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Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany

Novichok  4 | 7809
2 Sep 2022   #61
we lost equally valuable land to the east.

That's not Germany's problem. Talk to Stalin.

That land that was transferred from Germany to Poland has a market value far exceeding the value of any negotiated settlement.
Taken by force or given voluntarily means squat. Value is value. Case closed
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Sep 2022   #62
That land that was transferred from Germany to Poland

Wrong ding dong! It was transferred from by Allies who had power over Germany due to their capitulation.
Nothing was transferred from Germany. That land was taken from them and wasn't theirs.
Compansation for war crimes from Germany to Poland wasn't paid.
Why you even here? Told you to F off for good!
Novichok  4 | 7809
2 Sep 2022   #63
That land was taken from them and wasn't theirs.

Another mental case from Poland who in one sentence just killed his argument.
I will go slow so pay attention...

"Taken from them" means that they owned it. Since they owned it, it was theirs. Duh!

Then, it's "nothing was transferred" and "it was transferred". Are you arguing with yourself?

Good Lord, it is so exasperating...

Compansation for war crimes from Germany to Poland wasn't paid.

I was paid with land. You want money? Fine. Return the land and say how much you want.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Sep 2022   #64
I was paid with land.

It wasn't you moron. Even Germans recognized that it wasn't the case. There were separate agreemnt about repration. THAt LAND HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. It only tale a stupid troll like you likes to bring it up again. Why don't F off?!

It is exhausting to explain obvius stuff ti ingnorant morons or malicius trolls.
amiga500  5 | 1475
2 Sep 2022   #65
Watch what happens when Germany wants something now.

The Eu and gerrmans won't know what will hit them, after all look what hungary did with their veto, can get all the ruski gas and oil they want, buliding nuclear power plants with the ruskis, inflation pretty low compared to rest of EU. and they haven't even flexed their muscles yet. As distasteful it will be to align with them to **** up the EU, till the germans learn their place... and oh look the far right anti eu mob will be elected in sept in Italy another ally. storm clouds ahead for lady ursula and the eu commission.
Bobko  27 | 2167
2 Sep 2022   #66
@Cojestdocholery @Novichok

Here's two links for you guys, so you may operate with facts in your debate.

EXCERPT: The German-Polish Border Treaty of 1990 finally settled the issue of the Polish-German border, which in terms of international law had been pending since 1945. It was signed by the foreign ministers of Poland and Germany, Krzysztof Skubiszewski and Hans-Dietrich Genscher, on 14 November 1990 in Warsaw, ratified by the Polish Sejm on 26 November 1991 and the German Bundestag on 16 December 1991, and entered into force with the exchange of the instruments of ratification on 16 January 1992.

EXCERPT: The agreement was signed under Soviet pressure by Otto Grotewohl, prime minister of the provisional government of the GDR (East Germany) and Polish premier Józef Cyrankiewicz.[...] This border drawing gave Poland a quarter of the pre-war territory of Germany according to the borders of 1937, whose German-speaking population either fled in the final stages of the war or had been expelled in the wake of the German defeat in accordance with the Potsdam Agreement.
Novichok  4 | 7809
2 Sep 2022   #68
Here's two links for you guys, so you may operate with facts in your debate.

My point includes these treaties.

As a pro-bono lawyer for Germany, my position is that if Poland wants to file a grievance and demand more money, the case should include EVERYTHING Germany gave or lost to Poland. Any settlement must or else it would lead to illogical nonsense that, for example, any money given to Poland voluntarily or by force would not count.

It very much resembles reparations for slavery in the US. In our case, the trillions whites spent on black bastards and other black welfare doesn't count.
pawian  219 | 24792
2 Sep 2022   #69
PIS gangsters are fully aware that their reparations are pure propaganda coz Germans won`t pay as the matter was already fixed by German/Polish govts a few times in the past. The case is lost for Poland and PiS knows it very well. However, they are playing this trumpet to win nazionalistische voters as well as to cover up the tragic effects of their rule in Poland.

Besides, apart from being gangsters, PiS are also morons coz if they officially demand reparations against governmental agreements, Germans will demand their own reparations for the lost territory which became Polish Western Lands after WW2 - also against past agreements with Poles. Germans don`t care that Poland lost its Eastern territory which was absorbed by the USSR.

