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PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

jon357  72 | 23483
9 Jun 2024   #301
son of a brit

Something to be proud of.

No reason to celebrate the death of sailors

There is when you have in-laws who've had to join the Ukrainian armed forces in order to defend their homes and families and are currently risking their lives against the orcs who've come to kill them. The fewer trained orc killers there are alive the better. The orcs should go back to r*SSia, return the children they've abducted and send their leaders to The Hague for trial.

The fewer the better when they're pointing guns at people you care about, and if that means a horrible screaming agonising death, then so be it; it's what they chose when they put Putler's uniform on and invaded Ukraine.
Torq  8 | 1023
9 Jun 2024   #302
when you have in-laws

I hope all your family members come back home safely after the war.

it's what they chose

Hardly. A soldier/sailor receives an order and goes to fight for his country, regardless of who's in power.
jon357  72 | 23483
9 Jun 2024   #303

They took the money, chose to put on the uniform and swore to obey orders, including to kill and maim innocent Ukrainians. The fewer orcs the better.

It's sad to see young men burn alive, however for every one that does, there's an innocent Ukrainian who doesn't. Better they take off the uniform, throw down the guns and get the hell away from Ukraine. Better alive than dead, however they chose to go there. It's true that most were conscripted, however they are every bit as lethal, unfortunately.

I hope all your family members come back home safely after the war

Thanks. One is back already having been shot twice in the shoulder defending a town much mentioned on here. Another has just joined and is somewhere now but obviously can't say where.
Torq  8 | 1023
9 Jun 2024   #304
chose to put on the uniform

Most sailors were in the Russian navy long before March 2022.

take off the u inform, throw down the guns

That's called desertion - a death sentence.

Anyways, let's not drag the Euro elections thread off-topic too much.
jon357  72 | 23483
9 Jun 2024   #305
Most sailors were in the Russian navy long before March 2022.

That doesn't make it better.

That's called desertion

More honourable, certainly. Being jailed for refusing the draft is better than dying and crossing over to Ukraine to join their struggle for freedom is better yet.

drag the Euro elections thread

Fúck, I thought this was the Ukraine war thread! Wearing my distance glasses ;-)

About the Euro elections, the German fascists got less than a fifth of the votes so it's not as dramatic as some say. France is the big worry.
Ironside  50 | 12946
9 Jun 2024   #306
You mean PiS? Of course.

PO PSL Holownia and Lewica too! Those who are in charge right now. I know you are a total moron but stop that rap it is not funny.


PSL should

should go F itself they are useless. Are you still supporting Kamysz? That plank responsible for that mess on the border? He should be fired together with this leftie radical Bodnar.!


s pro-Putinist

Better Putiin than Tusk and morons like you.
Torq  8 | 1023
9 Jun 2024   #307
Are you still supporting Kamysz?

Reluctantly. Marek Sawicki should lead PSL - good conservative Catholic.

As for K-K, he should never have become the Defence Minister in the first place.

morons like you.

Well, f*ck you too, Iron.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
9 Jun 2024   #308
it is not funny.

So you refuse to rejoice the victory of KO??

Then at least rejoice the good result of your fave pro Russian anti EU Konfederacja. :):):)

Better Putiin than Tusk

Yes, a typical pro Putin Konfederacja voter. What is wrong with you tonight? Complete moral collapse, even for PF standards. :(:(:(:
Ironside  50 | 12946
9 Jun 2024   #309
How much of Kонфед's gain is PiS loss. I

Hey idiot I told you kindly many times that it is a political slur, not a reality. What is it that you don't get?

But you are the same idiota that believes in Trump's Russian collusion don't you?
Also, Kofedracja doesn't take voters away from Pis they think they do or will but so far it's not a case. They take voters from Trzecia Droga and believe it or not they have their own voters too.


coalition with anybody but PiS - how ironic

Nobody will forum coalition with PiS Kaczynski and his cronies are politically toxic and anybody who will try it will lose a lot.
The same seems to be happening with PO and Tusk they emulate PiS and eat up their coalition partners, Lewica is almost out and Trzecia droga failed which means it is on its way to dissolving in PO.


Well, f*ck you too, Iron.

What did you expect when you called Konfederacja pro-Putin? flowers?
OP pawian  226 | 27509
9 Jun 2024   #310
that it is a political slur,

But this slur is full substantiated. Didn`t you enthusiastically say a few minutes ago??? :

Better Putiin than Tusk and morons like you.

This means that the opinion of far right nationalist Konfederacja as pro Russian pro Putin party is valid.
Ironside  50 | 12946
9 Jun 2024   #311

what moral? PRL bis is immoral with immoral morons like you thriving it should be corrected even if that takes some radical measures.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
9 Jun 2024   #312
even if that takes some radical measures.

Yes, I know it, you mentioned hanging a few times before. :):):)
Ironside  50 | 12946
9 Jun 2024   #313
you mentioned

The detailed method is not relevant it is just a general policy that counts.
Poland needs to be rebuilt from top to bottom and from the bottom up and organized properly so it can survive and defend itself.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
9 Jun 2024   #314
Poland needs to be rebuilt from top to bottom

Yes, but it is prevented by homo sovieticuses who vote for PiS and chauvinist males who feel rejected by liberal women and in revenge vote for misogynist Konfederacja.

