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PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

28 Aug 2019   #151
If you don't know don't make guesses - that is sad.

What I wrote is based on what they themselves say about the issues I mentioned (opposition to Intermarium, holding hands and singing kumbaya with Russia etc.).

Few people heard about Jurek's new party.

It's not a new party, it's a wide movement under the auspices of Prawica Rzeczpospolitej (which, at the moment, is the only Catholic-conservative party in Poland).

Korwin-Mikke thinks child pornography should be legalized

Does he indeed? Well, it looks like the man is losing it (not that he was ever an epitome of reason anyway).
mafketis  38 | 11149
28 Aug 2019   #152
the little matter that Korwin-Mikke

I actually saw him in person recently in Warsaw... he was eating in the Bambino milk bar* dressed in a linen suit (which looked like something the cat drug in at 19.00 after a hot day) and when he left he got on one of those rental scooters infesting the sidewalks and rode off into the traffic... very surreal.

I first heard of him back in the early 1990s while I was still learning to read newspapers - he gave a speech where I live and I couldn't believe someone was actually saying what they were reporting (beginning with the idea that women should not have the right to vote and devolving into screaming madness form there....)

My other JKM story as a former colleague who found herself an aisle away from him on a plane - he kept fussing and flitting and famboozling about trivia and an apparently non-Polish passenger leaned over and asked my colleague "Is he ill?"

*I often try to eat there when I'm in Wwa, the atmosphere is... what it is, but the food is super cheap and well prepared.
28 Aug 2019   #153
As to pawian he is a Soviet, a waste of space.

I wouldn't say Soviet, that's a bit harsh.

The important thing is - Pawian is Polish, and he loves Poland (I gather that from many of his posts about Polish culture, language, nature etc.). This for me is enough to maintain a flickering light of hope that he will one day embrace his Polishness in full, and become a faithful knight of Saint Virgin Mary Queen of Poland (as every Pole should be).
OP pawian  226 | 27509
28 Aug 2019   #154
Pawian is Polish, and he loves Poland

Of course, I do. If it was possible, I would have married her long ago coz she is so hot. :)

he will one day embrace his Polishness in full, and become a faithful knight of Saint Virgin Mary Queen of Poland

There is a problem coz I prefer God and Jesus. The Queen of Poland is OK, but somehow I don `t feel her knight. Sorry..
Ironside  50 | 12946
28 Aug 2019   #155

you are mixing stuff up. it is not so.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
28 Aug 2019   #156
he will embrace his Polishness in full, and become a faithful knight of Saint Virgin Mary Queen of Poland (as every Pole should be)

Do gays and lesbians embrace their Polishness in full or not?
OP pawian  226 | 27509
28 Aug 2019   #157
If they feel as knights, yes, they do, I suppose.
Crow  154 | 9541
29 Aug 2019   #158
People, you really have problem with PiS in Poland. Not just because of whom PiS ignore, but because of whom PiS welcome in Poland. It could be that same deals were made to make Poland looks ridiculous and therefore proved to be historically obsolete.

Be aware that signals exist. Be aware how PiS sold you. I`m afraid not only PiS.

Somethings happening in and around Poland. No, not that what journalists telling to you.
AntV  3 | 670
2 Sep 2019   #159
Na ja...I foresee a dumping of the economic level of Germany, so it might be easier (and quicker) for Poland to catch up!

Is the pessimism about the Grman economy as bad as it seems? Selling 30-year bonds at negative interest is not a good short-run sign--at least psychologically. What's causing the pessimism?

party may not win a stand-alone majority in parliament this time despite his aggresive neo-Bolshevik propaganda that LGTB ruins the country by making families collapse.

What do you see are the redeeming qualities of LGBT for Polish society--or any society for that matter?

There is a problem coz I prefer God and Jesus. The Queen of Poland is OK, but somehow I don `t feel her knight. Sorry..

It may just be a mistake, but are you separating Jesus from God? Catholicism and nearly every other mainline Protestant sect acknowledge Jesus as God--the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. If you prefer Jesus, then you must accept Mary, as she is the chosen vessel of God from which Jesus obtains His flesh. Torq may (or may not) have a romantic idea of Marian kinghthood, but there's no denying the crucial and inseperable part the Church has played in Polish history and the special place that Marian devotion has played in the enduring spirit of Polish life. It wasn't secular ideologies that carried Polish identity (they seemed to want to either destroy or compromise it), but the Church and her special Marian devotion carried it--and Polish Marian devotion is more robust than anywhere else in the world.
mafketis  38 | 11149
2 Sep 2019   #160
What's causing the pessimism?

Capitalism is always boom and bust... prudent people take steps to avoid exposing themselves too much to downswings... bankers playing with other people's money know no such restraints...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
2 Sep 2019   #161
....because, like in any corrupt crony capitalism scam, they made sure that their profits are theirs and their losses are ours.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
8 Sep 2019   #162
Catholicism and nearly every other mainline Protestant sect acknowledge Jesus as God--the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.

You forgot about Jehova`s Witnesses. :)

no denying the crucial and inseperable part the Church has played in Polish history

Yes, but in our times crucial and inseperable turns into parody, especially when the Church openly supports PiS. In that case, I see that defending the Church and religion against its natural decline is unnecessary. Worse, it is harmful to Polish interests. The Church united with PiS are intent on making this country a rightist dictatorship. I will never accept that, even being a believer.

