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Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany

Crnogorac3  3 | 659
29 Oct 2022   #391
The Germans now have to pay because they insist that Moscow pays for the damage to Kiev. Never do Mickey Mouse politics.

The Polish Foreign Ministry has published a full list of demands to Germany for damage from World War II:

▪️To compensate material and non-material losses of 6.2 trillion zlotys (about $1.3 trillion)

▪️Compensate the victims of German aggression and occupation and their family members for the damage and harm caused to them

▪️ Take measures to return cultural property that was stolen from Poland and is in Germany

▪️To return the assets and liabilities of Polish state banks looted by the German state in 1939-1945, to repay debts incurred as a result of the activities of credit bureaus that financed criminal military actions of the Reich
Lyzko  44 | 9745
29 Oct 2022   #392
Once again, this entire issue was already rejected owing to the former statute of limitations according to the West German treaty of 1952!
pawian  224 | 27236
29 Oct 2022   #393
a full list of demands to Germany

PiS gangsters still demand reparations only from Germany? They refuse to go after RuSSia? So fekk them and their reparations. Justice must be!
pawian  224 | 27236
4 Jan 2023   #394
As it was expected, Germans rejected PIS` official demand for reparations.

PiS are happy coz they actually never believed Germans would yield. What matters is that PiS can keep attacking Germany and pointing to it as one of culprits of the rising economic crisis in Poland. Rabid rightists, also in this forum, claim that Germany is blocking EU funds for Poland. Now they will also add the refusal to pay reparations to the basket of grievances.

Germans are to blame for all Polish misfortunes!!!! hahahaha
Lyzko  44 | 9745
5 Jan 2023   #395 did the Poles reject those Rightist German nut jobs who demanded that ALL of former Prussia along with much current Polish border territory be "rightfully returned" to Germany!

Insanity cuts both ways, my friend.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
5 Jan 2023   #396
What people really want is peace and prosperity.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
5 Jan 2023   #397
'Couldn't agree more, Tacitus.
Yet, it seems to me that both sides are being quite unreasonable.
The entire discussion is fraught with so many legal ramifications (Veraestelungen), I wouldn't know where to begin!
pawian  224 | 27236
5 Jan 2023   #398
Rightist German nut jobs who demanded that ALL of former Prussia along

The problem is that Polish nuts are in power while German ones aren`t, quite the opposite, they are in prison. :):) See the difference???
Lyzko  44 | 9745
5 Jan 2023   #399
I appreciate the factual difference, yes, of course.
However, do you think that were others apart from PiSers were in power in present-day Poland, no such claims would have been filed?
Korvinus  4 | 600
5 Jan 2023   #400
They should demand reparations from Russia for decades of communist enslavement.
pawian  224 | 27236
5 Jan 2023   #401
from Russia for decades of communist enslavement.

That is impossible coz Russians might point to the fact that it was communists Poles who ruled Poland for most of the period. And that would be a correct suggestion.

But Russia has officially declared itself the heir of the USSR which invaded Poland in 1939 together with Nazi Germany. So, to keep the balance of nature, Poland has to demand reparations for WW2 losses also from Russia.

PiS refuses and runs after Germany only. It is so unfair that I have no choice but to object to it.

My opinion hasn`t changed - either we demand reparations from both invaders or from neither. Isn`t it simple???
5 Jan 2023   #402
Germany has 40 billions euro for refugees, surely they can cough up something on a repayment plan?
pawian  224 | 27236
5 Jan 2023   #403
40 billions euro

40 billions? Come on, PiS refuse to get up in the morning for 40 billions. They demand 1000 billions.
jon357  72 | 23361
5 Jan 2023   #404
PiS refuse to get up in the morning for 40 billions

Jaro spends more than that on cat food.
28 Jan 2023   #405
I don't oppose paying reparations to Poland. There is crime, so there must be punishment, too. Quite fair, isn't it?
But why do Polish government demand it so late? Nearly 80 years have passed.
And why only reparations from Germans while not from Russians? Why are only Germans bad guys and Russians are always innocent? This is not fair anymore.
28 Jan 2023   #407
Germany and Russia had a pact and invaded Poland together. Yes, Germans killed millions of Polish citizens. But Russians weren't so innocent. What about execution of thousands of Polish PoWs? Why not demand reparations from Russians, too?
Lyzko  44 | 9745
28 Jan 2023   #408
Precisely! No one is or was entirely blameless sure
Novichok  4 | 8748
28 Jan 2023   #409
If not legal, there is a moral statute of limitations on wars just as it is on slavery. I hope Germany will tell Poland to get lost.
pawian  224 | 27236
28 Jan 2023   #410
Germany will tell Poland to get lost.

Not Poland, but PiS.
They already did.
pawian  224 | 27236
17 Aug 2023   #411
Let me remind all uneducated crazies who whine about reparations that Poland already got them - the territory of eastern Germany. Ha!!! How many times will I have to remind you about it? ???

  • Oderneisse.gif
Lyzko  44 | 9745
17 Aug 2023   #412
Yesterday's news, paw!
But thanks for the visuals.
pawian  224 | 27236
17 Aug 2023   #413
the visuals.

Which I already posted many yesterdays ago. :):)
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
18 Aug 2023   #414
Poland already got them - the territory of eastern Germany

What nonsense!

The Piast territories weren't given to us by the Germans but by the Soviet Union in exchange for the Jagiellonian territories in the east. Nothing to do with German reparations.
Ironside  50 | 12916
18 Aug 2023   #415
German reparations.

property destroyed or/stolen outside those caused by fighting, need to be paid.
Warsaw, destoyed after 1944, all that property - need to be paid for by Germans, thieving Germans.
pawian  224 | 27236
18 Aug 2023   #416
by the Soviet Union

Not the Soviets but all allies.

Nothing to do with German reparations.

Why should Germans care about Polish lost land in the East? That was the issue between Poland and the USSR. Germans had nothing to do with it. They lost their territories in Eastern Germany coz they had started the war, killed millions of Poles and destroyed Poland. And were punished for that.

need to be paid for by Germans,

You fekking traitor! Why only Germans and not Russians?
Fekk all traitors of Polish interest.
Ironside  50 | 12916
18 Aug 2023   #417
Why only Germans

who robb and destroyed Warsaw after the fall of the 44' rising? Germans, get!
Lenka  5 | 3531
18 Aug 2023   #418
who robb and destroyed Warsaw

There are more places in Poland than just Warsaw.
My home town was destroyed by Russians not Germans
pawian  224 | 27236
18 Aug 2023   #419
My home town was destroyed by Russians not Germans

It was also Soviets who murdered Polish POWs and deported 300.000 Eastern Poles to gulag. Later they persecuted Polish patriots from AK and other.
Why don`t those rightist traitors demand reparations from Russia which is officially the heir to the USSR??? Justice must be!
amiga500  5 | 1505
18 Aug 2023   #420
Why don`t those rightist traitors demand reparations from Russia which is officially the heir to the USSR???

Because the Germans are our colleagues/competitors that owe us a lot of money for past atrocities. The Russians are our enemy. You don't ask your enemy for money, you chop off their head or wall them in their house.

Home / News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany

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