What do you think, how much will PiS have to pay for Wrocław or Szczecin from our taxes?????
amiga500  5 | 1475
2 Sep 2022   #70
Germans will demand their own reparations for the lost territory

are you really that dumb? the germans still feel too guilty about ww2 and the brutal invasion of poland to do anything but plead to beurocracy. pushing this issue puts germany on the defensive and reminds the world of their war crimes, and the fact that they don't wanna give eu money for poland to support the ukri refugees makes them look even worse.

win win for poland.
pawian  219 | 24792
2 Sep 2022   #71
the germans still feel too guilty about ww2

Yes, coz they are decent people.

pushing this issue puts germany on the defensive

Which will be useless coz Germans won`t pay a dime as the matter was dealt with by Polish govts in the past. And it doesn`t matter that since WW2 Poland was a communist country under Soviet control - according to the international law, it was sovereign and as such it decided to drop the issue of reparations. Later Poles agreed to give up reparations when next bilateral treaties were signed with Germans in 1990.

Roma locuta, causa finita. Goodbye to reparations.
And if PiS pushes for them ,Germans will push for theirs. SImple.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683
2 Sep 2022   #72
are you really that dumb? the germans still feel too guilty about ww2

That little essay in a german news outlet might then interest's from 2019 as this came up again:

Reparations for Poland - then the eastern territories should also be on the table

...80 years after the beginning of the war, I think it is far exaggerated and inappropriate to make demands on the post-war generations again. Around 1/3 of the Polish territory was once Germany. The value of the real estate of the private and public properties according to today's standards as well as the exploited mineral resources such as the Silesian coal would already constitute an overcompensation of the damage. In addition, there are industrial plants and residential buildings on a considerable scale, which were occupied by Poles without compensation. Germany is the wrong contact person. Poland should turn here to Belarus and the Ukraine, which, as successor states to the Soviet Union, incorporated large areas of Poland and took Silesian coal in the post-war period. For Russia/Belarus/Ukraine, the Hitler-Stalin Pact continues to exist as far as their own territorial claims are concerned. In this respect, it is appropriate for the Federal Government to make a corresponding announcement once and for all. .

As a member of the post-war generation, I don't see it being liable for the misdeeds of my ancestors with the tax money we earned. If Poland doesn't accept that, then Poland and Russia should give us back our territory. Then you can talk about compensation. But not like this. Incidentally, Poland occupied far more than the areas beyond the Oder and Neisse. For example, the areas west of the Oder around the cities of Stettin and Pölitz and the eastern part of the island of Usedom with the city of Swinemünde. If Poland wants to unpack the package, everything has to be put on the table and included. Then the balance for Poland would probably be very bad. It would be better for Poland: keep quiet. ...


So...I wouldn't be so sure to count on the war guilt of the Germans whereas you keep on to behave like a nutter, an arsehole....just saying!

Putin did invade Ukraine for unresolved territorial questions...Poland to open this can of worms now on it's other side is just plain insane!
amiga500  5 | 1475
2 Sep 2022   #73
Poland to open this can of worms now on it's other side is just plain insane!

well we can always compare our army and the makeup of our people... polak vodka hooligans vs german gutmenshen hipsters.. if it came to a clash who do u think will win? better u be quiet and pay up now than wait till all of central and eastern europe gets sick of your EU hegonomy and decides to destroy you once and all for your past sins.. like prussia was wiped from the map.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683
2 Sep 2022   #74
if it came to a clash who do u think will win?


We could just ask our friend Putin to help out.....heh:)

Are you really that stupid? Do you never learn?
amiga500  5 | 1475
2 Sep 2022   #75
once germanys lackey ursula and the german puppet eu commission gives us a few deutchmarks to feed the ukranian refugees instead of trying to subjugate poland through fake 'rule of law' (have us seen the state of bulgaria recently, oh that's right they are germany's ***** so no probs with rule of law) then germany and poland can be friends again. till then, polish army would crush your bundeswehr , and all your cross dressing vegan gutmenshen will run crying away as soon as they glimpse some drunken crazed polak running at them with a machete.
pawian  219 | 24792
2 Sep 2022   #76
Poland to open this can of worms now on it's other side is just plain insane!

