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11th November Independence Day in Poland

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
11 Nov 2020   #1
What are you willing share on this patriotic day with us?

I myself am currently working on helping the family out with the living room and have fixed the bookshelves and where their new location is going to be and had "fun" with cables&wires that had to be connected to the stereo/dvd/tv (old stuff and old cables -.-) and an old fashioned plate? I don't know how it is written in English.

Thinking about how to celebrate 11th of November and what to do
Spike31  3 | 1485
11 Nov 2020   #2
There's a live stream on yt:
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
11 Nov 2020   #3
how they want total control and transform human beings through use of force (state, police, military etc).

The newest example in Poland is the PiS government's idea of sending soldiers of the Territorial Defense Forces to hospitals to check if hospital administrations do not hide COVID-19 beds from the eyes of the Ministry of Health. Of course, the boys do not circle around hospital wards counting the beds, but rely on information provided to them by hospital administrations.

It might be an excellent topic for Atch's or anybody else's dinner today. I am very worried if our Founding Fathers (Piłsudski, Dmowski, Paderewski and others) had ever come up with the idea of an independent Poland had they known that a party called "Law and Justice" would come into existence and subsequently into power one day...
Crow  154 | 9525
11 Nov 2020   #4
Gavrilo Princip, Serbian student behind independence of Poland



To create conditions for freedom of his own people and all Slavs, Gavrilo sacrificed himself

And now, you don`t have a monument to Gavrilo in Poland. Somebody preventing erection of that monument. Somebody powerful, who wants to direct how Polish and all Slavic children of Poland grow up.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
11 Nov 2020   #5
when they avoid the former at all cost and give away the latter at the drop of a hat?

The Polish Emilia Plater who defies your definition comes to mind

Independence March was a success despite "deadly pandemic"

A great success. A fired flare ignited an apartment. Several policemen attacked by the so-called Polish patriots have been injured.
Atch  22 | 4299
12 Nov 2020   #6
Really shameful scenes yesterday. No other word for it. Can you imagine how embarrassing and shaming it is for Poles around the world to say 'that's how my country celebrates independece, with rampaging hooligans, tear gas, rubber bullets and riot police'. The area where they set fire to the apartment and attacked police is largely residential. Families in fear in their own homes, not able to walk on the street on a national holiday, a time for celebration ,thanks to so-called 'patriots' who supposedly 'love' their country.
Spike31  3 | 1485
12 Nov 2020   #7
Really shameful scenes yesterday. No other word for it

That's the right answer, but the wrong date. That should be said right after pro-abortionist, feminist and antifa marches a week ago with protesters actively engaging in attacks on Churches. They have also sprayed the monument of Polish-Hungarian brotherhood.
mafketis  38 | 11127
12 Nov 2020   #8
Number of churches set on fire during abortion protests - 0
Number of apartments set on fire during independence march - 1

Number of police injured during abortion protests - 1
Number of police injured during independence march - >1

One side's not doing too great now in the publicity department....
Spike31  3 | 1485
12 Nov 2020   #9
@mafketis, let's wait for the end of an investigation, shall we.

Those pesky individuals, like me, who do have a bit better memory (fortunately most people forget things quite quickly or the democracy wouldn't 'work' at all) remember the infamous incident of setting a fire near the Russian embassy during Independence March in 2013. As we know now it was an MSW provocation.,nId,3221083
Atch  22 | 4299
12 Nov 2020   #10
Number of police injured during independence march - >1

Where did you get that figure?

According to a spokesman for the Warsaw police there were 35 policemen injured. He said they had back injuries, head injuries and one had a broken arm. Three are still in hospital.

actively engaging in attacks on Churches.

I don't agree with attacking churches. The abortion issue is not a direct result of the church, it's down to the actions of PIS and even if the church had a more direct role in it, I believe it's wrong to attack places of worship.

At the same time, there is no comparison between the two groups and you know it. On the one hand you have a fairly diverse group of ordinary citizens who represent at least a sizeable minority, if not an actual majority, protesting against the trashing of the constitution and the infringement of civil and human rights. On the other hand you have a bunch of thugs and hooligans who set out with organized, violent intent on a quest to confront the police. There is zero excuse for their behaviour.
mafketis  38 | 11127
12 Nov 2020   #11
Where did you get that figure?

I didn't look long enough to get a figure I just saw references to 'rannych policjantów' - it is good to have a number to put to the far right chaos (at the extremes both far right and far left protestors have the same goal - chaos and instilling fear in the population).
Joker  2 | 2363
12 Nov 2020   #12
Thinking about how to celebrate 11th of November and what to do

The way they celebrate in Poland compared to the USA

  • 1mla6s0utry51.jpg

  • e4e8wn4t7ly51.jpg
Ironside  50 | 12928
12 Nov 2020   #13
Well , lovely provocation by PiS. They just lost all control or reached a new low.
It was going in that direction for a long time (foreshadowing)- cuddling lefties fanatics and harshly go after patriots'.
Joker  2 | 2363
12 Nov 2020   #14
I had No idea there are so many Nazis in Poland!!

I thought Poles still hated the Germans for what they did to them, apparently not... Oh Boy!

I wonder if big mouthed monkeyass would have the balls to spit on these clowns? How dare you call Americans racist when you have Nazis marching in your streets!!
pawian  226 | 27364
12 Nov 2020   #15
I had No idea there are so many Nazis in Poland!!

