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Political life of Poland

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2136
4 Jul 2018   #1
Which political parties/groups are present in Poland? What is your opinion of them? Where do they stand economically? In which areas do they want the state to have full/partial control

Political entities that spring up to mind are:

ND? Or any Endecja related right wing groups?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Jul 2018   #2
All of them still have a great deal to learn before they get the country into shape, there are no excuses about commie days etc anymore. they should bring in talent from abroad if needs be,
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
4 Jul 2018   #3
still have a great deal to learn before they get the country into shape

+1, Dolno. And yes, PiS is no exception to this rule.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Jul 2018   #4
PiS is no exception to this rule

Totally agree, they do some good things but backward looking/focused in many other ways, well at least one guy particular, but he happens to be the top honcho, the others seem to work hard to reign him in.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Jul 2018   #5
All of them still have a great deal to learn before they get the country into shape

This is the latest of what America is hearing about the Protest In Poland Over Supreme Court Purge.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
4 Jul 2018   #6
According to the press, Poland's clamping down on judges represents her way of getting back at a Communist-era entrenched legal system which numbered scores of

"unreconstructed" former Communists, long deemed unfit to serve on the bench.

An incredibly tricky, not to mention sheer polarizing, issue which threatens to divide Poland even further than she already is.
Duda is foolishly creating a rift with the European Union, away from stalwart partners such as France and Germany, tending instead in the direction
of Hungary!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
4 Jul 2018   #7
I read the linked article and I agree with PiS. They must have looked at the US insane system which allows some obscure federal judge to overrule a US president on the matters where presidents have full legal authority. Like immigration. It will take months before the case goes to the USSC where the sanity will eventually prevail, but not always. In the meantime, until overruled, that low end judge has effectively become the US president.

Poland is wise to put an end to this nonsense, if that is the problem.
cms neuf  2 | 1958
4 Jul 2018   #8
Can't we just boot your immigration nonsense to another thread. Every discussion gets ruined by that.

In this case it is not about being a de facto president but about protecting the independent judiciary which is a key part of the constitution and of Poland's progress to become a stable and free democracy.
Sylvio  19 | 154
4 Jul 2018   #9
cms-neuf, speak for yourself. If i see a word i dont like, i scroll down. Try it. Who cares if subjects cross threads. Take a chill pill.
cms neuf  2 | 1958
4 Jul 2018   #10
Yeah right - as soon as Dirk gets back from earning today's million then we will be hearing about how PiS are the last bastion protecting us from diseased Muslims.

Hopefully with Kaczynski laid up then there will be a reasonable solution to this.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
4 Jul 2018   #11
PiS are the last bastion protecting us from diseased Muslims.

Its not just pos that doesn't want diseased migrants, which have far higher rates of hep hiv etc than Europeans, but rather tens of millions of poles. 3/4 of poles don't want em. If you respect democracy and majority decision making you'll respect the vast majority polish citizens wishes as well.

Dirk gets back from earning today's million

Im on vacation no working today and markets closed anyway. I come out about a grand ahead at the craps table last night atleast. Don't hate the player hate the game.
MoOli  9 | 479
4 Jul 2018   #12
Dirk,I have to tell you, to become polish citizen or resident they don't even have medical tests requirement,lately they started finger printing for immigration,8 years back they didn't even have that...go figure.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
4 Jul 2018   #13
Well they don't want to become polish citizens because Poland isn't a beta cuck nation (like germany or uk for example) where migrants are rewarded with 1500 eu a month for not working, popping out soccer teams of kids and kllegally crossing borders including those not staying wherever they filed a bogus asylum claim...

Poles only want migrants that contribute to the society and will work. Poland only gives some 80 euro a month so there's not much incentive for freeloading migrants. Also they know poles aren't going to tolerate bullsh1t like parallel or ninjas and neckbeards marching with sharia4poland signs. Nor will they allow any sort of groping of our beautiful women. One m.e. stabbed a pole for stealing a soda and had his shop promptly destroyed and torched as the cops looked on.

Nasz kraj nasze zasady...
lesser  4 | 1311
4 Jul 2018   #14
@Mr Grunwald

PSL = socialists
PO = corporational socialists
Nowoczesna = corporational socialists
Kukiz15 = mostly socialist, few free market suporters
PiS = socialists
SLD = socialists or corporational socialists

Antifa = communists
ONR = socialists
ND? = Ruch Narodowy = mostly socialists, few more pro free market people but not so much.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
4 Jul 2018   #15
So, every party is socialist ? No wonder schools don't have toilet paper.

A mozaic of madness...
lesser  4 | 1311
4 Jul 2018   #16
Wolnosc - the one and only party in Poland (above 1% of support ) that officially support capitalism and free market. They got almost 5% during the last parliamentary elections. This is probably the best result of party with such profile in the whole Europe. :)
Ironside  51 | 13109
5 Jul 2018   #17
doesn't want diseased migrants, which have far higher rates of hep hiv etc than Europeans,

Not correct. Seems that Ukrainians are not that far behind them in some diseases.
Plus, PiS gov. opened doors for immigrants from Asia, and that include Muslims.

What up Grudni? IS that a research? YOU tell us what is your opinions about those political entities you mentioned.

