Half of the Wehrmacht and SS had been austrian
Sort it out between yourselves.
Poland seeks reparations for Jews killed by Poles
Sure, listen to Isreal they will tell you the truth. lol! Get true from Isreal about the WWII it is like to say that Germans are humble people not arogant at all.
By the way its mostly about property destroyied by Germans in the part of Poland that it was Polish before and during the war.
The problem is that when the Germans calculate the value of the lands to pay extra.
Why would we take their calculations at the face value? Why do they even bother to calculate it? Do they calculate value of the land they lost to France? I doubt it.
They should stop making such a useless calculations. Do they really think that would make some kind of diffrence? That would be something that will and are enraging Poles. Germans as always don't even try to understand Poland.