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PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

Cargo pants  3 | 1425
18 Oct 2020   #241
who voted for PiS are going to pay dearly for their fekked up choices.

What better could have other party done?Lockdown again?bring Poland 20 years back,with the leader who when drunk asks a DJ in a club to play the song he wants to dance with as he is an elite?
gumishu  15 | 6228
18 Oct 2020   #242
with the leader who when drunk asks a DJ in a club to play the song he wants as he is an elite?

you're my man
OP pawian  226 | 27509
18 Oct 2020   #243
What better could have other party done?

We don`t know it coz it is impossible to judge things which didn`t happen. Yet, we are able to judge PiS coz what they are doing is happening on our eyes and we can see those rightards are losing on all fronts.

leader who when drunk asks a DJ

Don`t be silly. That`s one of the lousiest arguments you could think of.
Ironside  50 | 12946
18 Oct 2020   #244
We don`t know i

Sure we know, nothing but lie more,.

are losing on all fronts.

Should start expelling traitors like you, that would a good achievement.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
18 Oct 2020   #245
Why are you so limited? Expulsions? How about building a new death camp for traitors? It suits fascists much better.
Ironside  50 | 12946
18 Oct 2020   #246
for traitors?

well handing or banishing traitors is a long legal tradition in Poland. More banishing than hanging to be sure. Are you calling Polish Kings fascists'?
OP pawian  226 | 27509
18 Oct 2020   #247
Don`t be silly. Poland stopped being a monarchy over 200 years ago. You want to revive such prehistory? Look at the 20th century and recall what your ideological buddies did to people 1939-45.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
21 Oct 2020   #248
Another good work by PIS
Crow  154 | 9541
21 Oct 2020   #249
Don`t be silly.

Why silly. He has open mind on that one. You should also open yourself. Widely. See, our future New Commonwralth or Central European Union could be fine Empire. It even sound romantic.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
21 Oct 2020   #250
Another good work by PIS

Zero credit to PIS in this case, any Polish government would do the same
gumishu  15 | 6228
21 Oct 2020   #251
Zero credit to PIS in this case,

Business as usual: if PiS did something good: oh, every Polish government would do that? If PiS has ****** up something: Oh, PiS is bad, corrupt, evil etc etc
OP pawian  226 | 27509
30 Oct 2020   #252
Two polls so it isn`t a mistake - PiS is on the downslide - around 30%. Nice. What else did they expect?
jon357  72 | 23483
30 Oct 2020   #253
Nice. What else did they expect?

Certainly not this.

Now the opposition needs the right politician to step up and be a stable voice in the current turmoil, a voice that the (tonight, not so) silent majority will respond to.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
1 Nov 2020   #254
The third poll which shows a dramatic landslide for rightist/natio parties which endorsed the stricter law about abortion - let`s quote in full:

PiS - 29
KO - 24
Hołownia - 14.9
Left - 6.9
PSL - 3.3
Konfederacja - 5.3

So, it is 35% for the right and 50% for the opposition, just like I predicted a few days ago .Nice. Very optimistic news. hahaha
OP pawian  226 | 27509
5 Nov 2020   #255
It is not 30% anymore but 28.7. PiStards are crying: Mercy!!! hahaha,nId,4836798
jon357  72 | 23483
5 Nov 2020   #256
not 30% anymore but 28.7. PiStards are crying

Plummeting like a stone.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
5 Nov 2020   #257
Plummeting, you say. Reminds me of a plum which is falling into compot. hahaha
Marsupials ghost
8 Nov 2020   #258
Sorry but Polands reputation under this government has gone down the gurgler. This abortion thing is just the latest blow to the countys credibility. They just don't know how to project a decent image. It's gone from one of the best liked up and up winners in the EU to just rubbish. The western press don't even mention Poland anymore, they skirt around it, so obvious. I haven't been back since, won't be going while they are in power as it's pointless. Now that trump is finished Johnson will follow soon and poor old urine party will be all alone. Poland has become irrelevant on the world stage thanks to Pis losers. Good luck all.