@Mr Grunwald

You're some of a cultists? Strangely skewed your list.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Jul 2018   #18
Plus, PiS gov. opened doors for immigrants from Asia, and that include Muslims.

I wonder why PiS would do it. Is Poland running out of people? Or is it a tactical move to shut up EU?
Lyzko  44 | 9730
5 Jul 2018   #19
Any sort of purge, be it lefty libitard orAlt-righty, is WRONG! At least listen to the other side before condeming outright. Even the Holocaust itself has proven itself rarely to be cut-and-dried!! There are usually extenuating aka mitigating circumstances to be considered in a fair evaluation. Presuming some fifty-plus year-old Polish judge is an unrepenetant Communist is like the old saying "Don't trust anyone over thirty!" because they're assumed to be part of "the problem", oft repeated during the late '50's on into the late '60's.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Jul 2018   #20
Presuming some fifty-plus year-old Polish judge is an unrepenetant Communist is

I read that PiS just dropped the retirement age for judges to 65, which applies to all of them. So where is the beef?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
5 Jul 2018   #21
Nasz kraj nasze zasady...

You "kraj" is Illinois and your "zasady" are American.
lesser  4 | 1311
5 Jul 2018   #22
You're some of a cultists? Strangely skewed your list.

I assume that if my list would be skewed indeed, then you would quickly provide your own instead going ad personam.

I wonder why PiS would do it. Is Poland running out of people?

Still many people live outside of Poland, hard to find workers if you offer low salaries. So they want to bring them from Muslim post-Soviet space, India or Philippines. Those people are not lazy Arabs or Somalis, they will work but still government have to be cautious. Of course our people don't trust the government because they don't believe their competence.

I read that PiS just dropped the retirement age

PiS want to replace loyalist of the former goverments to their own. Nothing more, really...
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
5 Jul 2018   #23
PiS want to replace loyalist of the former goverments

More like getting rid of bigoted old commie farts with outdated views on life, bit like rich mazuri, Poland needs the young and educated who have not been tainted with corruption to drive the way forward

The UK has had the same problem with British old fart judges that are set in their ways especially their view of women as subordinate chattels who are always wrong and the rapist was right.
lesser  4 | 1311
5 Jul 2018   #24
Nice vision but false. None of the young and educated with minimum of dignity would like to serve as marionette of the government. Like for example Przyłębska or all of their MP's forced to vote against Poland if order comes.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jul 2018   #25
Not correct. Seems that Ukrainians are not that far behind them in some diseases.

The top hiv/aids rate countries are all african counties, and Haiti but that's another story. We don't want a bunch of hiv infected people spreading their viruses. Ukraine does have high rates no doubt, difference is atleast they work and assimilate, the me and africans don't.

Regardless, the vast majority of polish citizen don't want migrants. That is their decision and the people they democratically voted in.

PiS want to replace loyalist of the former goverments to their own.

No different than po. Only difference is pis is euroskeptic so they don't have the support of the eu to fire peoples put their own in media outlets and replace people with loyalists.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
5 Jul 2018   #26
Throwin' out the baby with the bathwater, Rich, that's the beef! Why hold EVERY Supreme Court judge by the same standard as though all were cut from the same cloth?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Jul 2018   #27
Why hold EVERY Supreme Court judge by the same standard as though all were cut from the same cloth?

Either there is a mandatory retirement age or not. If there is one, all people must be treated the same way. Just like voting age, SS benefits age, and drinking age.
Ironside  51 | 13109
5 Jul 2018   #28
I assume that if my list would be skewed indeed, then you would quickly provide your own instead going ad personam.

Why so touchy? I don't know you, I don't care about your 'personam' YOUR LIST is skewed because everything to you is socialist. As compared to what - an ideal that doesn't exist in the real world?

Hence it is a legitimate question - are you some kind of cultist? Better still - are you an ideologue?

I wonder why PiS would do it.

Why Trump is bombing Syria? For the same reason - a strong internal pressure of influential groups of interest.

Any sort of purge,

It is not a purge, if only is a very small change, an attempt at reform that is badly needed. You as per usual have no idea what you're talking about.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
6 Jul 2018   #29
For the same reason - a strong internal pressure of influential groups of interest.

Can you be more specific?

Are you saying that PiS, with that huge majority in Sejm, is pushed into accepting immigrants from Asia PiS does not want? Is that it?

If so, who applied that pressure?
OP Mr Grunwald  33 | 2136
6 Jul 2018   #30
Thank you for asking. I was wondering more about peoples opinion as I don't live in Poland currently and need an update on the politics.

PSL (I don't know honestly, farmers Party?)
PO (social-democrats disguised as a Liberal party ex-solidarity)
Nowoczesna (PO v.2.0)
Kukiz15 (populist party concentrated around Kukiz?)
PiS (Social-conservatives with a patriotic angle ex-solidarity)
SLD (socialists/Social-democrats/former communists?)
Partia Wolnosc (national-libertarian, capitalist, national-classical liberal? I would have voted for them most likely as their the only capitalist option in Polish politics I can take seriously to some degree)

Antifa (marxist hooligans)
ONR (fascist wannabies)

There you have my opinion

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