Too many of those freaks in Poland.....that is why we still can`t rebuild it!
Ironside  50 | 12946
9 Jun 2024   #315

you wouldn't be able to organize an orgy in a brothel! 'you' can thrive only as a parasitic organism, with nothing to offer but pointless slogans and stolen phrases/

If 'you' had been capable of leadership, vision, and problem-solving creative abilities 'you' would have been a real elite but precisely because you are not able to, you only take that spot and more and more people realize you are impostors as 'you' say so-called neo-elite.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
9 Jun 2024   #316
pointless slogans

Let me remind you it was me who rebuilt Poland from the communist ruins, while you happily defected to North America and spent there 30 years, contributing to another nation`s prosperity. 3 years ago you came back to Poland and try to preach to real Poles and Polesses what they should do. It is a really indecent attitude. Ha!

You are nobody from nowhere. Your mental location is mid Atlantic now. :):):) That is why you should understand that being a decent patriotic Pole, I feel obligated to reject your silly rants as utter rubbish. Ha!!!
Torq  8 | 1023
10 Jun 2024   #317
Official final results from the Pomeranian Vojvodship: KO 51,06%, PiS 28,07%.

From Gdańsk with love ♥ ♥ ♥ Free Poland has not yet perished. :)
OP pawian  226 | 27509
10 Jun 2024   #318
From Gdańsk with love

The city of Gdańsk always free! Congrats.
Torq  8 | 1023
10 Jun 2024   #319

Thanks. *high five*
Ironside  50 | 12946
10 Jun 2024   #320
Let me remind you

Isn't that right? Truth hurts lol! Good!
Still, you can't refute my post no315. Your attack and pointless rant are a sad confirmation of my words.
See, you are not capable you are full of greed, and that is all that is 'great' about you.

Free Poland

Define free, is it free to pursue mafia activities?
OP pawian  226 | 27509
10 Jun 2024   #321

What truth? You lie and propagate bs like you breathe and sleep. :):):)

full of greed

You spent 30 years in emigration in a rich country and after coming back, you bragged you had bought yourself more land in Poland than I possess. Ha!


Stop playing Novi.

you wouldn't be able to organize an orgy in a brothel!

Exactly! Not my cup of tea. Now at last you told the truth. :):):)
Ironside  50 | 12946
10 Jun 2024   #322

stop whining it is boring.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
10 Jun 2024   #323
I am not. I am reminding you and everybody in the forum plus beyond it what kind of a person you are. Coz people tend to forget things. I am here to prevent it. Ha!!!!
Torq  8 | 1023
10 Jun 2024   #324
As for the elections, it's kinda worrying that despite low turnout in the countryside PiS managed to improve their score by 1% compared to the parliamentary elections. Imagine if the countryside turned up.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
10 Jun 2024   #325
It's interesting that Europe in general is swinging to the right in politics, but the UK, as always, goes the other way from the continent, and is swinging to the left.

Your gain, our loss.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
10 Jun 2024   #326
PiS managed to improve their score by 1% compared to the parliamentary elections.

While Tusk`s KO improved it by about 7%. The difference is huge.

Besides, let`s compare with 2019 EU elections. PiS won 27 seats then, today 20. Huge difference.

PiS lost more voters than KO.

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Miloslaw  20 | 5121
10 Jun 2024   #327
While Tusk`s KO improved it by about 7%

I bet you pray to Tusk every night! Your new Jesus!

But he will prove to be your new Judas and will sell Poland to the EU...... as long as he stays in power the chances of Poland joining the EU increases.

65% of Poles in a recent survey were against that.......let's see what the traitor Tusk does.......
johnny reb  49 | 7927
11 Jun 2024   #328
I bet you pray to Tusk every night!

Now lets talk about your countries government, BRITIAN, for once. 😲
I bet you pray to every night to Boris but he ain't gonna win, Keir is.
You will be losing your Conservative party to the Muslims.
Labour has maintained a double-digit lead in the polls for more than 18 months, in which time the Conservatives have suffered stinging losses in parliamentary special elections and elections for Muslim mayors and local councils.

The state of Britain's economy is the top issue for most voters today, according to polls, in the wake of a cost-of-living crisis and record inflation which reached a peak of 11.1 percent in 2022 and has only recently begun to return to target levels.

The National Health Service, the state-funded health care system that provides free care across the country, is another top priority. A decade of fiscal austerity that began under Prime Minister David Cameron after the 2009 global financial crisis left Britain's public services deeply underfunded and facing chronic staff shortages. Waiting lists for N.H.S. treatment were already growing before the pandemic, and have since rocketed further upward, a major source of public dissatisfaction.

Sounds like Britain is in worse shape then Poland is.
jon357  72 | 23483
11 Jun 2024   #329
the Muslims.

Sir Keir Starmer isn't a Muslim. Lady Starmer is a member of a related religion though.

elections for Muslim mayors

You mean elections for Mayors. They have no religious role and in fact only a handful are elected.

The National Health Service

The top priority. Sadly the Tories wanted to allow American companies to participate in it however this has been stopped once and for all.
gumishu  15 | 6228
11 Jun 2024   #330
Sounds like Britain is in worse shape then Poland is.

as far as public health care is concerned Britain is probably not worse, alas

Home / News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

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