See a PiS politician using a church to propagate his stance:

  • z25099358IHRyszard.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27509
29 Sep 2019   #163
So, the polls give PiS over 40%. They are bound to win the elections. Will they get enough votes to create a majority government? Or will they need to bribe the opposition MPs to join them?

On the other hand, will the opposition manage to get enough votes to outnumber PiS in the Parliament? If they do, will they be able to create the government?

Fascinating issues. I must admit I like this atmosphere of uncertainty.

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Ironside  50 | 12946
29 Sep 2019   #164
See a PiS politician using a church to propagate his stance:

So what? Szlachta used to have political meetings in the churches too.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
29 Sep 2019   #165
Yes, and that is why they finally landed in the rubbish bin of history. :):)

On a serious note: Church`s total support for PiS is shortsighted: it is going to backfire in the future with fewer and fewer people sticking to RC in Poland.
Ironside  50 | 12946
29 Sep 2019   #166
Yes, and that is why they finally landed in the rubbish bin of history. :):)

Only after they stopped being themselves and started looking up some foreign theories.

Church`s total support for PiS

I disagree that the Church is supporting PiS. I understand that partisan chauvinist can see it that way.
mafketis  38 | 11149
29 Sep 2019   #167
I disagree that the Church is supporting PiS.

How would you have the foggiest idea since you're in Norway (or some other godforsaken shthole?)
Ironside  50 | 12946
29 Sep 2019   #168
How would you have the foggiest idea

Cause I have even data to draw my own conclusions. I bet I'm much more accurate that some partisan agitator like pawian or someone who hold a grudge like you.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
29 Sep 2019   #169
I disagree that the Church is supporting PiS

How would you have the foggiest idea since you're in Norway (or some other godforsaken shthole?)

Yes, Maf has summed you up well - you know little of contemporary Poland. It seems you don`t even read articles on Polish things. Too bad.

Check out:,kosciol-i-polityka-ksieza-robia-kampanie-wyborcza-pis

And finally - conservative old Giertych warns Catholics not to vote for PiS coz it will entail the destruction of the Church.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
29 Sep 2019   #170
summed you up well - you know little of contemporary Poland

You only say this because you do not agree with his point of view , you know precious little about him , and non of you have a clue where he lives, but I can assure you he is proper Polish, he doubts my credentials which is fantastic'

BUT on topic, whatever happens PIS will keep power in Poland and probably don't care about who's who in Europe, lets face it donald tried but failed to damage his home country whilst holding one of the highest positions possible within the EU.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
29 Sep 2019   #171
I can assure you he is proper Polish,

A proper Pole who has lived abroad for 30 years will never be able to compete with a local Pole when Polish issues are concerned. I am surprised you don`t get it.

whatever happens PIS will keep power in Poland

Who knows? :):)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 Oct 2019   #172
local Pole when Polish issues are concerned

And who receives more local Polish votes and has higher polls than any one else?

Thats right, PiS.
mafketis  38 | 11149
3 Oct 2019   #173
who receives more local Polish votes

Well Poles love their gibs and PiS is the party of gibs.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
4 Oct 2019   #174
anti- European PiS party in Poland are crying they are not getting important positions in EU Parliament after recent elections.

Getting back to the original idea. Another PiS candidate for the EU position is losing it.

Poland's nominee for agriculture commissioner, Janusz Wojciechowski, is set to face a second hearing after MEPs from the European Parliament's (EP) top political groups lambasted his "vague" performance on Tuesday (1 October).
Ironside  50 | 12946
5 Oct 2019   #175
Parliament's (EP) top political groups lambasted

Phew! A Neo-Marxist cabal.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
5 Oct 2019   #176
I am afraid you missed the results of recent EU elections. :):)

Mock elections in the county of Wieruszów - 2000 people voted for parties, turnout - 13%.

Pis 46%
KO - 23.5
Left - 13
Konfederacja - 7
PSL/Kukiz - 8,975224,s.html
OP pawian  226 | 27509
10 Oct 2019   #177
One word has dominated all discussions before elections: Mobilisation! Parties are thinking hard how to mobilise their voters. PiS is afraid their voters might feel too relaxed and stay at home on Sunday. That is why Kaczyński himself has addressed PiS` supporters to take part in elections.

Two scenarios are discussed: with nationalist Konfederacja in and out. If they get in, PiS probably won`t get the ruling majority. If they don`t, everything is possible. Currently, polls suggest nationalists are balancing around the minimum edge.

However, if they do get in, PiS will still make a coalition with them coz they are quite close politically and ideologically. So, PiS will rule this way or another. Unless a miracle happens.... :):)
OP pawian  226 | 27509
10 Oct 2019   #178
Which facial expression will PiS Chairman adopt on Sunday evening? :):):)

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  • jaroslawkaczynskip.jpg
jgrabner  1 | 73
11 Oct 2019   #179
Another PiS candidate for the EU position is losing it.

who would have thought one week ago, that Wojciechowski will be confirmed unanimously, yet the French nominee will fail?

the main reason why his performance the 2nd time was much better:

more strategically, he decided to address MEPs in Polish, his mother tongue, increasing the quality of his replies to the benefit of the overall discussion
OP pawian  226 | 27509
11 Oct 2019   #180
who would have thought one week ago, that Wojciechowski will be confirmed unanimously, yet the French nominee will fail?

These are typical compromise games played in the EU. PiS promised not to object to other important things discussed by big players so they allowed PiS representative to be chosen. Tit for tat. :):)

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