Yes, that is PiS gangsters` decision to aggravate further our relations with the EU. They know they are losing support in Poland, that is why they need to mobilise voters against another "enemy."

PiS are doing Satanic job here coz they prey on conflicts and putting people against each other. I hope they will all be taken to Hell where they belong for what they are doing here.

Are you really that stupid?

Yes, they are. Bad for Poland. Once stupid Poles contributed to partitions of Poland and the country vanished from the map of Europe for 123 years.

Today new morons don`t care they are leading to a similar situation - isolated Poland devoured by a stronger enemy. Real enemy, not imaginary one.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683
2 Sep 2022   #77
they prey on conflicts and putting people against each other.

...and still they find always enough follower who don't see through that and start marching happily!
amiga500  5 | 1475
2 Sep 2022   #78

Yes Yes laugh while u can Ossi, u never know, in the dead of night when there will be a polak at your door ;)
pawian  219 | 24792
2 Sep 2022   #80
when there will be a polak at your door ;)

Ami, relax coz you are being carried away too much.... :):):) Tone down those emotions.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Sep 2022   #81
Besides, a

wizz ding fing ! Volksdeutsche detected. PiS doing a good job detecting all those german bulters.

Erm....are you for real?

Sure here is. That would be pawian with family asking for place too stay and a board. Being a refugee kickedout from Poland for being a traitor.

If you need a butler he will do!
pawian  219 | 24792
2 Sep 2022   #82
PiS doing a good job detecting

Yes, as I said, PiS are playing nazionalistiche trumpet for all naziopolacken to vote PiS in the next elections instead of typical naziopolack parties. You seem one of them. Simple :):):)
Novichok  4 | 7809
2 Sep 2022   #83
If Poland doesn't accept that, then Poland and Russia should give us back our territory.

I said that before you posted this.
Bobko  27 | 2167
2 Sep 2022   #84
We could just ask our friend Putin to help out.....heh:)

Oh... you want to party like it's 1939?!

How do we do Molotov-Ribbentrop 2.0 if modern Germany has practically no military to speak of, and Russia is... how to say... busy?

I mean, if you think it is urgent, and absolutely can't wait... Russia does not leave its friends hanging. We can figure something out :))
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683
2 Sep 2022   #85
We can figure something out :))

Hmmm....maybe....we bring the arms tech to the table and you the men?

(And no....this time not only helmets!:)

Our arms industry will sh't themselves with glee...
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Sep 2022   #86
Reparations for Poland - then the eastern territories should also be on the table

Anyone who makes such a connection in Germany it is for me not differnt that a Nazi German of old that haven't learned they leasson but only pretend. I'm not talking bouat some young idiots here and there. Seems like there is a signifact portion of Gemrans with family connection to Nazis who had been spared but should hanged at the end of the war.

There is no guarantee that that issue would be used whenever it will suits Germans to put some pressure on Poland or just becasue.


Stop barking you little mangey german ass kisser.

How do we do Molotov-Ribbentrop 2.0

Too late, it is already on the table.
Hey but when I say it you all go silent or deny it!
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683
2 Sep 2022   #87
There is no guarantee that that issue would be used whenever it will suits Germans to put some pressure on Poland or just becasue.

Well....YOU started it....again!

It's YOUR nutters who keep brining that up again and again whenever it fits them...for Germany that case is truly closed!
pawian  219 | 24792
2 Sep 2022   #88
Stop barking you little mangey german ass kisser.

Of course not - three nots, actually. I won`t stop exposing your nazionalistiche agenda. I am not little. I am not German. Ha!
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Sep 2022   #89
YOU started it....again!

lol! No Germany had beeing doing it for some time already and I say it again it is only on the news in Poland. Not an official claim. Here Germans go mental - when JK whispers - boo, Germans jump up a mile. I wonder why?

I am not little. I am not German. Ha!

you are little as very traitor is a dwarf, you kiss german ass so you are german as kisser. HA!
pawian  219 | 24792
2 Sep 2022   #90
it again it is only on the news in Poland.

PiS news?? Don`t be stupid and don`t fall for that indoctrination and brainwashing.

Home / News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany

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