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11th November Independence Day in Poland

GefreiterKania 28 | 1234
11 Nov 2022 #61
Piłudski or Dmowski?

I am more of a Piłsudski guy but I think 15th August would be a better date for Independence Day (much warmer). :)
pawian 221 | 24284
12 Nov 2022 #62
But it is already taken by two holidays on the same day. :):)
pawian 221 | 24284
11 Nov 2023 #63
Accidentally. in Poznan city, people consume tons of St Martin`s croissants on 11 Nov - the custom originated in 19th century, long before the independence that Poland regained in 1918.

mafketis 37 | 10789
11 Nov 2023 #64
he custom originated in 19th century, long before the independence that Poland regained in 1918.

According to an article in ethnology that I read years ago, making the rogal a symbol of Independence Day was a conscious strategy to de-emphasize Piłdudski*, who was not popular in the region due to his lukewarm attitude toward the Wielkopolska Uprising without which Poznań would have remained Posen.

*nov 11 is the day he formed a government for the newly independent country

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