Yes, decent Poles are embarassed, too. Luckily, they get only about 6% during national elections.

Me and my colleague teachers work hard with our youth so that it is no more than 6%. We are quite successful, I see.

ow dare you call Americans racist when you have Nazis marching

These two things don`t connect, you have a problem with logic, as usual. . Both white Am supremacists and white Polish nazis are racists. I point my finger to them all.
Spike31  3 | 1485
12 Nov 2020   #16
I had No idea there are so many Nazis in Poland

Define "many". Certainly enough to put it on a photo collage and call it "so many". I can assure you that I could make such a photo compilation from virtually any [white] country in the world. And in some of them, like modern Germany, it would be a real problem and not blown-up sensationalism.

I'm not denying there are some collectivists in Poland, and the most retarded of them are fans of nazism or communism, but they are a small margin.

I expected more critical thinking from you.
OP Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
12 Nov 2020   #17
Are you naive, old or actively trying to push for an agenda? The man in the picture is clearly walking, so I am guessing he was waving to somebody (you can also see him looking in a specific location and not standing on display to salute), with Live Photo function. You are able to take multiple picture while somebody moves, obviously the one taken the picture. Chose to share the one resembling the most of an despicable salute known from ww2 with origins of Roman times.

The police reactions seemed warranted as some of the young ones marching were throwing ignited materials at them, and that way had to show their readiness to retaliate with soft guns (or airguns? I am no expert on this)

You should be ashamed of yourself, through the linked video I saw max 3 ONR symbols. Rest were white and red, even the ones holding a speech impressed me this year a it was a lot less about hate and foreign topics (powers/immigration)

But about getting your act together and not only be patriotic once a year but, also in your everyday life. How to be patriotic in everyday life will be perceived rather differently I bet.

The March wasn't as large as last years which is to be excpected looking at the circumstances.

I do wish for the celebration to turn more civil and actually national, and not be seen as political. Unfortunately a lot of the people going there have soccer teen-gangs connections and mentality.

While adults and responsible people simply criticize it and look down on them instead of creating something better.

I do hope to be a part of that change in the future
pawian  226 | 27364
12 Nov 2020   #18
I expected more critical thinking from you.

No, don`t expect it from Joker - they didn`t teach him that.

The man in the picture was waving to somebody

Of course not. He was ordering 4 beers.

You should be ashamed of yourself

If you say so, I am, coz I want to make you happy.
pawian  226 | 27364
12 Nov 2020   #19
Yes, decent Poles are embarassed, too.

And they protest on 11th November, reminding what Poland, especially Warsaw, experienced under Nazi occupation:

  • a54e4b76777443dca.jpg
Crow  154 | 9525
12 Nov 2020   #20
The way they celebrate in Poland compared to the USA

Look. Man raised his hand. He is volunteer.

They all for sure preparing to go to Kosovo against sufi Muslim fanatics.
OP Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
12 Nov 2020   #21
I heard during a cabaret from KMN that it was five beers strange ;)

Make yourself happy first, then I'll be happy! :)

Manifesting against fascism with a rainbow flag at his side only aggrevates right-wingers further and only gains popularity or support from the left *facepalm*

Right-wingers won't listen to anyone they deem to be extreme-left or quite left leaning, same vice versa with left wingers about communication from right wingers
pawian  226 | 27364
12 Nov 2020   #22
Manifesting against fascism with a rainbow flag

It isn`t a flag but a bag. Women wear such rainbow bags without following any ideology. IKEA promotes them, too.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 Nov 2020   #23
The March wasn't as large as last years which is to be excpected looking at the circumstances.

There is another reason for that. After Bąkiewicz (main organiser of the march) assaulted that woman a couple of weeks ago, a lot of the ultras/hooligan groups explicitly said that they were against violence towards women. As a result, they've heavily boycotted this march.
Lazarus  3 | 364
12 Nov 2020   #24
there are so many Nazis in Poland!!

Very, very few (if any) of them are Nazis. But they are all either fascists or people that are happy attending an event organized by fascists and marching behind fascist flags (i.e. certainly not very fine people).
Spike31  3 | 1485
13 Nov 2020   #25
But they are all either fascists

I feel for you, Lazarus, for thinking that people celebrating Independence Day are "fascists". Mainstream media and political correctness have already made a goo out of your brain.

Just out of curiosity: do you believe it or are just repeating it because you think that's a smart thing to say since smartly dressed men said in TV news?
Lazarus  3 | 364
13 Nov 2020   #26
thinking that people celebrating Independence Day are "fascists".

Most aren't, they're just people who march alongside fascists. But some wave flags with a fascist emblem on: they are fascists.
moondoggie  - | 26
13 Nov 2020   #27
Yes these fascist Poles and demanding their Poles only ethno state with a religious dictatorship, separate roads for Poles and air bombing neighboring countries in the name of self defense
Lazarus  3 | 364
13 Nov 2020   #28
these fascist Poles

No, those fascist Poles with their support of fascist ideology....
Ironside  50 | 12928
13 Nov 2020   #30
The police reactions seemed warranted

lol! Use some time to look up info. Also an official march was just a few cars driving together. Those people were just those who wanted to came anyways.


he slander all people who don't support commies as he is a proper Soviet.

Most aren't,

Oh don't be shy. You mean rainbow fascisms that claim to fight against it.

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