Ps. Good to see forum going still all this time.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
8 Nov 2020   #259
@Marsupials ghost
Good that Poland isn't about being liked the most in the world
Marsupials ghost
8 Nov 2020   #260
Yes not necessarily the most important thing, just helps.
Crow  154 | 9541
8 Nov 2020   #261
PiS will keep power in Poland because demonstrate wise policy on Serbia and Serbian question. That we read from PiS`s actions. That is how we understand stance of magnates of Poland and Polonia, whom PiS shows obvious respect. Stance of people in Poland, after all. That is crucial. All the rest is daily politics of Poland and PiS tries to maneuver best as possible. And as we know its not easy. Look what happening to venerable and legal USA President Trump. There are blind fanatics everywhere.
Ironside  50 | 12946
8 Nov 2020   #262
Don`t be silly.

Nah, you stop being an idiot. You claimed that is Stalinist idea now you say that there is no monarchy. who cares, that not the point the point is you should loose the right to vote and people like you too.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
8 Nov 2020   #263
you say that there is no monarchy

Because it is true - we have no monarchy in Poland. Why are you so chaotic and disorganised? Because you are a moron? hahahaha

you should loose the right to vote and people like you too.

Yes, and because of such views, among others, decent people mustn`t allow fascists like you to come to power again. No more nazism!
OP pawian  226 | 27509
8 Nov 2020   #264
Sorry but Polands reputation under this government has gone down the gurgler.

Yes, good you mentioned the government. So, it is not criticism against Poland really, but against those rightards who rule here. Most Poles do hope their rule will be terminated in 2023.

During the last presidential elections, 10 million decent people voted against the rightard candidate. The remaining 10 million voted for him coz they had been brainwashed. But they are slowly coming to their senses when they see how PiS is making clowns of themselves every day .
Marsupials ghost
8 Nov 2020   #265
I don't really undetstand beyond the few policies i know of what makes Pis win, i dont follow the politics, just occasionally. Obviously in the first place it was complience with the EU muslim migrant quota which people didn't want that made them popular, also some family payments...beyond that i have no idea. What i do know however is the coutry has suffered a major popularity downturn, can't be good for investment, that i know for sure. If you are living there and dont really see anything outside from the other points of view you probably don't realize this, so the avarage punter may be unaware. They just need to find better ways to deal with these types of things, ways lwhich are less abrasive.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
10 Nov 2020   #266
.beyond that i have no idea

And a few black propaganda lies, e..g, slogan "Poland in ruin" or Smoleńsk assassination myth. Too many people allowed themselves to be brainwashed by it. Well, not all citizens are geniuses. Neither here nor in the USA (Trump voters) or the UK (brexiteers).
Marsupials ghost
14 Nov 2020   #267
Pis has no doubt weaked Polands position in the world in most things. BJ in the uk has weakened their standing even more, nearly all conservative governments world wide have, Trump certainly has. The alternative mega left isnt the answer either. There must be someone out there who has the brains to find a better middle path, surely.
gumishu  15 | 6228
14 Nov 2020   #268
Bartosz Sienkiewicz:

sorry: Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz
Spike31  3 | 1485
14 Nov 2020   #269
The perfect situation would be if PiS become weak enough to not be able to form a government without making a coalition with other political parties but also strong enough to not let the "total opposition" to take over the parliament in the next term.

In such a situation, Konfederacja would consider helping them to form a new government under certain conditions such as: lowering taxes, lexing gun laws, taming beaurocracy and more*
mafketis  38 | 11149
14 Nov 2020   #270
Konfederacja would consider helping them to form a new government under certain conditions

What about healthcare? Does konfederacja support current PiS" starve the healthcare sector" policies or does it want to provide healthcare?

Home / News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

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