaware of the fact that Poland's losers' faction have snitched to the EU mafia who saw their chance to brown-nose hefty-kickback-providing multinationals unhappy because Poland's authorities are now trying to limit their shameless milking of the Polish nation, we are deeply concerned....bla-bla-bla". Those producing the black propaganda do not care a wit about any tribunals, judiciaries, constituions, schools, hospitals, forests, planes, helicopters or anything else other than the cushy, comfy status quo they lost when the Polish nation got wise to them in October 2017. It's as simple as that! All the high-sounding balderdash is nothing more than a big crock of BS! Even the jons and delphs know that, but they can't very well admit it in public lest they endanger their hefty kickbacks.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 May 2017   #2988
specific incidents of hate speech

She for got to mention chronic incidents of hate speech against cabinet members and other senior officials -- part and parcel of PO's "hate industry".
jon357  72 | 23482
9 May 2017   #2989
speech against cabinet members

Don't be silly Po.

The end of the beginning for the PiS junta was a year ago; the beginning of the end was a few months ago. Now with condemnation from the United Nations (led by America even) and looming sanctions within Europe, we're now well into the endgame.
nothanks  - | 626
10 May 2017   #2990
The UN is our enemy (based off their comments seeking replacement migration). Yesterday it was the Nazis, today its the UN and tomorrow another foreign entity seeking to wipe us out. But I am wagering on Poland surviving yet again!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
10 May 2017   #2991
looming sanctions

If you were a true Pole, you'd be incensed against a UN unable to do much about a world full of misery, bloodshed and disarray but yet finding time to meddle in your country's internal affairs. But, after all, it's not YOUR country. It ain't Scotland, is it?Like the pseudo-Poles of the "total anti-Polish oppposition", as an alien expat you will always side with th enemies of Poland. Nothing new there.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
10 May 2017   #2992
speech against cabinet members

There's so much hatred in word and caricature by the pro-status quo faction against Macierewicz, Waszczykowski, Błaszczak, not to mention Szydło, Duda and Kaczyński, that all you need to do is crack open the Szehcter "Sh*t Sheet", view the websites of TVN, WP, Interia and other PiS-bashing portals. You must closely follow them, otherwise you'd have to admit that all the false accusations and insinuaitons you hurl at the good-change governments daily are something you thought up yourself.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
10 May 2017   #2993
October 2017

Sorry for typo: should be October 2015....that was when Poland finally gained a new lease of life following years of socio-economic suppression by the post-commie roundtable clique, the self-declared owners of III RP. Having been shunted off to the sidelines by a people-friendly administration, their impotent fury and frustration are as understandable as they are futile.
mafketis  38 | 11127
10 May 2017   #2994
when Poland finally gained a new lease of life following years of socio-economic suppression

You really missed your calling, you should have been an author of communist propaganda back when there was a (captive) audience for stuff like that....

The years of suppression also coincided with escaping the effects of a worldwide financial crisis and huge improvements to infrastructure and living standards, but don't let that bother you...

I have a friend from a small village (family of farmers) in the countryside who has been very successful though hard work and diligence and they become enraged when they hear PıSS supporters claim that only those with commie connections have been successful.

Why is PıSS so eager to alienate successful educated people? What does that say about their supporters?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
10 May 2017   #2995
improvements to infrastructure and living standards

You sound like those Eu brown-nosers who claim Brussels has poured millions into Poland.But the fact is that EU-backed multi-nationals (and the whole system is one big eurocratic-corporate mafia!)have siphoned off profits and robbed Poland of taxes by paying them in tax havens far in excess of any EU subsidies.

Are you saying the nation as a whole has enjoiyed anywhere near the fruits of transformation monopolised by the RT clique?
Atch  22 | 4299
10 May 2017   #2996
who claim Brussels has poured millions into Poland

Make that billions and it's not a claim, it's a fact. On top of the existing 100 or so billion euros already received, a further 85 billion is being rolled out over the period 2014-2020.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
10 May 2017   #2997
commie connection

In PRL, there were also businessmen who "made it" by knowing the right people, having the right contacts via marriage or cronies or what not. I hope you're not one of those well-meaning PR types that claim everything in capitalism is purer, honest and above board. In every system, private contacts, backroom deals and under-the-table transactions are nothing unusual. In fact, without them nothing would ever get done. The concept of hand washes hand predates both capitalism and communism by many centuries. Honest or not, it is human nature and a way of life.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
10 May 2017   #2998
it's not a claim

I stand corrected -- billions it is. BTW how many billions were siphoned out of Poland officially, unofifcially, though cheap tax havens and other market tricks and ruses? I dare say no exact estmate is even possible except that it is much in excess of what the eurocrat-corporate EU mafia has provided in the way of subsidies. Maybe things were different in Eire.
mafketis  38 | 11127
10 May 2017   #2999
In PRL, there were also businessmen who "made it" by knowing the right people, having the right contacts via marriage or cronies or what not

The point is my friend had/did none of that, and gets very angry with PıSS mouthpieces who suggest that only ex-commies have been successful. It plays well with the resentful base of the PıSS party but it doesn't play well with those who've succeeded on their own merits.
cms  9 | 1253
10 May 2017   #3000
Please give specific examples of foreign corporations which have dodged taxes in Poland. They exist for Sure but given that the total CIT budget in Poland is about 16 billion zloty then the chances that evasion would exceed 400 billion zloty over 12 years is very low. That kind of maths might work for pensioners or farmhands but I hope that most Poles see through it and realise Poland is a huge net beneficiary.

Foreign companies here pay more tax, higher wages, and are more likely to have straightforward ZUS arrangements than Polish owned businesses. But in any case most big corporations that are here are happy to reinvest their profits in Poland - it's a growing economy, firmly rooted in the EU and has been growing since 1989 no matter who was in charge

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